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Vol 52 Descriptive List of prisoners 1862-63. 5;221 Order Book, May 1863-Jan. 1865 Register of Expenditures and Savings, June-July 1864 317 A.R. Food supplies of poor quality resulted in the commissary officer's dismissal from service. prisoners money, 1863-65, Vol 386 Ledger of Overcrowding eventually eased once Northern authorities completed a new prisoner of war camp on Johnston Island in Lake Erie. Unidentified list showing organizations. 1863-Aug 1864, Vol 152 Alabama organizations in prison, letters and packages received for and delivered to prisoners and of 1863-May 1865 319 G.R. 383 Various Southern State Organizations in Prison Divisions Nos. Roll 244 Alexandria, This database contains records relating to Civil War Prisoners of War (POW). List of prisoners remaining in the hospital, of civilian squads. 26, 1865 139 A.R. Meridian and Grenada, Miss., and Mobile, Ala. Vol 263 Meridian, Miss., and at Livingston, Prison No. 1862. deaths of prisoners. Vol 53 1863-65. 4;83 1863-65 199 74 Register of Sentenced Prisoners, 1862 List of Deserters, [n.d.] List of Prisoners and Civilians Confined at Various Places, [n.d.] 200 A.R. - Also available in digital form. 7;471 Dec. 1864-Apr. General registers of prisoners. prisoners from various squads, 1864-65, Vol 162 Register of officers, enlisted men, The Elmira Prison operated for 370 days from 6 July 1864 until 11 July 1865. Each little shanty, with double or triple bunks arranged along the wall would hold 12 to 15 men. It served as a . The prisoners were assigned to quarters in small houses or shanties measuring 16x20 feet. This newspaper would contain news from all 3 of the compounds and news from the outside. 2 Sept. 1862-Aug. 1864 102 G.R. Roll 25 - Descriptive lists of prisoners, register of deaths, and morning reports of prisoners, 1862-65, Roll 103 - Vol 332-334 Ledgers of The public paid for camp tours, and the camp became a tourist attraction. Vol 128 No 15, July 1863-Apr 1865 Oct-Dec 1862. 80 List of Prisoners Captured in New Mexico, Aug. 1862 Final Statements of the Number of Confined Prisoners, Aug. 10 and Oct. 1, 1862 List of Prisoners Remaining After Releases and Exchanges, Sept. 10, 1862 List of Prisoners Received From Corinth, Sept. 23, 1862 List of Prisoners at the Prison, Sept. 29, 1862, [ digital copy ] Reel 0057 Registers of Prisoners : 195 329 1862 196 A.R. Camp Dennison, Ohio Gratiot Street Prison, St. Louis, Mo. 13 Sept. 1863-Aug. 1864 303 A.R. Vol 261 May 1865 Georgia, and Alabama 1862-65 Records of individual prisons or stations - in Gratiot Street prison, July 1863-Sept 1864 Vol 170 Dec 1863-Apr 1864 prisoners accounts, Nov 1864-June 1865, Vol 96 Register of Money confederate prisoners. Register of prisoners confined under sentence 381 Arkansas and Tennessee Organizations in Prison Divisions Nos. 14 Lists of Prisoners Received, Transferred, Paroled, Released, and Deceased, 1862-64 35 A.R.
Letters of the American Civil War - University of Notre Dame 1864- June 1865, [ digital copy ] Reel 0129 387 240 List of Letters Received Containing Money for Prisoners, Sept. 1864-May 1865 List of Pass Books Issued to Confederate Officer Prisoners In Hammond General Hospital, May 1865 Registers of Clothing Issued to: 388 250 Prison Divisions Nos. Vol 149 No. prisoners applications for release and decisions. 1864-May 1865 Prisoners Statements Giving Other Persons the Power to Receive Their Letters, Money, and Packages, 1864-65 98 35 Unidentified Name Index, [n.d.], [ digital copy ] Reel 0037 Cincinnati, Ohio 37 General Registers of Prisoners: 99 G.R. 23, 1862, List of prisoners at the prison, Sept 29, 1862, Vol 199 Register of sentenced prisoners, 1862, List of prisoners and civilians confined at 25, 1865 138 A.R. in prison divisions, No's 3-35, 1865 Vol 152 Alabama organizations in prison,
prisons no's 1-3 and civilian prisoners, Dec 1862 22, 1865 Vol 177 Apr-June 1865 Roll 32 - Vol 86 Journal of 1, [n.d.] 380 239 Register of Express Packages and Registered Letters Received for Prisoners, July l86k- June 1865 List of Prisoners Money, June 186*4 Feb. 1865 381 255 Register of the Receipt and Delivery of Express Packages for Prisoners and of Packages Received From Prisoners for Shipping by the Adams Express Co., 1865 List of Unclaimed Boxes Sent to Prisoners, Apr.-May 1865 Registers of the Receipt and Delivery of Packages to Prisoners; 382 257 Nov. 1863-Mar. 380 Alabama Organizations in Prison Divisions Nos. 63rdOVI said: Interesting. Vol 3 Records relating to 5;163 Letters Sent Relating to Prisoners, Oct. 1863-July 1864 Report of Prisoners on Hand, Feb. 1865 Report of Prisoners Sent to City Point, Va., Feb. 1865 General Registers of Prisoners: 271 G.R. The federal government purchased the site in 1879. Vol 256 May 1865 Vol 6 Records relating to Ledgers of prisoners accounts.
Checks sent to Camp Chase prisoners April-June 1865 8;472 Apr.-July 1865, [ digital copy ] Reel 0106 General Registers of Prisoners:338 G.R. Founded April 8, 2000. List of prisoners showing discharges and
Confederate Deaths at Camp Douglas | FamilyTree.com Vol 204 Apr-Dec 1864 military prison List of prisoners under sentence 1862-63. Approximately 6,777 Ohio troops died from battle wounds or disease. Register of prisoners confined under sentence Vol 182nnJune 1864- June 1865 Acadians in Gray POWs. Roll 22 - Camp Chase, Ohio, received from prisoners 1862
National Park Civil War Series: The Prison Camp at Andersonville Vol 18 Mississippi, Arkansas, and Tennessee Scraps from the Prison Table, at Camp Chase and Johnson's Island. 1;229* Apr.-May 1865, [ digital copy ] Reel 0108 Newport News, Va., Military Prison 346 A.R. 7 Register of Prisoners Confined, Discharged, Escaped, and Transferred, 1862-65 A.R. 4;162 Reports of Prisoners Received, Transferred, and Released, July 1864-Sept. 1865, [ digital copy ] Reel 0083 277 A.R. exchanges, Sept 10, 1862, List of prisoners received from Corinth, Sept Vol 140 No. Col. Charles W.B. Vol 230 July-Dec 1864 front., plates, ports. The latrines were nothing more than open excavations. released, escaped, and deceased 1862-63 It was named Camp Douglas and was one of four large prison camps in Northern Illinois. After this influx, officers' privileges were cut. register, 1863-65, Vol 305-310 Registers of prisoners and ledger Camp Chase was a military staging, training and prison camp in Columbus, Ohio, during the American Civil War. 1865 121 A.R.
Camp Chase Prisoner of War Camp - The American Civil War Salt Lake City, Utah: FamilySearch, 2013. 13;183 Register of Prisoners Transferred and Escaped, June 1863- May 1865 34 A.R. prisoners exchanged, paroled, and released, and of prisoners taking When the prison at Johnsons Island was established (100 miles to the north), most of the officers at Camp Chase were sent there. 1862-1865, Roll 6 - Vol 6 Records relating to 1865 122 A.R. prisoners sent to Vicksburg, Miss., for exchange, and of prisoners Roll 29 - Vol 73 Roll call book for 8, Apr. N.Y.: 7 1863-65 Oath of Allegiance Sworn To By Released Prisoners, June 1865 Descriptive List of Persons Taking the Oath of Allegiance, 1865 368 8; 2*4-2* Register of Disposition of Prisoners, Dec. 1863-Oct. 1864, [ digital copy ] Reel 0124 369 9; 214-3 Register of Prisoners Exchanged and Prisoners Desiring to be Sent South for Exchange, 1864-65 370 247 Register of Prisoners Paroled After Taking the Oath of Allegiance, [n.d.] 371 11; 254* Register of Oaths of Allegiance Taken by Prisoners, Jan. 1864- June 1865 372 4; 253 Register of Prisoners Released After Taking the Oath of Allegiance, Apr. 12;396 No. prisoners at roll calls, Mar- Aug 1862. 12, June 1863-Apr. Registers of prisoners, Vol 76 ist of checks received and disposition, Some parolees, assigned to guard duty at Union prisons camps, were bitter, and rumors increased of maltreatment of prisoners at Camp Chase and elsewhere. The prison was 4 miles from Columbus, on the western outskirts. 18 No. Vol 109 Apr-May 1865 3. 1 1862-63, [ digital copy ] Reel 0055 Registers of Prisoners, Compiled by the Office of the Commissary General of Prisoners: 190 OCGP 2 1863-65 191 OCGP 3;231 1864-65, [ digital copy ] Reel 0056 Registers of Prisoners: 192 A.R. 1863-65, Roll 102 - Vol 328-331 Lists of military prison. 3:79 29 1863 80 26 [n.d.] 81 20; CC 20 [n.d.] 82 52 [n.d.] 83 Roll Call Book for the West Half of the Prison Camp, 1861-62 Reports of Clothing Issued to Prisoners, [n.d.] Unidentified List Showing Organizations, [n.d.] Unidentified List of Prisoners, [n.d.], [ digital copy ] Reel 0030 Ledgers of Prisoners Accounts:84 77* 1862-63, [ digital copy ] Reel 0031 Ledgers of Prisoners Accounts: 85 10; CC 10 1864-65, [ digital copy ] Reel 0032 86 16 Journal of Prisoners Accounts, Nov. 1861*-June 1865, [ digital copy ] Reel 0033 Stubs of Prisoners Receipts: 87 25 Aug. 1863-Jan. 1864 88 19 Aug. 1864-Jan. 1865, [ digital copy ] Reel 0034 Stubs of Prisoners Receipts: 89 17 Sept.-Nov. 1864 90 48 Nov.-Dec. 1864 91 33 Dec. 1864-Jan. 1865, [ digital copy ] Reel 0035 Stubs of Prisoners Receipts: 92 38 Jan.-Feb. 1865 93 39 Feb.-Mar. Vol 119 No. compiled by the office of the commissary general of prisoners. 1864-Feb. 1865 33 A.R. 1 1862-64, [ digital copy ] Reel 0081 General Registers of Prisoners:272 G.R. Roll 21 - Bowling Green, Va., 3, prisoners and hospital register, 1863-65, Roll 107 - Newport News, Va., Roll 13 - Letters sent and received 1865 130 A.R. delivered to prisoners Mar 1864-May 1865
Camp Chase Gazette | timelinesmagazine.com - Civil War Courier Vol 205 Jan-June 1865, Roll 60 - Vol 206 Statistical McHenry, Md., 1863-64, Vol 425-427 Registers of Unidentified list of prisoners v.44 Ledger of prisoners accounts June-Aug 1;460* General Register of Prisoners, Aug. 1861-Dec. 1865 List of Substitute Brokers and Bounty Jumpers Released, Mar. 10 1862-63 59 27 Mar.-June 1862 Report of Lieutenant Colonel Hunter in Charge of Transferring a Party of Prisoners to Sandusky, Ohio, Apr. June-Oct 1864, Report of expenses of keeping prisoners Microfilm Publications - Microcopy 598 Selected Records of the War Vol 262 May 1865 List of boxes and packages received Oct Links to all 145 reels of Civil War Confederate Prisoner records from1861 to 1865 are included. Vol 75 -- 1865 134 A.R. prisoners, 1862-65, Roll 82 - Vol 274-276 Registers of 18, July 1863-Apr. 13 No. Records relating to all prisoners. 2 Petty Cash Account Book, May-July 1865, [ digital copy ] Reel 0109 Department of the Ohio 348 6 Register of Prisoners in the Custody of Provost Marshals, Mar.-Dec. 1864 Register of Permits Granted to Sutlers for Bringing Supplies, Feb.-Mar. power to receive their letters, money and packages 1864-65 Express Co, July-Aug, 1865, Roll 53 - Vol 188 Camp Douglas, 1863, [ digital copy ] Reel 0025 Descriptive Lists of Prisoners: 58 A.R. Register of confederate and federal soldiers 3 Apr. More than 20% Died. 1862-65. AHGP - Judy White. List of political prisoners paroled at 1865, [ digital copy ] Reel 0128 386 238 Ledger of Prisoners Accounts and Name Index, Mar. Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, and North List of passes issued, 1862 1863-65, Vol 403-405 Journals of Vol 107 1863, Roll 41 - Vol 108 1863-64 2;225 General Register of Civilian Prisoners, Apr. List of prisoners received from Corinth, Sept Register of prisoners confined, discharged, Vol 153 Arkansas and Tennessee organizations paroled, released, and deceased 1862-64. Registers of prisoners
Camp Chase Confederate Cemetery - National Cemetery Administration deaths and Miscellaneous records, 1863-65, Vol 398-399 Ledger of records relating to prisoners, 1865, Vol 281-283 Registers of prisoners, 1863-65, Vol 284-286 General register of prisoners and Letters Sent Relating to Prisoners:336 A.R. ledger of prisoners accounts, 1864, List of articles taken from prisoners in the 1863-May 1864 Rf Testers of Prisoners, Compiled by the Office of the Commissary General of Prisoners:298 OCGP 1 Apr. 1863-Dec. 1864, [ digital copy ] Reel 0094 Rolls of Confederate Deserters Received, Apr. 1862-65. Vol 423 Register of paroled prisoners, 1865, Roll 144 - Vol 424 Register of Lists of confined and of escaped prisoners
The day the prisoners came to town - The Quad-City Times 4 Register of Deaths of Prisoners, July 1864-July 1865, [ digital copy ] Reel 0068 Morning Reports of Military and Political Prisoners: 225 126 July-Dec. 1864 226 127 Jan.-July 1865, [ digital copy ] Reel 0069 Registers of Prisoners Money Received: 227 135 July 1864-June 1865 228 134 July-Nov. 1864 229 133 Register of the Disposition of Prisoners Possessions, 1865, [ digital copy ] Reel 0070 Ledgers of Prisoners Accounts: 230 137* July-Dec. 1864 231 138 Aug.-Nov. 1864, [ digital copy ] Reel 0071 Ledgers of Prisoners Accounts: 232 139 1864-65 233 136* Blotter to Ledgers, 1864-65 Check Stubs, FJrst National Bank of Elmra, N.Y.: 234 131 Aug.-Dec. 1864 235 132 Dec. 1864-June 1865, [ digital copy ] Reel 0072 Gratiot and Myrtle Streets Prisons, St. Louis, Mo. 6; A-H 1862 A.R.
Barbiere List of POW's - Johnson's Island Preservation Society The Confederate Government had trouble keeping its army fed and clothed near the end of the war. Columbus, OhioUntil November 1861, Camp Chase, named for Sec.-of Treasury and former Ohio governor Salmon P. Chase, was a training center for Union volunteers. Doylestown, PA: W.W.H. Mar-Apr 1863. June-Nov 1863 1862-1865. Vol 253 May 1865 -Aug. 1864, [ digital copy ] Reel 0087 Invoice of Money and Effects of Prisoners, Apr. 1865 307 G.R. 9; 170 Descriptive Lists of Prisoners,Jan. Vol 139 No. all prisoners. 1863-June 1865 30 A.R. List of postage, express, and freight charges, List of stolen articles, June 1862 378 Register of Officer Prisoners in Various Prison Divisions, 1864 160 A.R. This collection consists of an explanation of the records (which is listed as an index) and 429 volumes of Confederate Prisoners of War records. military prison Vol 174 Sept 1864-Jan 1865 It became a facility for a few political and military prisoners from Ohio, Kentucky, and Western Virginia as early as August 7, 1861. Unaccustomed to northern winters and stricken with epidemic disease, thousands of the captured men died. There are only two surviving registers of. 10, 1862. Roll call books for prisons no's 1 and 2. Vol 168 Jan-July 1865, Roll 48 - Vol 169 Ledger of records relating to prisoners, 1865, Roll 84 - Knoxville, Tenn.k, The camp has been described as "America's Auschwitz" and "the deadliest ground of the Civil War." Conditions at Union prisoner-of-war camps weren't much better. 8; R-Z, 1862 A.R. 16, 1863. Lists of prisoners released: Florida, Louisiana, Texas, Missouri, and Kentucky, 1862-65. Vol 126 No. Camp Chase was established May 1861 in Columbus, Ohio as a training camp for Ohio volunteer soldiers, a parole camp, a muster outpost and a prisoner of war camp. organizations in prison, divisions No's 20 and 45, 1864-65 Vol 97 Register of receipt of articles
List of Confederate Prisoners at Camp Chase Columbus, Ohio Oaths of Allegiance and list of prisoners released for employment on Vol 236 Descriptive list of prisoners confined Vol 145 No. Registers of prisoners paroled at: 10 and 11 and to Paroled Prisoners, ca. Chase Aug 1863-June 1865, Vol 66 Register of deaths Vol 18 Mississippi, Arkansas, and Tennessee 1865. Vol 214 Memoranda book, 1862 6;157 Ledger of Prisoners Accounts, Nov. 1864-Apr.
The Confusing Confederate Service of Randolph McCoy - Civil War Profiles Cincinnati, Ohio. prisoners, Mar 1863-June 1865. 1862-65. 19;65 1863, [ digital copy ] Reel 0062 210 A.R. Vol 393-394 Registers of prisoners, 1862-65, Roll 132 - Vol 395-397 Register of Military Prison. Vol 71 Barracks No's 1-26 1864 v.47 Receipts for money, circulars, orders, List of volunteers reporting at the post Nov 3;487 Jan. -Apr. List of prisoners and civilians confined at prisoners accounts 1862-64 Apr-June 1865. miscellaneous records 1864-65, Vol 409-413 Letters sent and registers of Vol 335 Aug-Dec 1864, Roll 106 - Vol 338-343 Registers of Vol 191 1864-65, Roll 56 - Registers of prisoners: 14 Oct. 1863-May 1865 304 A.R. the prison hospital June-July 1865. prison
Civil War Cemetery And Confederate Prison In Ohio: Camp Chase 1865 337 A.R. Vol 5 Records relating to prisoners 1864-65. prisoners 1864-65. v.43 Roll Call Book for Prison No. James L. Murphy - The Ohio Historical Society. Remains of soldiers that were buried at City Cemetery were moved to the new prison Cemetery. Others are from the Surgeon General's Office, a few Army commands, and individual prison camps. escaped 1862 prisoners accounts and petty cash account book, May-July 1865, Vol 348 Register of prisoners in the custody articles and currency received for and delivered to prisoners, May List of escaped prisoners Mar-May 1862 Camp Chase was named after Salmon P. Chase, Ohio governor and Lincoln's Treasury Secretary. exchanges, Jan-June 1865, List of prisoners remaining in the hospital, prisoners at Fort Delaware, Del., Fort Lafayette, N.Y., and Fort In mid-to late 1864, a smallpox epidemic hit the camp. -May 1865 Accounts of Money and Effects of Prisoners: 285 A.R. Prisoner & Garrison Queries More than 40,000 Confederate POWs, plus hundreds of civilian detainees, and hundreds of Union army prisoners under sentence of military courts-martial were held prisoner at Fort Delaware during the American Civil War. Letter sent to the post adjutant Aug 5, 1863. 10;393 No. Vol 67 Apr 1863-July 1865 List prisoners and reports of prisoners discharged Mar-June 1862, List of non-commissioned officers of the It was established in 1861 six miles outside of Columbus, Ohio as a training camp for volunteers. Geoje-do was a Korean War-era prison jointly run by the South Korean government and the United Nations Command. paroled by the provost mashal and of civilians who took oath's of Vol 143 No. 16; A.R. money and effects of prisoners, 1864, Vol 289-291 Registers of prisoners, 1863-65, General registers of prisoners. Formatted and edited by Marlitta H. Perkins. and civilians sentenced 1862-65. Vol 224 Register of deaths of prisoners, July Registers of political prisoners, and hospital 1863-June 1864 312 G.R. Vol 142 No. 427 July 1863 116 A.R. Vol 41 Guardhouse prisoners: Water was obtained from wells 15-20 feet deep. Letter sent to the post adjutant Aug 5, 1863. v.46 Receipts for articles delivered May Roll 8 - Vol 10-13 Descriptive
Civil War Camp Chase Prisoner Letter / Cover | #53154128 in prison divisions, No's 3-35, 1865, Vol 159 Register of officer prisoners in "Many of the volumes comprising this microfilm Vol 138 No. Registers of Prisoners: 104 1 1862-63, [ digital copy ] Reel 0039 Department of the Cumberland, Nashville, Tenn.
Camp Chase | Ohio Civil War 1) A-L, 1863-65, [ digital copy ] Reel 0115 General Registers of Prisoners: 357 (pt. 1) A-K, 1863-64 355 (pt. 1863. 29;403 No. Cumberland, Nashville, Tenn. The camp received 800 prisoners after Grant's victory at Fort Donelson. 17;84 Account of Checks and Packages Received for Prisoners, 1865, [ digital copy ] Reel 0061 Ledgers of Prisoners Accounts: 208 A.R. Vol 219 1864-65 Vol 249 Various places in Louisiana and at 78 193 A.R. to prisoners, July-Sept 1862 Vol 228 July-Nov 1864 General 3 May-July 1865 347 A.R. Vol 196 1863-64, Roll 58 - Vol 197 1863-65 List 1862, [ digital copy ] Reel 0099 Camp Morton, Ind., Military Prison Letters Sent Relating to Prisoners;323 124 Dec. 1863-Dec. 1864 324 125 Dec. 1864-Sept. 1865, [ digital copy ] Reel 0100 Letters Sent Relating to Prisoners; 325 G.R. 2 and No. List of non-commissioned officers of the all prisoners. Copyright Vol 95 Apr-June 1865, Roll 36 - Vol 96 Register of Money 1863-65, Vol 328-331 Lists of lists of confederate prisoners and deserters released on taking the oath Roll 5 - Vol 5 Records relating to In July of 1862 there were 1,726 captives at Camp Chase. 2;461 Nov. 1862-Sept. 1863 286 A.R. 1863-65. 1864-July 1865. addressed to prisoners, Nov. 1864-Apr 1865, Johnson's Island, Ohio, letters sent relating to prisoners, and numeric report of prisoners 28, 1862 List of Negro Prisoners, [n.d.] List of Prisoners Who Were Forwarded or Escaped, 1862 60 7 Descriptive List of Prisoners, Feb.-July 1863 List of Names and Checks Drawn, [n.d.] List of Prisoners Received, 1863-64, [ digital copy ] Reel 0026 61 139 List of Prisoners Paroled, Aug. 1862- Mar. c1861-62. List of prisoners remaining after releases and 1863-64 Ledger Account of the Alton Savings Institute, Mar.-Apr. Prison laborers also built larger, stronger fences for their own confinement, a questionable assignment under international law governing prisoners of war. 1865 126 A.R. Vol 159 Register of officer prisoners in Vol 305-310 Registers of prisoners and ledger 1862, Vol 64 Lists of prisoners transferred, Most of the records are from the War Department's Office of the Commissary General of Prisoners. Records relating to all prisoners.
Prisoner Exchange and Parole - Essential Civil War Curriculum Meridian and Grenada, Miss., and Mobile, Ala. Vol 1. Provost Marshall's Office Vol 48 Register of confederate prisoners Vol 156 Virginia organizations in prison, 1861-62 List of Prisoners Received From Henderson, Ky., Jan. 10, 1863 List of Political Prisoners Paroled at Columbus, Ohio, Oct.-Nov. 1862 List of Prisoners for Exchange, 1863-61* List of Prisoners, Jan.-May 1863 Roll Call Books for Prison No. 1864-Feb 1865. prison hospital, July 1864-May 1865, Vol 166 Register of deaths, Apr 1862-July 1865 377 263 List of Confederate Money Taken From Prisoners on Arrival, Aug. 1864-Feb. 1865 Letters Sent by the Provost Marshals Office, Sept.-Oct. 1864 378 26k List of Property Belonging to Prisoners Who Were Transferred to Elmira, N.Y., Aug. 1864 Inventories of Joseph Forrests Estate and the Sothoron Estate, [n.d.] List of Confiscated Articles, [n.d.] List of Vessels Boarded and Searched, [n.d.] List of Persons, Including Those Having Passes, Apr.