Youll have the opportunity to make corrections and additions to this paperwork. Immigration hearings are held in front of a judge at the Executive Office for Immigration Review (EOIR). It wont hang over your head indefinitely. The AG agreed that either of these bases was a sufficient reason for dismissal, because Ms. S-O-G- was already subject to a removal order. En Espaol (202) 888-2115. . Farhad Sethna has practiced law for over 25 years. However, if they are 18 or older, receive dismissal under PD, and do not have a claim pending at the Asylum Office, then the youth will accrue unlawful presence which could foreclose access to different forms of relief in the future. What Does It Mean When an Immigration Case Is Terminated? It wont hang over your head indefinitely. Do not ignore this document. . Id. An IJ continues to maintain the authority to terminate for any nondiscretionary basis supported by the BIA or judicial decisions, for example lack of subject matter discretion, improperly served NTA, regulatory violations, or res judicata. We have seen this, for example . (a) Prior to commencement of proceedings. DHS opposed the termination arguing that removability had been established, and that F-D-B- could pursue consular processing with voluntary departure. Pro: If your client has a weak case for relief from removal, they can avoid future hearings and a likely order of removal. For example, you may receive an NTA if youre a permanent resident who was charged with a crime. There are few exceptions. 239.2(a)(7) (2018) to dismiss removal proceedings upon finding that it is an abuse of the asylum process for an alien to file a meritless asylum application with the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) for the sole purpose of pursuing cancellation . This is especially true if your case was terminated because you filed for an immigration benefit from U.S. When an immigration judge terminates a case, its removed from the docket entirely. An individual hearing, also known as a merits hearing, is when the judge listens to everyones evidence and arguments. 2021 American Bar Association | CILA Children's Immigration Law Academy, Niz-Chavez, Pereira, and Notices to Appear., New CILA Resource: Tips for Working with Migrant Children and Trauma-Informed Lawyering, CILA 2022 Annual Report Shares Highlights, Resources to Help Advocates Working with Immigrant Youth Navigate Medical Care, CILA Legal Internship Application Open for Summer 2023. What Is an Immigrant Visa Number and How Can I Get One? When a respondent does not concede removability and instead denies the allegations and charges, termination is appropriate if DHS cannot meet its burden. Here's what makes one eligible for adjustment of status during removal proceedings: Having been inspected/paroled and then admitted to the U.S.; so, if you entered the country without inspection, you are not going to be eligible. There are three main parts to an immigration removal hearing: An initial hearing, which is sometimes called the master calendar hearing (MCH). A motion to terminate asks an IJ to end a case by alleging that the governments charges are substantively or procedurally defective. Now, as a U.S. citizen, the cas. It only takes a moment to sign up. Pro: For immigrants with criminal convictions who do not have a strong defense to removability, this motion can be strategically advantageous. system. Thus, immigration attorneys often advise foreign nationals to . For example, you may tell the judge that you meet the eligibility requirements for a green card, and you want to apply for one. Attorney General Jeff Sessions issued a decision last Tuesday under his review authority in Matter of S-O-G-and F-E-B-, in which he clarified the authority of immigration judges to terminate or dismiss removal proceedings. Executive Office for Immigration Review (EOIR). During the initial hearing, the judge will also decide if theres a realistic way for you to win your case. Then, youll be asked to take the stand. The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) prosecutes, arrests, and detains respondents in deportation proceedings. We develop and sustain a network of nonprofit programs that serve over 500,000 immigrants every year. Being ordered deported means that either an immigration judge or an immigration officer has determined that you are not permitted to remain in the United States and ordered your departure. Otherwise, according to the AG, the IJ must allow for removal proceedings to continue if the charges in the NTA can be sustained, and order persons removed unless, of course, they merit relief from removal. There are three main parts to an immigration removal hearing: An initial hearing, which is sometimes called the master calendar hearing (MCH). When an immigration judge terminates a case, its removed from the docket entirely. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS). advocating for fair and just immigration policies that acknowledge the inherent dignity and value of all people. When requesting PD, it is important to present as much mitigating evidence and positive equities as possible which can include a pending application for relief or approval of alternative relief if applicable. If you have a qualifying approved petition and your case is pending before an Immigration Judge it is important to obtain the assistance of an experienced Immigration Attorney. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS). Next, the AG vacated the BIAs decision in Ms. F-D-B-s case, concluding that the IJ improperly terminated removal proceedings. Note that in some contexts, such as situations where the respondent is eligible for U or T nonimmigrant status, DHS regulations expressly contemplate joint motions to terminate without prejudice to allow for USCIS adjudication of the application. One had a hearing date scheduled before the Immigration far in the future. United States, aborting his pending immigration proceedings and the relief available to him at the time, violated his right to due process of law."). Write down any dates the judge gives you. However, both clients were in proceedings before an Immigration Judge. There are a few parts to an NTA. They will look for holes in DHS case and explain any defenses you have to the judge. Motions to terminate can also include reasons why someone qualifies for a specific immigration benefit, an adjustment of status, or if they are eligible for naturalization. An initial hearing is sometimes called a master calendar hearing (MCH). 1003.23 (b) (1). If it doesnt have this information, youll receive a separate Notice of Hearing document with it. Later, according to the AGs opinion, DHS learned that Ms. S-O-G- had been previously ordered removedin absentia, and DHS moved to dismiss removal proceedings without prejudice. Although this paperwork can seem daunting, its important to complete your application or petition. Questions and inquiries can be sent to If you dont attend your initial hearing, the judge can grant the governments request to remove you. Removal proceedings where the respondent has a credible fear of persecution or torture. These grounds are where the respondent: (1) is a national of the U.S.; (2) is not deportable or inadmissible; (3) is deceased; (4) is not in the U.S.; (5) failed to file a timely petitionbut the failure was excused; (6) the NTA was improvidently issued; or (7) circumstances in the case have changed. Its OK to be nervous in front of the judge but dont leave out important information. ICE attorneys can review non-priority cases for dismissal without the respondents affirmative request under PD, so it is important to be prepared to oppose the motion to dismiss if the respondent wants to proceed with the pursual of immigration relief before the court. This decision, however, does not affect motions to terminate that are grounded in law. Some people choose to make a list of defenses in advance and then read them to the judge during the hearing so they dont forget anything. The general policy of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) today is to oppose termination of these cases before an Immigration Judge. Immigration court proceedings have typically been terminated when the government could not adequately demonstrate that a noncitizen was removable as charged, or to allow them to apply for immigration benefits from U.S. Do You Need To Provide Tax Returns To File for Naturalization? In reaching this conclusion, the Court focused on 8 CFR 1003.10(b) and 8 CFR 1003.1(d)(1)(ii), which give IJs and the BIA the power to take any action that is appropriate and necessary to dispose of a case. If the Immigration Judge grants your application, you will be given the Post-Order Instructions for Individuals Granted Relief or Protection from Removal by Immigration Court (PDF, 235.78 KB) at the conclusion of the removal proceedings. At a master calendar hearing, the respondent must admit or deny the charges brought against them. There are a few parts to an NTA. We hope you will join us. Again, make sure you attend every hearing. This process can take a while, but its necessary to ensure that you can remain in the country legally. At an immigration removal proceeding, an immigration judge decides whether someone may stay in the United States. Citizenship and Immigration Services in June 2022 and determined that a noncitizen inadmissible for a specified time due to unlawful presence and a subsequent departure is not required to reside outside the United States to overcome this ground of inadmissibility. This would allow the respondent to be able to file an I-485 application directly with USCIS . The government must prove its case. Termination of a removal proceeding is one form of relief in an immigration case. Being placed in deportation proceedings means that the government is starting a process that could end in an order of removal. This is called granting their motion in absentia. When can an immigration judge terminate proceedings? If your removal proceedings are terminated, so you're no longer in deportation proceedings in front of a judge. You can remain in the country legally, at least for the time being. They can also send it to your attorney or your last known address. Written by Amelia Neimi. Tell the judge if any of the facts in the NTA are incorrect. This regulation allows for the government counsel to seek dismissal of the case based on grounds set out in 8 CFR 239.2(a). When you go to the initial hearing, there may be many people in the courtroom for the same reason. An individual hearing may take up to four hours. Filing a Motion To Terminate Removal Proceedings. However, this authority is not carte blanche, but has been circumscribed by the Attorney General to limiting cases arising out of three fact patterns: Therefore, Matter of Coronado-Acevedo is a very significant immigration decision which could result in substantial immigration relief for aliens who find themselves in one of the above three categories. Then, a master calendar hearing is held, followed by an individual hearing. As of Oct. 1, 2018, the attorney general has required immigration judges to complete 700 cases per year. The pressure of case quotas can feel ever-present to an immigration judge. What Is an Immigration Removal Proceeding? The IJ may schedule an evidentiary hearing, at which time the court will hear arguments about the motion to terminate, and, if it is denied, any defenses to removal that may be applicable, so it is important to be prepared for both outcomes. DHS appealed the IJs termination order. Youll probably walk out of the court with a final order in your hand. After everyone has finished testifying, the DHS attorney and your attorney will make statements of law about why you should, or shouldnt, be removed from the U.S. Third, the NTA will list the charges against you and explain what laws they think youve violated. So, let's go ahead and terminate proceedings so that they can adjust their status with USCIS." And given the long and heavy court backlog that we find in immigration court, the judges these days are interested and willing to go ahead and terminate proceeding so that you can adjust your status. This process typically begins when someone receives a Notice to Appear. You can do one of two things: 1). Attorney General Decision Restores Ability of Immigration Judges to Terminate Removal. DHS attorneys have the option to reopen closed cases down the road. Do not skip this hearing. Pro: Another reason to file for termination is if a client qualifies for an immigration benefit or relief outside of the court or is eligible for naturalization. 8757 Georgia Avenue, Suite 850, Silver Spring, MD 20910 However, depending on your immigration status and immigration goals, you may still have a good amount of paperwork or additional applications to complete. The memo encourages immigration judges to send scheduling orders to the parties before a hearing, asking their positions on administrative closure. CILA builds capacity for those working to advance the rights of children seeking protection through trainings, technical assistance, and collaboration. For example, on June 21, 2018, the U.S. Supreme Court, in an 8-1 decision, held that the stop-time provision of the cancellation of removal physical presence eligibility requirement is not triggered by service of a document styled as a notice to appear (NTA . the immigration judge that the LPR meets the exception in INA 101(a)(13)(C) and is also inadmi ssible. We cultivate projects that support and defendvulnerable immigrant populations by: History has taught us that people who step up can make a difference. My attorney filed a joint motion to terminate with ICE and thanks God they approved it. The first memo is the Mayorkas Memo, issued in September 2021, which enumerates three categories for how ICE prosecutors should prioritize cases: (A) Threat to National Security, (B) Threat to Public Safety and (C) Threat to Border Security. Finally, the NTA will tell you your rights for the hearing. proceedings, you must apply for Adjustment of Status in immigration court before the judge. Youll need to take an oath swearing that you will tell the truth. What if I Have a Pending Petition With USCIS? Then, the DHS lawyer will ask you questions. Be sure to carefully follow them. The immigration judge may also have some questions for you. CILA serves nonprofit, pro bono, and private sector legal advocates who work with children in immigration-related proceedings. at 272, 293 . What Is an Immigration Removal Proceeding? People facing deportation can present arguments about why the government is wrong. This will allow you to stay in the country legally and possibly become a lawful permanent resident so you dont have to worry about immigration removal hearings or deportation procedures again in the future. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) subsequently adjudicated but did not grant the respondent's application for asylum under section 208 of the Act; or the respondent was included in a spouse . His practice is limited to immigration and small business. The motion to dismiss is stipulated in 8 CFR 1239.2(c). If you dont, the judge can issue an order for your removal. Coral Gables, Fl 33234. See, e.g., 8 CFR 1216.4(a)(6) (allowing termination on joint motion after conditional lawful permanent resident status is approved); 1235.5(b)(5)(iv) (allowing for termination for LPRs, asylees, and refugees in expedited removal proceedings whose status has not been terminated); 1245.13(l) (directing that, in cases of Nicaraguans and Cubans applying for adjustment under section 202 of Pub. Main Phone: (301) 565-4800 /Main Fax: (301) 565-4824. Unrestricted Liberty to Make Arbitrary Decisions? We are based out of Silver Spring, Maryland (Washington, D.C. metropolitan area), with an office in Oakland, California, and additional staff working from locations throughout the country. When a case is terminated, its removed from immigration court. Even if you cant be deported right now, you still need to finish the steps to officially receive your benefit and remain in the country legally. The IJ granted DHSs motion, and Ms. S-O-G- appealed to the BIA. This is part of the Department of Justice. After Ms. F-D-B-s family based petition was approved, the IJ administratively closed her case so that she could apply for a provisional waiver, which was also approved. Call to schedule your free initial consultation today or conveniently do so on our website. They may also talk about persecution in your home country, as a way to support arguments why you shouldnt be deported. Finally, the NTA will tell you your rights for the hearing. Under the Immigration and Nationality Act ("INA" or "Act"), parties to proceedings before EOIR may file a motion to reopen or reconsider certain decisions of immigration judges or the Board of Immigration Appeals ("BIA" or "Board"). The first hearing should be at least 10 days after the NTA. What Happens if My Removal Proceedings Are Terminated? delay, dismiss, or terminate proceedings where . For example, you may be at risk of deportation if youve been convicted of a crime. Prosecutorial discretion does not confer any benefits other than avoiding deportation, and you will not receive permission to work in the U.S. unless you qualify for a work permit independently. When a case is terminated, its removed from immigration court. Issue an order for your removal proceedings are terminated, its removed from docket. Phone: ( 301 ) 565-4800 /Main Fax: ( 301 when can an immigration judge terminate proceedings /Main! Who step up can make a difference of Status in immigration court someone may stay in NTA... Grounded in law now, as a U.S. citizen, the NTA defense to removability, this motion can sent! 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