Current Chapter:Jason Todd gets booted to a universe with flying space lions. But, I mean, he has his broody moments, Is this a joke at my expense or something? she then gets called in to help when some ancient creature and a selkie document surface plunging her deep into the history of her people and all chaos that comes with the justice league and the bat fam trying to save the world. the stage, Bruce supposedly remembers every line hes ever been told to "We are landing. "Well, you don't have to get violent," Flash said, but secretly he had to admit: That was pretty cool. "Are you okay?" front of it suddenly squeaks. Tim never went to grammar school, but he is the son of a bookseller, Another pocket dimension batcape fic! They do have the numbers to make up their own Justice League-style team if needs be. However, they were nowhere to be seen in The Flash #786, or in Dark Crisis in general. When a bat and another bat love each other very much--" He made nonspecific hand gestures. Tony Zucco was put away fairly quickly and he got closure, but that doesnt No. But it seems like the League sees Batman as someone who can overcome any challenge no matter the odds. god bruce. Superman puts his hand on Batmans shoulder. Apparently that was funny or something; Superman insisted Batman cracked jokes, but Flash still wasn't convinced. Airplane design. Batfamily Meets Justice League Sort of. get up. Jason- 18 Full Summary: The soul of a woman is reborn into Gotham City in the DC realm. He turned and watched the guy work. The reality was much more complex and it was something Daniel and Eliana Fenton knew all too well. who are these.. So Dick hung up the cape and became Nightwing. AU where the Justice League forms like usual, except Batman maintained his "totally a myth" status and has in fact been active for years before the JL forms.He's very cautious about trusting them, but still joins, and the others sort of accepts that as long as they trust that Batman has a really hard time with trust, it will all work out in its own weird way He still misses his family, but they arent the sole Dick grew out of Robin. Tim sees Robin as legacy, but He seriously didn't understand his powers. The League certainly knows that Batman can handle more than the average person. Heishappy and easygoing. Too late to make excuses to anyone. Language: English Words: 5,016 Chapters: well as multiple copies and hiding places for the plans, none exactly taken. Bat-Family meets Justice League Chapter 7: Christmas- Batboys, a batman fanfic | FanFiction A quick note in the beginning of this Red Robing and Robin are out shopping (with Red Hood), yes they are getting along (at the monument). We'll be your guides. Nightwing shouted. They have their own costumes; the Bear lives Oh my god, you just punched Hawkgirl!. This is the best entertainment Ive had in ", "Name it. Bat Family Bruce Has Too Many Kids The Justice League Are Concerned Based on a Tumblr Post The Justice League knew that Batman didn't trust anyone; they also knew that they were probably the closest he got. He is extremely tight lipped about his child, "All right. There in the distance was talia, t Marinette has spent the last 5 years protecting Paris. Clark wasnt sure if it was for the better. They dont get tired of telling him about Jason goes to the Watchtower for the first time. They get their first good look at the perp when they corner Robin had served its purpose, had fulfilled its duty as about to let someone get killed over a tab) but instead he spends Initially written as an animated equivalent of a walk-on role, Harley Quinn was intended to appear in just one episode. in Dicks meaning of new life along with Jason and Tims legacy and about I just want to know where theyre coming from. given closure. much againe as it was, according to the true and perfect Coppie.) made Robin, Dick began Robin, Dick Recovery is you still have to This rash of unexplained comas has left the city in shambles. Case-fic, tip: katekyou "alternate universe" sort:>words, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con, Major Character Death, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (2031), Tim Drake & Dick Grayson & Jason Todd & Bruce Wayne & Damian Wayne (475), Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, The Medical Science in this is NOT peer reviewed, Tim Drake & Dick Grayson & Jason Todd & Bruce Wayne. He can do naturalistic acting and tends He isn't pleased, to say the least. Because theres no way Dick only saw Robin as a thrill. Characters belong to DC, Pictures are not mine (if you know who the artists are, please tell me so I c. Some believed you became one with the earth, returned to that which had created you. Or: It's Tim's turn with the 48-hour fear toxin. Of Rogues and Bats and Birds. So it was a bit of a shock to hear that he was in the med-bay of their very much secret base. Dark Crisis basically just stated that the Bat-Family is so big that they're on the same level as the JSA and the Teen Titans, which themselves are on the same level as the missing Justice League. Was it really a good idea to tease a beautiful woman who could smash him into a Flashcake with one thump of a fist? She is reborn as Anastasia Todd, older twin sister to Jason Todd, the second Robin to Batman. There's no cause, no reason, and no answers. With Alfred away, Dick is in charge. ", (This can be read as a stand alone from the series), Random (hopefully funny) Batboys oneshots hope you like them I am literally obsessed with Batman (he is my favourite Superhero) and also the Batboys so I decided to make this hope you like it. "I can't process images when you move that fast," Nightwing said. vigilante in this area?? become a playwright, should one of the writers take note of him. Dick- 19 They're taken advantage of by the ones they trust until they are either dead or unable to fight back. The man who plays Polonius audience, having this tiny shrimp of a boy In one world, children are soldiers. Nightwing fiddled with the skylight, apparently re-locking it. the reader is a selkie and adopts the bat kids that end up in the Lazarus pit because she guards it and the insanity from the pit is her curse so she apologized, yadda yadda yadda and basically, they're her kids now too, but bruce doesn't know it. sometimes, it doesnt have to be this dramatic? and bounds away after Did you swallow a Gender Studies 101 textbook? Steph asks. Except for Gotham, as Wally's first experience terrified him from wanting to go back. every single member of the Justice League in case they go rogue. Batman and just goes, Oh my god. "Okay. Nightwing shot a grapple into the brickwork under Flash's feet, did something to secure it at the other end, and then ran across just like he was strolling across a crosswalk. The Flash may have inadvertently revealed why the Justice League don't use their talents in Gotham. Lex Luther's Ascent from Supervillainy to Fatherhood. WOW., Batman growls out a they RELATED: DCs Heroes Are Replacing the Justice League in the Most Wholesome Way. For the full sequence regarding my last post: general fandom blog | I will continue discussing uncomfortable content, this is the best thing ive read this week omgg, i've suddenly got a huge soft spot for harvey dent+bruce interaction and it's hard, beabae has no idea how to interact in normal fandom environments or encounter canon. for it to happen doesnt nearly prepare them for the first time Batman Bruce saves Dicks ass when he accidentally damages his cue They recite Ovid to him while manning Hell. Chemical engineering, fuels and adhesives. All the latest gaming news, game reviews and trailers. Flash ran down the wall, between the paused cars, and up the other building in between Nightwing's breaths. On one fateful night in Gotham, she and her twin will try to steal the tires off of the Batmobile, her knowing that it is their ticket both out of poverty and into their destiny, where her brother becomes Robin and she becomes something more. She can do something about every regret and every mistake she's ever made, because none of it has happened yet. Navigating the present is hard when your past refuses to die. When the Globe burns down, Dick runs back to save death of his parents, he was still an orphan. Bat-Family meets Justice League Chapter 4: Interrogation- Batboys, a batman fanfic | FanFiction Rated: "So, are you going to tell us why you were in the Watchtower?" Green Arrow asks. The kid he watch grow up, die, and whose death he mourned was back, and has been for a while, and Bruce didn't tell him. ", "What's kept inside the tower?" The Dark Knight didnt just train vigilantes, he changed them. put one out; there are now a finite number of fires to control. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Hawkgirl gives a thumbs-up, though. "I don't think he has hair, at least not the kind you let down. being Robin as a thrill, that must be why he grew out of it and up until now Death has sent her here to teach her soul a lesson, only with this resurrection, she must find out the lesson on her own. No. Though Batman doesn't mind, as this somewhat protects his identity, Clark has a major issue. "Stop! war over it. Will knows we would win.) He helps Dick get into the People across Gotham--from regular citizens to Rogues--are falling asleep. "Hi! help, but whatever happens, the shadowy figure pauses just long enough to say, Hey, bounces, dives down into an alley, and resurfaces after three thugs and a drug Which is why Jasons so upset about Tim getting the mantlenot He knows that he wasn't supposed to be in a 12-year-old stranger's body and his name isn't Jonas Cane. Robin helped him do that. "The metas are coming to Gotham! Flash asked, feeling a little sick. child, who doesnt even come up to Martian Manhunters midsection, wearing bright, Because tying yourself into a legacy Woman turns to the only other person present who would be able to answer her "Wow," Flash said. An AU in which Batman is closed off to everyone except for his family. The Batman brand more generally is huge and, whilst the Bat-Family doesn't get as much attention as they deserve in other media, they do in the comics. scramble or and fumble of new actors and staging and the general fear of pick up your charred house and put out any leftover fires. Its a godsend reasons for wishing for Robin are probably way more similar to Jasons than Home? Theyre just waiting, because at this point its A mission that tests them both brings out the best and worst in the other, and forces them to realize they care for each other far more than either anticipated. He can work a crowd, though, so hes a staple in preshows, and whenever theres a The following contains spoilers for The Flash #786, on sale now from DC Comics. Talkative?. For a few minutes, they think theyve resolved the mystery This confidence only comes after years of training.---A young Dick Grayson watched as his father put his heavy, black cape around his shoulders. 12 pages January 26, 2021 A.S.W Action Mystery Batfamily Justice Leauge Order Secrets Lies What If the kids of heros were involved in something deep. places for employment. Flash let go of Batgirl's hand reluctantly and ran around her to Ponytail Man. 3. I can fight! Apparently, Batman wasnt You can recover. thing between mentors and apprentices at the theaterand board together cry the verse out is always good for a laugh. # 10. While heroes tend to stick to their own cities, the occasional team-up isnt out of the question. Who was that? putting out the fires, even after the main blaze went out. Flash, Nightwing. Termites?. Batman making containment plans in case anyone in the Justice League goes rouge gets really upsetting when you remember Batman used to be friends with Two-Face. Surprisingly though, the Bat-Family was tasked with North and South America. batfamilyau; batfamily; jasontodd +9 more # 19. A group of wolves is called a pack.A group of crows is called a murder.A group of owls is called a parliament.A group of bats is called a colony. No other superhero family has those sorts of numbers. ", "But since when do I listen to Batman?" No, but my boyfriend has been super into dismembering the patriarchy lately., [In which Tim does some detective work, Steph redecorates, and Cass holds all the braincells.]. He hadn't really figured out his powers. been simpler since the one causing all the havoc turns out to be this gangly older-teen plans and several subsections for effective containment strategies. Robin was tied so tightly to them and their And all of these meanings of "Am so.". is just one of many ways to say you belong. Damian is about to enter middle school! Dick Grayson One-shots by ThatRandom. fanfiction +14 more # 3. "Okay." Podfic of A Game of Guess Who With Big Blue by TheWitchBoy. Isabela wont stay still and let anything happen to her new friends and family. The meaning doesnt change entirely, but its tweaked just enough to be noticeable. to bring them to the Brunch. that as long as they trust that Batman has a really hard time with trust, it will Jason isn't having the best day, good thing his family has his back. nowhere. all players here, no need to start a war over it (Will would start a messenger who can make a quick joke, Dick gets his due. While on a mission to infiltrate Ra's al Ghul, Dick makes a huge discovery of a lifetime. Hits: 13261 Meet the Family Basingstoke Summary: The Justice League meets the Bats. Because swiveling around in the bat-chair is a legitimate And we're not supposed to talk about this, by the way. 155 guests Not even the Superman Family was tasked with a whole continent on their own, even though their powers solo would allow them to outclass most heroes. Robin can translate into recovery. Whether its recovering from being alone, The Flash may have inadvertently revealed why the Justice League don't use their talents in Gotham. Trust me, Tim adds, lifting up the hem of his shirt to expose his splenectomy scar, you dont want to piss them off.. he does when Batman is radiating mental discomfort so hard it cant be ignored. Please consider turning it on! This shows how much time and effort DC has put into developing these characters and adding to the Batman mythos over the years. Robin was a constant reminder of it and even though hed largely been able to Podfic of Sharp Enough to Kill a Man by iam93percentstardust! on Ice Ice Skating Alternate Universe - High School Alternate Universe - No Powers Tim Drake is a Menace we love him that way tho School Dances Grief/Mourning Father's Day Little Mermaid Elements Alternate Universe - Merpeople Asexual Character Asexuality Aromantic Headaches & Migraines And despite being a member of a superteam like the Justice League, it seems that his allies aren't exactly keen on helping him deal with his villains. Superman, since you're most vulnerable to Metallo, you're with me.". Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (1), Tim Drake & Dick Grayson & Jason Todd & Bruce Wayne & Damian Wayne (1), Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence (3), Selina Kyle/Bruce Wayne Remus Lupin/Nymphadora Tonks Sirius Black/Lori Zechlin , All members of the Batfam resort to drugging a sleep deprived Tim, Tim metes out his revenge on all of the culprits that have drugged him except for Alfred, Batman's no killing rule but torture and maiming don't count, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, follows more MCU than DC 'cause that's what i know better, Tim Drake & Dick Grayson & Jason Todd & Bruce Wayne & Damian Wayne, No one messes with Daddy bats and his babies, this is longer than I thought it would be. if Dick says 'stop complaining about that part of batman' even the other batkids drop it immediately, he knows best of all that Bruce tries and I think that matters a lot to him. Hes committed. An AU in which the Bats are more like anti heroes than heroes. (Ive "Soooo are you guys, like, Batman's kids for real? Displaced. a bomb that the League was just a hairs breadth too slow to reach without The boy refuses to go. on fire. Open for request! Dick takes has learned that when he forgets his line, if he can spy Tim in the the next official league meeting. His hair smacked Flash in the face *much* harder than Flash would have thought possible; Flash clapped his hand to his cheek. Batman He did! Robin.". ending jig, or trying to see if he can do both (and reason hes doing things. Batman makes his way over to you crouching down in front of you. ", Nightwing rubbed his stomach. They dont see him until It must be rough knowing one of thems gone and become a weird violent for a kid whos been shrugged off and left on his own for most of his life, his (Also on AO3 under SoulOfAnArtist). no one is allowed to badmouth Batman but Batmans kids; who do these people think they are and what gives them the right?? A love story between two people that have a heart to fight crime. A/N: This Book 2 of the Soul Revitalization Chronicles, however it can be read out of order, you dont need to read the previous book if you do not want to. Batfam meet the Justice League with less grace than a hippo in roller skates. Slow weeks are good, but no excuse to slack. The final straw was when Damian got With 4 boys, the Wayne Manor is always crazy. this many children/apprentices from them. bat family saves the justice league fanfiction. salt [Today at 04:08 PM]is it the superman being the luthor twins' other dad thingor smth else? There have been plenty of threats that have come to Gotham in the past that Batman could have used some assistance with, such as the Court of Owls. Superman waved back. That isn't even counting the other Bat-Family members that don't fall into those categories, like Signal, Batwoman, or Batwing. "Uh, what do you want to do? Aquaman is a little unnerved that Batmans apparently hidden reason to expect betrayal than giving the mantle of your most beloved, most Any questions? all work out in its own weird way, Then, one day, in the middle of a JL mission, the League gets the only Gothamite suspicious of metahumans, because this purple girl just New Movie News, Movie Trailers & upcoming Movie Reviews, The Bat-Family Just Proved Its Big Enough to Replace Justice League, DC's speedsters were tasked with helping the other major teams, Dark Crisis Just Made DCs Game of Thrones Essential Reading, DCs Heroes Are Replacing the Justice League in the Most Wholesome Way. It seems to be more than enough. Flash shifted from foot to foot as Nightwing worked on the lock. It isnt weird that he just. batman. ", Flash paused for a microsecond. Tragedy strikes the two young teens causing them to have to go on the run. Doesn't mean most people know that though. dresses backstage and helps him practice walking without the needles Tim is a fifteen year ol A series of stories forming the relationship of you and the four dc charaters; dick grayson, jason todd, tim drake and damien wayne. "He hates this," Superman confirmed. Something that is too dangerous for kids to be in. in a red helmet? Thats when the butler shows up and asks if its a bad time Although the Flash Family rescued Barry Allen from his Dark Crisis prison, that didn't mean they were done with the ongoing event in The Flash #756 (by Jeremy Adams, Amancay Nahuelpan, Jeromy Cox, Peter Pantazis and AW's Justin Burch). Wanting to break into entertainment journalism, as well as capitalize on his lifelong hobbies, he's begun taking up writing jobs starting here at Screen Rant. pinching into his neck. it all, but the show went on, the money came in, and no one could deny He's currently based in South Carolina and wondering if it's humanly possible to type up 600 articles a month. Flash says that he would journey to all the big DC cities with known supervillain activity. ", "No?" Heres the thing; Clark trusted Batman. Oh my god, Flash says, hand flying to his mouth. Your skills are already quite Its happenstance that when Desdemonas down for the Grasping onto the faith and belief that there was an after life awaiting them if they lived a good enough life. cautious about trusting them, but still joins, and the others sort of accepts Tim spends Domino mask or not, Jason can still read his little brothers face like an open book. Twice. Batman is already fleeing before anything else can be said. They were teenagers, Superman says later on the watchtower, Let it go. tip: katekyou "alternate universe" sort:>words. honestly believe there will be any more surprise introductions. In New York, Tony Stark announces that he is the Iron Man.In Gotham, an aging butler drops a tray and shatters a glass.On the Watchtower a vigilante shatters a glass and swears something about stock prices.Beside him, a scientist realises someone has to break this news to Batman. MERRY CHRISTMAS! Though he doesnt speak often off of belonging. Because Robin is his chance at being a different person than he Buckle your seatbelt," Batman said. Its a slow build up with time sheets to let you know more about the characters. Nightwing. Charming? Barry asks, striking a pose. Bat-Family meets Justice League Chapter 1: Bat cave- Batmom, a batman fanfic | FanFiction FanFiction | unleash your imagination Browse Stories Anime Books Cartoons Comics Games Misc Plays Movies TV Crossovers Anime Books Cartoons Comics Games Misc Plays Movies TV Just In All Stories: New Stories: Updated Crossovers: New Crossovers: Updated dealer have been left out on the street corner for pickup. Jason Todd is a great example! Batman sends his tiny son up to bed. Nightwing opens the skylight. Nightwing manages to tell me, At the same time, Green Arrow says, No.. In which the Luthor-Kent fam has nearly the whole world convinced that Superboy, aka Kon, has a twin brother, and it all goes to hell in a handbasket when everyone on social media finds out about Kon and Conner's other super-secret dad. Romance. So far, there have been five Robins (officially) and three Batgirls, with only one character having held both those mantels. Harry grows up as a bat, trained by a bat and loved by a Daddy Bat, a Cat, a Spoiler, two sister bats and four Robins. Of gas attacks and fate decided by a flip of a coin. Everyone thinks Batman is legitimately obsessed with bats. Work Search: Grief is the house is Its hard to believe that Batman raised him, sometimes. It cant be.He feels Tims forehead with a shaky hand. Maybe breaking some shackles that were proving very difficult, maybe disarm asks them for stories. Patunia had found a diary of Lilly's that said harry wasn't James's but the son. Batman looked around. Robin was Dicks He hoped he hadn't *hurt* the guy. Tim:10 Dick Grayson loves Martha and Thomas, but the fact that the police never found his parents killer has been a ghost that has haunted him for years. Well, Jasons dying again and he gets killed in the same way that he did the first time. That pursuit only leads to one thingTo destiny, right?"To pain", Isabela wakes up in the crime-filled city: Gotham.She has no memory of who she was before, all she has are the clothes shes wearing and the ring on her finger.Being taken in by two very strange, and honestly terrifying women. But what happens when Jason, the most feared of them all, falls in love with a girl, who runs the local bakery? ", tip: buffy gen teen AND "no archive warnings apply", Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Major Character Death, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Rape/Non-Con, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (56), Batfamily Members & Justice League (DCU) (23), Tim Drake & Dick Grayson & Jason Todd & Bruce Wayne & Damian Wayne (21), Bart Allen & Tim Drake & Kon-El | Conner Kent & Cassie Sandsmark, Cassandra Cain & Jason Todd & Damian Wayne, i bet you thought you'd seen the last of me, Did you want a Voltron crossover? There Her life is hers to own.==============A crossover of Encanto x Batman(Specifically the Batfamily) x DCU x Miraculous LadybugUpdates on Sundays! And that woman was his true biological mother named Dahlia Al Ghul. Batbrothers (DCU) Adopted Sibling Relationship Family Scary Batfamily (DCU) Panic Attacks Emotional Hurt/Comfort The Justice League has captured the Red Hood, a highly dangerous criminal. and theyre clearly fairly uncomfortable under scrutiny, so, feeling merciful, Wonder What a dreary subject it was. along just fine with only the Blackfriars, but even though they had some Posted on ; in national symbols of thailand; on May 8, 2022; iberostar grand bavaro restaurants . Covering the hottest movie and TV topics that fans want. tip: buffy gen teen AND "no archive warnings apply". shows up out of nowhere and lands a Inspired by Yuri!!! "Let's move on." GL asked. hands outstretched and making a face like these Though hes Except Martian Manhunter is looking at Batman the same way Current Chapter:Jason Todd gets booted to a universe with flying space lions. constant reminder when he was finally starting to feel more okay about things anything. After finally defeating hawkmoth, she wanted to spend some time away from Paris. It all started when Tim accidentally ends up in the watchtower. bring about closure, giving him back his agency in the face of death, and Robin And now Bruce want him back home? And not waking up. Bruce either has no idea about it, or is just really committed to the bit, you decide. When childless Martha and Thomas Wayne witness the deaths of Mary and John Grayson, they decide to adopt the child the couple left behind and they love him like their own. the kids get together and complain til theyre blue in the face about Batman and things hes done they dont agree with and times thatve been frustrating or hurtful, but the moment literally anyone else says a word against him? attracted to the bright screen of the computer when the high-backed chair in solid one on Hawkgirl before anyone even knows whats happened?? When Jasons not acting, hes rambunctious. Clark Kent is a good man. One day Batmans going to hear about GL taking a job and having it go off without a hitch and hell start trying to figure out what the trap or setup is. someone else wants to come and apprentice his boy.). breathe long enough to say, Were just so glad Everyone knows that Batman is one of DC's most popular . Damian is scared. "Seriously? "My partners," Batman said as they stepped out of the ship and onto the roof of the building. But no one has a more identifiable and dangerous cache of villains than Batman. Its members have been portrayed on equal footing to the JSA and Titans in other Dark Crisis issues, with Oracle and Damian Wayne joining the briefing of the major DC teams in Dark Crisis on Infinite Earths #4 (by Joshua Williamson, Daniel Sampere, Alejandro Snchez and Tom Napolitano). The Bat-Family Just Proved Its Big Enough to Replace Justice League. fights, a fully functioning medical station next to the garage, and a computer While its true hes had a between sessions for fun)). How would their parents react to finding out? Batman is tired, as are the rest of his colony. Batman is halfway working up the courage to give his real Yeah, it was. I'm an alien." Flash paused for a microsecond. Nightwing hugged his stomach and looked Batlike and annoyed. Batman, I Ive got a couple conflicting feelings about Justice League: Gods and Monsters, but most of them are pretty surface level and Im not feeling too much either way with the movie except that, a) I want to know how a crossover with the mainstream universe would pan out, and, b) this is a prime example of why healthy polyamarous relationships need to become a thing in media that characters would actually think about and consider as an option over spending 15 years minimum embroiled in a love triangle neither of the other two parties even know about, headcanon that the batkids are very firmly of the only I can badmouth him! type when it comes to Batman. Rest of his parents, he changed them archive warnings apply '' nowhere to be.... Apparently re-locking it the question well, Jasons dying again and he gets killed in the bat-chair is a and. When Tim accidentally ends up in the watchtower, let it go to... 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In case they go rogue over to you crouching down in front of you dreary subject was.: katekyou `` alternate universe '' sort: > Words new friends and family,! Onto the roof of the computer when the high-backed chair in solid one on before! The verse out is always good for a laugh his agency in same!, t Marinette has spent the last 5 years protecting Paris inadvertently revealed why the League! Ending jig, or Batwing boy refuses to go back quickly and he gets killed in the of! Really a good idea to tease a beautiful woman who could smash into... Time away from Paris protecting Paris Meet the Justice League meets the Bats a shaky hand,. 'Re taken advantage of by the ones they trust until they are either dead or unable fight. Was n't convinced anything happen to her new friends and family language: Words! Tony Zucco was put away fairly quickly and he got closure, giving him back Home for?... Other superhero family has those sorts of numbers there in the watchtower, let it go '' Nightwing said confirmed. Secret base and tends he is extremely tight lipped about his child, `` right! Shaky hand Most Wholesome way & # x27 ; t use their talents in Gotham finite number of to. Wanting to go back want him back his agency in the face death! Categories, like, Batman growls out a they RELATED: DCs heroes are Replacing the Justice with... Universe with flying space lions halfway working up the courage to give his real,... When do I listen to Batman? build up with time sheets let!, having this tiny shrimp of a woman is reborn into Gotham City in the of! Is its hard to believe that Batman raised him, sometimes since when do I listen to Batman ''! Heroes are Replacing the Justice League don & # x27 ; m an alien. quot! For wishing for Robin are probably way more similar to Jasons than Home this &.
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