single purpose police k9 for salesingle purpose police k9 for sale
No matter what type of dog you are looking for we can provide you the perfect dog for your specific needs. These dogs are professionaly trained and can be used for security services, as a police dog or an army dog. 2023 Pacific Coast K9 | All rights reserved. There is a very large pool of Our certification standards far exceed the requirements of many jurisdictions. Feb 2, 2018 | Sold GAK9 Dogs This female German Shepherd is earmarked for dual purpose Police K9 or SAR, Trailing & Detection. Dia will be suitable for law enforcement or an experienced SAR handler. However to do this jobproperly, administrators must allow the unit to benefit from the besttraining, both initial training as well as maintenance training (16hours a month is the minimum industry standard of training hoursno matter what the dog is trained to do). Tynne has off the charts drive and is currently undergoing training. We offer a wide selection of Police & Service Dogs for sale. In households where at least one parent is addicted to drugs, children experience high levels of criticism, negativity, inconsistency, insecurity, and sometimes even neglect. Blue will be suitable for law enforcement or K9 Cu Bocan is earmarked for dual purpose Police K9 or SAR, Trailing & Detection. If you decideto run a tracking dog without apprehension capability, security teamsgoing with the dog are an absolute necessity. We just started his trailing training and this will not be complete until he is 10 months old. Shax has off the charts drive and is currently undergoing training. Dual Purpose Police K9: This will be a dog that has passed the selection process described above, and will have received countless hours of training prior to beginning the basic handler class. Her expected finish date is November 2018. But not only that. If the bite is accidental the department is liable. (tracking or area and building searches) by necessity take K9 officersto danger. Super strong, young K9. Fully trained K9 dogs can still be Single Purpose Dogs. SEMINARS. She will be trained in the five basic narcotics odors if going to LE. The Iredell County Sheriffs Office arrested a man on drug charges after finding 186 MDMA tablets in his vehicle. Or send email to . AALA will be suitable for law HanoverianHoundNya is earmarked for dual purpose Police K9 or SAR, Trailing & Detection. This is a 1% type dog. Workability: He will be a single purpose K9 in Drug Detection. Civil yet social, with drives that are over the top, this makes him an ideal K9 dog for any department. Oct 21, 2018 | Bloodhounds for Sale, GAK9 Dogs for Sale. Narcotics Detection 4. View Belgian Malinois Puppies For Sale for information about our careful feeding, vaccination and socialization program. Onsite Detection Services Consulting Workshops. purpose canine. Our law enforcement, military, and SAR dogs are the best in the business for many reasons. The welfare of our dogs is very important to us, and while the dogs are in our care we assure them an excellent quality of life in clean, well-attended accommodations. After approaching the vehicle, the deputies encountered [two men in the vehicle], according to the news release. McDonough K-9's dual purpose dogs are trained for police patrol and narcotics detection. We train, test, buy and sell K9 Dogs, KNPV Dogs and other working and service dogs. Toggle Bar. Irene, we could tell you trained him with love. DOGS FOR SALE All Explosive Dogs Narcotic Dogs Vapor Dogs Personal Protection Dogs Weapons/Currency Dogs Dual Dogs Tracking Dogs Sold Dogs K9 JACK Narcotics Dogs, Sold Dogs,Sold to Kenedy County Sheriffs Department K9 KELLI Narcotics Dogs,Sold Dogs,Sold to Pharr Police Department K9 DYLAN Narcotics Dogs,Weapons Dogs,Sold Dogs,Sold to Donna ISD K9 BENI Explosive Dogs,Sold K9 [] That's all homes for sale in Bayonne, France we have matching your search today. 2.3 Dig Em Out Kennel Name: Wissfire Toy Poodles/ Joan P Scott Breeder Name: Joan Scott Location: Wilmington, DE 19808 Phone: (302) 540-5432 Distinctions STANDARD AKC BREEDER OF MERIT CLUB MEMBER Breeder . For Information on Featured K9s For Sale Click Here: Note: She will be trained in the five basic narcotics odors if going to LE. Providing the most advanced training methods for Law Enforcement & specialized Service Dogs in North America! Our Police K-9 training courses are approved by the Ohio Peace Officers Training Academy (OPOTA). This course includes both classroom and practical field work. She will be trained in the five basic narcotics odors if going to LE. security officer are the dogs protection. K9-Trader establishes working relationships with breeders, trainers and training facilities to provide you with the best selection of green, trained and working dogs. Malinois and German shepherd or crosses of these two breeds are Police Service Dogs available on order request from our USA and European Kennel facilities! and other hunting breeds can often make great single purpose dogs. CLICK HERE for a detailed "K9 Price Quote", Global Supplier of Police K9s, Service Dogs, & Official Training. 2.2 Bonnies Rat Terriers. Pacific Coast K9 provides both dogs and handler training using the most current, modern methods. We can provide top quality, importedGerman Shepherds,Belgian Malinois,Labrador Retrievers, Dutch Shepherds, Golden Retrievers, Spaniels, Jack Russell Terriers and other working breeds upon request. However, lets face the reality, ithappens all the time when handlers of dual purposedogs track on their own, or because the securityofficer cannot keep up with the team, the handlergets to the subject only with his dog. Choose a vendor. Most vendors stock more Malinois and Shepherd single The last issue I want to bring up is breed. direct imports from Western and Eastern Europe. She will be suitable for law enforcement or an experienced SAR handler. Athos is earmarked for Police K9 or SAR, Trailing. makes a proper apprehension will inflict some physical damage on Depending on the jobs they will perform. Check out these incredible German Shepherd pups we have available! Ace Single Purpose Dog Ace Male Black Lab DOB July 13th, 2018 Single Purpose Narcotics Price $5,000 If interested please email us at We've got puppies! SAGA has solid drive and is currently undergoing training in trailing. Course length/hours are tailored to your specific requirements. Randy Police Dogs offers Trained Dogs for detection and protection work. Green K9 - Single and Dual purpose 2. Learn More Back to Top Home| Who We Are| Dog Training| Pet Boarding | K9 Imports| Contact Blue Streak K9 1267 CR 730 K9 LEAP Grant Contact us to discuss your agency's specific K-9 needs. Our K9's are bred for POLICE WORK! Bolt is earmarked for Police K9 or SAR, Trailing. Personal Protection Puppies An agency deciding between a single propose K9 that can track, and a dual purpose canine, despite the additional perceived liability DUAL PURPOSE POLICE DOG GRANT. The dual purpose K9 not only provides theapprehension function on tracks, but offers thishandler protection function during all manner ofpolice-citizen encounters. Protection Dogs are dogs trained to guard and protect. He will be suitable for law enforcement or an experienced SAR handler. The K9 LEAP Grant Funding Assistance program approval requires the Police Service Dog (Single, Dual, or Multi-Purpose K9), Official Handlers Course training, and National Certification, to be provided by K9wdi. While we specialize in sporting breeds, (Labradors, Golden Retrievers, Pointers, Spaniels), we also have German Shepherds and Belgian Malinois available for single purpose work. They can be used for tracking, bite work and search & rescue. She has superior hunting skills and is very social in all environments, making her an ideal choice for any type of search, patrol or tracking mission. An agency deciding between a single propose K9 that can track, Bullocks K-9 training uses groundbreaking techniques and concepts in how dogs are deployed in law enforcement. There are numerous ways that a drug dog can be used as a force for good in society, but sometimes, even just their sheer presence can be beneficial. Path is a single purpose female trailing bloodhound. K9s save the lives of a lot of subjects not wanting to go to jail,who are willing to resist. Worldwide resource to buy and sell Police, Military, Personal Protection, Service and Sport Dogs for Organisational, Commercial or Private use. Pacific Coast K9 has established themselves as the industry leader in high drive single purpose sporting breeds for detection work from untrained or green canines, odor imprinted or fully trained detection dogs with handler classes! Fiona is a 12-month-old Malinois that is perfect for detection work. case with either a single or dual purpose K9. Law enforcement agencies have a critical role to play when it comes to removing drugs from our streets. With a door popper, thedog can be brought out to the handler to assist in many potential life threateningsituations. Both single and dual purpose K-9 teams participated in the certification event. Keeping these harmful substances out of communities can help to alleviate these problems. 38 Rust Lane Boerne, Texas 78006 TXDPS lic # C18891201 | ph. Police K9 Pricing: $6,500.00 to $18,500.00 (depending on the K9's operational purpose and current degree of training) Note: The K9 LEAP Grant Funding Assistance program approval requires the Police Service Dog (Single, Dual, or Multi-Purpose K9), Official Handlers Course training, and National Certification, to be provided by K9wdi. Reign has off the charts drive and is currently undergoing training. [et_social_follow icon_style="slide" Freyja is a female earmarked for dual purpose Police K9 or SAR, Trailing & Detection. 2022 -PUPPIES FOR SALE NOW - EUROPEAN IMPORTS! purpose dog may not get much use if you dont have the manpower The .pdf version with photos from The Journal magazineJournal-Single-Vs-Dual-Purpose-K9. He will be trained in the five basic narcotics odors if going to LE. Ralf K9 offers German Shepherds, Belgian Malinois. Our training director, Lazaro Cabrera, is a certified police K-9 handler, trainer, and a certification Judge. Application deadlines, grant amounts, and program terms and availability are subject to change without notice. Randy Police Dogs offers just the right dog for the right task. K9 Coda will be trained in the five basic narcotics odors if going to LE. Law Enforcement Funding Assistance Program: When a family is affected by drug misuse, it is children - at key developmental points in their lives - who are often impacted most severely. Police Dogs For Sale Spectrum Canine, The Bay Area's #1 Dog Trainer, Call Now (510) 405-4766 Contact Us Bay Area Police K9 Dogs For Sale At Spectrum Canine we start with selecting the highest quality dogs available from sources across the world. She will be trained in the five basic narcotics odors if going to LE. She would be a great addition to any department or team. We hand select after careful testing only the best prospects with particular attention to future work in scent detection and tracking/ trailing and nobody chooses puppies like we do. Tri-State K9 has supplied Weirton Police (WV) with 4 dual and 1 single purpose K9's. These teams have been certified through OPOTA and WVPCA. KANE has off the charts drive and is currently undergoing training in trailing. HERA will be suitable for law Hanoverian HoundTynne is earmarked for dual purpose Police K9 or SAR, Trailing & Detection. with a single purpose K9 the officer is attached to the dog by a lead, and so when the K9 arrives at the subject, the handler and his security officer are the dog's protection. Drug use and drug abuse has several negative impacts for communities, which can make the job even harder for law enforcement personnel. Blade is a single purpose male trailing Oger Polskli (Polish Bloodhound). KHOJA has off the charts drive and is currently undergoing training. In the end, the decision will come down to the factors mentioned 2 Boston Terrier Puppies for Sale in Georgia. Training; Canine Selection; K-9 Handler Selection; Curriculum; Sample Policy . Single purpose dogs are used primarily for either patrol duties or detection duties. dog shows its value with seizures, arrests, and location of suspects thetown and agency will see the value of expanding the program andconsider a dual purpose dog. It increases productivity and focus at work. 35% of 12th graders reporting they had smoked marijuana in the past year. Here Bill is photographed hand-selecting dogs in Germany. Tactical Detection K9 specializes in the training, utilization and sale of a variety of professional working dogs, including: Single purpose K9 - Drug/ Bomb/ Electronic (cell phones, sim cards, hard drives) Dual purpose K9 - Patrol and either/ or Drug/ Bomb Detection Personal Protection K9 for homes and businesses Many departments that are looking to start a K9 unit are With dual purpose The Jagdhund is a hound selected specifically for its ideal tracking/ and tailing traits. Contact us for a detailed Proposal & Price Quote. These security and protection dogs will keep you safe at all times. K9s and having dogs in general. Summer 2019 Journal Patrol Keys To Street Readiness. He has super high drive and is fearless. Vito, a male Gonczy Polski, is available for Police K9 or SAR Trailing. The pups retained at Ruidoso Malinois are ultimately trained as Police K9s or Personal Protection dogs. He excelled immediately, as he possesses the correct temperament, and the proper tools genetically. In a tracking situation Antler is also environmentally sound, making him an ideal choice for any law enforcement or security agency. Even with propertargeting training, grip training to keep the dogs apprehension stablefor a proper bite and hold, and efficient handling, a dog bite willcause some damage. We have over 50 years experience in the selection, training, and handling of working canines. the dog brings your officers to danger, the dog himself is animmeasurable asset for effecting the apprehension, or deescalatingthe situation, and allowing a safer arrest for all involved. Training is essential. Left: Bill Heiser is renowned for his skills in selecting police dogs. These statistics demonstrate the scale of the problem facing our society when it comes to drug misuse. Very social, Zeek is 13 months old. With his rigorous training and keen sense of smell, Elvis can be relied on to find even the smallest traces of illegal substances. She's in our development program and will be a super dual-purpose candidate. These dogs are trained to track down poachers in many different environments and under all kinds of circumstances. Our kennel is located in the cool, scenic mountains of southeast New Mexico, within minutes of the resort town of Ruidoso, 2 hours south of Albuquerque and 2 hours north of El Paso, Texas. She has off the charts drive and is currently undergoing training. [et_social_follow icon_style="slide" icon_shape="rounded" icons_location="top" col_number="auto" outer_color="dark" NERO is earmarked for dual purpose Police K9 or SAR. He will be trained in the four basic narcotics odors if going to LE. All dogs from Upstate K-9 4-Upstate K-9 Police Dogs!!!!! HERA has off the charts drive and is currently undergoing training. Bavarian Mountain Hound Wrath is earmarked for dual purpose Police K9 or SAR, Trailing & Detection. We currently have Police Service Dogs For Sale: Available NOW! He's social but very strong in the bite work. When you get your dog it will not be a green young adult, it will be a fully functioning college graduate! NERO has off the charts drive and is currently undergoing training in trailing. Super social great hunt and retrieve. This girl is really something to watch already. Print Page. I had an awesome time bonding with my K9 partner. pest and disease control in agriculture; property management companies concord, nc; lean cuisine cook time microwave. Their amazing olfactory sense allows them todo this job quickly, efficiently and reliably. Because the decision to go with the single purpose dog over the By definition Single Purpose Dogs are trained for one purpose only. Loca, a female Gonczy Polski, is available for Police K9 or SAR Trailing. Our dual purpose handler courses last for four weeks and total 160 hours of training. We love to see drug dogs we have trained going on to make a difference by identifying illegal substances and protecting local communities. Call 877-903-3647. If you have an interest please drop us a line. is important to remember that an accidental bite, from any police RIVEN will be suitable Hanover Hound Bane a male is earmarked for dual purpose Police K9 or SAR, Trailing & Detection. The more the subjects resists, and the longer the K9 Listed below are some of the topics covered during our Drug Dog Handler Courses: Basic Odor TheoryProper Handling TechniquesCanine Case LawRecord Keeping & Report WritingCanine First Aid & CPRProper Detection Training Aid Handling and Storage, Advanced Detection & InterdictionScent Discrimination TrailingVariable Surface TrailingTactical TrackingPolice K9 Agility. Dual purpose dogs are trained to combine these duties in one K9. A Single Purpose Dog that has one task to perform will excel at that task if it has been properly selected and properly trained for that task. Storm will be suitable for law enforcement or K9 Blue is earmarked for dual purpose Police K9 or SAR, Trailing & Detection. Pacific Coast K9 is a privately-owned canine training facility located in Northwest Washington State close to the U.S. / Canadian border. Refresher training is available for as long as you own the dog. The steep increase in the use and circulation of illegal drugs has led to devastating effects in our society. Classes can be conducted either onsite or offsite. Xena is a single purpose female trailing bloodhound. We dont just train successful drug dogs we train successful drug dog teams. Vito will ready December 2017. This is Sowla, a 10-month-old malinois with tremendous drive. [et_social_follow Hanoverian Hound K9 OSKAR is a male is earmarked for dual purpose Police K9 or SAR, Trailing & Detection. GAK9 is on the cutting edge of Tracking/ Trailing dog development. Officer / K9 Handler Training, , Advanced Tactical & Interdiction Courses that will ensure optimum performance and proficiency on the Streets and in Court, to truly impact the Communities you serve! K9 Freyja will be trained in the five basic narcotics odors if going to LE. 19 month old German shepherd Odin. The first step is to check references. K9 Training Programs Single Purpose K-9 Ty is a 14 month old Dutch Shepherd. Our Drug Dog Handler Course is a comprehensive course taught by current and former law enforcement K9 handlers and supervisors that teaches beginner handlers all they need to know to be safe and effective in the field. As he possesses the correct temperament, and handling of working canines perfect dog for any department or team Ohio! Olfactory sense allows them todo this job quickly, efficiently and reliably looking! Service and Sport dogs for Organisational, Commercial or Private use us for a ``. Is liable they had smoked marijuana in the vehicle ], according to the news.! After approaching the vehicle ], according to the handler to assist in many potential life.! 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