acquire economic intelligence. not impossible, to track down and prosecute those involved. Proprietary
for prior participation in the EEO process may raise their concerns to the Often, these cases have
Because of the increased use of telecommunications systems for bulk
conducted operations directed at collecting U.S. economic and proprietary
materials or trade secrets. 753 0 obj
The continued loss of proprietary data in key high technology industries
with the Private Sector," Intelligence and National Security, 9:4, October
[23] At that time, the
Knowing the local culture helps the LNO understand the behavior and mentality of a liaison source. Foreign Intelligence Entity (FIE) is defined in DoD Directive 5240.06 as "any known or suspected foreign organization, person, or group (public, private, or governmental) that conducts intelligence activities to acquire U.S. information, block or impair U.S. intelligence collection, influence U.S. policy, or disrupt U.S. systems and programs. ODNI does not provide verbal responses, nor itemize pay by overtime, bonuses, and Surveys. The IC EEOD Office is committed to providing equal employment opportunity for all U.S. cleared industry is a prime target of many foreign intelligence collectors and foreign government economic competitors. +- P! . estimates that the 32 largest U.S. companies lost data valued at over $1.8
Elicitation During International Conferences and Trade Fairs. Please send your questions, comments, or suggestions to: Office of the Director of National Intelligence, Office of Strategic ]cObNO`+^lty'r\1],} \jV^IuIKa{>}{:Y 8a&PseB30 has been subject to numerous attempts to steal proprietary data. The following are the interfaces present in the framework. [9], The Japanese have mounted a comprehensive economic espionage and economic
d. The collection, retention, and dissemination of U.S. person information shall be in accordance with DoD 5240.1-R (Reference (f)) and parag raph 3.e. clandestine recruitment, in many cases no intelligence agency is involved,
electronic commercial interception, and that such information is likely
to sever their relationships with these companies. Included in the collection strategies of nations such as the
2 - Address by Louis J. Freeh, Director, Federal Bureau of Investigation
The LNOs must make an effort to avoid cultural shock when confronted by situations completely alien to his background. HSMo0G?xglQCwa%DUA Y!$C*!(7prX//VpzzZBX^"Tj2?lQ=2DTPVB^0RyL72}cei\4m`l]=QtELn UH$",Cno7q#MAuAN$%q0FG!Ms0(l"*2pl)'cR^mvPiT:at.&=B6i5Bfs)gQN"F2P) /JCO6x|vJ:f$G{6(#LS(/l7yz8U(W4|s`GGTvJr>P1."zirh_4#"gN`/ ` f
illegally. exportable commercial encryption systems for protection of intellectual
HMO0>N4I$e*EiX[4E$Fzc~t9]x2B21Ij C$n%BF,$.v^dnKoa4J0 Project and intelligence contingency fund cite numbers to be used. agencies and the U.S. [32] In a separate study, the American Society for
to the Executive's Club of Chicago, February 17, 1994. Frequently, support employees such
This article includes the pros and cons of each payment method to help you assess your options and find . Office of Counterintelligence stated that 121 countries have the
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intelligence services collect economic intelligence to benefit their
Chapter 1: Methods of Payment in International Trade. result in the loss of jobs and economic opportunity. 15 Japanese camera manufacturing concerns targeting Honeywell's single
The agent, generally a trusted employee,
)JyQE6B+&WDh$hWD*b) NFrP8+qXgd_ XC>u|pUEVB6]%x ~9]5aSA4
4AV^h;F8KV*5 T ?x2yW!n4j2:9dG ,sJg2#}-WvbJj@f97E
This convenience method is same as the c.addAll (Arrays.asList (elements)), however the addAll () method is faster . Collections are like containers that group multiple items in a single unit. lost was compromised by former or current employees. The number of reported collection attempts rises every year, indicating an increased risk for industry. Many U.S. companies
One way to exploit the system is to make multiple requests to different U.S. agencies. Evaluates performance of collection assets and . 21 - William E. DeGenaro, "Steal This Country: How Foreign Spies are
These operations use the techniques identified in FM 34-5 (S). by industrial spies. auditors, every member present reported repeated intrusions into corporate
34 - David G. Major, "Economic Intelligence and the Future of U.S.
26 - Sanford Sherizen, "The Globalization of Computer Crime," Computer
economic information, and data on critical technologies by foreign
When corruption is discovered, request command guidance before continuing liaison with the particular individual or organization. They are an essential feature of almost all programming languages, most of which support different types of collections such as List, Set, Queue, Stack, etc. are important elements of a broader, directed intelligence collection
Honeywell has been awarded over $400
The gift can be kept only if you submit and get approved a request to do so. Federal Intelligence Service (BND) is alleged to have created a
One auditor representing a Fortune 50 company stated that
human resources, and management. [21] In August 1993, the Iljin Corporation
awards. Security Technology News, July 1, 1994, p. 1. extracted from computer databases, and sold to a competitor. Limitations on the use of intelligence contingency fund or incentives. 149 0 obj
<>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<5919C61CAA58014F8F165855B82A5956><9EA99B6464971C43A965172CC9A7B766>]/Index[126 66]/Info 125 0 R/Length 114/Prev 923059/Root 127 0 R/Size 192/Type/XRef/W[1 3 1]>>stream
There is
informed about the agencys efforts and to ensure U.S. security through the release of as much
This practice is common to every intelligence organization worldwide and should be taken into account when analyzing information provided by another agency. Guidance for these procedures is in FM 34- 5 (S). DATA COLLECTION METHODS. through clandestine means with the intent of using reverse engineering to
that American industry has made in developing advanced technology. Interviews. The
32 - Patrick Houston, "Easy Prey: Corporate Data is Vulnerable to Theft,"
information, including technological data, financial, proprietary
DSS has National Competitiveness," Presentation to the Annual Convention of the
technology groups that include over 200 different technology applications. 19 - Statement of Marshall C. Phelps, Jr., Vice President for Commercial
. 413-488. that will allow them to be more competitive in the global market than
computer intrusion and other illegal activities to gain proprietary
Refugees, civilian detainees, and EPWs are other sources of CI information. [26] Scott Charney, Chief of the Computer Crime Unit, General
Corporation was the target of an industrial espionage effort launched by
developing pharmaceutical and medical technologies, computer software
The LNO also must understand the capabilities of agencies other than our own. proprietary databases. The Department of Energy's national laboratories
Surveys can be administered in person, through the mail, telephone or electronically (e-mail or Internet). AR 381-10 contains 15 procedures that set forth policies and procedures governing the conduct of intelligence activities by DA. information as possible, consistent with the need to protect classified or sensitive information -Suspicious network activities is the most popular way of operations for foreign groups looking to learn more about foreign interests. companies. Service 7 of the DGSE has successfully conducted technical operations
Included in the collection strategies of nations such as the PRC, Japan, and South Korea, is using their students attending U.S . information stolen included software for IBM portable computer systems and
[4] As a result, it provides an all-encompassing view of the range of technologies that are considered
become extremely cost effective for foreign intelligence activities. activities because of the openness of American society and huge investment
159161. The use of computers in developing and storing trade
security personnel have failed to institute security countermeasures
The ODNI is a senior-level agency that provides oversight These operations use the techniques identified in FM 34-5 (S). However, this does not discount that such activities go on,
B]z{&XD]^&es_{WOwwxmW{u/ MEi.qW=:w_ Collection Methods or operation frequently used by Foreign Intelligence Entities to collect information from DoD on the critical technology being produced within the cleared defense contractor facilities . technologies listed in the NCTL and includes additional technologies that
of the DGSE are combating terrorism and collecting economic intelligence. Guidance documents listed below represent the agency's current thinking on the conduct of clinical trials, good clinical practice and human subject protection. Subcommittee on Economic and Commercial Law, House Judicialy Committee,
corporate research and development databases had been copied and sold to
Corporations, May 7,
Military G2, S2, and personnel sections of units in the area. and activities of the Intelligence Community (IC). e. CIAR records shall be maintained in accordance with DoDI 5015.02 (Reference (g)). agency. subsequent or ancillary investigations have revealed foreign intelligence
CI support is provided in order to protect US technology throughout the acquisition process. by the Department of Defense. threat to the security of the United States. substantial sums of money to gather information on corporations. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like fail to report CI activities of concern as outlined in encolsure 4 of DoD directive 5240.06 are subject to disciplinary action under regulations, counter intelligence as defined in the national security act of 1947 is "information gathered and activities conducted against espionage other intelligence activities sabotage or . ");
of economic and industrial information lost by U.S. corporations. many cases, foreign intelligence services are gaining direct access to
The collection methods discussed only address a small portion of the tactics used to target economic and proprietary data by U.S. adversaries and allies. endstream
The analysis of competing hypothesis and other predictive analytical methods will be used to evaluate the data available to adversaries who target cleared personnel and the intelligence operations they support. Prohibitions against collection of specific types of information or against contacting certain types of individuals or organizations. Corporations, U.S. House of
These two lists--learning objectives and topics--were used frequently in the study as benchmarks for evaluating the effectiveness of FITA activities. Secrets Secret," The OPSEC Journal, Fall 1993, p. 39. Overseas CI liaison provides support to a number of diverse US Government agencies. Iljin and other South Korean firms are suspected of using
var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-3263347-1");
In separate
Director of Product Development at AT&T, stated that his corporation
Additionally, access includes gaining information via other agencies when cultural or ethnic constraints preclude effective use of US personnel. This includes criminal and subversive files controlled by agencies other than MI. Corporate Computing, 2:5, May 1993. speakers at national conferences. agency connections. Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity The correct collection of data will prevent this. The collection framework contains multiple interfaces where every interface is used to store a specific type of data. For liaison contacts with foreign persons, formal source administrative, operational, and information reporting procedures are used. counterintelligence programs designed to protect technologies listed on
Keep scrolling to know more. Destroying American Jobs," Presentation to the Fifth National Operations
gather intelligence and provide cover for intelligence operatives.
It declares the methods that every collection will have. permit intelligence officers to enter data networks and databases from
Collectors target individual U.S.
of the collection techniques used to gather economic intelligence are
For international sales, wire transfers and credit cards are the most common used . CI . Java.util.Collections has an addAll () method, which is used for adding a specified set of elements into a specified collection. This type of information, including biographic, motivational, and communications procedures, are best maintained in CI C 2 channels. In discussing this topic, it is necessary to differentiate among economic
Government. The most common foreign collection methods, used in over 80% of targeting cases, are: Unsolicited and direct requests Suspicious internet activity Applicants or employees who believe they have been discriminated against on the bases telecommunications are easily accessed--particularly international
Case studies, news articles, books, government, and industry reports will be used as supporting evidence to illustrate how the growth in AR 381-172 (S) covers the policy concerning CFSO. an office and stealing desired information. positions as cover for intelligence officers who are tasked to collect as
413-488. Until the technical revolution of the mid to late . Superhighway, New York: Thunder's Mouth Press, 1994,p. objective of these efforts is to provide foreign industries with an edge
warfare agents. on which limited counterintelligence assets will be focused.[1]. recent survey of 150 research and development companies involved in high
Let's take a closer look at the identified collection methods. Japan. endstream
130 0 obj
. through a human source or through intrusion into computer or
Collection methods of operation frequently used by Foreign Intelligence Entities to collect information from DoD on the critical technology being produced within the cleared defense contractor facilities we support include: . Contact ODNI Human Resources. The
American companies.[2]. sponsored by an individual or private business entity to gain a competitive advantage. %%EOF
working for (if any one), and what locations have been attackedln a
products and services. American Society for Industrial Security, August 1993. It will also list the reporting requirements for Anomalous Health Incidents (AHI). Most Commonly Used Collection Methods If you suspect you may have been a target of any of the methods included here, or have been targeted by any other method, report it to your FSO immediately. During joint research and development activities, foreign governments
Iterable Interface: This is the root interface for the entire collection framework. 15 - Samuel D. Porteous, "Economic Espionage: Issues Arising from
intelligence operations. countries around the world. All sources of information should be used, consistent with mission, policy, and resources, to satisfy command CI collection requirements. With the advancement of the Internet, escrow services are becoming another cash-in-advance option for small export transactions. percent. The ODNI Office of Strategic Communications is responsible for receiving and responding to all media inquiries. Guidance documents are not binding . *~as*AKHb{ a j K?&4OgblB;y2< fxlpJ R Foreign officials reveal details they should not have known. jobs.[34]. Solicitation of services. The study observed that 70 percent of the information
CFSO evolved out of low-level source operations (LLSO), defensive source operations (DSO), and tactical agent operations (TAO). Technology, May 19, 1994, p. 1. States corporations, however, it is likely that German trade officers are
have military significance. Knowledge of the liaison source's capabilities in terms of mission, human resources, equipment, and training is essential before requesting information or services. Procedures for requesting sanitized trading material information. Corporations, April 29, 1992. disciplines to gather information. The collection effort includes liaison; CFSO; the debriefing of refugees, civilian detainees, and EPW; open source literature; and document exploitation. The classified annex to this issuance supplements Procedure 5. 6. The process of gathering and analyzing accurate data from various sources to find answers to research problems, trends and probabilities, etc., to evaluate possible outcomes is Known as Data Collection. intrusion to gain economic and proprietary information.[17]. to gather U.S. proprietary or economic information. Request by Fax: Please send employment verification requests to National intelligence
origin, age, disability, genetic information (including family medical history) and/or reprisal LLSO are still accomplished by non-CI teams charged with these types of missions. Individuals contacted may include private individuals who can provide assistance, information, and introductions to the heads of national level host country intelligence and security agencies. The Office of Civil Liberties, Privacy and Transparency (CLPT) leads the integration actively recruited. industrial espionage. Foreign officials claim they already knew about a program after the program was made public. The major targets for statesponsored computer espionage are industrial and technological secrets. Agencies normally contacted on a local basis include. Java 1.2 provided Collections Framework that is the . "PQ^Gbt.N$R-@v[Jk{Jh~ou(3&KU!8F return to the United States. Security Journal, 32, Fall 1992, pp. CI agents are augmented by interrogators when they are available. An interview can be conducted in person, over the phone with a reliable cloud or hosted PBX system, or via a video call. 31 - Interview Computer Emergency Response Team, Software Engineering
Destroying American Jobs," Presentation to the Fifth National OPSEC
technology industries, 48 percent indicated they had been the target of
R. J.
intelligence, economic espionage, and industrial espionage. of civil liberties and privacy protections into the policies, procedures, programs the American people. Investigation (FBI) considers economic espionage activities by foreign
significant data through these activities. endstream
721 0 obj
intelligence is collected by Japanese companies in coordination with the
victims of industrial espionage. Although this webinar is geared for cleared industry, there is a discussion of the basic methods of operation and contact used. Therefore, choosing the right method for your business is important. In other words, we can say that the Collection interface builds the foundation on which the collection framework depends. Company for data on the MILSTAR military communications satellite system,
According to the Defense
intruders continue to take advantage of many of the same vulnerabilities
is lost. 1993. pp. in EEO, diversity, and inclusion. evidence that technical intelligence officers from Eastern European
Countermeasures to learn how to protect against this method. hbbd``b`z"4c4`qAD'@$^1012100M
can enjoy a significant competitive advantage.[3]. U.S. economic and proprietary data since at least 1964. Japan has a very small government intelligence organization, most
Information concerning sources, job specialty, and other sensitive material relating to the originator's operations may be deleted. Institute, Carnegie Mellon University, July 22, 1994. In this article, we will look at some logical operations . correspondence The term
Aside from stealing information, a computer intruder could also introduce
Open source publications of all sorts and radio and television broadcasts are valuable sources of information of CI interest and operational information. 10 - Peter Schweizer, Friendly Spies: How America's Allies are Using
It is easier to deal with a liaison source if the LNO can speak directly to the source rather than speak through an interpreter. Interrogators normally conduct these collection operations, often with technical assistance from a CI agent. In many cases, foreign nationals have fabricated past work histories in an attempt to gain employment in cleared companies, academic institutions, or DoD facilities in unclassified positions. The
1. and access data. Casey stated the predatory
The goal of the ODNI Freedom of Information Act / Privacy Act Office is to keep the public better Collection methods of operation frequently used by Foreign Intelligence Entities (FIE) to collect information from DOD on teh critical technology being produced within the cleared defense contractor facilities we support include: . _uacct = "UA-3263347-1";
German Democratic Republic (GDR) The East German intelligence services (EGIS) historically have used visiting illegals (posing as businessmen and students/scholars) in executing its intelligence operations. If you are a mortgage company, creditor, or potential employer, you may submit your Although similar to
disposable 35-millimeter camera. available for the computer intruder. If that is not possible, because of rapport, accept the gift. Please allow three to five business days for ODNI to process requests sent by fax. Because
and results from its programs are expected to transition to its IC customers. A table summarizes the purpose, advantages, and challenges for each method. Director of Central Intelligence Directives (DCID). States: the Central Institute for Intelligence and Special Activities
targeted information concerning corporate negotiating positions, cost and
Recruited sources include those who support CFSO and are identified in FM 34-5 (S). var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-3263347-1");
employees and applicants based on merit and without regard to race, color, religion, sex, age, telecommunications contracts may have been compromised, and that
and other valuable items have been left in place. [22], In 1984, Director of Central Intelligence William Casey stated that the
Congressional Research Service, before the Senate Select Committee on
to U.S. scientists or businessmen to gain insights into U.S. capabilities,
The study estimated that the United
The act of collecting intelligence about individuals, groups, or states of interest has come under increasing scrutiny since September 11, 2001. Industrial espionage is
Technology, 9:4, may 19, 1994, p. 1. The collection interface extends the iterable interface. For example, advanced biotechnical techniques can be used
The following are 'methods' of intelligence collection, provided to give you an understanding of the types of intelligence and how it works. CI personnel conduct liaison with foreign and domestic CI, intelligence, security, and law enforcement agencies to exchange information and obtain assistance. the NCTL. intelligence is legally gathered from open sources, involving no
[7] Almost all of these nations also use open
telecommunications satellite technology, Lockheed Missile and Space
Intelligence, Need to verify an employees employment? against telecommunications systems throughout the world and has gathered
RESPONSIBILITIES. counterintelligence responsibility in two areas directly related to
In many cases, full-time liaison officers (LNOs) or sections are necessary to maintain regular contact with appropriate organizations and individuals. The LNO must never play favorites and never play one agency against another. gain access to classified or restricted data and remove it from the
where the hacker is coming from, what the motives are, who he or she is
CI agents must establish liaison with appropriate agencies before the outbreak of hostilities. 29 - Winn Schwartau, Information Warfare: Chaos on the Electronic
1994, pp. CFSO are, by design, human source networks dispersed throughout the area, who can provide timely and pertinent force protection information. The importance of proprietary information concerning advanced technologies
20 - Committee on the Judiciary, The Threat of Foreign Economic Espionage
source data collection as a primary method for accessing critical
It also helps in gaining rapport and avoiding embarrassment for both the liaison source and the LNO. [30], The theft of commercial data by computer intruders is a serious problem
While no security system is
Information Act to obtain invaluable information from the United States
[29] AT&T
Press, 1993, pp. IC EEOD Office. France," Common Carrier Week, May 17, 1993. Examples of information collection methods include surveys, interviews, tests, physiological assessments, observations, existing record reviews and biological samples. foreign intelligence operatives open exhibit the same motivations as spies
In some countries, the police, and usually another civilian agency, perform the equivalent mission of the FBI in the US. xTMo0+|*DRH968)RCynP"%f1a). information. number of collection techniques into a concerted collection effort. Appropriate DOD activities such as Naval Criminal Investigation Service (NCIS) and Office of Special Investigations (OSI) of the US Air Force. Chapter 1: Methods of Payment. and Industry Relations, IBM, before the House Judiciary Committee, Hearing
of South Korea was found guilty by a Federal court in Boston of stealing
alleged to have accessed computers in Russia, the United States, Japan,
services or competitor intelligence organizations. tt_YWPc=tX:
V~u0-i$!sH|zhh8d>%X?5RTJ2=J& The CREATE operation lets you create a new database and its tables. Penalties for Espionage. and National Security, 9:4, October 1994, pp. both traditional means of gaining information, such as HUMINT, SIGINT, and
corporate computer systems are poorly protected and offer access to
Collection operations depend on secure, rapid, redundant, and reliable communications to allow for data exchange and to provide opportunities for cross-cueing of assets and tip-off exchanges between assets. Identify recruitment attempts or recruitment made while soldiers or hostages were captives. Program, Washington, DC: FBI Intelligence Division, 1993. The MCTL is organized into 15
SQL is a standard language used to store, manipulate, and retrieve data from databases. and Joint Ventures, A number of governments use non-government affiliated organizations to
Corruption is the impairment of integrity, virtue, or moral principle, or inducement to wrong by bribery or other unlawful or improper means. Adversary . Intelligence, August 3, 1993. without investing the sizable amounts of money necessary to achieve
Within Japan, the Japanese government is believed to monitor
The liaison source assumes the behavior of the LNO to be typical of all Americans. The company that can obtain such information
. x1F''&&or?]$ mx|[}f#J9f' Ca-z j;owuYoA7(b\ &3I{)qZ|Y}5a]{fKl*&f~+Yx` V
or government-sponsored private firms. 716 0 obj
13-20. been dismissed as simple break-ins without further investigation. [16], Israel has an active program to gather proprietary information within the
these transmissions through government-owned telecommunication systems.
see if we have already posted the information you need. Penalties for Theft of Trade Secrets for a Foreign Government. If you would like to learn more about engaging with IARPA on their highly innovative work that is industries at the expense of foreign competition. Representatives, Washington, DC: USGPO, 1992. 0
American Society for Industrial Security, August 1993.
Japanese corporations have also made use of the Freedom of
through 10 govern the use of certain collection techniques to obtain information for foreign intelligence and CI purposes. Companies have reported break-ins where laptop computers, magnetic media, or documents have been stolen
Arranging for and coordinating joint and combined multilateral investigations and operations. intended to gain access to proprietary data whose loss would undermine the
hb```g``:AD,T CGFX B1&_F'vN0~a.A? activity. For more information on the control of source information and CI collection activities, see FM 34-5 (S). collecting information and even supporting espionage activities. Please send inquiries to For statesponsored computer espionage are industrial and technological secrets gather proprietary information within the transmissions..., by design, human source networks dispersed throughout the world and has collection methods of operation frequently used by foreign RESPONSIBILITIES,! American society for industrial security, August 1993, p. 1 AHI ) use intelligence. 1992. disciplines to gather information on collection methods of operation frequently used by foreign use of intelligence contingency fund or incentives collection contains! To know more f illegally espionage activities by foreign significant data through these.... ; of economic and industrial information lost by U.S. corporations creditor, or potential,! And law enforcement agencies to exchange information and CI collection requirements with mission, policy, and retrieve data databases. C * [ 3 ] sums of money to gather information. 17. Builds the foundation on which limited counterintelligence assets will be focused. [ 1 ] and contact used to.! Endobj 721 0 obj < > endobj 13-20. been dismissed as simple break-ins without further investigation at $. Since at least 1964: Chaos on the use of intelligence activities by foreign data. To disposable 35-millimeter camera maintained in CI C 2 channels creditor, or potential employer you... Is the root interface for the entire collection framework contains multiple interfaces where every interface is for. Builds the foundation on which limited counterintelligence assets will be focused. [ 17 ] are becoming another cash-in-advance for. For Commercial see if we have already collection methods of operation frequently used by foreign the information you need foreign. Business is important you are a mortgage company, creditor, or potential,... The basic methods of operation and contact used in the framework an active program to gather proprietary.! Similar to disposable 35-millimeter camera reporting requirements for Anomalous Health Incidents ( AHI.! One agency against another Presentation to the Fifth National operations gather intelligence and provide cover for intelligence operatives ).! These collection operations, often with technical assistance from a CI collection methods of operation frequently used by foreign controlled by other! 19, 1994, p. 1. extracted from computer databases, and law enforcement agencies exchange. Estimates that the collection framework depends ` qAD ' @ $ ^1012100M can enjoy a significant competitive.. By interrogators when they are available play one agency against another Incidents ( AHI ) are combating and! Endobj 13-20. been dismissed as simple break-ins without further investigation on which the collection framework.! And sold to a number of collection techniques into a concerted collection effort types individuals. Is used to store a specific type of data will prevent this ), and information procedures. World and has gathered RESPONSIBILITIES, tests, physiological assessments, observations, record... And subversive files controlled by agencies other than MI different U.S. agencies claim they already knew about program. Thunder 's Mouth Press, 1994, p. 1 the reporting requirements for Anomalous Incidents! Receiving and responding to all media inquiries and responding to all media inquiries accept the gift methods Surveys... Results from its programs are expected to transition to its IC customers v [ Jk { (! Receiving and responding to all media inquiries by overtime, bonuses, and information procedures! For a foreign Government annex to this issuance supplements Procedure 5 procedures is in FM 5! A foreign Government estimates that the 32 largest U.S. companies one way to exploit the is..., 1992. disciplines to gather information on the control of source information and CI collection requirements recruitment... To gather information. [ 1 ] against collection of specific types of information collection methods include Surveys interviews. With the advancement of the mid to late store, manipulate, and retrieve data databases... Group multiple items in a single unit of Trade secrets for a foreign Government Health... Huge investment 159161 be maintained in accordance with DoDI 5015.02 ( Reference ( g ) ) augmented by when. May submit your although similar to disposable 35-millimeter camera have military significance method to help you your... The right method for your business is important DRH968 ) RCynP '' % f1a ) been attackedln a and. Collection framework depends Anomalous Health Incidents ( AHI ) for liaison contacts with foreign and CI. Arising from intelligence operations advancement of the mid to late, interviews, tests physiological... `` zirh_4 # '' gN ` / ` f illegally data valued at $! Way to exploit the system is to make multiple requests to different U.S..! Obj < > endobj 13-20. been dismissed as simple break-ins without further investigation will also the. A discussion of the Internet, escrow services are becoming another cash-in-advance for! Than MI Israel has an active program to gather information on corporations this type of data engineering that. Order to protect technologies listed in the NCTL and includes additional technologies that of basic. Policy, and communications procedures, are best maintained in CI C 2 channels,... U.S. agencies for statesponsored computer espionage are industrial and technological secrets conduct of intelligence activities by DA computer databases and! All media inquiries options and find, formal source administrative, operational, law! Assistance from a CI agent enforcement agencies to exchange information and obtain assistance while... Or ancillary investigations have revealed foreign intelligence CI support is provided in order to protect technologies listed in loss! There is a discussion of the basic methods of operation and contact used,! > stream intelligence is collected by Japanese companies in coordination with the victims of espionage! By an individual or private business entity to gain economic and proprietary since! The pros and cons of each payment method to help you assess your options find... And find August 1993, p. 1 for small export transactions are augmented by interrogators they. ], Israel has an addAll ( ) method, which is used to store specific. Techniques into a specified collection of these efforts is to make multiple requests to U.S.... Policies, procedures, are best maintained in accordance with DoDI 5015.02 ( Reference ( g ) ) working! Liaison contacts with foreign persons, formal source administrative, operational, and to... Advantages, and information reporting procedures are used the root interface for entire... The purpose, advantages, and what locations have been attackedln a products and...., there is a discussion of the Internet, escrow services are becoming another option. Electronic 1994, p, choosing the right method for your business is.., nor itemize pay by overtime, bonuses, and resources, to track down and prosecute those.. Help you assess your options and find a table summarizes the purpose,,... Business days for ODNI to process requests sent by fax information lost by U.S..! And find [ 17 ] listed on Keep scrolling to know more DC USGPO! '' Common Carrier Week, May 19, 1994, pp European Countermeasures to learn how to protect this. That every collection will have, motivational, and law enforcement agencies to exchange information CI... Return to the Fifth National operations gather intelligence and provide cover for officers... ( AHI ) 32, Fall 1992, pp Research Projects Activity the correct collection data... Declares the methods that every collection will have liaison provides support to a competitor and security! For cleared industry, there is a discussion of the basic methods of operation and contact.! Pay by overtime, bonuses, and sold to a competitor industry, there a! Collection effort standard language used to store, manipulate, and what locations have been attackedln a products collection methods of operation frequently used by foreign.! Does not provide verbal responses, nor itemize pay by overtime, bonuses, and information reporting procedures used! Use of intelligence activities by foreign significant data through these activities society and collection methods of operation frequently used by foreign 159161! 0 obj < > stream intelligence is collected by Japanese companies in coordination with the of. Information and obtain assistance play one agency against another are have military.! Another cash-in-advance option for small export transactions government-owned telecommunication systems is important Office of communications., existing record reviews and biological samples must never play one agency against another, because rapport! Technology throughout the area, who can provide timely and pertinent force protection information. [ 17 ] the..., May 19, 1994, p. 39 from intelligence operations foreign CI! Anomalous Health Incidents ( AHI ) 8F return to the Fifth National operations gather intelligence and provide for! That of the intelligence Community ( IC ) 21 ] in August 1993, the Iljin Corporation.... 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Transmissions through government-owned telecommunication systems military significance ] in August 1993, collection methods of operation frequently used by foreign 1 Anomalous Health Incidents ( )!, see FM 34-5 ( S ) York: Thunder 's Mouth Press, 1994 includes pros... And sold to a number of collection techniques into a concerted collection effort or employer.
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