At an international conference in Geneva, Switzerland (sponsored by the Agri-Energy Roundtable (AER) on May 23, 1983, Butz warned his audience (concerning ethanol production and subsidies), "Those who ride the Tiger may find dismounting difficult". After some indecision, Dean used the line in Rolling Stone, attributing it to an unnamed Cabinet officer. Butz was not one of the smarter ones. One of his aides calls him an encyclopedia of funny stories, many of which, naturally, have to do with farmers; such as: I saw this farmer, and I asked him, What's your hobby? He said, Farming. I said, What would you do if you inherited a million dollars? He said, I'd keep on farming as long as the money lasted. His jokes have occasionally gotten him into troublelike the one in which he ridiculed the Pope's stand against artificial birth control by saying: He no playa da game; he no makea da rules. The remark brought a storm of protest from Catholics and ItalianAmericans, and resulted in one of Butz's rare apologies. Naftali: Was it surprising to you when you were asked to come to Washington again to be in his Cabinet? In 1976, just weeks before a tight presidential election, he left the USDA in disgrace after making a stunningly crude racist remark. 15, The long-term importance of price controls in farm policy became evident when the Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1933 was temporarily revoked when the 1936 Supreme Court decision United States v. Butler ruled the act unconstitutional. It's like naming someone from Gulf Oil to be consumer representative at the Federal Energy Administration., This March, an independent group of scientists who operate the Center for Science in the Public Interest named Butz to its Terrible Ten list of persons and institutions that favor unwise food policies saying that the Department of Agriculture has changed beefgrading guidelines in a way that gyps the consumer, has liquidated the pricestabilizing grain reserves and has sought to undercut the foodstamp, schoollunch and other Federal food assistance programs., George McGovern says that although Butz is often referred to as the greatest Secretary of Agriculture, he isn't even in the same league with Henry Agard Wallace, who conceived of and administered many of the innovative programs designed to lift farmers out of the Depression of the 1930's: Wallace had a dimension that Butz can't even comprehend the concept of food as a humanitarian instrument. 0000053132 00000 n A Short History of Agricultural Adjustment, 1933-1975. National Agricultural Library Digital Collections. 0000069351 00000 n As the scandal spread to include nearly all the major grain companies, and as it became clear that it was the conflictridden inspection system that was the cause, Butz changed course. Under which American president did the deregulation of the food industry coincide with the growth of agribusiness and in particular big corn? a. the average reproductive rates equal the average death rates. American land policy began in the wake of the Revolutionary War, designed to bolster agricultural production to support the expanding nation. Food and food production is no exception as now only 2% of Americans are farmers and most live in urban spaces where they have limited access to food in it's natural form. this enabled the farm kids to do what? Then, in the 1980s, the bubble burst. 0000070129 00000 n On the one hand, the high production can lead to big surpluses and big drops in farm prices. His policies favored large-scale corporate farming and an end to New Deal programs. 0000043664 00000 n But by regulating supply and demand, reduction efforts restored the prices of agricultural commodities to those of the early twentieth century. You are the peacemakers! Despite helping to eradicate acute hunger and malnutrition, the bill devastated small farmers and contributed to decreasing the number of farms in America by 63%, effectively changing rural landscapes and economies. Membership was supposed to have included consumer interests, but the consumer representative turned out to be Jane Armstrong a vice president for consumer affairs of Jewell Food Stores, a major supermarket chain. As usual, the country dealers and farmers of Iowa got the short end of the stick, says former Iowa Senator Harold Hughes. He was the eldest of five children and worked on his parents' 160-acre (65ha) farm while growing up. To preserve these articles as they originally appeared, The Times does not alter, edit or update them. 0000009293 00000 n 93-86, also known as the 1973 U.S. Farm Bill) was the 4-year farm bill that adopted target prices and deficiency payments as a tool that would support farm income but reduce forfeitures to the Commodity Credit Corporation (CCC) of surplus stocks. Has there ever been a female US Secretary of Agriculture? Earl Lauer "Rusty" Butz (July 3, 1909 - February 2, 2008) was a United States government official who served as Secretary of Agriculture under Presidents Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford. 0000028915 00000 n Assuming the readers interpretation is correct, Butzs pope jibe was at the very least a much nastier and more personal insult than I realized.]. 0000044805 00000 n But Butz did forcefully equate the interests of agribusiness with the national interest. Changes in farming supported by government policy especially over the last century have incentivized farmers to grow crops that are easy to ship, store, and processnamely cereal grains and sweetenersensuring these foods are inexpensive and widely available. They went heavily into debt to finance their expanded operations. Many of the farmers themselves are beginning to agree with the criticisms. 0000045535 00000 n Which of the following characterize carrying capacity. Jenny Georgieva. It was also epochal. High Agriculture Department officials began refusing to answer questions relating to grain sales to Russia and to Eastern European countries, saying sareastically that the diplomats had taken over. During his undergraduate career at Purdue he served as an editor to the Exponent . A partial bibliography of sources is here. In 1971, President Richard Nixon appointed Butz as Secretary of Agriculture, a position in which he continued to serve after Nixon resigned in 1974 as the result of the Watergate scandal. He's not on the side of farmers or consumers. Second, Butz was an advocate of modernizing the farm; to many, this really meant doing away with the family farm and promoting bigness in agriculture. Farmstate Congressmen of both parties contend the chances are slim that farm supply and demand will remain in balance much longer and they want to cushion any drop in prices by increasing the current low Government price guarantees to farmers. Ulrike Butz, daughter of television presenter Hermann Butz, grew up in the Bavarian district of Miesbach. 0000042057 00000 n As part of our commitment to sustainability, in 2021 Grist moved its office headquarters to the Bullitt Center in Seattles vibrant Capitol Hill neighborhood. He was featured in the documentary King Corn, recognized as the person who started the rise of corn production, large commercial farms, and the abundance of corn in American diets. . 0000049770 00000 n It defined settlement patterns, characterized Americas role in the global market, and navigated the country in and out of economic turmoil. According to this reader, Butz was not commenting onPope Paulsmoresweeping opposition to artificial contraception, which rendered his narrower opposition with regard to food shortages a foregone conclusion. Last year, they harvested 1.8 billion bushels of corn more than in 1970, and wheat production was up 800 million bushels. The smarter ones were even learning, albeit more slowly, not to believe such things. 25 The rise of factory farms that grew specialized crops subsidized by the government presented environmental troubles as well. 0000041553 00000 n Get big or get out, he routinely thundered. Here, for instance, is how the Associated Press described the jokes: The New York Times obit established that Butz had a reputation for bigotry and vulgarity well before the two incidents that ended his tour at Agriculture. Current agricultural policy has proved this as well, as America can no longer sustain the health and environmental implications of subsidy fueled factory farms. Earl Butz, who died on Saturday aged 98, served as US Secretary of Agriculture under Presidents Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford and courted scandal by telling offensive jokes; he was eventually . 2023 U.S. History Scene, all rights reserved. The need for reformation has revealed no agricultural policies are sustainable for indefinite periods of time. In the chart below, it looks like there was an unprecedented spike in corn prices in 2008. In 1941, the Secretary set up a special zone consisting of about 362,000 acres, lying just to the south of the Canadian border, in which commercial logging was prohibited. 0000047529 00000 n 0000047891 00000 n . With his closely cropped gray hair and self-assured drawl, Earl Butz was the spitting image of a Southern patrician. I mustadmit that this interpretation, which eluded me for 34 years, is much more in keeping with a sense of humor animated by the loose-shoes joke and by a sculpture of two copulating elephants. He envisioned a hyper-efficient, centralized food system, one that could profitably and cheaply feed the world by manipulating (or adding value to) mountains of Midwestern corn and soy. [20], Butz returned to West Lafayette, Indiana, and was named dean emeritus of Purdue's School of Agriculture. I got a royal welcomenot because I was Secretary of Agriculture. 0000051337 00000 n 0000068943 00000 n I tried to interview him last fall for Grists Sow What? 0000065262 00000 n In 1972, the U.S. and the U.S.S.R were deep in the middle of the Cold War, but that did not stop the daily business of trade . By artificially increasing demand for food, food production became more efficient and drove down the cost of food for everyone. [2] He attended a one-room country school through eighth grade and graduated from high school in a class of seven. 0000068573 00000 n Earl L. Butz, who orchestrated a major change in federal farm policy as secretary of agriculture during the 1970s but came to be remembered more for a vulgar racial comment that brought about. 13Three years later, as grain prices dropped to an all-time low, the Federal Farm Board declared, its efforts to stem the disastrous decline of farm prices had failed, and called for legislation to provide an effective system for regulating acreage or quantities sold, or both, ending the American tradition of agricultural expansion. 0000053560 00000 n It is possible, too, that domestic food prices would drop, although, because of the middleman factor, that is far from certain. [16], The reference in Time was to John Dean's article published in Rolling Stone issue #223. Earl Butz. An agricultural hot line to Washington was established by the Agriculture Council of America, and thousands of calls poured in to farm leaders and Congressmen manning the phones. He said, I make no apology for my desire to raise farm prices.. [3], The Associated Press sent the uncensored quotation over the wire, but the Columbia Journalism Review identified only two city newspapersthe Toledo Blade (Toledo, Ohio) and the Madison Capital Times (Madison, Wisconsin)that published the remark unchanged. His only real friends are the big farmers, and, if this summer's expected bumper crop on the Great Plains affects their income as some anticipate, he may soon lose them, too. Overplowing land and failing to let it lay fallow resulted in exposed topsoil, which combined with drought caused severe dust storms resulting in one of the worst man-made ecological disasters in American history. Earl Butz. In addition, consumer food prices jumped. Anyone can read what you share. 17The threat of another depression hastened the reinstatement of crop regulation through the Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938, which restored financial security to farmers. 0000063118 00000 n The Agricultural Credits Act of 1923, which The Quarterly Journal of Economics reported would save farms through long term loans available on farm mortgages andshort term credits available through banks, provided limited financial relief, but did not reduce surpluses. 0000016123 00000 n - Secretary Earl Butz was Presidents Richard Nixon's secretary of agriculture. University of Washington researcher Adam Drewnowski found that one dollar purchased 1,200 calories of cookies, but only 250 calories of carrots. The establishment of farmland allowed for urban economies to flourish and more people to live in cities, and provided both food and work for Americas rapidly expanding population. And although the income of the big farm producers has risen substantially, the largest share of the increased prices of food has probably gone to the middlemen. 0000000016 00000 n The subsidy system might have had its problems, but the system really went off the rails with the advent of Earl Butz as Secretary of Agriculture under both President Richard Nixon and President Gerald Ford. [17][18], In any case, according to The Washington Post, anyone familiar with Beltway politics could "have not the tiniest doubt in [their] mind[s] as to which cabinet officer" uttered it. Butz resigned his cabinet post on October 4, 1976. American President: James Monroe: The American Franchise. The University of Virginia. support in the Midwest. [28], Butz continued to serve on corporate boards and speak on agricultural policy. 0000029636 00000 n Days after Butz died, the Wall Street Journal reported, In the U.S., farmers are razing old barns, ripping up sod and grassland, and uprooting fences some in a routine attempt to improve land, others in an effort to make room for the grain boom.. While somewhat dated, this work is unique in that it comes from the source. ammonia grow corn faster 4x as much tractors made the farmers work easier and let them farm more land. Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window). 0000060447 00000 n He was named to succeed Clifford Hardin, a quiet universitychancellor type who lacked the fighting style Nixon thought he needed in the 1972 election campaign. Today, expansion-based policy characteristic of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries has returned. The Earl L. Butz file group documents the activities of the Office of the Counsellor to the President for Natural Resources from its inception in January of 1973 until its functions were subsumed by Governor John Love's Energy Policy Office in the summer of 1973. 0000059437 00000 n All rights reserved. I recognize that family-oriented news organizations like the AP and the Times do not publish words they know to be coarse and deeply insulting to particular ethnic groups, nationalities, and religions. 0000064407 00000 n xref American Agricultural Economics Association, American Society of Farm Managers and Rural Appraisers, American government official Earl Butz dies at age 98, "A reflection on the lasting legacy of 1970s USDA Secretary Earl Butz", "Former Purdue Agriculture Dean Earl Butz dead at 98", "Earl L. Butz, Secretary Felled by Racial Remark, Is Dead at 98", "Rolling Stone's Biggest Scoops, Exposs and Controversies, #7: Earl Butz Mouths Off", "Tight Pussy, Loose Shoes, and a Warm Place to Shit: The Song Parody that Transcendeth All", "Butz donates $1 million to Purdue ag econ department", "Hard work, insight enabled Butz to become agricultural leader", "Wendell Berry vs. Earl Butz debate 1977", "Federal Eye - Spotted: Oldest Living Ex-Cabinet Secretary Releases Book", "Gerald R. Ford Administration Alumni | The Gerald Ford Presidential Foundation", "Meeting King Corn: Earl Butz was a product of his time" 2/19/2008, "The Butz Stops Here: A reflection on the lasting legacy of 1970s USDA Secretary Earl Butz" 2/7/2008, Agri-Pulse article "Memories of Agriculture Secretary Earl Butz" 2/10/2008, High Plains/Midwest Ag Journal article: "Memories of Agriculture Secretary Earl Butz" 2/14/2008, Farm Futures article: "A Special Tribute to Earl Butz" 2/4/2008, Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare, Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, Director of the Office of Management and Budget,, Purdue University College of Agriculture alumni, United States Department of Agriculture officials, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles with unsourced statements from May 2013, Articles with unsourced statements from January 2022, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 28 January 2023, at 17:21. A reflection on the lasting legacy of 1970s USDA Secretary Earl Butz Industrial agriculture lost one of its greatest champions last week: Earl "Rusty" Butz, secretary of the USDA under. But the Times description of Butzs two fatal wisecracks, like the APs, eschewed direct quotation. We believe in widespread ownership of businesses and farmland. If lie doesn't get it, he'll have a firstclass farm issue on his hands because we'll have enough of a surplus to remind farmers that he's been against higher Government price supports. The General Accounting Office warns that such a bumper crop could deal a serious blow to the farm economy, because the Agriculture Department has no real plans for dealing with either surpluses or shortages. On the other hand, heavy exports can lead to domestic shortagesand rises in consumer food prices, as they, indeed, did in 1972. 0000062543 00000 n He left both of the aforementioned posts in 1957, when he became the Dean of Agriculture at his alma mater, Purdue University. He graduated from Purdue University in West Lafayette in 1932. Butz's motto became "get big or get out," encouraging the growth of corporate factory-farms and increasing subsidised production of staples for export. To read Franklin D. Roosevelts Statement on Signing the Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938, click here. 0000018904 00000 n 0000048447 00000 n 0000071399 00000 n Valuating is itself the value and jewel of all valued things. 0000071060 00000 n Butz says he was notand is notan enemy of the family farm; he is against the inefficient family farm. 0000065934 00000 n But the decline of family farms and rural communities are not inevitabilities, and Earl Butz's vision for American agriculture does not have to be our fate. 1976-1977. 0000062821 00000 n So if youre tempted to feel sorry for the guy for getting torn up by historical forces he never understood, give it a rest. HTPn0Stv4$>Pv@k'@zGq3(:nfd"qlPUByCzv#Ru {!:|A3hrM[6J)V>w7W]Z |H >dO o?j 0000066862 00000 n Friedrich Nietzsche. 0000067244 00000 n Millions of hogs, cattle and chicken were sold for slaughter as producers reduced their inventories. [Update, Feb. 5: A reader informs me, as kindly as he can manage, that I read too muchsubtle wit intoButzs wisecrack about the pope. By that time, farms were cranking out much more than the market could bear, and prices fell accordingly. When the conversation turned to politics, Boone, a right-wing Republican, asked Butz why the party of Lincoln was not able to attract more blacks. Butz said to be furious, but took no steps to stop such shifting. 2. Until the 1920s, agricultural policy targeted territorial expansion, and as farms thrived, the relationship between rural and urban markets fostered the growth of American cities. 0000055062 00000 n Marshall Martin discusses policy with Earl Butz. endstream endobj 27 0 obj<> endobj 29 0 obj<> endobj 30 0 obj<>/Font<>/XObject<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageC/ImageI]/ExtGState<>>> endobj 31 0 obj<> endobj 32 0 obj<> endobj 33 0 obj<> endobj 34 0 obj<> endobj 35 0 obj<>stream The result was that Butz replaced Kissinger as chairman of the newly named White House Agricultural Policy Committee. 0000009377 00000 n Let Them Eat Ketchup In, Roberts, Paul. We believe in our ability to come together to shape the future through policy change. 0000062082 00000 n Patron saint of the Fast Food Nation, Butz lived to see his dream realized. 26 206 In the summer of 1972, the Soviets shook up the grain market when it hid from the world the fact that their grain harvest was in trouble. The Soviets essentially bought up the U.S. grain reserve just as a widespread drought hit the Midwest. Pros Of Corn Subsidy. On the one hand, the high production can lead to big surpluses and big drops in farm prices. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. Susan Demarco, one of the founders of the project says, Secretary Butz is not the friend of the family farmers; he is their funeral director. In its report, Hard Tomatoes, Hard Times. the project stated, There will be a million fewer farmers by 1980 for the same reason that there are three million fewer farmers today than in 1945because Earl Butz and company will not lift a finger to prevent it.. 0000050347 00000 n Rather than use federal policy as a check on farm output, Butz saw it as a lever to maximize output. QB&qGN(>[:#u*@uE(RMkc'-b!zkxyzh+i2kGCvF7X-8S @Z635U5=TX7>*{7rV@9ia":{ VTLpGs8ph-{H ;ZI'}KVG;(aS0"&c~Q[Bb;,I>q0Tj#TR=N8nqvEuYJc]}Lh*$SEPavX":7I$+* $GyYAjL_4&-ttt4`z4(%]O1%D|Ar {7}sa8y-(]1&$Pr~kLd" >t(. From February 1993. " He no playa the game, he no maka the rules. The Secretary tells American farmers that high price guarantees, or supports, would lead you backward to the days when Government controls dictated what you planted and how much, and in the long run, lead to overproduction. Earl Butz, the Secretary of Agriculture under President Nixon, urged farmers . On the other hand, heavy exports can lead to. the World Food Crisis of the early 1970s gave Butz the chance to promote the false notion that free markets would be good for farmers. But he endured personal humiliation along the way. In other words, plow up and plant every bit of land you can get your tractor on. in agriculture (1932) and a Ph. 0000009453 00000 n But New Times magazine enterprisingly sleuthed out Butz's identity by checking the itineraries of all Cabinet members. He emphasizes that the flight from the farms to the cities has slowed down during his reign; that the decrease of 11,000 farm units in 1975 is well below the annual decrease of more than 95,000 before 1969. On October 4, 1976, Secretary of Agriculture Earl Butz resigned in the wake of a controversy over an obscene joke he'd made that was derogatory to blacks.You. 0000055445 00000 n 0000041223 00000 n . In 1973, Nixon's agricultural secretary, Earl Butz, oversaw a change in the philosophy of the U.S. farm program. Earl Butz Oral History Richard Nixon Presidential Library and Museum 3 Butz: Oh, Nixon was warm and personal when you got to know him. Twitter, Follow us on 0000005075 00000 n Earl Butz, 2006. [25] In this debate he defended what he saw as the achievements of an industrial agriculture that was replacing the longstanding structure of small family farms and rural communities. 0000055830 00000 n 76-709. To improve westward migration, President James Monroe passed the Land Act of 1820, lowering the price of land per acre, which facilitated the settlement of 3.5 million acres. 0000052718 00000 n Adapt or die, resist and perish, Butz had advised farmers in the 1950's when he was Benson's assistant, and the statement came back to haunt him. 0000065488 00000 n [14][15] Coincidentally, Butz' resignation was announced on Barbara Walters' first day as the first female co-anchor of the ABC Evening News. Some world food organizations are concerned, not only because of American fuzziness at Rome but also because of the tendency of the United States to sign longterm supply agreements with people who pay cash for grain. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); In addition to providing lifelong history lovers, teachers, and students free access to premier digital research, the editors and writers of U.S. History Scene are available for freelance or consulting work. Meanwhile, interest rates had spiked, making all of those loans farmers had taken out in the 70s into a paralyzing burden. Meet the Press with Secretary Earl L. Butz, Secretary Caspar W. Weinberger, Secretary James T. Lynn; Summary Photograph shows Lawrence Spivak (center) with guests Butz, Weinberger, and Lynn and four journalists, including James Kilpatrick and Carl Rowan (second and third from left) on the television show Meet the Press. Nevertheless, there has been, as Butz asserts, something of a revolution in American agriculture during his tenure. Livestock producers, however, were caught in price squeeze as feed prices jumped. President Abraham Lincoln promoted expansion when he passed the Homestead Act in 1862. This benefits farmers and the American agricultural industry as a whole, as the nation doesn't have to import corn grown in another country. 0000008682 00000 n 0000043800 00000 n 0000051120 00000 n As a result of the boom in exports of American grain, prices for grain shot up. Through eighth grade and graduated from Purdue university in West Lafayette, Indiana, and wheat was. # Ru { steps to stop such shifting of Butz 's rare apologies agricultural... @ k ' @ zGq3 (: nfd '' qlPUByCzv # Ru!., attributing it to an unnamed Cabinet officer one dollar purchased 1,200 calories of carrots Monroe: American. 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