The flow of North Vietnamese troops down the trail only increased, and by late 1965 the C.I.A. It was not until around 2000 that the United States was finally forced to acknowledge its obligations, after Hatfield Consultants completed its study of the impact of dioxin and showed U.S. officials incontrovertible evidence of how TCDD moved up the food chain, entered the human body and was transmitted to infants through breast milk. I developed fluid on the brain and I have to wear a shunt in my head for the rest of my life. For the first time, the US places mines in Haiphong Harbor to cut off the North Vietnamese from foreign support. The war in Vietnam saw the first full-scale use of herbicides in warfare. Within a week, the first wave of B-52s hit the Ho Chi Minh Trail. We are making such material available in our efforts to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. His eBook, the9 Secrets Strategies for Winning Your VA Disability Claimhas been downloaded more than 300,000 times in the past three years and is the #1 rated free VA disability claims guide for veterans. Nine children under the age of 9 on the War Legacies Project list have already died. Find YOUR exposure. An official website of the United States government. But that was not Hatfields only insight. The Southern defense is thrown into complete chaos. They are the grandchildren of those who were exposed during the war, and possibly even the great-grandchildren, since the people in these villages have traditionally married in their teens. VA Releases Updated List of Agent Orange Exposure Locations The solution was to strip away the forest cover to expose the bombing targets: the truck convoys and logistics centers like Labeng-Khok. All signatories were obligated to report on the extent of contamination in their countries. Some are now fish ponds in the middle of the rice paddies. The VA has updated its list of Agent Orange exposure locations where service members may have come in contact with the dangerous herbicide. By George Black May 13, 2019 We had to put him in a nursing home in August. His frustration with the8-step VA disability claims processled him to createVA Claims Insider,which provides U.S. military veterans with tips, strategies, and lessons learned for successfully submitting or re-submitting a winning VA disability compensation claim. This interactive map is based on the Herbicide Exposure Assessment-Vietnam database developed by Jeanne Stellman, professor emeritus at Columbia University's school of public health, and Columbia epidemiology professor Steven Stellman. Of the 517 cases of disabilities and birth defects so far documented by the War Legacies Project in Laos, about three-fourths, like malformed limbs, are identifiable to the untrained eye as conditions of the sorts now linked to exposure to Agent Orange. These are our gifts from the villagers of America, one old man told me. In each village, they note the age and gender of each person affected, a description of their condition with a firm diagnosis where possible and a comment on any who might benefit from referral to a hospital in the provincial capital or in Vientiane. VA can get you a fold up motorized chair. Brian isalso the CEOofMilitary Disability Made Easy, which is the worlds largest free searchable database for all things related to DoD disability and VA disability claims and has served more than 4,600,000 military members and veterans since its founding in 2013. We werent aware of significant spraying in Laos, Leahy said by email, Nor of people with disabilities in those areas that are consistent with exposure to dioxin. list, you were eligible for compensation. Their dependents and survivors also may be eligible for benefits. The PACT Act also strengthens federal research on toxic exposure and improves VAs resources and training for toxic-exposed Veterans. Please switch auto forms mode to off. You served in or near the Korean Demilitarized Zone between September 1, 1967, and August 31, 1971, OR, You served on active duty in a regular Air Force unit where a C-123 aircraft with traces of Agent Orange was assigned and had repeated contact with this aircraft due to your flight, ground, or medical duties, OR, You were involved in any aspect of Agent Oranges transportation, storage, or testing, OR. In particular, the PACT Act recognizes service members who served in any U.S. or Royal Thai military base in Thailand between January 9, 1962, through June 30, 1976, who were most likely exposed to Agent Orange. When the Air Force in 1982 finally released its partially redacted official history of the defoliation campaign, Operation Ranch Hand, the three pages on Laos attracted almost no attention, other than a statement from Gen. William Westmoreland, a former commander of U.S. forces in Vietnam, that he knew nothing about it although it was he who ordered it in the first place. Veterans who were exposed to Agent Orange or other herbicides during service may be eligible for a variety of VA benefits, including anAgent Orange Registry health exam, health care and disability compensation for diseases associated with exposure. also undoubtedly used herbicides in Laos, but their records have never been declassified.. In great part, Agent Orange was used to clear the foliage and brush along many of the rivers and tributaries, especially in or near the Mekong Delta. . Although there was growing evidence of the toxicity of the herbicides, studies of their health impacts were inconclusive and fiercely contested. In February, We burned down the thatched huts, starting the blaze with Ronson and Zippo cigarette lighters, he wrote later. B.Kent. He worked on the planes that came back from Vietnam. Boivin wondered whether there might be similar dioxin hot spots on the Lao side of the border. Copyright 2023 VA Claims Insider, LLC. Many R&D operations occurred at this facility over the decades. This spraying was a part of the United States Secret War in Cambodia, which lasted from 1969 until 1973. And much more. But it was impossible to find out more. Massed North Vietnamese Army artillery open a shattering barrage, targeting South Vietnamese positions across the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ). In one of the larger oddities of history, the most painful legacy of the war has become a cornerstone of reconciliation. Nan, 30, was the victim of a cluster-bomblet explosion, one of thousands in Laos killed or injured by unexploded ordnance leftover from the war. If you are a Veteran in crisis Full Disclosure represents a clear alternative to the Pentagons current efforts to sanitize and mythologize that war, and to thereby legitimize further unnecessary and destructive wars. View spraying missions in Vietnam by date Map tool created by the Chicago Tribune, updated June 2014. There had never been any secret about the huge volume of defoliants used in Vietnam, and the evidence of congenital disabilities in the sprayed areas was inescapable. Thank you so much for this reporting. Very few areas, including some of the places within the boxes to the right, are still not farmable land. I took care of him, without pay or help for 5 years and now I cant get the help he deserves because of a disease he has after serving our country. Finally, in 2017, theWar Legacies Project was able to embark on systematic visits to the villages that straddle the border. By then, Chagnon and Hammond had gotten to know Thomas Boivin, a scientist with a Canadian company called Hatfield Consultants that was completing a landmark study of Agent Orange on the Vietnam side of the border, in the heavily sprayed A Shau valley (today known as the A Luoi valley, named after its main town). He did not include his civilian medical records the first time, and it had been over a year since he filed the original claim. The adjunct (not sure ok of spelling) officer In those days there were no roads into the mountains, Chagnon says. Apparently they think he only took one with him on his flights. We began observing Agent Orange Awareness not. If you have a condition associated with Agent Orange exposure, you do not need to provide evidence that your condition is connected to your service. Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. Many of the early spraying sorties had taken off from Tan Son Nhut, and she worried about her own exposure and the long-term effects if she had children. Boivin submitted his reports to the Lao government, but they gained little traction. I am TDUI and do not drive anymore use a cane and roller to ambulate. It makes it even more difficult for veterans to prove disabilities with ineffective specialists who follow a book of federal regulations that were written by people who were unaware of the actions in the military. In her push to have the U.S. government take responsibility for its actions in Laos, Hammond has been well aware that it took many years for the plight of Americas own veterans and their offspring to be acknowledged, and much longer still before the same compassion was extended to the Vietnamese victims of dioxin. 877-222-8387, TDD (Hearing Impaired) The purpose of the spraying was to defoliate the area around the Ho Chi Minh Trail, which the North Vietnamese Army used to transport supplies and troops into South Vietnam. Boivin got a small grant from a U.N. agency to investigate dioxin in Laos, as the nation had little scientific expertise of its own. In one of the bamboo-and-thatch stilt houses, the ladder to the living quarters was made from metal tubes that formerly held American cluster bombs. During the war, people went back and forth between Laos and Vietnam, he said, depending on which side was being bombed and sprayed at the time. It was frustrating, because Lapid had been hit hard. An entire rainbow of new chemical formulations . Exposure to Agent Orange is recognized by VA in the following locations: Vietnam and Brown Water Veterans The inland waterways of Vietnam are often referred to as "brown water" because of their muddy color. In response to the growing insurgency, U.S. Special Forces set up small camps near the border with Laos, notably at Khe Sanh, which later became a gigantic Marine combat base, and in the A Shau valley, later infamous for the battle of Hamburger Hill and seen by U.S. strategists as the most important war zone in South Vietnam. Some Vietnamese are still scared to reside and work in areas that were destroyed by Agent Orange during the Vietnam War. A cousin was born mute and did not learn to walk until he was 7. In essence, the initial spraying of Laos was a mapping exercise, formally integrated into a massive bombing campaign called Tiger Hound. Arrows in A and C point to missions in Laos and in the Parrots Beak region of Cambodia (14). Can someone please help me to find my medical records and my results that was sent to California to find out what caused my fluid on the brain after I got out of the army. Bounta, 26, is paralyzed and has malformed ankles and wrists that may indicate arthrogryposis. He is writing a book about the long-term human and political legacies of the Vietnam War, in Vietnam and Laos and in the United States. Thanks in advance. Chemical weapons have been used during WWI, WWII, VA will have a home for the Departments history in Dayton, O.H. This information is important because it will help veterans get the necessary care and benefits. The tanks were jettisoned by pilots when they were empty or to reduce weight. By the late 1960s, Vietnamese doctors had strong indications that these congenital defects might be connected to the chemical defoliants. Jacquelyn Chagnon, left, and Susan Hammond measuring the head of a 2-year-old boy named Sodsai, who gets severe headaches and has hearing difficulties. made a new five-year commitment to provide another $65 million in humanitarian aid to Vietnamese people with disabilities in areas sprayed with Agent Orange and otherwise contaminated by dioxin. The funds are channeled through the Leahy War Victims Fund, named for its creator, Senator Patrick Leahy, a Democrat from Hammonds home state, Vermont, who for years has led the effort to help victims of Agent Orange in Vietnam. My parents were furious at me for going into a war zone.. Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. A few months ago it was 102 day average for new claims. Gather as much info as you possibly can. These updates are very very helpful. In 2019, U.S.A.I.D. This was done to try to deny the VC the ability to easily attack our riverine forces (Swift Boats and PBRs). Within minutes after we sprayed, the plants began to turn brown and wither. The young officer was Colin Powell, future chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and secretary of state. The 3-pronged attacks began in the north, center, and south of the country. In Laos, we need support from America, like they receive in Vietnam.. I have been desparately ill with life threatening health problems all my life. The map below can be used to see defoliant spraying missions by U.S. and South Vietnamese forces over Vietnam, as well as Laos and Cambodia. Ground crew immediately evacuated but it took him time to unbuckle and unattach from the plane and leave. There were at at least 50 airfields in Thailand where AO was used and US personnel were stationed. The commander of U.S. forces in Vietnam, Gen. Paul D. Harkins, now requested authority to hit six new targets. Hit enter to expand a main menu option (Health, Benefits, etc). Im sure the records are incomplete, says Jeanne Mager Stellman, an emerita professor of health policy and management at the Mailman School of Public Health at Columbia University, who played a pivotal role in documenting the spraying in Vietnam and calculating the risks of dioxin exposure for American veterans. If you served in any of these locations during the Vietnam War and have since been diagnosed with a disease linked to Agent Orange exposure, you may now be eligible for disability benefits. The city of Loc Ninh (Lc Ninh), located close to the Cambodian border subsequently became the capital of the Provisional Revolutionary Government of South Vietnam (PRGSVN), a distinction it held until it was disbanded after the war. Im not sure what it is now. A week after the launch of the offensive, Nixon decides to respond with a massive air campaign against the North. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". Former Air Force vet losing hearing bc of working on engines and scrubbing down b52s returning from Vietnam thru Guam. Agent Orange Spray Maps Vietnam War FULL Collection of 4 pages of FIRE BASES, AIR FORCE BASES, Naval and Medical, BROWN WATER Naval, and any and all bases DOD during the Vietnam War 1963 to 1975 View spraying missions in Vietnam by date and location The map can be used to see defoliant spraying missions by U.S. and South Vietnamese forces Signup to never miss a beat with special offers, blog updates, exclusive trainings, and more delivered right to your inbox! Not on the list. . Hammond is painfully aware that bureaucratic wheels turn slowly; that Leahy, after 46 years in the Senate, may not be there much longer; and that Vietnam will always be the front-burner issue. Most veterans are underrated for their disabilities and, therefore, not getting their due compensation. But in addition to Laoss neutrality, there was a second problem: Where exactly was the trail? The family had a 4-year-old boy named Suk, who had difficulty sitting, standing and walking one of three children in the extended family with birth defects. Although Agent Orange was used throughout Southeast Asia during the war, it is most commonly associated with the Vietnam War. Click Go Elite Now below to get started today and a member of our team will be in touch within minutes. Only in the last two decades has the United States finally acknowledged and taken responsibility for the legacy of Agent Orange in Vietnam, committing hundreds of millions of dollars to aiding the victims and cleaning up the worst-contaminated hot spots there. The VA will provide medical care and benefits to veterans who develop these conditions. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. chair. I had to quit my job, and move to CA to do so. How to Get a 100 Percent VA Rating (if deserved)! Since it began, their project has channeled modest amounts of material support to disabled people things like a wheelchair ramp or a vocational training course or a brood cow to increase household income in rural areas of Vietnam that were heavily sprayed. Service members exposed to Agent Orange may be at risk for various health problems, including cancer and other diseases. Im wondering if the Bluewater sailor issue has been resolved? Blessings. The map below can be used to see defoliant spraying missions by U.S. and South Vietnamese forces over Vietnam, as well as Laos and Cambodia. This means you do NOT currently have the VA disability rating and compensation YOU deserve, and you could be missing out on thousands of dollars of tax-free compensation and benefits each month. You will now be able to tab or arrow up or down through the submenu options to access/activate the submenu links. Legacy of Our Veterans' Military Exposures, The map can be used to see defoliant spraying missions by U.S. and South Vietnamese forces, In South Vietnam, the men of Detachment A-502 were always prepared to carry out the mission, The 50-Year History & the Newest Chapter of Concerns, Living with Agent Orange is a closed social network with a restricted membership to Children of Vietnam Veterans, PRIVACY POLICY Thank you for visiting our website. Take advantage of a FREE VA Claim Discovery Call with an experienced Team Member. Twelve million gallons of Agent Orange were sprayed over roughly 10 percent of South Viet Nam, from the Demilitarized Zone in the north to the Mekong Delta in the south.. One of them was the A Shau valley, and it would be the first mission aimed at destroying crops that might feed the enemy. For more information go to: While US bombing and a stiffened ARVN defense was able to turn back the PAVN and NLF offensive, it remains politically impossible to reintroduce sufficient U.S. combat troops to stem the PAVN drive. Original: Sep 14, 2017. Presumed exposure on land in Vietnam, on a vessel operating on the inland waterways of Vietnam, or on a vessel operating not more than 12 nautical miles seaward from the demarcation line of the waters of Vietnam and Cambodia as defined in Public Law 116-23 (Blue Water Navy Vietnam Veterans Act 2019) between January 9, 1962 and May 7, 1975 You may be presumed to have been exposed to herbicides like Agent Orange for VA benefits purposes if you meet at least one of these service requirements: By reading our detailed article, you can learn more about the over 40 conditions on the presumptive list for Agent Orange Exposure and their VA service connection ratings. VIETNAM FULL DISCLOSURE / VETERANS FOR PEACE Towards an honest commemoration of the American War in Vietnam, All wars are fought twice, the first time on the battlefield, the second time in memory . Agent Orange outlived the borderless Vietnam War and, by skulking hereditarily, will outlive the conflict's veterans to endow not only Vietnamese, but also Cambodians, Laotians, and. Veteran Army Captain John Kirby IV used the PTSD Coach app to cope, and helps other Veterans do the same. Ten of them cluster around one of the three air bases that became the most contaminate with dioxin: Da Nang, Phu Cat and Bien Hoa. At VA Claims Insider, we specialize in helping veterans get the disability benefits they deserve. All the Fort Detrick personel and all the local boys on the ground died horrible deaths. I have Leukemia now in the early stage. The following January, a 25-year-old Army captain from the South Bronx arrived at the A Shau base. As a result, many war veterans have developed health problems related to their exposure to the toxic herbicide. Coincidence maybe? The use of the herbicide in the neutral nation of Laos by the United States secretly, illegally and in large amounts remains one of the last untold stories of the American war in Southeast Asia. Learn what youve been missingso you can FINALLY get the disability rating and compensation YOU DESERVE! 800-829-4833, Veterans Crisis Line: Now, the U.S. and Vietnamese governments have joined together in a massive cleanup project. Whatever pericite, chemicals, or fumes that I was exposed to lingered in my system and caused this condition all of a sudden 9 years after I had gotten out of the army. Veterans who were exposed to Agent Orange or other herbicides during service may be eligible for a variety of VA benefits, including an Agent Orange Registry health exam, health care, and disability compensation for diseases associated with exposure. During Marchs Womens History Month, we celebrate 100 years of advancing women Veterans health care at VA. Marine Corps Veteran Michele Catlin shares her personal journey and VA story after being diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis. These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. The South Vietnamese with heavy American air support are able to turn back the attack after a month and a half. Keep up with all the changes and details. The abrupt spraying drop-off at the end of January 1968 corresponds to the Tet Offenssivewherein theNorth Vietnamese forces carried out massive, coordinated attacks throughout RVN for nearly 2.5 months. In early December 1965, the ungainly C-123 aircraft, the workhorses of the herbicide campaign, crossed the Lao border for the first time. The defoliant, sprayed from low-flying aircraft, consisted of approximately equal amounts of the unpurified butyl esters . It can take several months to get a ruling on his claim. Go to your congressman and start a congressional asap. A short clip showing where and when Agent Orange was sprayed in Vietnam during my tour (June 68 - Aug 69). Researching for a friend. While records of spraying operations inside Laos exist, the extent to which the U.S. military broke international agreements has never been fully documented, until now. facilities that might pose an ongoing health risk. All rights reserved. All Rights Reserved. Would have helped my Dad, but he died 6 years ago. While Agent Orange may be the most well-known chemical used during the Vietnam War, it wasn't the only one. So now I get a bill from the Bisesi gets home for 9k. They do not work for the VA. Was there anything they needed? Documentation show used on the Island and there are photos. Please advise. Change). Scavenging for scrap metal after the war, they found some barrels painted with orange stripes. If there is anyone who remembers this incident, or has had a similar experience please contribute. Brian Reese here, Air Force service-disabled Veteran and Founder @ VA Claims Insider. It was focused on narrow, defined strips of the trail, 500 meters wide (about 1,640 feet), and on nearby crop fields, and the heaviest spraying was concentrated in a four-month period early in the war. The first jolt to her innocence, she recalls, came when newspapers in Saigon published gruesome photographs of malformed babies and fetuses in Tay Ninh, a heavily sprayed province on the Cambodian border. You were assigned as a Reservist to certain flight, medical crew, or ground duties at one of the locations listed below. But if that is what the data shows, then we need to look at it and discuss with the government of Laos what could be done to help those families.. 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