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Louis IX's grandson was the first duke of Bourbon, whose descendants would later become Kings of France in accordance to the Salic law. Louis-Constantin (1695-98), prince de Dombes, Louis-Auguste (1700-55), prince de Dombes, Louis-Csar (1672-83), leg. "Monsieur le Duc". > m ([464]%29 as her second husband, BASINA , formerly wife of BASINUS King of Thuringia, daughter of -. minister Herv de Charette is her great-great-grandson). Louis-Auguste, titled duc de Berry at birth, was the son of Louis, Dauphin de France, and Marie-Josphe de Saxe, Dauphine. and his children and entrusted them to the royal family, which treated Louis de Bourbon, comte de Soissons (1641) had a son Louis-Henri de Welcome to Geni, home of the world's largest family tree. [1] Most of those were by Sang, and the prince de Cond, to whom the title of duc de Bourbon Some Explore. Marked by a rich cascade of aromas and flavors, Basil Hayden's Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey is carefully matured for exceptional quality and distilled in the heart of bou The Bourbon family remained loyal to the crown throughout Louis's reign. Philippe II d'Orlans arms were different), and the charges both recall the arms of the cities. The present article attempts a rapid survey of the dynasty as a whole, relying mainly on genealogical tables to display necessary details. I, duc de Bourbon had by Jeanne de Bournan Louis btard de Bourbon a bend sinister couped argent. 1913) ~ Rene de Nicolay (1910-54), Antonio (1866-1930), infant of Spain, 4th duke of Galliera 1895, Alfonso (1886-1975), Infante of Spain (except 1909-12), 5th duke of Galliera, Gerarda (b. . 1587. . [1] He received a full baptism on 18 October 1761 at Versailles. The Bourbon family traced its origin to Robert of Clermont (12561318), the sixth son of Louis IX of France. Louis XVI (Louis-Auguste) was the last King of France before the fall of the monarchy during the French Revolution. etc: Louise (1561), comtesse de Montpensier et dauphine d'Auvergne 1527, Rene (1539), baronne de Merceur 1530 ~ Antoine, duc de Lorraine ." ante susceptum, Giovanna II (1373-1435), queen of Naples and Jerusalem (adopted in 1420 The House of Bourbon is a cadet branch of the Capetian dynasty that descended from a younger son of King Louis IX of France. et comte de Poitiers 1417, Dauphin 1417, Philippe (1436-36), [duc de Normandie, duc de Guyenne?]. who bore Bourbon a bendlet sinister. Alfonso V again, then in 1434 Ren d'Anjou), Marguerite (1273-99), comtesse d'Anjou et de Maine (1273-1299) ~, Philip (1256-1277), prince of Achaia, titular King of Thessalonica. The eldest son of Philip Vs second marriage, he became duke of Parma in 1731 by right of his mother, heiress of the last Farnese dukes, and in 1734, during the War of the Polish Succession, he conquered the Kingdom of Naples-Sicily (Kingdom of the Two Sicilies) for himself. It is not intended as a genealogical reference. Jul 23, 2012 - Kings of France family tree - 4th Dynasty: Bourbon. Francis I (French: Franois Premier and Franois dAngoulme) (12 September 1494 31 March 1547), was crowned King of France in 1515 in the cathedral at Reims and reigned until 1547. This is a simplified family tree of the House of Bourbon.The House of Bourbon is a cadet branch of the Capetian dynasty that descended from a younger son of King Louis IX of France.Louis IX's grandson was the first duke of Bourbon, whose descendants would later become Kings of France in accordance to the Salic law.In the present day, family Kings and princes are known to have had illegitimate offspring since As Henry of Valois, he was the first elected monarch of the Pol , ; * Charles IX (June 27, 1550 May 30, 1574) born Charles-Maximilien, was King of France, ruling from 1560 until his death. This branch of the Orlans family became heir to the claims on 1382: per pale Jerusalem and per pale Naples (France a label gules) and Anjou The Spanish royal family consists of King Felipe VI, Queen Letizia, their children (Leonor, Princess of Asturias and Infanta Sofa of Spain), and Felipe's parents, King Juan Carlos I and Queen Sofa.The royal family lives at Zarzuela Palace in Madrid, although their official residence is the Royal Palace of Madrid.The membership of the royal family is defined by royal decree and consists of . This is a simplified family tree of the House of Bourbon. to 1404, duc de Nemours 1404: Blanche (1391-1441), queen of Navarre 1425, Blanche (1464 s.p.) Bourbons' exile. French: Les Rois et les Reines de France et leurs poux, English (default): Kings and Queens of France and Their Spouses, Prsidents de la Rpublique franaise (Presidents of France). Retrieved February 22, 2023 from In addition to the MLA, Chicago, and APA styles, your school, university, publication, or institution may have its own requirements for citations. Henry IVs heirs were kings of France uninterruptedly from 1610 to 1792, when the monarchy was suspended during the first Revolution. (PA). Marie (1367-1434), duchesse d'Auvergne 1400: Philippe (1342-1404), duc de Touraine 1360-63: Louis (1372-1407), duc de Touraine 1386-92, duc d'Orlans 1392 Henri II (1588-1646), prince de Cond, Premier Prince du Sang 1673, Louise-Marie-Anne (1674-81), Mademoiselle de Tours, leg. de Bourbon, duc de Vendme, Louis-Armand (1661-85), prince de Conti 1666, Franois-Louis (1664-1709), prince de Conti 1685, Louis-Armand (1695-1727), prince de Conti, Louis-Franois (1717-76), prince de Conti, Louis-Franois-Joseph (1734-1814), prince de Conti, Louise-Henriette (1726-59), Mademoiselle de Conti ~ Louis-Philippe (1590): Marguerite, Madeleine, Catherine (died young). Louis IX's grandson was the first duke of Bourbon, whose descendants would later become Kings of France in accordance to the Salic law. Louis IX's grandson was the first duke of Bourbon, whose descendants would later become Kings of France in accordance to the Salic law. Louis (1520), prince de La Roche-sur-Yon: Louis (1513-1582), comte de Montpensier, dauphin d'Auvergne, prince Originally the Bourbon-Busset arms were Argent ~1092 Bertrade de Montfort, repudiated 1104, ~1193 Ingeborge of Denmark (1175-1226), repudiated Louis IX's grandson was the first duke of Bourbon, whose descendants would later become Kings of France in accordance to the Salic law. when he found her in adultery), Marguerite (1473) married to Olivier de The emperor's forces captured the French king in 1525. In France the senior or legitimate line of the Bourbons, restored to sovereignty in France after the Napoleonic Wars, was deposed at the Revolution of 1830. The son of that marriage, titular king of Navarre in succession to his mother from 1572, became king of France, as Henry IV, on the death of the last Valois king in 1589. The line of Dunois-Longueville comes from VI, legitimated 1428; the issuing line of Belleville became extinct in By Catherine-Henriette de Balzac d'Entragues (1579-1633), marquise French monarchs family tree | Familypedia | Fandom de Bourbon (1504), bishop of Clermont and Suzanne, both bearing: Argent on Heraldry). Charolais ~ Louis-Auguste de Bourbon, duc du Maine, Marie-Anne (1678-1718), Mademoiselle de Montmorency ~ Louis-Joseph Missing image French-monarchsBourbon.png Image:French-monarchsBourbon.png. In the Henri (Bourbon) de Bourbon (1553-1610) - WikiTree: The Free Family Tree The Bourbon family faced a more serious threat in 1521. This lordship was made a duchy for his son Louis I in 1327 and so gave its name to the dynasty. This branch of the Orlans family became Spanish nationals. 1576, duchesse d'Angoulme 1582, s.p. Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). duc de Bourbon et d'Auvergne 1503-1523, duc de Chtellerault 1515, house of Bourbon, Spanish Borbn, Italian Borbone, one of the most important ruling houses of Europe. Known as Huguenots, the Protestants were followers of John Calvin. Cotivy, and Jeanne married to Antoine de Bueil, comte de Sancerre. Louis XVI (Bourbon) de France was a member of aristocracy in Europe. are known. de Verneuil 1599 (legitimate daughter of Marie Touchet, mistress of Charles One interesting line is that of the comtes de Roussillon, Charles (1321-61), ~ Bonne d'Armagnac (1415) royal mistress: Charlotte (1477) (killed by her husband Jacques de Brz Louis Capet, btard de Lige, King of France IX (1465-1500) Davis The title of the head of the house of Cond was "prince Antoine (1824-90), duc de Montpensier While every effort has been made to follow citation style rules, there may be some discrepancies. Royalty - Results - Family Tree DNA Jerusalem. For a more simplified view, see Family tree of French monarchs (simplified). Most illustrious among them was Louis XIV, who brought absolute monarchy to its zenith in western Europe. et de Chtellerault 1540: Madeleine (1520-37) ~ James V of Scotland, Marguerite (1523-74), duchesse de Berry 1550 ~ Emmanuel-Philibert de Louis-Auguste was had an elder brother, Louis Joseph Xavier and therefore was not expected to reign; sadly, his brother died in March 1761, at the age of 10, making Louis-Auguste next in line for the throne. (1714-41), Louis-Joseph (1736-1818), prince de Cond ~Charlotte de Rohan-Soubise During the 1560s, the Bourbons became involved in the French Wars of Religion. line of Bourbon-Malause bore Argent on a bend azure a semy-de-lys abb d'Orlans (1698-1764), legitimized 1708, archbishop House of Bourbon | Definition, History, Dynasty, Members - Britannica 1686, Louis-Henri (1692-1740), duc de Bourbon ~ Charlotte of Hesse-Rheinfels-Rothenburg The 1830 Revolution brought Louis-Philippe and the house of Orlans to power. argent . either Louise-Franoise de Le Baume Le Blanc, Mademoiselle de La Franois (Hercule) (1555-1584), duc d'vreux 1560, duc (1737-60), Louis-Henri-Joseph (1756-1830), last prince de Cond, Louis-Antoine-Henri (1772-1804), duc d'Enghien, Louise-Adlade (1757-1824), Mademoiselle de Cond, His son had already changed the arms to Orlans a bend couped This is a simplified family tree of the House of Bourbon (in Spanish, Borbn; in Italian, Borbone; in English, Borbon. This is a simplified family tree of the House of Bourbon. Louis XVI is 20 degrees from Jennifer Aniston, 14 degrees from Drew Barrymore, 15 degrees from Candice Bergen, 17 degrees from Alexandre Dumas, 19 degrees from Carrie Fisher, 34 degrees from Whitney Houston, 19 degrees from Hayley Mills, 21 degrees from Liza Minnelli, 21 degrees from Lisa Presley, 23 degrees from Kiefer Sutherland, 21 degrees from Bill Veeck and 24 degrees from Brian Nash on our single family tree. The king recognized Charles as the new head of the Bourbon family and married him to his own sister-in-law, Franoise d'Alenon., "Bourbon Family and Dynasty Paris, Louise-lisabeth (1693-1775), Mademoiselle de Bourbon ~ Louis-Armand King Childeric Charlemagne denier (a silver coin) coined in Mainz from 812 to 814, today at the Cabinet des Mdailles in Paris. ~1369 Marguerite (1350-1405), comtesse de Flandres quite interesting, as marks of illegitimacy have been quite varied and a bend sinister argent, and had only Charles (1507 s.p.). explained at the end. Follow. Every duc de From him also came the The House of Bourbon is a cadet branch of the Capetian dynasty that descended from a younger son of King Louis IX of France. November 11, 2013. They are not French citizens and have no claims ." The rule of France by men of the House of Bourbon began with King Henri IV in 1589 C.E. French monarchs family tree - Academic Kids Kings and Queens of France and Their Spouses. Renaissance: An Encyclopedia for Students. et Prince Royal 1830. of Gro Para, renounced his rights 1908, Maria da Gloria (b. of Constantinople, illegitimate lineage of the marquis of Cortez: quarterly Navarre imaginative over time (see Woodward's excellent chapter in his Treatise B273628 M. Davis has given permission for the following to be posted in this project. Louis (1388-1404), seigneur de Beaujolais: Jeanne (1377) ~ Humbert II, dauphin du Viennois ~ Charles de France, In the present day, family representatives are the King of Spain and the Grand Duke of Luxembourg. The persons tested where prince Axel of Bourbon-Parma . Jean (1404-1467) comte d'Angoulme, Prigord 1407: Jeanne (1520), duchesse de Valois 1516 ~Charles de Cotivy, comte he married raguly gules, his crest was a fish roasting over flames! In 1765 his father, the Dauphin, died at the age of 36, and Louis-Auguste became the new Dauphin - the heir to the throne of France. (Michel Antoine, Le Dur Mtier a label argent (Orlans-Longueville), although the author of I have not traced the issue of females, with a few exceptions. . However they only had 4 daughters, none of whom had any children. Jeanne (1351-71)~ Juan d'Aragon duke of Gironda. de Cond again. During the Revolution, monarchists declared Louis XVII titular king (179395), but he never reigned, and he died under the Revolutions house arrest. He also had Henri de Saint-Rmy, de Roi, 1986, p.299). Louis XV had many mistresses, and at least 15 illegitimate children I have left a few branches incomplete for the the time being (the first Bragana (1846-1921). Emperor Napoleon I and his descendants are excluded. His godmother was Marie-Adlade de France, his aunt. Leave a message for others who see this profile. Further votes to determine his sentence took up several days, with an eventual majority of 380 vs 310 voting for an immediate execution of the death penalty.[4]. Dreux, Prigord, Beaumont, Soissons 1404, Poitiers; purchases Blois B > Bourbon | D > de France > Louis-Auguste (Bourbon) de France, Categories: House of Bourbon | French Monarchs | This Day In History January 21 | This Day In History August 23, WIKITREE HOME | ABOUT | G2G FORUM | HELP | SEARCH. Isabel (b. Henry accepted and in 1594 he was welcomed in Paris and crowned King of France and Navarre in God's name and with the papal recognition. The Bourbon DNA project. font. Pasiphae, Wife of King Minos: Mythology & Family | Who was Pasiphae Join Geni to explore your genealogy and family history in the World's Largest Family Tree. Individual Note. 1597, ~ Charles II de Lorraine, Contents 1 Carolingian Dynasty (752-987) 2 Capetian Dynasty (987-1848) 2.1 Direct Capetians (987-1328) The ruling dynasty of France during much of the Renaissance, the Valois gained the throne in 1328 when the last king of the Capetian dynasty died wit, The first monarch of the Bourbon dynasty of France, Henri IV was king from 1589 until his assassination in 1610. Charles X, had a long relationship in London with Amy Brown, during the genealogical. on a bend sinister azure a semy-de-lys or and a fillet in bend sinister | All rights reserved. The latter line obtained Montpensier from the constables forfeited heritage (with ducal rank from 1539). Renaissance: An Encyclopedia for Students. Charles, Duca di Calabria, Pr of Florence (1298-1328): Giovanna I (1326-82), queen of Naples and Jerusalem, Charles (1296-1315), Pr of Achaia, Vicar of Romania, Robert, Pr of Tarento, 1343 titular Emperor of Constantinople (d. 1363), Philip II (1329-74), Pr of Tarento, titular Emperor of Constantinople. King Louis Xiv Of France Family Tree | When he escaped in 1576, Henry reclaimed his role as protector of the Protestant faith. [3] The couple remained childless for 8 years, but eventually had four children: Louis succeeded as King of France upon the death of his grandfather, Louis XV, on 10 May 1774. References are A DNA test of three living members of this family determined the Y-DNA profile of this lineage. Philippe (1336-63), comte de Longueville: Louis (1341-72), comte de Beaumont-le-Roger: Jeanne (1312-49), queen of Navarre 1328 ~, Jeanne, comtesse de Bourgogne (1308-47) ~ (1318) Eudes IV, duc de Bourgogne This marriage, which placed him in the line of succession to the French crown, was intended to bring peace between Catholics and Huguenots. comte de Beaumont 1353: Charles III le Noble (1361-1425), king of Navarre, comte d'vreux acte d'ondoiement: Archives des Yvelines, Versailles, Notre-Dame, B, 1754-1754, Cote 1080426, vue 62, consult le 18 septembre 2019, lien permanent: acte de baptme: Archives des Yvelines, Versailles, Notre-Dame, B, 1761-1761, Cote 1112502, vue 86, consult le 18 septembre 2019, lien permanent: acte de mariage: Archives des Yvelines, Versailles, Notre-Dame, M, 1770-1770, Cote 1112506, vue 34, consult le 18 septembre 2019, lien permanent: This WikiTree profile is referenced from Wikidata: Louis-Auguste, titled duc de Berry at birth, was the son of Louis, Dauphin de France, and Marie-Josphe de Saxe, Dauphine. Henry IV received an annulment* to his marriage in 1599 and took Marie de Mdicis as his second wife. The usual manner Updates? (France a bordure gules) (N) Bourbon from Louis I to Jean II included has illegitimate sons. Thibaut (1948-83), comte de La Marche 1976: Isabelle (b.1932) ~ Frederic-Karl count of Schnborn-Buchheim, Hlne-Astrid (b.1934) ~ Eberhard count of Limburg-Stirum, Anne (1938) ~ Carlos de Borbon-Sicilia, duke of Calabria, Diane (b.1940) ~ Karl, duke of Wrttemberg, Claude (b.1943) ~ Amedeo di Savoia, duke of Aosta, Chantal (b.1946) ~ Franois-Xavier de Sambucy, baron de Sorgue, Isabelle (1900-83) ~ Bruno, comte d'Harcourt (1930); ~ (after renouncing Louis XVI, king of France - geni family tree Harcourt, Brace and World, Inc., c. 1967. The Bourbon had become Kings of France. Are there any modern relatives of the House of Bourbon that ruled Charles, Duke of Vendme and Franoise d'Alenon, had 13 children, including Antoine de Bourbon, and Louis of Cond. Many members of the family obtained high positions in the church and in the government. Below are the family trees of all French monarchs, from Childeric I to Louis Philippe I. . The names of reigning monarchs are in bold capital letters. French kings - House of Bourbon (FR) . with complements from La Chesnaye-Desbois and the Quid, 1996 edition on a chief ingrailed or three fleurs-de-lys azure. But this support was costly and led to a financial crisis, contributing to the unpopularity of the regime. Lorraine, duc de Guise, Franoise-Madeleine (1648-64), Melle de Valois ~, lisabeth (1602-44), Madame ~ Felipe IV, king of Spain, Henriette-Marie (1609-69), Madame Henriette ~ Charles I, king of England, Philippe-Charles (1661-66), duc de Valois, Marie-Louise (1662-89), Mademoiselle d'Orlans ~, Anne-Marie (1669-1728) Mademoiselle de Valois ~. de France de la maison de Bourbon de 1594 1820, Paris, 1965. de Cond", from the seigneurie of Cond. (1350), Philippe de Bourgogne (1346) ~ Jeanne de Boulogne-Auvergne, Philippe de Rouvre, duc de Bourgogne (1346-61 s.p. between six fleurs-de-lys or, and chequy or and sable. had been given in 1661 by Louis XIV, took it as main title, and was called 2008 - 2023 INTERESTING.COM, INC. Refer to each styles convention regarding the best way to format page numbers and retrieval dates. King Louis XVI was born about 1746. Reprinted 1970. accession she bore. Jean (1526-57), comte de Soissons, seigneur d'Enghien: Louis (1530-69), seigneur de Cond(took the title of prince In 1770 he married Austrian archduchess Marie Antoinette, the daughter of Maria Theresa and Holy Roman. Louis de Bourbon (1667-83), comte de Vermandois, leg. 1706: Orlans an orle and a baton couped in bend sinister argent. Bourbon family tree - WikiMili, The Best Wikipedia Reader IX): Henri de Bourbon (1601-82), leg. bend gules. Other information is kept to a minimum. Jean (1403-68), comte de Dunois, companion in arms of Jeanne d'Arc, who leg. Fourth dynasty, Bourbon. btard de Valois (1557-1621), baron de Fontette: Argent on a fess > Houses of Bourbon-Cond and Bourbon-Conti, Gisle (c.970-? adopted 1380 by Queen Giovanna I of Naples, King of Naples, Sicily & Jerusalem Several others are pretenders to the thrones of France, Two Sicilies, and Brazil. Their son Antoine (15181562) wed Jeanne d'Albret, who became queen of Navarre, a tiny kingdom in the Pyrenees Mountains. An illegitimate line from Longueville is Rothelin, which bore in the 18th He was born in the town of Pau, the, Catherine de' Medici By the 1400s, the power of the Bourbons led them to challenge the French crown. Can I cite a source that mentions the dna of persons still living? Please enable JavaScript in your browser's settings to use this part of Geni. de Cond sometime a few years after his marriage in 1551), comte Cristina (b. Charles-Ferdinand d'Artois, duc de Berry and younger son of the future This is the Kings of France family tree, including all kings, from Charles Magne to the advent of the Republic. Henry I De Percy - b.~ 1156 in Whityby, Yorkshire, England d.<29 Sep 1198 in Cleveland, Yorkshire, England. Philippe (1683-1746), duc d'Anjou to 1700: Louis-Joseph-Xavier (1751-61), duc de Bourgogne: Xavier-Marie-Joseph (1753-54), duc d'Aquitaine. Most online reference entries and articles do not have page numbers. of referring to him was "Monsieur le Prince" under Louis XIV. azure three fleurs-de-lys or (PA), whose posterity included Jeanne Louis was stripped of all of his titles and honors, and from this date was known as Citoyen Louis Capet. Discover your family history in millions of family trees and more than a billion birth,marriage, death, census, and miltary records Search historical records Family Tree Start a free family tree online and we'll do the searching for you. Sophie Batrice, died at 11 months of age. 1953) ~ prince Michel de Ligne (b. Henri IV of France, first Bourbon king of France The Junior Bourbons (that is the line of the younger brother)or properly called Bourbon-Anjou, because the second French prince holds the title of Duke of Anjoucame to the Spanish throne after the War of Succession at the beginning of the 18th century. Articles from Britannica Encyclopedias for elementary and high school students. (also comte de Valois 1392, duc de Valois 1404, comte de Dunois, Angoulme, On 21 September 1792, the National Assembly abolished the monarchy. ), comte de Montpensier. I used Pre Anselme and B. Vrignault: Les Lgitims ~ Alfonso d'Aragon, duke of Gandia. Jean II de Bourbon, comte de Vendme, had Louis (1510), bishop Monarchs from the House of Bonaparte are excluded from this article. 2. her rank) Pierre, prince Murat (1948), Franoise (1902-53) ~ Christophe, prince of Grece and Denmark three fleurs-de-lys or, on a chief ingrailed of the second three fleurs-de-lys Meet the Would-be King of France (He's Kind of a Babe) The House of Bourbon is a European dynasty of French origin, a branch of the Capetian dynasty, the royal House of France. d'Issoudun and married to the prince de Faucigny-Lucinge. Finally, when Don Carlos became king of Spain as Charles III in 1759, he resigned Naples-Sicily to his third son Ferdinand on the express condition that that kingdom and Spain should never be united under one sovereign. d'Alenon et Chteau-Thierry 1566, duc d'Anjou, de Berry et Its members were descended from Louis I, duc de Bourbon from 1327 to 1342, the grandson of the French king Louis IX (ruled 1226-70). The voyage was planned by the Swedish nobleman, and often assumed lover of Queen Marie-Antoinette, Axel von Fersen. executed the same night at Vincennes, all on orders of Napolon The Bourbon Duchy of Lucca (181547), on the other hand, was a creation of the Congress of Vienna: having assigned Parma to Napoleons estranged consort Marie-Louise for her lifetime, the Congress had to find some alternative compensation for the still-dispossessed Bourbons. Charles IV (1436-81), duc d'Anjou et de Maine, titular King of Naples 1480: [illegitimate] Louis d'Anjou, legitimized 1468, Charles (1380-1404), prince de Tarente, comte de Roucy, d'Etampes et 1935), annulled 198? Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! 1193-1200 Charles II (1254-1309), prince of Salerno: Louis I (1326-82), king of Hungary and Poland, Maria (1370-95), queen of Hungary, Dalmatia and Croatia, Charles Martell (1345-48), Duca di Calabria, Stephen (1332-1354), Duke of Transylvania, Slavonia, Croatia and Dalmatia. 1599); duchesse de Valois 1582, comtesse d'Auvergne 1608, Louis II (1377-1417), duc d'Anjou, King of Naples, Louis III (1403-34), duc d'Anjou, King of Naples (adopted by Louis XVI - Execution, Marie Antoinette & Children - Biography