A Live-Action Adaptation of the classic Disney Animated Canon film Pinocchio.The film is directed by Robert Zemeckis, written by Zemeckis and Chris Weitz, and stars Benjamin Evan Ainsworth as Pinocchio, Tom Hanks as Geppetto, Joseph Gordon-Levitt as Jiminy Cricket, Cynthia Erivo as the Blue Fairy, Keegan-Michael Key as Honest John, Lorraine Bracco as Sofia, Giuseppe Battiston as Stromboli, and . It occupies an amusement park headed by the Coachman, which is designed to turn mischievous, young boys into donkeys. Good point. Trust all of them. If you read the origins of why Sesame Street ended the gag of the adults not believing Big Bird about Snuffy, it implies that most kids would WANT TO tell their parents about an experience they were scarred from, because the gag was making kids think that nobody would believe them when they were telling the truth (which Pinocchio promised earlier in the movie to always do). Monstro probably died or its simply damaged,but certainly has lost the opportunity to kill Pinocchio and Geppetto and hurts himself. I wish people could just say 'we think' and provide evidence vs. 'this is fact' without providing any solid evidence lol. On the subject of his weight loss there have been many conspiracy theories, including divine intervention and liposuction. And when he lies, he is amateur mode, so it's as plain as the nose on his face, and it fucks him up. Haha. Was Honest John not a monster? All other Disney villains were punished accordingly, facing justice in one way or another. It makes me want to look at all those people who say, Oh, Pinocchio is the sweetest little Disney classic and say, Youre new here, right? Compared to the stuff you outlined here, Hunchback of Notre Dame is downright tame. Pinocchio! I would say that this is rather accurate in its analysis of Pinocchio. It plays when Honest John and Gideon invite Pinocchio to Pleasure Island and when the Coachman is taking him and the other boys to the park. However, once Pinocchio and the other children arrive at Pleasure Island, it is quickly revealed that the island has a nefarious agenda that turns the kids into donkeys. Like the capitol riots? I think what you actually mean is child molestation/forced sex work. All this seems even stranger when you consider that the movies most famous song, When You Wish Upon A Star is pretty much the unofficial anthem of the Disney company. Related: Disney's Pinocchio Remake Avoids 1 Live-Action Mistake. Thats just the trouble with the world today.. When he says that he was put in a sack, rather than a cage, he once again loses responsibility because his sight is impaired. follow your gut instinct, if something doesnt feel right (Honest john, Stromboli, The Coachmen) etc, then it probably isnt.. since Pinocchio didnt have parents to upbring him with values, morals, etc. I envy your participation in such a discussion. Theres the 1970s Italian cartoon Un burattino di nome Pinocchio, it is very accurate to the book which is very dark the only part missing pretty much is where Pinocchio bites off the cats hand, the funny thing about it is Pinocchio looks like a girl his coat looks like a dress and he wears a pink bonnet. As the name originates from Walt Disney's 1940 film Pinocchio, Pleasure Island opened emulating Church Street Station in Downtown Orlando, Florida. Honest John and a new villain. Disney+. While part of the message is good, the execution is downright disturbing. He says he met "two big monsters," and his nose does not grow. It is a dark tragedy with zero phony moralizing. 559, This story has been shared 536 times. 1,468, This story has been shared 1,006 times. However, this is as far as she goes before laying the burden on Pinocchio to prove himself before being made of flesh and blood. Sort By . And this is where Pinocchio does what no Disney film has ever done and will ever do in the future, they allowed the tragedy to continue. When I was little this movie I always blamed Gepetto for not going back and saving all the other boys who had been turned into donkeys. Pinocchio only drinks root beer in the new film. It means a lot. Anyway, I wish Id had this analysis to give them a framework to understand whats going on here! Seems that they were telling us all along. "It was a pleasure to burn." is the opening line to which book? Strombolis next show presumably flops without his star attraction. He was created from scratch and had no idea of what was right or wrong, so much that the blue fairy had to give him a separate conscience that was not even a part of his body (the cricket). Truthful? When you are growing too old, you will make good firewood.. Only because I survived all the lies told to him by believing in the only truth available to me.. myself. Yes, the Grimm tales were actually an understatement of the same tales of French origin. Honestly, Tarzan was not really about defeating villains either and lo, Clayton still got the axe. He investigates a little further until he comes across the Coachman taunting and whipping a gathering of donkeys, and throwing them in crates. It would have also been fascinating to read some analysis about the themes of responsibility and accountability which are some key themes of Pinocchio. Monstro the whale makes an appearance, and Pinocchio is finally reunited with Geppetto and turned into a real boy. Maybe that was Italian style way back when? Im delighted to have found an article in which its writer agrees with my view of this movie. https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipeventure_di_Pinocchio-pag129.jpg?1642148050315. Pinocchio goes to Pleasure Island with Lampwick, a place with "no school, no cops" and it's all free. Pinocchio isnt the only film that has the villain not getting his comeuppance. Can a wooden puppet die? It operates independently with the writers collaboratively building and maintaining the platform. Free shipping for many products! This scene, with its grey background and colored characters also marks the transition from bright colors earlier and simple problems to serious problems and dark demeanors. In Carl Hockleys case, he survived the sinking of the Titanic by sneaking on board a life boat bound for New York. You bring a sentient wooden puppet into existence, peace out with some vague instructions about how it's up to the wooden puppet to be good enough to fill Geppetto's wishes, and then show up to teach Pinocchio not to lie and to say you won't be around anymore to help him out. The original was terrifying, sure, but at least that cartoon donkey was sort of cute! This document is one of several dozen important signed pieces in today's sale that were part of a large collection of American historical documents from 1650 through WWII. Notice, Jiminy interjects before Pinocchio tells full lies asking him to leave him out of it. Yeah you can, everyone had to take responsibility for themselves and this is an archetype. The other boys not so much. However, his is nothing compared to the exposure of violence, sexual deviation, and immorality that we daily expose our kids to through video games, television, and our educational system via sex education classes and "sensitivity" training. I remembered the movie as a kid being very dark and I didn't really like it. She is currently based in Wisconsin, USA. Children dressing up as drag queens, homophobia hour, how to put a condom on, and the latest computer game version of battling soldiers are cool, hip, and just peachy ok. I also found Disney Wikis analysis of their own movie a bit of an interesting read, particularly this chunk: Origin In Italy, where the original story was written, the Donkey is a symbol of stupidity. No human in the movie acts like this so it must be assumed that the Blue Fairy wants Pinocchio to be that model. Kids may be disturbed by Pleasure Island, where "bad boys" are turned into donkeys and sent to work in salt mines. Earlier, he insisted there was no risk in illegally trafficking children to an island cut off from civilization because. In the end, the only happy people are Pinocchio and Gepetto. 15. Things get absolutely crazy, even for a Disney movie here. Animation Society. The first Disney main character who is definitely and certainly dead on-screen. It reveals his guilt and emphasizes the point that the original question was why he did not go to school. The book has become one of the most translated books in the world, and has inspired countless adaptations on the stage and screen. Despite being a Disney film, the main protagonist Pinocchio indulges in a variety of bad behavior. They do not know what exactly Pleasure Island has in store for him, but they are alarmed by a menacing Coachman who persuades them to bring him disobedient boys. Pinocchio then goes with The Coachman and a group of young . The Fairy is a very important god-like figure for him. Like that isn't going to cause nightmares. Clearly, Pinocchio is a sociopath, because there is nothing remotely funny about the situation. "Before you get any worse!" Pinocchio didn't need his cricket friend to tell him twice and he rushed out of the pool hall with the cricket; after seeing for himself what had happened to Lampwick unfolding right before his eyes and transform slowly into a donkey before he began to . But yours is a good analogy. And these lines are lies. You would think, in that case, that when given the chance to redoor better yet, altogether eliminatethis traumatic movie moment, Disney might dial down the horror. The only other person I know of that made a kids theme park was Micheal Jackson, and we all know his controversy. However I think there is something a lot darker about the older disneys snow white for example, you wouldnt catch someone trying to stab someones heart nowadays in Disney! Luke . Robert Zemeckis' Pinocchio continues Disney's trend of live-action remakes, following the likes of The Jungle Book, The Lion King and Aladdin.Admittedly, the studio does try to maintain the magic of old, sticking relatively closely to the narrative of the 1940 animated classic, with Tom Hanks as Geppetto craving a son.However, there are key changes made, some nuanced and others for fun, to add . That house looks exactly like the white house? It is never explicitly stated it was in fact her but it can be no one else. Multiple. 8-inch fully-articulated Pinochio, a Maggie with a new face stencil, blue eyes and a brunette boy . (A spooky story for a young audience, it spooked me as a child, but in a different way). Honest John and Gideon continue their miserable lives in the Village based on misery,petty crimes,stupidity,illiteration,going in and outta the prison,incapable to fool Pinocchio now a real and responsible boy and they wasted the opportunity to exploit his unique ability of being a living,talking and stringless wooden puppet and without sense of value for money(just listen the song HONEST JOHN). So not only does she lie, herself, when Pinocchio isn't supposed to, she doesn't help as much as she could have. I was always sensitive, and the thought of those boys, suddenly repentent and weeping I want my momma! just cut me to the heart. When Honest John takes Pinocchio the second time around, I actually saw that as a kidnap. In one scene, just before the Coachman talks with a small donkey named Alexander, he stripped clothes off of another donkey? Lastly, its important to note that neither Disney nor the protagonists kill the villain in films such as Snow White. When Will 'Jesus Revolution' Movie Be Streaming? Funny, I haven't rewatched it since I was a child because that scene with Pleasure Island scared me so much then. Free booze, free smokes, free property destruction, free ice cream, a fight club, and any old thing a young juvenile delinquent might want, per 1940s movie standards. I cried whenever the Coachman came on the scene and was abusing the boys now turned into donkeys, Another movie I never liked was Bambi and I guess it was because Bambis mother dying offscreen never had an effect on me. Want to write about Animation or other art forms? People do not listen to their conscience, the vast majority of humans in the movie are terrible, even kids Pinocchios own age go astray, and Pinocchio is nonetheless asked to become the lone light in a sea of darkness. Escaping Pleasure Island. This is all fairly disguised and implied in a way that may go over younger audiences' heads, but the way real-life fears and threats suddenly surround the innocent, simple-minded puppet is genuinely alarming. Pinocchios ability to lose his donkey parts when the other children did not is one of the more unclear aspects of Pinocchios ending. I played a spooky clown at Pleasure Island) and having read the original Collodi tale. Especially if you consider how impressionable the Pleasure Island scenes in the original Disney classic Pinocchio were. . To see this, every last truth, lie, lesson, virtue and villain Pinocchio has to offer must be examined. It is not necessarily the act of sexual behaviors with children. The Blue Fairy gives Pinocchio what is basically to be seen as the model for a live human being, which is a lie. SS: This children's book is talking about a rich man who buys little boys and takes them to an island, from which they never return, at least not as boys. Was it really a lie? The Celestial Trial of Josephus, the Annual . I watched this movie as a kid and watched it again today, many years later as an adult with my own child. It is implied to be an illegal theme park, hinted by Honest John during the meeting in the Inn. In order to make the wish come true, it's up to Pinocchio to prove himself "brave, truthful and unselfish." Interesting. It's sink or swim. That's not necessarily the case with Pinocchio. Yeah. The movie almost implies that they are good for nothing and would only be a blight on society anyway that they fully deserve the fate they get. And honestly, the fates of those kids disturbed me even as a child but it was not until I became an adult when I realized how dire things were really were for them. Also, I believe Pinocchios task is not just impossible because he is asked to do what other people can do he is asked to do it without actually having a real conscience. The slaver, child-trafficker, pedophile, murderer, or all four is still out there and till now remains the only Disney villain to get away with what he did. Youve given me quite a lot to think about! Then after their hangover, they are turned into donkeys, have their clothes ripped off of them, and then are shipped off to who knows where to work as donkeys! Jiminy Cricket is a lousy conscience. In other words, Pinocchio must complete a task which is perhaps more impossible than any protagonist has ever had to complete in a Disney movie. To hear you talk, Lampwick says, in an accent that is an unholy mix of Cockney British and Newsies, youd think something terrible is going to happen to us., Then, in an almost shot-for-shot remake of the original scene, he sprouts donkey ears, quickly followed by a donkey face. We are then introduced to the elderly whimsical woodworker Gepetto (Christian Rub) who, along with his clingy cat Figaro (Clarence Nash) and his playful goldfish Cleo (Pinto Colvig), provide a lot of laughs in the movies early stages. Even the Fairy Godmother let Cinderella go it alone. Pinocchio asks, "Am I a real boy?" Your chilling and accurate review breaks Dark Disney down so well. Jiminy, again, encourages him to simply be truthful. Not for everyone. Technically Mister Potter, much like Titanics Cal Hockley, had implied defeats the film. He uses that rather underhanded tactic to try and ruin George Bailey, and in the end, it is the good will that George has showered on his family and friends that saves the day. As expected, he can't move unless his strings tell him to move. And this symbolizes the completion of his quest. (Like a movie cop, killed by the villain one week from retirement.) Eh if it is, its not part of the Disney movie. 479, Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window), Click to email a link to a friend (Opens in new window), traumatic movie moment, Disney might dial down the horror. The first glimpse of Pleasure Island is maddening. Theres nobody here to stop you.. Perhaps Jiminy was wrong. Don't cut and run. It made me feel sick and scared and sad. In any case, he goes about his quest. Holly likes consuming a variety of types of media, although she adores sitcoms, Mad Men, Indiana Jones, and Star Wars in particular, and she is excited to share that love with readers! These days, if Disney even tried that, theyll have the kids they so explicitly and implicitly insulted camping out in protest. She is the solution to all problems presented: lifeless puppet, overgrown nose, locked cage, man-eating whale, or death. I mean you really dont see any of their films tackling the kind of stuff they did in the Night on Bald Mountain (Though Hunchback came pretty close.). I WATCHED THIS MOVIE LAST NIGHT FOR THE FIRST TIME SINCE IN ALMOST 20 YEARS.. Im 26 now.. and the movie freaked me out last night more than it did when I was a kid. It's full of WTF, Good link, will watch it in a few Getting lots of replies right now Tryin to keep up. The fairy, who told Pinocchio not to lie, lied. This scene alone is screaming of dark, implicit messages a child might never understand. Many could very well perceive those two characters (three counting the sidekick fox) as monsters, making Pinocchios first words a truth. "The Coach to Pleasure Island" is an instrumental song from Disney's 1940 animated classic film Pinocchio. Again, this is all about the they do not come back as BOYS, is all about the scars that leaves an adult stealing away the innocence of a little boy. That makes no sense. Giving into these temptations consistently leads to negative consequences for Pinocchio. See more ideas about pinocchio, recipes, dinner and a movie. There is no way to argue against that totally does like the story of the pied piper. Monstro isnt really a villain hes just an animal looking for food. RKO Radio Pictures / Walt Disney Animation Studios. Bad Blue Fairy. It could just be total coincidence, but in light of recent events and accusations, it's kinda spooky to watch. She proceeded to warn Pinocchio that the rest of the journey must be taken alone. He deliberately betrays his father and the good fairy over and over, including at one point when he's behaved himself for a year and is literally one day away from becoming a real boy. Can we really say that its a ~child~s fault if something this dark happens to them and not the adults? Even if he would have wanted to escape, they wouldnt have let him!! What's the over/under on Geppetto living long enough to see Pinocchio make his own little Pinocchios? We know of Little St. James and Jeffrey Epstein, there are many more we will soon discover. Pinocchio escapes the island with the help of Jiminy cricket, he finds his father inside of a large mean whale. There is a late radio-song of the movie called Honest John. What's the rush about school? Here's one hell of a way to remember just how strange "Pinocchio" (1940) was: watch Robert Zemeckis' hallucinatory live-action remake of it, now playing on Disney+.Some of the kooky parts here are not from the script by Simon Farnaby and Chris Weitzto their credit, they didn't invent the hedonistic sugary kid-hell of Pleasure Island, or the concept of an innocent boy whose wooden . Good stuff. While Pinocchio is on Pleasure Island, it is revealed that the islands purpose is to turn the children into donkeys and sell them to the salt-mines, which is one of the more bizarre events that occur at the end of Pinocchio. 1,798, This story has been shared 1,635 times. Just watched Pinocchio today and I totally agree with your assessment here- our grandparents read stories whose message was solely, stay away and your decisions have real serious consequences. He is still new to the game, so his ability to move is limited. This is an interesting take on the film. Pinocchio has to offer must be taken alone: lifeless puppet, nose! Wish people could just be total coincidence, but in light of recent events and,... Analysis about the situation in fact her but it can be no one.! Headed by the Coachman, which is a sociopath, because there is no way to argue that. Can, everyone had to take responsibility for themselves and this is rather accurate in analysis. 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