Without Emperor, there are no reform types, and only eight reforms are available: Call for Reichsreform, Institute Reichsregiment, Reform the Hofgericht, Enact Gemeiner Pfennig, Ewiger Landfriede, Proclaim Erbkaisertum, Revoke The Privilegia, Renovatio Imperii. If the Emperor releases a vassal within HRE territory as an Imperial Prince, the newly released vassal will not count towards diplomatic upkeep either. The capital of the released country needs to be in an HRE province. Conversely, the Empire can wane in power, and, as happened historically in 1806, it can eventually be dismantled. An AI member of the HRE will add their non-HRE provinces if they have good relations with the emperor. Yes, the last patch made it very unlikely for nations to voluntarily join the HRE. It was last verified for. Members of the HRE can add their Provinces to the HRE via a button in the bottom left of the Province interface, provided that the province borders another province that already is part of the HRE. Sometimes a small nation will join the HRE if they are threatened by a large country. That same game Austria was able to vassalize Hungary diplomatically (I was playing as Spain). For example, If you are France with a rival England, if East Frisia likes you and feels threatened by England will add himself to HRE. Electors may vote for non-members of the HRE too. The Emperor has the following powers and duties: Available from the Holy Roman Empire interface, the Emperor can call for a vote on an Imperial Reform. How long does claim throne CB last eu4? This can make attacking nations in the HRE that are in the league with the Emperor particularly difficult, as the aggressor would have to fight the target, their allies, the Emperor, the Emperor's allies, and all nations in the Emperor's league. exe" and select "Create Shortcut". Austria is the Emperor at the start of the game. Free Imperial Cities are one-province republics granted special favors by the Emperor. And you can't add non core provinces to the HRE. One way of guaranteeing your election victory is by vassalizing at least four electors. This page lists the codes which may be input into the Console Window, a special debugging window which may be accessed on non-ironman games by pressing Shift + 2, Alt + 2 + 1, Shift + 3, , ~, ^, , , or ` (key varies based on keyboard layout). In this video guide I will show you how to reform the HRE and revoke the privilegia in less than 40 years playing as Austria. Princes may not declare war on one another (a non-member Emperor is not affected). Existing treaties between leaving princes and remaining princes will affect the Emperor's war declarations. Present wars are unaffected, and members may still be called into wars against other members. Austria also has access to the most number of modifiers to diplomatic reputation. It was last verified for, Please help with verifying or updating this infobox. If you want to be the Emperor, you should undermine Austria at every possible opportunity. A member state who is not the Emperor may leave at any time if it is at peace (using the HRE interface). An Italian country is considered under control for Shadow Kingdom incident if it has lost any war against the emperor, or it is allied to the emperor, or it has an opinion of 150 toward the emperor, or it is a subject of the emperor, or it is a free city. ): Of these, Holstein is a vassal of a non-member (Denmark), Brabant and Holland are in a personal union under a non-member (Burgundy), and Lorraine is in a personal union under a non-member (Provence). In order to dismantle the HRE, it is helpful or even necessary to either ally with or vassalize as many of the Electors as possible. The thresholds are based on Imperial Authority. However, Electors can be of any Christian religion. Or you can force the capital of a country to move to an HRE province by various means and that would make them a member. But it generates AE. If their relations with you are 100 + total development of that nation divided by 2 they will join automatically . Let [PRU.Monarch.GetHerHim] call [PRU.Monarch.GetHerselfHimself] the King in Prussia. Thus, it is for instance possible to join the HRE regardless of the Emperor's opinion of your country by conquering a province in it (but note that the Emperor will be called in the war as a co-belligerent if you directly attack its owner), coring it and then losing all non-HRE provinces including the capital, for example by releasing vassals or giving them out in peace deals, causing the capital to be moved to the conquered HRE province. Firstly, stupid arbitrary restraints like this are terrible, however, it is apparently easily fixed. If Art of War is enabled, consider designating your HRE vassals as marches if you don't need their territory and have a strong economy, as it will lower their liberty desire (so you can feed them even more), and strengthen their military abilities, making the swarm even more unstoppable. They will not assign a nation of a different religion to be an elector. Additionally it will still consider nations which it has alliances or truces with and re-evaluates this on a monthly basis, though it seems to give these a lower priority, other things being equal. Alternatively, while you can't move your capital into or out of an HRE province normally, such a move can still happen by other means like events or losing your current capital (at least if there is no other province of the same HRE status as the lost capital), and will result in respectively joining or leaving the HRE. Der Bauernmarkt 2.0 - Regional & digital The Holy Roman Empire (HRE) is a unique political structure in the game, made up of numerous variously-sized states of the Germanic region and northern Italian Peninsula in Europe. Not knowing this last rule is why many say the league war mechanic is broken, when it is really just not well explained. This way, youll get the majority of votes, which is enough to get you elected. This disables further league wars and means that only countries of this religion can become electors or emperors. Declare a war without a casus belli. That and the union with Bohemia are two of the three most important first moves as Austria (the third is to conquer Venice). The capital of the released country needs to be in an HRE province. In order to dismantle the HRE, it is necessary to be at war against the Emperor, occupy the Emperor's capital, and have none of the Electors as "independent." Leaving causes non-core provinces in the HRE to be ceded to the emperor, removes all core provinces from the HRE, hurts relations with the emperor and reduces Imperial Authority by 10. Even if the player did everything right and made it this far by being nice and defending any and all princes (even the ones who insulted and backstabbed the emperor for centuries), it's quite likely the player will actually be weaker after uniting the empire since HRE bonuses are lost upon enacting the decision. AI emperors will assign nations they have good relations with, and that are the dominant religion in the empire. If the Empire is strong enough, they can usually take most (if not all) large Eurasian nations, even without any allies (providing the vassal swarm is large enough). and our The Protestant League can declare war on the Catholic League at any time using the "Religious League" casus belli, which has the "Show Superiority" wargoal. For more information, please see our The imperial reform Erbkaisertum stops further elections, making the Emperorship hereditary, but the electors keep their status. If the religious leagues are not triggered in the HRE before 1625 or if the leagues form, but the war is not declared for 30 years, the event The Diet of $CAPITAL_CITY$ can happen for the emperor and declare Catholicism the official faith of the empire. in the event, Male (unless the Pragmatic Sanction decision has been enacted by an emperor with a female heir), The accepted imperial religion (either Catholic or Protestant). Become the Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire as Spain. This can be done by first annexing a country's capital, adding it to the HRE, and giving the land back. If you passed the third reform "Absolute Reichsstabilitt", you get a CB with which you can force countries to join. Minor AI countries may rarely join the HRE if they have excellent relations with the current Emperor and they are threatened by a powerful neighbor (Ragusa in fear of the Ottomans, Gotland in fear of Lithuania/Sweden etc.). We have reached a final and permanent accord with the Vicar of Christ, Pope [PAP.Monarch.GetName]. Unlike in EU3, the Emperor can see how the members of the Imperial Diet will vote before calling for the reform by hovering over the reform button, and why they support or oppose by hovering over the shields of each imperial prince. You need high IA and high DipRep overall. 6 Your game should . SophiaVelmer 5 yr. ago. AI emperors are fully content with having less than 7 electors if all the possible candidates are too big. The Emperor's subject nations will almost always support him. Archived post. (2) be in the opposing league and Current member AI states that are the Emperor will add provinces to the Empire provided that they border or share a sea zone with provinces which are already part of the HRE, the province religion is any denomination of Christianity, the nation has a core on the province, and the province is in Europe. You could conquer and annex the vassal's entire country, add those provinces to the HRE, and then release them as a vassal if you wanted. The AI can do whatever it wants, lol. ", If the Elector is allied to the war leader against the Emperor, it is "not independent. They also need to feel threatened by another country. exe" file. I find that with EU4 there doesnt seem to be all that many clear formulas on how to do certain things, bit of a shame really. They need to have a high opinion of you, equal to their dev iirc, your opinion of them doesn't seem to matter. There are two ways to become an elector. Europa Universalis IV: Monthly Subscription. You will need to employ cunning to expand into the HRE. But when a new republic is crushed, the tide turns in favour of the nobility. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. The Emperor of the HRE: If Emperor is enabled: The Imperial incident "The Burgundian Inheritance (Alone)" begins. I've never been able to get the papal states to join either with my opinion of them being 200+. Only Protestant countries are eligible to be league leader, this excludes other denominations entirely (e.g. Demanding religious unity, whatever the answer, costs 1 point of Imperial Authority. Try distributing gifts, royal marriages, alliances and other relation-improving maneuvers to members who oppose it, before implementing the reform. As the peasants enforce their demands or create new republics, they come closer to enforcing their demands. This is the only way for a Orthodox, Coptic, Hussite, or Anglican ruler to become emperor and the second of the two ways for a Reformed ruler to become emperor. This reform is easy to pass, as all the remaining HRE states are now vassals and will usually vote for it. They are rightful subjects of [dutch_revolt_country.GetName]. This action is not available unless the HRE has an official religion and the elector is considered heretic. Denying the request will also result in higher unrest, lower tax and manpower and a negative monthly autonomy change in the recently conquered province. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. You might just get a better understanding of your own attempts to join the HRE. Bologna, almost always joins if they get high enough relations with the emperor, so other countries in the same position like to also. Before the reform, each vassal's liberty desire reflects the combined strength of all vassals, in or out the HRE. If a league leader is attacked by any nation during a league war, their fellow league members will automatically join the war as defenders of the leader. Best. Under the icon is a number which shows the authority of the current reigning Emperor. Cookie Notice Yes, the last patch made it very unlikely for nations to voluntarily join the HRE. The last reform will consolidate all member states of the HRE into a true, unified nation, with the emperor becoming its ruler. If the Peace of Westphalia event happens, any Christian may be chosen (although a, Leading a country with the capital in the same continent as the current emperor's capital, On becoming Emperor one's government rank changes to empire (adding, Winning a defensive call to arms will grant as much as, Every country that has not been reined in may leave the Empire! The Emperor gets the following bonuses:[1], Additional, for each member state of the HRE:[2], Additional, for each Free City in the HRE:[3]. This is a diplomatic action which allows the Emperor to force his/her state religion on other nations within the empire that follow heretical denominations. If there is no eligible candidate, most often due to the outcome of religious league war and all of the rulers of that religion being female, then no emperor is elected and the empire is automatically dismantled. A prince's decision to support a reform is largely based on their opinion of the emperor, the amount of imperial authority and the emperor's diplomatic reputation. An example is the Teutonic Order in 1444 which needs 149 relations with Austria to join, if Austria guarantees them and asks for military access they can still only reach 145 relations and will not be interested in joining, but once the event fires for them to sell their hre province back to Brandenburg, the relations requirement will drop down to 144, which is achievable and they will start working towards joining. Eu4 vs Real Life: What things were totally What's the most territory you've ever taken in one war? The Emperor has until 1490 to rein in as many Italian Nations in the HRE as possible. Emperors will no longer gain or lose imperial authority for princes converting after the Peace of Westphalia is signed, also the monthly imperial authority loss for heretic princes is halved. Attack a nation's ally outside the HRE and annex their land as a non-co-belligerent. And no, personal unions and vassals won't join the HRE. Alternatively it is possible to add all elegible Provinces at once via the HRE interface. How do I get people to join HRE? If the same province is taken twice by different or same nations the emperor takes ownership of that said province. Other relations, such as Personal Unions, will be dropped if they conflict with becoming the Emperor's vassal. If the Elector is a vassal of any country other than the Emperor or the war leader, it is "independent. Ewiger Landfriede means this should not happen too often, but it's something to be aware of. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. The Emperor gets a bonus to tax income, manpower and imperial authority for each Free City in the HRE, but there can only be 12 Free Cities in total at any given time. Fun content on everything pop culture. If you passed the third reform "Absolute Reichsstabilitt", you get a CB with which you can force countries to join. If done right, uniting the HRE can be fun and rewarding, and will additionally net the player the "A Kaiser not just in name" achievement if playing on Ironman. If there are fewer than seven electors in the Empire, the Emperor can appoint a new Elector in the diplomacy screen to any independent nation inside the Empire. In game, however, the Holy Roman Empire usually passes a moderate number of reforms. The Emperors opinion of you must be equal to your development. . Once the Emperor has a high enough positive opinion of you, you can click on the Join HRE button in the HRE UI. Unlike a regular Call to Arms this does not usually have an effect on prestige, but does affect Imperial Authority. Similarly with Caucasus and Armenia. For more information, please see our Any european nation may join either league, regardless of religion, including states outside the Empire, and even if they have a truce with the Emperor. The Kingdom of Sweden entered the Kalmar Union with Norway and Denmark willingly in 1397, eager to limit the influence of the German merchants of the Hanseatic League. However, if a member state attacks free city indirectly by making it co-belligerent in a war with their ally then the Emperor will not join and thus the free city can be annexed without Emperor intervention this way. If there are no electors in the empire, hereditary rule is instituted. Also maybe you will stay if you will be an elector like Brandenburg forming Prussia. Once the first imperial reform has been passed, The Emperor gains a casus belli against all non-HRE nations that control any HRE territory, such as Burgundy or Venice at the start of the game. If the target refuses to convert peacefully, the Emperor suffers a prestige hit and gains a casus belli against the target. The conditions are: The tooltip for the Dismantle HRE button in the HRE interface will tell you which Electors are currently counted as "independent". Ironically, they can still join if the nation they feel threatened by is the Emperor himself. AI electors weight candidates according to the following criteria (non-exhaustive list), although an AI elector with the backing of another elector will vote for itself regardless, as will an elector with a "strategic interest [in] becoming emperor" (although the conditions for this are not explicitly stated). Dutch Revolt. Will try this next time i go to war, but i dont want too much ae. Furthermore, all countries with their capitals in Europe, even if outside the Empire, will gain the following benefits if they follow the victorious religion: If the Protestant league enforces "Religious Supremacy", but the HRE is predominantly Reformed, the incident The Reformers Protest will happen which can make Reformed the official faith. (And Why Join One), How To Join The Blades of the Darkmoon Covenant (DS3). Is the capital moving back to the HRE'd province always a guarantee? dip rep also should be very high, around 10 or higher. Allow the Order to join, but put heavy regulations on them. Being allied with positive opinion to the emperor makes it less likely that he will demand unlawful territory from a nation. The Emperor receives a call to arms when outside powers declare war on a prince of the empire, or members declare war on each other without a casus belli. Each additional point above 50 will boost the nations' willingness to support said reforms. I'm playing as Austria and i'm trying to form the HRE. We will accept the Teutonic Order to join without any conditions. Liberating territory from a non-HRE member that controls HRE territory will not allow for the emperor to demand it. At the start of the game in 1444, a ruler can only be elected Emperor if they follow the dominant religion - Catholic. Marquoz Feb 15, 2021 @ 2:20pm. If you'd like to know how the changes to Eu4 1.30 HRE mechanics, especially how that . The Order to join liberty desire reflects the combined strength of all,! Affected ) entirely ( e.g against the target refuses to convert peacefully, the Holy Roman Empire passes. Unity, whatever the answer, costs 1 point of Imperial Authority CB with which can... Most number of modifiers to diplomatic reputation i dont want too much ae add all elegible provinces at once the... Other denominations entirely ( e.g Roman Empire as Spain the third reform `` Absolute Reichsstabilitt '' you... 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