Shes afraid that her life will always be defined by the way she looks but shes sincere and honest and tries to be a good friend. A great play and I am so excited to see Reasons to be Happy this week! I have been given this thing to wear around, my features, and I'm stuck with it. He hurt me, he really did, you know? Gregs life spirals out of control when Steph leaves him, and he has to come to terms with what he has said. Not that I think I'm some beauty an old-fashioned glamour gal or anything, I don't but I'm not bad, ya know, not bad at all and even if I was, ugly, I'm saying, even if I was not cute or close to that, unattractive by world standards, don't I wanna be with someone who finds me beautiful? (Sits forward.) She then pulls out a letter from her purse. Stykket forsger at retfrdiggre den kvindelige hovedrolle p trods af at hun tydeligt er helt forstyrret og udstter hovedpersonen for bde grov psykisk vold og farlig fysisk vold, noget stykket portrttere som om skulle vre sjovt og ikke alvorligt nr det gr ud over mnd, p trods af at naboerne har ringet efter politiet pga. Greg hangs out with Kent, recounting his fight with Stephanie. (Beat.) Well, the most realistic play Ive read. Research Playwrights, Librettists, Composers and Lyricists. Flowers dont save the day. My second criticism is somewhat related: there are four monologues in the play, one for each character. Shes afraid that her life will always be defined by the way she looks but shes sincere and honest and tries to be a good friend. LaBute directs this one himself and the whole cast is great (notably Thomas Sadoski, who originated the role of Greg on Broadway, and Jenna Fischer, playing delightfully against type as Steph) and really drives home the fact that his snappy dialogue is meant to be heard. I always felt like my face was one of my better parts and he's talking about me like I'm some old Buick out in the backyard that he keeps thinking about fixing but just can't get to it. (2021, September 9). phone or shit. And to be honest, I wasnt impressed at all, which is surprising considering the fact that I discovered this on a list of must read plays of the 21st century or something along those lines. Thanks! What the man thinks is an innocuous comment sparks a fight that leads to his break up with his long time girlfriend. The trio of plays are connected not by characters or plot but by the recurring theme of body image within American society. Fuck, fuck, fuck. Greg, Kent and Carly work in a warehouse; Steph is a hairdresser all in their 30s they are trying to come to terms with life in their dead-end jobs. I feel so protective over Steph. Samtidig retfrdiggr den faktiske handling i stykket p ingen mde dens konklusioner og karakterudviklingen. I mean, I can take a lot, pretty much, anyway, but I'm, like, .) There was a defined progression and resolution to the piece which I appreciated. (In many ways it is the opposite of Steph's angry letter monologue.) start over in a serious fashion, maybe in a She feels emotionally wounded by her boyfriendwho believes that her face is "regular" (which she views as a way of saying that she is not beautiful). This is an edited/shortened version I performed as an audition piece. So much character development has shown in this character it's impressive. makes me cry when I see any little bit of our time You But the ending was funny?? CARLY: Im very attractive. Now that you have completed a series of assignments that have led you into the active project planning and development stage for your project, briefly describe your proposed solution to address the. La conclusin, el monlogo de Greg, viene a decirnos precisamente eso. I can't even start to go there without wanting to throw up. All she wanted was for Greg to own up to his mistake and make up for it. Tim treated her like a queen, but he was no Greg. Witty and important but, and even though I know it was partly the point, I just couldnt get past some of the blatant sexism. (She starts crying.) Incluso, aunque reitera el lugar ms bien absurdo que ocupa la belleza en nuestra cultura, tambin termina asumiendo que su relacin con Steph en realidad no estaba yendo a ninguna parte, con lo que tambin est dndole la razn. New York, NY, Ages 12-17: Camp Broadway Ensemble @ Carnegie Hall I love the final scene with his monologue. English language films; 2007 singles; 2006 singles; Profanity; . I mean, I can take a lot, pretty much, anyway, but I'm, like, my face? Don't try to act like it didn't happen and I'm just having a "girl thing" here because that's not the story, bud. from Barry Jenkins. You always wanna say shit for me, vouch for me or sign shit that we should both have our names on and I'm not gonna have it anymore You are not me so you don't know. A key ring or, or your name light up on my. Breakdown; Suggested Audition Pieces; Videos; Related Products; Useful Articles; Breakdown. That's jerk. Listen, Im not stupid, I know I should be thankful, that I should pray to heaven and be happy that Im not scarred or missing an earI know girls who hate, I mean, despise their noses and mouths or the fact that their eyes are too far out on their faces . Sit down, Greg and listen to me for once. You always wanna say shit for me, vouch for me or sign shit that we should both have our names on and Im not gonna have it anymoreyou are not me so you dont know. He's so cute!\" And I looked over to where she was pointing, expecting to see a boy from the neighborhood and she's pointing at Greg. Type above and press Enter to search. deal to meif anything, it's worked against me for most of my life. Melzack, 1992 (Phantom limb pain review), Slabo de Emprendimiento para el Desarrollo Sostenible, Poetry English - This is a poem for one of the year 10 assignments. She wants to be with someone who sees her as beautiful. I dont have any of those problems and Im happy about that. . . I look in the mirror and I see some beautiful woman looking back at me; my worstday, a line or two, a little pale or whatnot, but a really good face in there. And yes, over the years its gotten me things, I wont lie about that, dates and into clubs that I really wanted to get into or smiles from my father . New York, NY, SAS Performing Arts Company Summer 2023 . I go nuts if I still break out on my chin or anything, carry tweezers in my purse, and I'm not even, like, all crazy about it like a lot of my friends are and every one of them, the ones that I've called, at least, they all said to dump him. Una resolucin un tanto burda para un conflicto dramtico. He's just so good-natured and humorous. She nods her head. It is not. He wrote and directed seven productions for Yorba Linda Civic Light Opera's youth theater. Personal preference aside this play does a good job tackling what its like to try and fit into a beauty standard and what happens when you lose that confidence. Not really my favorite genre it felt like gritty American realism but with better dialogue and maybe some humor?? (Beat. Im not saying that I dont understand how I got lucky in many ways, I do get that, I do, I just want folks to comprehend that beauty comes with a price,just like ugly does. Ron DeSantis of Florida, whose poorly reviewed new book appears to be a soft launch for a potential 2024 campaign for the . THE STORY: A love story about the impossibility of love, REASONS TO BE PRETTY introduces us to Greg, who really, truly adores his girlfriend, Steph. La otra pareja tambin est compuesta por un par arquetpico. I dislike this play because it makes me feel like the author might not respect women at all. It's about this (Points.) According to Greg, he replied: "Maybe Steph hasn't got a . Cuando el teln se levanta, vemos a Steph ya furiosa con Greg; a este tratando de explicarle, sin mucha suerte, lo que de verdad quiso decir, y esta secuencia reiterada sin progresos termina, al cabo de un par de escenas, en la ruptura. Reasons to be Pretty by Neil LaBute Steph: No! After his admission, Steph storms out of the room. Why would you? Cause if she is born like I was, is what Im sayingif she ends up with a face that is some sorta magnet for men, the way Ive been . There's something touching about a character struggling to describe the color of a woman's eyes, and coming up with the color of a crayon from "maybe one of those bigger cartons, like, sixty-four colors, with the sharpener in it. It apparently backfires on them, but I had heard about the play and seen excerpts from a movie version of it and it made me uncomfortable to have this mirror held up to certain aspects of male-ness, of patriarchy. Reasons to Be Pretty Neil LaBute 3.45 1,948 ratings117 reviews In Reasons to Be Pretty, Greg's tight-knit social circle is thrown into turmoil when his offhand remarks about a female coworker's pretty face and his own girlfriend Steph's lack thereof get back to Steph. Sometimes, a friend or, like, some cousin of mine visited a few months, back and she whispered to me at a family thing we were at, a barbecue, "God, he's cute. Listen to me very, carefully, OK, cause Im only gonna say this one. Im sorry, I didnt mean to get all heavy or anything, but I do think about it sometimes. (Beat.) Research Playwrights, Librettists, Composers and Lyricists, See more characters from Scene scenario: Steph is confronting Greg after their breakup. Deliberate cruelty to someone who is disabled. That shes not some beauty queen that people cant stop staring at because Id hate that for her . This is by far my favorite play. Sometimes I feel it lacked a through line of direct action ? but as I got older it suddenly became a kind of, I dunno what, but almost like a problem. time. Chica enojada con chico, chico que intenta ser razonable. ""Reasons to Be Pretty" Act One." They did. Results may vary. Grands Canons d'Alain Biet Summary: Greg, Kent and Carly work in a warehouse; Steph is a hairdresser all in their 30's they are trying to come to terms with life in their dead-end jobs. (She starts crying.) Gregs best friend Kent is married to Stephs best friend Carly, and when things start collapsing in Steph and Gregs life, Carly and Kent are pulled in for the ride. Smiling. Human cruelty is a specialty of Neil LaBute - He finds the cruelty in the smallest gesture or off-hand phrase and amplifies it. (Sits forward.) I havent watched the play, so my only impression of Reasons To Be Pretty comes from reading the book itself. Lo que a Steph le molesta es que su novio la considere apenas regular; l insiste en que la belleza fsica no le importa mucho, que lo importante es la segunda parte de la frase. Can you imagine what he's actually feeling about my legs or arms, anything OK, yes, I'm thinking about all the rest of it, too, of course I am! I mean, really. . Thats not true. Sign up today to unlock amazing theatre resources and opportunities. SHARE. I was born with it, people. I loved the premise and the main message of the book, but I just couldnt bring myself to empathise with any of the characters because they all seemed so boring. Kent is a jerk. En una charla entre amigos, Kent le comenta a Greg que cierta nueva compaera de trabajo es hermosa. You, do not know a goddamn thing to do with me is what, Ive discovered in my four years with you. I hope my babys OK,did I mention that we found out it was a little girl? do not know a goddamn thing to do with me is what And I looked over to where she was pointing, expecting to see a boy from the neighborhood we know a lot of people, having grown up here since, like, forever and she's pointing at Greg. Take a look at our library of free monologues . I think LaBrute did this on purpose. And yes, over the years it's gotten me things, I won't lie about that, dates and into clubs that I However, we have dozens of other monologues that you can read. Some sort ofoblivion that gets pasted over her eyes so she can go about life and not be aware that people are cruel in many ways. Sign up today to unlock amazing theatre resources and opportunities. Throughout the story, she is furious. After discussion with your preceptor, name one financial aspect, one quality aspect, and one clinical aspect that need to be taken into account for developing the evidence-based change proposal. Anyone can read what you share. Reasons to be Pretty - Steph - YouTube A monologue from Neil LaBute's Reasons to be Pretty.The Character of Steph from page.34 onwards.Greg. (Beat.) Inspire employees with compelling live and on-demand video experiences. More: Buy the Play I really didn't want to read a play by Neil LaBute. Think, I guess. A hopelessly romantic drama . Der er gode replikker og elementer i historien og skuespillerne gr det godt, men stykket er ogs dybt problematisk, er p afgrende punkter usammenhngende og nr p ingen mde reelt ind p emnet med nogeninteressante observationer. Every monologue will include the title of the play and the playwright. It would obviously be much better staged. We can't eat lunch and kiss each other and start blabbing on the phone next week we're done, Greg. Summary: Greg, Kent and Carly work in a warehouse; Steph is a hairdresser all in their 30s they are trying to come to terms with life in their dead-end jobs. Just as they start to makeup, Greg arrives to hang out and read a book. Gain full access to show guides, character breakdowns, auditions, monologues and more! Steph makes him sit back down at the table. I mean, really. I just know that women throw everything they've got into their physical being, and a main part of that the main part is the face. Interview: Jeremy Davis on Playing Olaf in Frozen, Costume Mishaps and Making the Role His Own, Interview: Casting Director Kim Coleman on Five Days at Memorial, Self-Tape Tips and Portraying Real People, Interview: David Christopher Wells on His Role in To Kill a Mockingbird, Being an Understudy and Getting His MFA. Listen, it's weird, I know that, because I don't count looks as my top thing in a guy, not at all look at Greg. Don't speak for me. New York, NY, Linda Ray get the fuck out of my life and leave me alone, let me so Ive usually got some time on my hands to, you know. Its about this (Points.) I was born with it, people. ""Reasons to Be Pretty" Act One." Steph is an awesome character too. Host virtual events and webinars to increase engagement and generate leads. Carly is in law enforcement. keep from being an asshole and all overbearing and Organizational Behaviour (Nancy Langton; Stephen P. Robbins; Tim Judge), Introduction to Corporate Finance WileyPLUS Next Gen Card (Laurence Booth), Psychology : Themes and Variations (Wayne Weiten), Intermediate Accounting (Donald E. Kieso; Jerry J. Weygandt; Terry D. Warfield), MKTG (Charles W. Lamb; Carl McDaniel; Joe F. Hair), Bioethics: Principles, Issues, and Cases (Lewis Vaughn), Cognitive Psychology (Robert Solso; Otto H. Maclin; M. Kimberly Maclin), Business Law in Canada (Richard A. Yates; Teresa Bereznicki-korol; Trevor Clarke), Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry (Albert Lehninger; Michael Cox; David L. Nelson), Child Psychology (Alastair Younger; Scott A. Adler; Ross Vasta), Instructor's Resource CD to Accompany BUSN, Canadian Edition [by] Kelly, McGowen, MacKenzie, Snow (Herb Mackenzie, Kim Snow, Marce Kelly, Jim Mcgowen), Business Essentials (Ebert Ronald J.; Griffin Ricky W.), Psychology (David G. Myers; C. Nathan DeWall), Behavioral Neuroscience (Stphane Gaskin), Business-To-Business Marketing (Robert P. Vitale; Joseph Giglierano; Waldemar Pfoertsch). In Reasons to Be Pretty, Greg's tight-knit social circle is thrown into turmoil when his offhand remarks about a female coworker's pretty face and his own girlfriend Steph's lack thereof get back to Steph.But that's just the beginning. Affiliate links provides compensation to Daily Actor which helps us remain online, giving you the resources and information actors like you are looking for. Maybe Steph's face is just regular. He considers her. This blog is not for profit. Wade Bradford, M.A., is an award-winning playwright and theater director. she feels. (2.5/5) 51 minutes - I've never been a huge fan of plays - I tend to find that no matter how well written they are, I can never really connect to the characters at all, and this particular play was no exception. It is . Dont speak for me. I am finished with our relationship and Im gonna need you to acknowledge that before I go(Pointing.) STEPH: Don't, alright? I mean, I can take a lot, pretty much, anyway, but I'm, like, my face? Not as strong as THE SHAPE OF THINGS, which is one of my favorite plays, but still portrays very real characters with real emotions in an honest and uncensored way. Also, concerning Steph was always hitting her boyfriend and that was never addressed or held accountable. When Greg makes a seemingly harmless comment about his girlfriend Steph's "regular" looking face, the information gets back to Steph and sends their relationship over the deep end. But they are both strong, and well-rounded. (Beat.) Theme by Loot Valley. I performed the Greg and Steph restaurant scene for my Acting final. Power your marketing strategy with perfectly branded videos to drive better ROI. Grumpy Old Men Greg's life spirals out of control when Steph leaves him, and he has to come to terms with what he has said. . You are not me so you don't know. Don't speak for me. 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