Dwarf viburnum shrubs grow between 1 and 5 ft. (0.3 - 1.5 m) tall. Bloom time: May. Plicatum). The Snowball Bush viburnum grows between 10 and 12 ft. (3 3.6 m). Introduced by William Judd at the Arnold Arboretum in 1920, Judd viburnum ( V. juddii) is an extremely heavy flowering hybrid of V. bitchiuense. You can also use this ornamental flowering dwarf shrub as a beautiful foundation plant for the front of your house. Spots on leaves that are black, reddish brown, or pale green, are types of fungus that you should be on the lookout for on your viburnum. Nannyberry viburnum (V. lentago) is another native that enjoys moist shade, but it can also adapt to sun and dry soil. Keep the shrubs consistently moist. What better name for a compact Flowers: white snowball; light fragrance. Large viburnum multi-stemmed shrubs can grow as small flowering trees in your garden landscape. Fruit: yellow, persistent. Prune after flowering as needed to maintain desired size and shape. This sensational shrub makes a great specimen or hedge. I would be hard pressed to pick just a handful of exceptional viburnums, so this hefty chart lists a few dozen. It thrives in full sun but will nicely tolerate some shade. Cookies, This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google, Viburnum plicatum f. tomentosum 'Shasta' (Doublefile Viburnum), Viburnum trilobum 'Redwing' (American Cranberrybush), Euphorbia characias subsp. Spring Green.. Zones: 5-7, V. sieboldii (Seibold viburnum) Glasgow. There are many fine cultivars in this group, though some of my favorites have little or no fragrance. The flowers form in flat clusters, 2 to 4 inches wide, giving way to small, red, egg-shaped fruits that bear viable seeds. Youll notice that pictures of these viburnum whitish-pink flowers show that they resemble the look of cherry blossom trees. Most viburnums grow best in full sun but are just as content in light to partial shade. These compact viburnum plants offer the same We may ask for pictures but will try to make it as easy as possible for you. Bloom time: May. Viburnums excel as specimen plants or as anchors in mixed borders. A genus of more than 150 evergreen, semi-evergreen, and deciduous woody plants. The Spruce uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. The plants are thoroughly trialed and tested in every growing zone before we state the plant can grow in a zone. The primary difference is that the flowers on snowball bush are round, full "snowball" blooms, rather than the flat clusters found on doublefile viburnum. Fruit: black; often persists into winter. Flowers: pink buds open white, very fragrant snowballs. When they purchased their property in 2009, they. Amending the soil with compost to improve drainage is a good idea in clay soils. It weathered a recent drought here without looking the least bit straggly. Grows up with an upright rounded habit to 3-5 ft. tall and wide (90-150 cm). Special Order Colors: 8 weeks - this is due to the planter being custom made with the color(s) of your choice, Please Note: On special orders there can not be any cancellations. Prune as required immediately after flowering. Learn tips for creating your most beautiful home and garden ever. Accented by blue drupes of fruit, it is breathtaking against a backdrop of evergreens. This dwarf, low-growing version of doublefile viburnum creates dozens of new landscaping opportunities. that stays to a relatively modest 6 feet (almost 2 m.) in height. They all have excellent orange-red foliage in autumn with red-black fruit. trilobum), youre probably attracted to its flowers, fruits, and fall A third type of viburnum flower is the big puffy snowball, such as produced by the cultivar Viburnum 'Eskimo' in the end of April. Plant Addicts guarantees your plant(s) will arrive happy and healthy, but the plant(s) are being shipped through the mail and accidents happen. Depending on the climate and species, viburnum can be evergreen or deciduous plants that thrive in full sun. Flowers: white lacecap. Not sure which Viburnum to pick?Compare All Viburnum, Buy Viburnum carlesii Spice Baby (Koreanspice Viburnum). Low Maintenance Small Shrubs (With Pictures) - Identification Guide, Lilac Bush: Facts, Flowers, How to Grow It and Care Tips (With Pictures), 19 Beautiful White Flowering Shrubs (With Pictures) - Identification and Planting Guide, Flowering Evergreen Shrubs For Full Sun (With Pictures) - Identification Guide, Types of Viburnum: Shrubs, Trees and Hedges (With Pictures), 21 Evergreen Shrubs for Front or Backyard, Types of Red Berries That Grow on Trees or Shrubs. The straight species form of European cranberry bush (V. opulus) is not as exciting as some viburnums, but several cultivars are exceptional. A full sun or part shade lover, this plant is easily grown in average, medium moisture , well-drained soils. Like all varieties of viburnum, the Chindo variety requires little maintenance to keep its shape. Height and width: 6 x 5 ft. 10 Year Size: 12'x10' Color: Green. The latters late-winter blooms provide a wonderful display. I find it makes a great small, single-stem tree. The best varieties of viburnum for hedging are Sweet Viburnum (Viburnum odoratissimum) for full sun, Sandankwa Viburnum (Viburnum suspensum) for shade, Laurustine (Viburnum tinus), and Chindo viburnum (Viburnum awabuki Chindo). Bloom time: April. Semi-evergreen means that the shrub holds some or all of its leaves in a mild winter. Wentworth is a must for winter interest, with its cherry-red winter fruit persisting well into January if the temperature doesnt drop too drastically. Best for flowering in full sun but can tolerate plenty of shade. Senior Gal. viburnum (Viburnum carlesii), the shade tolerant shrub with Remove a full one-third of all stems, and also remove any water sprouts or suckers at ground level. Drought is common, but I do have sprinklers. Flowers: white lacecap. North American native viburnums and their cultivars are indicated by an asterisk. Its strongly horizontal impact makes it ideal for planting on walls or permanent planter boxes, as well as for planting at the front of beds or along walkways. One of the identifying features of many viburnum shrubs is their horizontally tiered branching growth. Bloom time: Ma. Height and width: 6 x 8 ft. Viburnum carlesii Has it all-fragrant flowers, bright berries, fall foliage. viburnum varieties have developed. There are many variables outside our control and yours that can cause the demise of your plant(s). Flat-topped clusters of small, white, bad-smelling flowers appear in June in most regions. Sun Exposure: Sun/Part Shade. Talk about a luminescent white in the landscape. Buy More, Save More: cranberry bush (Viburnum opulus), with eye-catching flowers, generous With proper pruning, you can also grow this multi-stemmed plant as a large shrub, privacy screen, or hedge plant. Mary Milton doublefile viburnum (Viburnum plicatum var. If there is extreme heat well delay shipping. Flowers: white lacecap. Plants are very resilient and will rebound quickly when cared for correctly. Korean spicebush viburnum grows best as a specimen plant, informal hedge, foundation planting, or perennial border. Valuable dwarf viburnum-great for small spaces! The flower clusters appear in two rows, thus the name doublefile. Popular examples of dwarf viburnum bushes include the Viburnum carlesii Compactum, dwarf European cranberrybush viburnum, and dwarf Viburnum obovatum. Flowers: dark-red buds open to white snowballs, clove fragrance. Fruit: red to blac. Korean spice viburnum is a deciduous shrub with pinkish snowball blooms, bright red berries, and dark red fall leaves. The ornamental small David viburnum shrub has creamy pink flowers and dark foliage. wide. Highly adaptable but thrives in organically rich, slightly acidic well-drained soils with consistent moisture. As with the spots on leaves, do not use overhead irrigation and follow the same procedures; clear up the plants and surrounding areas, and use a chemical spray. Bloom time: May. The native I probably use most often in planting schemes is American cranberry bush viburnum (V. trilobum), so named because its fruit looks like bright-red cranberries. cultivars so you can now start growing dwarf viburnums. If you provide us with your name, email address and the payment of a modest $25 annual membership fee, you will become a full member, enabling you to design and save up to 25 of your garden design ideas. tomentosum Shasta (doublefile viburnum) Some species have blooms similar to the flattened heads of lacecap hydrangeas. Plant this viburnum where you can be sure to enjoy its delicate tiers of white flower clusters appearing in April, followed by red foliage in fall with contrasting black berries that the birdswill love. Many varieties of viburnum shrubs produce edible berries. Bloom time: May-June. Two different forms of this shrub are commonly sold in commerce: (1) Japanese snowball bush (f. plicatum) which is the type form featuring sterile, snowball-like, orbicular inflorescences (2-3 diameter cymes) of non-fragrant, showy white flowers along the branches in spring with no subsequent fruit and (2) doublefile viburnum (f. tomentosum) which is the wild-related taxon featuring fertile, flat-topped flower clusters (2-4 diameter cymes) which bloom along tiered horizontal branches in doublefile form, each cluster containing an outer ring of large showy sterile florets surrounding a center mass of tiny non-showy fertile florets which when fertilized give way to egg-shaped fruits and viable seed. Viburnum Roseum) is a sterile viburnum. Or go for Sandankwa ovate-shaped green leaves are rough and leathery. Its showy and profuse snowball flowers start out apple-green and change to white. Zones: 5-9, V. sargentii Onondaga (Onondaga Sargent viburnum) Introduced by Maries from Japan in 1879 for Messrs. Veitch. Another large, yet magnificent, shrub is the European viburnum (V. carlesii), as it also has pink flower buds, and white, fragrant flowers that are held in 2- to 3-inch diameter cymes in early spring. Note this is the default cart. Ovate, serrate, dark green leaves (to 5 long) turn reddish purple in fall. Height and width: 12 x 12 ft. Depending on the above criteria well ship your plant(s) towards beginning of the following week from your order. Place the tray in a location with full sun to partial shade, where temperatures stay between 70 and 75 degrees Fahrenheit. Zones: 4-8, V. rufidulum* (Southern blackhaw viburnum) So, it would be best if you planted this viburnum variety about 3 ft. (1 m) apart. Height and width: 8 x 5 ft.. Most viburnums also have a full spreading habit. Viburnum plicatum var. In northern climates, the shrubs foliage is semi-evergreen or deciduous. Becoming a contributing member of Gardenia is easy and can be done in just a few minutes. viburnum shrubs. Fruit: apricot to red, heavy clusters; persistent. Is this normal? tomentosum Mariesii (doublefile viburnum) Water the cuttings until the soil is evenly moist, then place the tray in a large, resealable plastic bag or under a plastic dome. Its rounded leaves turn burgundy in fall. Comments: foliage emerges bronzy-green, matures to dark green. Bloom time: May-June. Partial to full sun. Height and width: 10 x 6 ft. Sweet viburnum will grow up to 20 ft. (6 m) tall and wide. Comments: bronze to russet fall color. It is important to know that all of our plants are clearly labeled for which growing zones the plant can survive in. Popular examples of dwarf viburnum bushes include the Viburnum carlesii 'Compactum,' dwarf European cranberrybush viburnum, and dwarf Viburnum obovatum. Ideal for small gardens, Viburnum carlesii Spice Baby (Koreanspice Viburnum) is a dwarf, bushy, deciduous shrub with a profusion of large flower clusters that perfume the garden with their sweet, spicy fragrance in spring. Xanthocarpum, a white-flowering lacecap type, is one of my top-10 viburnums. Low Growing Viburnums: Can You Use Viburnum As Ground Cover, Koreanspice Viburnum Care: Growing Koreanspice Viburnum Plants, Southern Arrowwood Shrub Care - How To Grow Southern Arrowwood Plants, How To Create A Secret Garden In Your Own Backyard, Reasons For No Brussels Sprouts On Plants, Elaeagnus Plant Care How To Grow Elaeagnus Limelight Plants, Cold Hardy Shrubs Popular Shrubs With Winter Interest, Earliana Cabbage Variety: How To Grow Earliana Cabbages, Fast Growing Trees: Learn About Common Trees That Grow Quick, Home & Garden Marketplace: Advertiser Info. Zones: 3-8, V. plicatum var. 2019-09-25. true. Sign up for a free trial and get access to ALL our regional content, plus the rest Comments: purple-red fall foliage; lovely native tree, mildew-resistant. Fertilize carefully around any areas that have these types of shrubs. Grow doublefile viburnum in full sun to part shade locations. Some good choices include: A close relative of the doublefile viburnum is the Japanese snowball bush (viburnum plicatumdoublefile viburnum is actually a form of V. plicaturm). With its fragrant spring blooms and attractive habit, this compact Korean Spice viburnum is a great addition to gardens. The round flower blossoms contrast with the green maple-like leaves. Height and width: 10-12 x 5-6 ft. Comments: elegant horizontal branching; reddish-purple fall colo. This Asian native will take a lot of shade, and you could try making tea from the leaves. Cold hardiness varies by species, but most viburnums will grow in USDA Hardiness Zones 4 to 8. Some viburnums, such as Prague viburnum (V. Pragense), are evergreen. Zones: 4-8, V. dilatatum Erie You should also add a layer of mulch around the thick stems to lock in moisture. I like the way its brilliant red-to-black fruit looks against the foliage. Form: Rounded upright, layered. The viburnum got a new home without competing for space and light and is thriving. These dwarf types of Sandankwa viburnum flowers are white to pale pink. Like other full-size viburnums, it shoots up to 8 feet (2 m.) tall and Last entry at 4:30 p.m. Closed Mondays. In addition, the fruits are appealing to birds and other wildlife. Comments: excellent fall color; good for small hedge; does not tolerate wet soil. One reason why types of viburnum are popular in front and backyards is that they are versatile plants that grow in most conditions. (1 m.) tall and wide. VIBURNUM, LEATHERLEAF 3-5 GALLON. While it prefers dry feet, its adaptable to many soil types, and to sunny and shady sites. But I have absolutely no qualms about saying that viburnums are my pick for the most versatile and garden-worthy genus of shrubs. Cut a 3- to 5-inch segment from the end of a softwood branch, making sure the cutting has at least two pairs of leaves. Viburnums are decorative, floral shrubs and small trees that are perfect for any size of garden. Sometimes all shades are showing at once. Viburnum plicatum f. tomentosum 'Mariesii' Very common in the trade. For example, the Viburnum Snowball Bush has clusters of white flowers that bloom from November until March. Instead, take softwood cuttings when a 6-inch terminal branch snaps when bent, which is usually in summer. Prefers moist loams, but tolerates a wide range of soils. Viburnums bloom in white in the last part of April through early May. Comments: a vigorous, upright-growing shrub. The Snowball Bush viburnum is also called the European Cranberry bush. Bloom time: May. To create additional collections, you must be a paid member of our site. flowers in spring or fiery fall colors. For lots of fruit, try Viburnum trilobum Depending on the above criteria well ship your plant(s) towards beginning of the following week from your order. Comments: burgundy fall foliage. Bloom time: May-June. Viburnums are a steady addition to the home garden because they have very little pest or disease pressure. crops of berries, and fiery autumn color. The sometimes-fragrant flowers range from white and cream to pink-flushed or wholly pink. A viburnum that gives you three different looks from spring to fall. The whole time the rest of the shrub is growing and flowering. The hybrid lantanaphyllum, Viburnum x rhytidophylloides 'Alleghany' (a cross between V. rhytidophyllum and V. lantana 'Mohican'), is an evergreen shrub that blooms in April, sometimes producing flowers on and off through the summer, and can be found in the Carver Garden in beds 2 and 3. One of the things I like most about viburnums is that they grow without a lot of fussing over them. One of the identifying features of this viburnum species is the oblong leaves with deep veins, giving them a crinkled look. Photo Credit: UF/IFAS. Zones: 4-8, V. dentatum* (arrowwood viburnum) This viburnum prefers a rich, moist, slightly acidic soil that drains well. The red fruits of Erie eventually turn coral, then pink. This large viburnum species is a shrub with a rounded growth habit. Height and width: 4 x 4 ft. Another cause for viburnum not producing blooms is the fertilizing of the lawn or surrounding areas. Bloom time: May. Several specimen on the Garden grounds are native to Missouri. Close up pictures of Leatherleaf viburnum flowers and leaves. 5 5 1 star 1 star 1 star 1 star 1 star (6 reviews) Write review . Fruit: red to black. Anne Russell, a compact shrub, has fragrant pink buds and red fall foliage. Get the latest how-to and design inspiration articles plus special offers sent straight to your inbox. Sweet viburnum is a sizeable shrubby plant with clusters of small white flowers that give off a delightful scent. Viburnums are part of the Caprifoliaceae family and are related to other shrubs such as the honeysuckles, the abelias, and the weigelas. Plant this viburnum where you can be sure to enjoy its delicate tiers of white flower clusters appearing in April, followed by red foliage in fall with contrasting black berries that the birds. Flowers: creamy white lacecap, slightly fragran. The attractive features of this viburnum shrub are its upright rounded growth and lush, dense foliage. Its berries turn from green to pink to red to dark blue. Large lacecap heads of white flowers in late spring are occasionally followed by red, later black fruit. The beautiful snow-white globular flowers contrast nicely with dark green leathery oval leaves. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google, Specialized Pruning Techniques: Stooling, Sucker Removal, and Lift-Pruning, "As a recently identified gardening nut I have tried all the magazines and this one is head and shoulders above the pack. Any of those native to the US? There is a compact variety (Viburnum trilobum Compactum), however, enjoy these lovely shrubs without taking up the additional space. Continue to grow them for a month or so in their pots, then transplant them into the landscape. Sandankwa viburnum shrub has spreading growth habit and is suitable to grow as a hedge. The various viburnum species are the most commonly planted group of shrubs in North America, for good reason: They are extremely easy to grow, with very few problems. Shop all fruit plants, including elderberry, pomegranate, honeysuckle, haskap & more! Bloom time: May. Some viburnums prefer dry soil. 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