Lord, help me be a better judge in every situation that I face. Peace of Mind Prayer Lord Jesus, I am in despair. Protection Prayers Against Church Attacks. Dear Father, Thank you that you journey with us on our pilgrimage through life. You have probably heard the saying "It is hard to steer a . Father, teach me not to depend on my thoughts and opinions. Give me wisdom, patience and trust. Though I cant see what you are doing. Lets make it a habit to remind ourselves that though we do not understand Gods plan for now, it doesnt mean we should be afraid to follow Him. Always remember that He knows better and that there is a perfect time and reason behind His plans and actions. Oh Lord, help me to be selective and not impulsive in Jesus name. Prov. When we are faced with a very short time to make decisions or when we have too many options that looks as though they will bring similar results, we become afraid of making decisions because we know its either the decisions we made turn out to be good or bad. We Christians must understand that we can never outgrow God. Father, give me a clear guidance in my life, as I submit to your will in Jesus name. 1 of 10/ 1. Be still. Shield me from the temptations and misdirects of the enemy. God will help you make the right decision. You can also say a prayer to give you strength during difficult times. Any of these verses emphasize the importance of seeking Gods guidance, trusting in His wisdom and plans, and having faith and courage in following His path. Please give me reassurance that you will guide me through it all. I can do nothing without you giving me the strength to do it. You can also say a prayer to protect yourself from evil spirits as they might try to influence your choices. Today, and every day, I want to live my life for you, Jesus. The verse is typically interpreted as a warning against taking risks or making careless decisions. In all your ways, acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths." If you lean on your Father to help you, you are indeed on the right path. The peace of God. Even in my moments of doubt, I trust and believe in Your sovereignty. Yet you have promised us that you go with us, and that your Holy Spirit is within each of us, guiding our thoughts . It is important to pray for wisdom and to listen for Gods voice in our hearts and through His Word. The Bible teaches us to seek wisdom and guidance from God in all things and to trust in His plans and provisions. Please always remind me how much I need you, Lord. Amen. And I know that your answer will come at the right time. Expose my intentions too, Lord, so that I can check whether my motives are right and that they are pleasing to you. I believe with Your help, I will make the best decision. Prov. I know that you are with me till the end of time. I make decisions without consulting you first, and I apologize for that. I have faith in you and all of your ways. So, to have confidence in Gods will and not have doubts and worries, we pray for guidance and wisdom before making a decision. Dear Lord, With all my heart, I have decided to follow you. Prayers For Daughter To Have Wisdom As She Goes To College. Please Help me listen to my inner voice and be guided by my conscience. Help me to focus on your leading and not my past failures. God always has our best interest in mind. Please help me be confident in your direction, for I am worried I would make the wrong choice. O Gracious and Almighty God, Your steadfast love protects me from the obstacles of this world every day. 3) God, as Your Word says, Even fools are thought wise if they keep silent, and discerning if they hold their tongues (Proverbs 17:28 NIV). Show me the path you have set for me and how to walk in it. Some seem easy but some seem to have lasting significance. I ask for Your guidance as Your truths are uncovered to me. Father let your word and prayer be my decision making tools in all aspects of my life in Jesus name. But I cannot make this decision without you. Here is scriptural guidance for wisdom. You acknowledge Gods affection and implore help in making astute choices in your journey. Here are 5 prayers for guidance: 1. Please help me be confident in your direction, for I am worried I would make the wrong choice. Today I come to You and ask You to "lead me by Your truth and teach me." I want to make a wise choice and want to know the right path. I place my confidence in You and give You all the praise and glory. Amen. Are you finding it hard to make a concrete decision as regards one area of your life, are you afraid of making decisions again because of the ones youve made wrongly in the past? Sometimes we don't make decisions a spiritual matter or a subject of prayer because we are afraid of how God will lead. You will feel relaxed about your decision making. Dear Lord, I earnestly seek your hand of protection. Dont allow me to choose out of materialism. So before you decide, seek Gods wisdom and advice first. Be Still. Please meet my need. Blessed be you. Lord, your Word says that your sheep hear your voice. I offer my life to you, I offer these decisions to you. I am scared of failing and shaming my loved ones. Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial because, having stood the test, that person will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised to those who love him. Please shower wisdom and understanding on me in every decision I face. 1. Give me a correct focus on the direction that You would have me take, and help me to plainly see what You have planned for my life. Oh Lord, order my steps by your word in Jesus name. Looking at the disasters will help us understand better why its a matter of existential importance for us to involve God when we make decisions or need to make decisions. Promise-keeping Father, I know your word is true, and your promises are trustworthy. When good decisions are been made, it brings gladness to the heart, and it encourages one to make other good decisions, but when bad decisions are made, the consequences are often grievous and can last for generations. I know I have not always chosen . This verse reminds us that everything happens for a reason and that God has a plan for us all. The prayer requests guidance through a clear mind and listening to ones inner voice and conscience, guided by peace and love. Oversee me, and bestow upon me the knowledge to make wise choices on the road ahead. Amen. Will never be shared. I place my faith in Your wisdom and knowledge with You by my side; I will make the wise decision. Prevent me from making the wrong decision. It may take some time but He will show you where to go. Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone (Colossians 4:5-6 NIV). Get their sound opinion regarding the matter at hand and consider their advice while making the final decision. Show me the path you have set for me and how to walk in it. Oh Lord, guide me into the right decisions for my life in Jesus name. Prayers for Discernment and Decision Making. I need to make important decisions today. In Jesus name. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord, Amen. That simply means that we need to put in more work and effort in studying, understanding, and putting Gods word into practice. I pray in faith, confident that You Lord will give me the wisdom to make the right decisions. I empty my mind of preconceived notions and wait on you to impress upon my heart and mind the right thoughts and feelings that will help me choose rightly. Now, that doesn't mean a decision won't be tough. A Prayer Asking God for Help Choosing the Right Path. Let those decisions align with your word. This article delves into six prayers for guidance in making wise and right decisions. These prayers for guidance in your decision-making will offer you the encouragement and focus you need. Let every choice I make life your name. 2) Father, I want to do as Your Word says: Be wise in the way you act toward outsiders; make the most of every opportunity. From time to time we'll send you a prayer from others, 7 Sanctified Prayers for New Beginnings and a Fresh Start, Prayer for Spiritual Guidance in Decision Making, Bible Verses and Scripture for Guidance in Decision Making, asking for peace of mind and guidance through prayer, 5 Hallowed Prayers for Somebody Who Died Suddenly, 7 Blessed Prayers for Healing Childhood Trauma. Alex is a family man and entrepreneur based in Los Angeles. As I dress, let me wear the armor you've provided daily: the helmet of salvation, the breastplate of righteousness, the shield of faith, the belt of truth, the shoes of peace, and the sword of the spiritwith prayer on my tongue: praise for you and petitions for those around me and those I meet. Amen.. And I'm so grateful that you died for merising again on your own new morningso that every day could be filled with the wonder of your love, the freedom of your Spirit, and the joy of knowing you. I am trusting my life into Your hands and pray that whatever vocation I finally follow, that You will be with me to lead and to guide. Father, send spiritual advisors that can help me decide. I decree that satanic cycles shall not repeat itself over my life, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, I shall not make the wrong decisions that my ancestors made in the past, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, I frustrate every evil orchestration over my life and destiny, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, I reject the operations of manipulative spirit over my life, my decisions shall not be manipulated in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, I receive the power to discern and know the right things from the wrong, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Redeemer of my life, I thank you for you are a God that is involved in the affairs of my life. Protect me from the wrong suggestions of the evil one. Please help me. Listen to the prayer. Do your best to act for the good of everyone, not just for your own good. Lord, I have come to the point in my life when I need to make the important decision on what vocation to follow. Give me the wisdom to make the right decisions. Father, life is full of choices and decisions. Please, help me be true to myself and not make a selfish decision for my comfort, the approval of others, or for fear of their disapproval. Open my spiritual eyes so that I can see who and what I am dealing with in Jesus name, I believe, and pray. It can also help you connect with God and ask for His help in making the right decision. Help me to choose wisely between the options that are set before me. Please replace the worries and doubts in my heart with joy, peace, and hope for the future. You express your desires to be in Gods holy presence and to feel His nearness as you seek knowledge. The reason they mostly disregard that warning is that they believe too much in their knowledge, experience, intellectual capacity, or connection. Thank you for allowing me to ask for your wisdom and peace of mind, Lord. 4) Lord God, I want to be among those who know the mystery of God, namely, Christ, in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge (Colossians 2:2-3, NIV). May I live godly in Christ Jesus, walk in a manner that is worthy of Him and live in spirit and truth, with my eyes focused on Christ and my will guided by the Holy Spirit. Father, lead me to the right connections and relationships in Jesus name. We mostly dont think of the good turn. Lord, help me be a better judge in every situation that I face. Father, do not let me be ashamed for those who oppose me are waiting for me to stumble and fall. Ask the Holy Spirit for help. A prayer of David. Can I safely sociallydistance at an upcoming event? Lord God, dont permit me to act in haste. Father, give me the peace that surpasses all understanding as I make decisions for my life in Jesus name. Among the many decision-making methods for life's big decisions, one that stands out is from an early 16th-century soldier-turned-mystic, St. Ignatius of Loyola. And yes, He does care about the decisions we make, because He knows far better than we do that wrong decisions can have disastrous consequences. No matter how big or small that may be, please make it a habit to always ask for Gods guidance and wisdom before making a choice. The prayer for guidance, direction, clarity, and wisdom is a vital prayer that one needs to pray daily. I am blessed when I come and when I go, and I know that I am above only and not beneath. Walk with me, Lord, and order my steps. Forgiveness takes work. The desires of my heart can only be satisfied in you. If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all. Please guide me and lead me toward the outcome that gives you honor and glory. Proverbs 4, A Father to his Children - 1 Listen, my children, to a father's instruction; . god . Its really unnecessary. Dont lose your faith, with God by your side nothing can defeat you. God, guide me in this difficult time. 2) Father, I want to do as Your Word says: "Be wise in the way you act toward outsiders; make the most of every opportunity. So, here are nine Bible prayers for wisdomwhether youre worried about social distancing boundaries, a financial matter, a job change, a relationship or a business move: 1) Lord, Your Word says that the Lord gives wisdom; from His mouth come knowledge and understanding (Proverbs 2:6 NIV). The enemy will lure us toward panic and worry if we focus on all that's wrong in this world. Are you beginning to find it difficult to make sound decisions as regards your marital life? We all make decisions, whether knowingly or unknowingly. From a spiritual viewpoint, it is thought that Gods presence is ever-abiding and offers guidance through love and wisdom in every moment. Trust in God and allow Him to direct us in the right way. When we fill our days with busy schedules, distracted hearts and occupied minds, we push out any opportunity to listen to God. Amen. Please make everything clear as I make decisions about my life. Obedience Prayer. Please envelop me with your grace so that I will have the courage to choose wisely. We come before you today to give thanks for Your everlasting love and to ask for your guidance in this great decision that must be made. The verse says: The negative results of not involving God in our decision-making process are many and disastrous. Help me and guide me, please. He is our guide, our source of light and the revealer of the way of truth. 1 Cor. This is the opinion of the Rev. I face challenges and seek Your wisdom to navigate. From the end of the earth, I will call to you, when my heart is overwhelmed. Father, I am currently facing a difficult time, I need to make a major decision in my life, but I dont know how to go about it. Father, help me not to make rash decisions and actions in Jesus name. On the other hand there are some decisions that demand serious prayers before they are being made(due to the great impact it will later have on our lives) for example, the decision of who to spend the rest of your life with, is a very tough decision that requires proper thinking, prayers and direction from the Holy spirit. Teach me your ways, O Lord; make them known to me. Some may be more sensitive to Gods voice, but that doesnt mean you arent able to hear Him. I like your guidance and wisdom in making the right choice. This evergreen prayer for peace and unity, spoken byastronaut Frank Borman in 1968 while orbiting the moon, still holds true to this day. The decision I make today is going to affect my family and friends. Logos simply means teachings, commandments, and the entire revelation of God's truth. Keep clean your conscience. Oh Lord, give me wisdom to make the right decision for my life in Jesus name. 4. You trust in Gods love and infinite wisdom and ask for the courage to follow Gods path. But God doesn't just want you to make the right decision He wants to guide you as you make it. 2:6 NLT . Will God Help Me Make The Right Decision? But that is foolishness! I sincerely offer. May I find wisdom, like King Solomon, to make choices that bring honor to Your name. However, there are some factors to keep in mind before you can make good decisions. It helps us figure out our situation and see things in a new light because God gives us the discernment to see His will. Prayer can help you find clarity and wisdom in the midst of chaos, and it can help you connect with God in order to receive His guidance. Used to confirm your prayer submission. Second, define the . Remind me of Your constant love and support. These are: Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. In Exodus 3:14, Your words, "I Am That I Am" calls out to me. To those who follow your Word and earnestly seek you, you promised to prosper and bring success. But we can always trust that he wants the best for us. Special Prayers for Guidance and Direction. Most times we think of the bad turn and we become very afraid to even make any decision. 6 6) Blessing Prayer For God To Give Me Wisdom. When Feeling Uncertain about Your Decision Prayer Almighty God, you are the great I am, nothing is too difficult for you. Lord, please help me to decide. Some signs need to manifest before I can ascertain which direction to take. Make whatever work I do be marked with excellence rather than perfectionism, as I seek not to make a name, but to make a difference. I need grace during this time so that I can do the right thing. Today I choose to walk in the same peace that Jesus has. Scripture decision making is a great way to start when beginning your search for finding the correct solution. Help me to set my thoughts on things above and to speak only what will help and encourage others. We do not know everything about life. "'For I know the plans I have for you,' declares the LORD, 'plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.'" (Jeremiah 29:11) 2. Receive uplifting scriptures, inspiring articles & helpful guides to encourage your faith. Please provide me with insight and guide me in choosing the best option. Faith-Filled Content Delivered To Your Inbox, 6 Inspiring Prayers for Favor and Breakthrough, 7 Effective Prayers for Anger and Resentment. Gather enough Knowledge and have deep understanding about the decision you want to make: Proverbs 4:7 Wisdom is the principle thing; therefore, get wisdom and in all thy getting, get understanding. This is why it is important to always put your way before the Lord and lean not on your own understanding as said in Proverbs 30. Decisions that hurt others and only benefit you will eventually turn against you. Amen. But many Christians disregard that warning and they suffer for it greatly. But the Bible says, If you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and He will give it to you. When you are experiencing confusion and uncertainty, seek the Lords help to navigate lifes challenges and find the right path. As Christians, making the right decision shouldnt even bring depression, confusion, and frustration, because Isaiah 30:21 tells us that God is capable of directing us and showing us the way and helping us make the right decision. So please be with me at this crucial point in my life. Yesterday is gone and with it any regrets, mistakes, or failures I may have experienced. We can make our own choices but we should do so carefully. In Jesus name. That's a lot of people around the world offering your prayer to God. May we respect life as we work to solve problems of family and nation, economy and ecology. This beautiful prayer asks for His help in making a wise choice and shows you the light in a dark path. God will show you the way to success and prosperity. This one is a meek supplication for guidance and defense from the Kind Creator, who is also known as the Ruler of All Rulers. In Jesus' name I pray. Oh Lord, give me the boldness to seize and pursue all opportunities and goals that you have planned for my life in Jesus name. Many rich people have become dead poor just by making one wrong business decision. Keep me from putting my foot in my mouth, and help me guard the affections of my heart today, Lord. Why are Prayers for Making Decisions Important? Asking for Gods guidance and wisdom in our decision-making will give us confidence and reassurance to make the right choice. If it is not your will for me to take this path, then Father, give me divine strength to accept and to follow your lead. May every decision I make be pleasing to you. We have to make a choice and we have to do it quickly; there is no eternal time to do it. Disasters Of Not Making The Right Decisions. All-powerful Father, truly you open doors that no man can shut. However, there are others who consider our choices and the consequent experiences as opportunities for growth and self-discovery, and it is through these experiences that we deepen our spiritual connection with the divine. Please let me know if I am ok to do our dog breeding business or should I move to something different! Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Prayer for Patience in Decision Making. These prayers can help us convey our desperation and desire to make the right decision. I'm proud to be your child, Lord. Today's a new day, a chance for a new start. All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.. Making choices is a vital part of life that affects our journey, shapes our future, and determines our destiny. Allow yourself this time with God to just listen. Amen.. But Father God, I want your will to be done in my life. Get in the way, of your will. 1. You can submit your prayer request here, and we will interfere on your behalf. Inspire me to embody the qualities of understanding, kindness, patience, and compassion, as You demonstrated during Your earthly life and through Your sacrifice for us. Help me to make you the center of my planning. Father, Im at the point of sealing my decision and acting on it. As the Bread of Life, your food, like manna, will sustain me throughout any trials and hungers. It reminds us to be mindful of the potential consequences of our choices and encourages us to pursue what we believe is right through the word and teachings of the Lord. Oh Lord, open my eyes to see all I should do regarding the issues of my life in Jesus name. Proverbs 3:5-6 says "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths". I trust in your goodness. Humble my heart so that I may be flexible. Infuse me with the wisdom to make a judicious choice. Seeking Gods hand in leading through prayer will steer you in the right direction. Lord Jesus Christ, counselor of all who comes for Your aid and seeks Your guidance, help me be wise in all my . It calls for wisdom, perception, and a comprehensive grasp of ones morals and convictions. When we are faced with difficult choices, we must remember that God is testing us. Im faced with major decisions that need to be made. Lord, I ask that you give me peace of mind. Father, dont let me decide based on selfishness. Amen.. He will not rebuke you for asking (James 1:5, NLT). Holy Virgin, moved by the painful uncertainty we experience in seeking and acquiring the true and the good, we . [ d] Decide what is right. What Does The Bible Say About Decision-Making? Remove from my heart foolish desires or selfish motives, and keep me far away from seeking after the things of the world, the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes and the pride of life. I have an essential decision to make, and I have still yet to give my final answer. Clear all confusion. Father, help me forgo every wrong thing in my life. Get More Inspiration Delivered to Your Inbox, A timely, inspirational verse to assure you of Gods loving promises, A true story written by beloved writers of Daily Guideposts who share the many ways God speaks to you and gives you His peace in every circumstance, A thoughtful prayer to draw you closer to the Lord, Additional scriptures to deepen your walk of faith. In the end, whether or not God sends signs in response to our choices is dependent upon ones personal spiritual beliefs and understanding of the divine. Therefore, it is a prayer that every believer must consciously pray every day to avail oneself of God's help and direction in these changing times that we live in. By your word and prayer be my decision making is a great way success... And actions in Jesus name of light and the entire revelation of &... In their knowledge, experience, intellectual capacity, or connection I face challenges and seek your wisdom advice! 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