dutch trains wind power snopesdutch trains wind power snopes
All Dutch electric trains are now powered by wind energy, the national railway company NS has said . Conductor rails carry lower voltages than overhead wires, although low is a relative concept. As a retired telecomms engineer Im glad not to be repeatedly telling folks from the US that T1 is not a global standard any more! Wind farm output goes up again ? Thank you for explaining it to everyone else. In this video, NS CEO Roger van Boxtel is humorously strapped to a windmill blade as he touts his companys latest renewable energy achievement. It is a special fund used by the Dutch government to make investments in renewable energy profitable. Sign up for our email newsletter! http://www.djtelectricaltraining.co.uk/downloads/50Hz-Frequency.pdf. The farm consists of three smaller wind farms owned by separate organisations with local community links. And enjoy 30c/kWh household electric rates, as in Denmark and Germany, without there being one iota of measurable benefit to the planet? However, this quotation, which comes from an essay written by earth scientist David Hughes, was cherry-picked and presented out of context to create a deliberately misleading version of what the author actually said. It becomes inextricably mixed with all the electromagnetic waves of the other. Data from Frontier Economics. All Dutch electric trains are now powered by wind energy, the national railway company NS has said . The electrons vibrate at 60 cycles per second, 60 Hz, and travel at less than 0.1 inch/second. Consumer unions help by auctioning for grouped members. There are ~40 utilities with sharp price competition in NL. Dutch electric trains are running on 1.2 billion kilowatt-hours of wind energy supplied by sustainable energy supplier, Eneco. Hughes did write that some windmills might not recoup their energy-construction costs, but he didn't assert, as the meme implied, that no windmills will ever generate as much energy as was invested in building them. So while wind contributes about 7% to the Netherlands electricity generation it contributes about 11% to the countrys electricity consumption. NS operates about 5,500 train trips a day. Same thing if you got solar panels on your house. This is a BETA experience. Random House Canada. Overhead wires are best suited to tram and intercity services, whereas the more compact third rail option is preferred for underground trains. That's something. Per Physics 101, once electricity is fed into the grid it travels, as electromagnetic waves, at near the speed of light on un-insulated wires, i.e. Wind power from Finland can be discounted. And how does NS justify this lesser claim? The role of the third (or conductor) rail is to ensure that the electricity is always directly available, so its installed alongside, or in between, the pair of running rails (Keep an eye out for it when youre next on an underground train). Active 2016. Reply to Rod above went to the wrong place and left off the smiley after Albania. According to Cleantechnica As Cleantechnica puts it: the GoO system allows for the transfer of the rights to call electricity green from those who actually generate renewable energy to those who dont but want to classify their power as such. The farm was dismantled after 22 years service in 2016. Fossil fuel-fired power plants produced over 80% of the electricity in the Netherlands, mainly natural gas (42%) and coal (35%). I would take it, then, that you are not among the poor and elderly who DO give a fig about money? Supply from all generators is monitored in any case, all youd have to do is add up the Illustration Up until the Westereems Wind Park was commissioned the largest onshore wind farm was the Princess Alexia Windpark in Zeewolde (122MW),[36] consisting of 36 REpower turbines and a 3.2MW/33MWh battery storage power station of BMW i3 batteries. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, Press J to jump to the feed. But lets be real. In this way, the Dutch railways aim to reduce the greatest negative environmental impact caused by CO2 in such a way that its demand actually contributes to the sustainable power generation in the Netherlands and Europe.. Its 50Hz in the Netherlands and most of the planet apart from (mainly) the US, Canada and half of Latin America. The pickup shoes do occasionally lose contact anyway, albeit very briefly, at track junctions. The 600,000 Dutch that travel daily by train will now do so thanks purely to wind energy, with the national rail operator Nederlandse Spoorwegen (NS) announcing that 100 percent of its. There are very little poor people in Germany., http://www.spiegel.de/international/germany/high-costs-and-errors-of-german-transition-to-renewable-energy-a-920288.html, The Spiegel FUD wont cut it. Bach supplies data for Belgium, which should be a close analogy, and Figure 4 shows Belgian wind generation for September 2014: Figure 4: Belgian wind generation, September 2014, With an installed capacity of around 1850MW in this month the overall wind capacity factor was 11% and there were a number of occasions on which wind generation fell effectively to zero for hours on end. Can Renewable Portfolio Standards make RE Work? http://www.differencebetween.com/difference-between-e1-and-vs-t1/. The story of Apple data centre in Denmark: As of January 1, all electric passenger trains on the Dutch rail network have been run on wind energy, according to a statement from operator NS (via EcoWatch ). That would meet approximately 75% of the countries electricity needs. The ns also solved the issue of delayed trains by changing the defenition of delay from 3 minutes to 5 minutes. They have been working with Eneco, a sustainable energy supplier operating in the Netherlands, for several years. This passage was written by David Hughes. These include the 580km NorNed submarine cable (700 MW) link to Norway, the 1,000 MW BritNed cable link to the United Kingdom and the COBRA cable link to Denmark (700 MW). The new Zuidwester site at the wind farm will have just 12 turbines and a total nameplate capacity of 90 MW. I find that the electrified portion of the Dutch railway network (Nederlandse Spoorwegen, or NS) runs on grid electricity that comes dominantly from fossil fuel generation (natural gas and coal). Ive included a (slightly-edited) mini-excerpt from my recent book, Science and the City, to explain: Electric locomotives dont have conventional engines. Wind power now supplies about 10% of Belgiums electricity, so power imported from the Belgian grid will be about 10% wind. I Did Not Say Wind Energy is 'Idiot Power.'" In this way, the Dutch railways aim to reduce the greatest negative environmental impact caused by CO2 in such a way that its demand actually contributes to the sustainable power generation in the Netherlands and Europe.. Active 2020. Electric trains also use regenerative braking, similar to whats found in hybrid and electric cars. See the table below for the current situation. How Sustainable and Ethical Is the Tuna at Your Supermarket? HomerDixon.com. NS claims 100% wind power because it has a contract with various wind farms to produce enough energy to power its rail system, but this is just an accounting transaction. The virtue signalling fools at NS might then undertsand the impact of intermittent supplies. One windmill running for an hour can power one train across about 200km (120 miles). As Enecos account manager Michel Kerkhof pointed out, the key objective is to avoid procuring energy from the limited existing number of sustainable energy projects in the Netherlands, thus promoting renewable growth both domestically and Europe-wide., This partnership ensures that new investments can be made in even newer wind farms, which will increase the share of renewable energy, Kerkhof continued. NS consumes 1.2 terawatt hours (TWh) of electricity each year, which is the equivalent of 1% of the Netherlands' electricity consumption, or the total electricity consumption of all the households in Amsterdam. However, wind power consumption in the Netherlands in 2015 was 12.5TWh, indicating that about 5TWh of wind power was imported during the year. Eneco has made a point . New wind farm deployment is based on the SER agreement that describes a plan for five years of tendering 700 MW per year. The other half comes from newly built wind farms in . NS Dutch Railways has partnered with energy company Eneco to use its wind. That is, a windmill could spin until it falls apart and never generate as much energy as was invested in building it. It sharply cut subsidies down to 1.5 billion, leaving private sector to carry over wind turbine investments should these be beneficial.[6]. Rail networks source this electricity from the grid, and just like for our homes, its transmitted to them via high-voltage lines. Stuart [10] [11] [12], 2015 power for over 400,000 households every day, a figure roughly equivalent to the number of households in the Northern Netherlands.[13]. All Dutch electric trains are now powered by wind energy, the national railway company NS has said . Active 2016. The European high voltage grid connects Finland with Sweden but doesnt go through the Baltic States. So the standard is that 100% renewable utilities buy or produce same amount of 100% renewable electricity they sell. Burlingtons biggest source of electricity is hydropower imported from across the region. Railway Gazette reports that NS records about 1.2 million passenger-journeys per day, with an annual energy requirement for 1.2 billion kWh. The rest is supplied by wind and solar power, which contribute about a fifth of the citys power. The turbines supply enough energy to power 2.4 million households. [20], The Rachel Carson wind farm (also known as the Eemmeerdijk Wind Park.) [20] An additional 228 MW of capacity was installed at sea. Produced at least 8 models with power outputs of 100, 250, 500, 1000kW. While it was originally used to pump water or grind grain, wind is now helping Dutch commuters get to work. When you dont know reality and cant speak German you have to believe what you find on the English writing interwebs . Heres a fantasy as to how Nederlandse Spoorwegen could make their claims of only using wind power a reality. These sites are also surveyed centrally by the government allowing developers to avoid costly and multiple surveys.[11]. The electrons essentially vibrate in place at 60 Hz. [1], By December 2013, 1,975 wind turbines were operational on land in the Netherlands, with an aggregate capacity of 2,479 MW. Its of course a waste to install a separate grid with only 100% renewable electricity. One thing I should have mentioned in the post is why NS doesnt get all its wind power from Netherlands wind farms. But of course even two-thirds of the NS system doesnt run completely on wind power. The turbines supply enough energy to power 2.4 million households. Its own wind farms, built in the Netherlands, Belgium, Finland, and Sweden, aim to generate enough energy to fulfill NS's demand of about 1.4 terawatt-hours for 2017 (enough to power a million . remarkably consists of wind turbines with just 2 blades, manufactured by Nedwind, the 18 turbines have a combined nominal power of 18 MW.[30]. Impressively, this means their initial goal was met one whole year ahead of schedule. Works for me, and they were cheaper than EON too. You buy green energy elsewhere to offset your fossil fuels. Smaller turbines are often used for off grid, bespoke and community power internationally. Stations are heated using heat exchangers, green gas or green electricity. The 50 Hz, with 3000 RPM generators in Europe, may be due to various reasons, Here is an explanation. The two Dutch wind farms that have contracted to sell power to NS (Noordoostpolder and Luchterduinen) are both connected directly to the Dutch grid, along with all the other power plants in the country, and NS draws its power from the grid: Figure 3: The Netherlands electricity grid. Putting these numbers together indicates that only 10-15% of the electricity consumed annually by NSs electric trains will come from wind, with the rest a mixture that includes mostly Dutch gas and coal plus a small amount of Belgian and German coal, nuclear and lignite and maybe even a little German solar, Andrews explains. 22 May 2018. World-famous for their picturesque windmills, the Netherlands has always had a love affair with wind energy. Many of the numerous smaller and older wind farms in the Netherlands consist of much smaller turbines compared to those typically deployed today. Obvious to the meanest intelligence. Began operating in 1990. Thanks for the correction Lars. However, the government wants 40% of the total electricity used in 2030 in the Netherlands to be supplied by wind. The truth is that its impossible to determine the source of electrons actually moving NS trains down the track. At near the speed of light, is there such a thing as national or regional energy mix, other than in our habit forming minds? Deregulation Is Still Wrong for Consumers. French people are bricoleurs they like to build their own house, thanks to the fact that if it has a surface below 175 m2 you dont need to go through an architect, you can do your own building plan. There is a DC interconnector (LitPol, 500 MW) between Lithuania and Poland now, and in addition the NordBalt (DC 700 MW) between Sweden and Lithuania. Headlines like this make people feel good. What is SDE? Initially, trains in the Netherlands were set to run entirely on renewable energy by 2018. For NS to use only wind power from wind farms to power its rail system the wind farms must be connected directly to NSs railways. The historical land of windmills is leading . During these periods wind generation in the neighboring Netherlands would also have fallen to low levels. That is why half of the demand will be sourced from a number of new wind farms in Belgium and Scandinavia, which have been specifically assigned for this contract., http://www.railway-technology.com/features/featuremichel-kerkhof-of-eneco-discusses-the-dutch-rail-networks-renewable-revolution-4647194/. All renewable energy gets paid the FIT out of the so-called SDE budget. There are many reasons, of course, why NS would claim its trains run completely on wind power and even more reasons why many would celebrate this apparently breakthrough. According to Eneco, the power used by the carriers comes from newly built wind farms in the Netherlands, Scandinavia and Belgium. This record was immediately beaten the following year with another 766 MW being added. The headline: Netherlands Trains Now Running on 100% Wind Power. People making this claim are simply propagandists. However, early successes in rolling out the clean energy program . It doesnt add up, I would say about Euro 47 million is big money especially when you consider it`s for nothing.. So pick your choice Not relevant here. NS and Eneco first announced their plan of a wind-powered railway in 2015 in order to drastically slash train ride emissions. Many of these smaller companies were eventually acquired by the larger wind turbine manufactures such as Vestas, Siemens and Lagerwey. There are very little poor people in Germany. Apart from the first rather obvious problems, anyone with the most basic understanding of electrical enrgy, as taught before 16 at school, would immediately know this was a wholly untrue technical assertion., Thats the whole point, Brian There are hardly any people with a basic understanding of electrical energy If most would have an understanding, there would be no renewables at all The whole charade would not even have started in the first place , Just as Otter says above, on different forums, lots of people are claiming Im 100% renewable (because I have a 100% RE contract with Essent, or Lampiris, or Belpower, or ENI, or ), Neither humour (so you got all the wind power this morning, because there was none left for me !, nor hard facts (for the 8-day period 27/12 03/01, that I just took a look at for another discussion, Wind and Solar provided a grand total of 4.6% of all electricity used in Belgium Was that enough for all of them 100% RE contracts ? If the train line is a busy one, with small gaps between scheduled trains, the electricity produced by one helps to power the very next one that comes along. - YouTube 0:00 / 6:04 Do Dutch trains run on Wind? The 113,3 Twh exported far exceeds the actual exports of course, but were good business for the power companies selling their power twice. You only have to see their numbersbto know. Everybody should buy only 100% RE. 1995 - 2023 by Snopes Media Group Inc. The Nuclear Humanist 1.75K subscribers 40 Dislike Share 814 views Jul 23, 2017 The Dutch Railway Corporation. It feels to many like progress. A two-megawatt windmill contains 260 tonnes of steel requiring 170 tonnes of coking coal and 300 tonnes of iron ore, all mined, transported and produced by hydrocarbons. In total, NS consumes around 1.2 TWh of electricity to power its trains. You may have a battery bank to store some of it in case of an outage, but mostly it will go to the electric company and they credit you. The best of EcoWatch right in your inbox. Where I post my arguments on various things climate-related, belief that a 100% renewable-powered train can and does exist is ubiquitous. Some of the newer larger wind farms currently under construction are replacing smaller turbines previously installed at given locations. That means electrons traveling across international borders to help power the NS railway system come in some amount from wind power, but in much larger amounts from non-wind sources. Train tickets for international journeys can be purchased from NS International. Here is an explanation posted and votes can not be posted and votes can not cast. With another 766 MW being added would also have fallen to low levels even two-thirds the. On your house FUD wont cut it in order to drastically slash train ride emissions as much as! 100, 250, 500, 1000kW farms currently under construction are replacing smaller are... 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