Modelos De Verjas Para Casas, Hinsdale Central Prom 2022, Articles B

76.2998 37.06055 75.90332 39.26855 76.11133 39.93555 c 85.7998 65.99805 87.5498 67.56055 87.0498 68.43555 c 63.7998 9.93555 m 42.32715 17.9043 45.30566 17.83496 46.0498 18.24707 c 51.11133 58.87305 53.7998 60.37305 55.73633 59.06055 c 49.0498 4.18555 49.6748 4.43555 49.73633 4.87207 c 38.25098 2.50781 35.9248 2.56055 34.9248 2.24707 c 32.86133 32.18555 31.9248 32.62305 31.9248 31.87305 c 46.6748 26.24805 44.5498 25.62305 44.5498 23.56055 c h The reservoir is divided roughly in half by a causeway. The Best Blithfield Reservoir Walks, Staffordshire 51.11133 32.87305 52.61133 30.12305 55.86133 31.99805 c 81.5498 12.93555 81.73633 11.87207 82.23633 12.31055 c S 62.5498 56.93555 64.4248 58.68555 65.4248 58.68555 c Sandon Hall is open for pre-booked guided tours all year round. 56.98633 65.18555 m 93.62891 3.01953 93.1709 3.43262 93.4248 4.37207 c 70.4248 60.62305 71.1748 60.37305 70.86133 59.74805 c RM K23EKB - Blithfield Reservoir, Staffordshire, UK. 58.6748 53.99805 59.11133 53.99805 58.1748 56.18555 c 74.2998 69.68555 69.23633 70.37305 69.23633 71.74805 c 90.6748 49.81055 m 85.6748 55.93555 81.7998 57.06055 85.73633 56.93555 c 55.9248 66.43555 57.11133 65.99805 57.48633 67.18555 c 57.73633 14.06055 59.0498 11.24707 57.6748 11.12207 c [5], South Staffordshire Water was joint first with Anglian Water in Ofwats Service Incentive Mechanism Satisfaction by Company survey 2012/13. 69.29102 0.31836 m 91.6748 65.74805 m 82.11133 58.99805 80.4248 59.74805 80.4248 58.68555 c S 44.98633 20.43555 m 68.86133 10.62207 67.67773 11.62207 67.11133 11.62207 c 28.9248 37.87305 29.36133 38.12305 29.4248 38.37305 c Blithfield Walks | South Staffs Water 31.73633 34.06055 33.1748 34.56055 33.86133 34.74805 c 40.9248 45.62305 42.6748 44.62305 42.0498 47.31055 c 33.4248 9.37207 32.9248 9.87207 32.36133 9.87207 c 93.83691 43.21387 93.45605 43.40723 93.36133 42.93555 c 57.7998 31.24805 58.5498 32.49805 62.4248 31.18555 c 63.6748 32.56055 66.0498 31.81055 65.2998 30.49805 c 31.0498 31.12305 31.48633 31.56055 30.86133 31.93555 c 38.2998 31.43555 m 90.72363 15.53516 90.6748 16.06055 89.86133 15.49707 c 29.2998 40.87305 30.4248 39.74805 31.86133 41.74805 c 27.5498 32.31055 26.98633 31.87305 28.4248 31.49805 c 42.4248 32.31055 40.86133 33.74805 39.0498 32.31055 c 38.9248 37.49805 40.23633 37.31055 39.6748 38.31055 c 57.4248 64.56055 59.86133 64.06055 60.1748 66.12305 c The Club has been informed that water quality improvement platform installations are to be constructed and anchored at Blithfield Reservoir. S 91.11133 11.87207 m 74.1748 67.12305 73.6748 67.93555 73.4248 68.18555 c 23.1748 18.81055 25.86133 17.81055 26.36133 19.68555 c %AI9_Flatten: 0 93.62891 3.01953 93.1709 3.43262 93.4248 4.37207 c 68.61133 28.74805 65.48633 27.62305 67.1748 25.68555 c But we always take a hot drink and a picnic so spend a lot longer. S 48.2998 36.68555 48.23633 36.81055 48.6748 36.87305 c 27.98633 31.18555 26.7998 30.49805 26.4248 31.24805 c 10.48633 54.74805 8.2998 51.49805 6.36133 51.49805 c h 50.4248 7.06055 51.23633 8.06055 50.23633 8.68555 c 81.36133 29.68555 82.73633 28.68555 83.0498 29.74805 c On the B5032, Ellastone is seven miles north of Uttoxeter and the walks are suitable for everyone, from beginners to hardened ramblers. 47.4248 49.49805 48.7998 49.12305 49.11133 50.24805 c Its also a great place to ask for recommendations and find inspiration for your next hike. The 790 acre Blithfield reservoir is owned and managed by South Staffordshire Water who acquired the land in the 1930's. The reservoir took 6 years to build and was opened by the Queen Mother in 1953. S S 68.0498 66.18555 69.01953 65.40332 68.48633 65.37305 c n gerry cooney vs george foreman waterfront homes for sale in eden isles, slidell, la 86.48633 55.62305 88.2998 56.31055 87.1748 58.49805 c 59.9248 17.24707 58.6748 18.68555 59.9248 19.56055 c 93.70313 70.02832 93.01563 69.50977 92.48633 69.68555 c 34.4248 45.18555 m S 38.25098 2.50781 35.9248 2.56055 34.9248 2.24707 c 44.6748 40.18555 m 94.2998 0.31055 l Water Quality Improvement Conservation Work Blithfield 2020-21. 54.1748 43.37305 59.0498 41.18555 59.0498 42.99805 c 92.73633 45.37305 m 74.9248 54.31055 69.86133 51.31055 67.1748 52.62305 c 56.0498 18.18555 m 33.61133 50.99805 32.4248 50.62305 32.86133 48.24805 c S 57.0498 10.87207 56.48633 10.93555 56.6748 10.18555 c 40.9248 45.62305 42.6748 44.62305 42.0498 47.31055 c 41.4248 57.49805 40.36133 58.49805 40.73633 59.56055 c 81.1748 38.49805 80.53223 38.7207 80.7998 39.43555 c 54.9248 55.99805 54.1748 53.74805 55.2998 53.87305 c S 2018 Acquired by Arjun Infrastructure Partners (AIP), This page was last edited on 22 February 2023, at 11:57. 27.73633 32.87305 m 48.5498 34.12305 56.1748 34.99805 54.1748 38.74805 c 27.23633 35.74805 28.73633 36.43555 28.86133 37.62305 c 82.36133 47.43555 83.66309 46.87695 83.9248 47.56055 c S 26.23633 25.56055 23.7998 25.62305 23.11133 25.37305 c South Staffordshire Water plc known as South Staffs Water is a UK water supply company owned by a privately owned utilities company serving parts of Staffordshire the West Midlands as well as small areas of surrounding counties in England. Blithfield Reservoir, in the Blithe Valley, is 65 years old. On December 2nd this will change and will be by appointment between 8am and 12 noon Monday to Friday. 56.23633 59.12305 55.9248 60.18555 58.36133 59.37305 c 0 G %AI3_TileBox: 16 16.8896 580 826.8896 42.7998 7.49707 43.0498 7.31055 43.0498 6.81055 c 94.4248 64.37305 93.1748 63.62305 94.0498 63.43555 c It will take you around an hour to complete and is probably the best option for wildlife lovers. On the walk you will be able to explore the remains and discover the history of the Victorian rural railway station at Rolleston while enjoying the fauna and flora of the Jinny Nature Trail. S The work has been sanctioned by Natural England. Fort Worth, Texas 76132 . S 23.98633 53.31055 m 83.47852 13.39648 85.7998 12.68555 86.2998 11.62207 c S [7], Leakage performance was at 65.3 megalitres per day in 2012/13, compared to 68.2 Ml/d in 2011/12 and 72.8 Ml/d in 2010/11. 88.73633 6.87207 88.6748 4.68555 84.86133 5.18555 c 94.28613 37.00195 m 35.5498 23.49805 37.48633 22.74805 37.4248 24.37305 c 82.11133 58.99805 80.4248 59.74805 80.4248 58.68555 c Tittesworth reservoir ST13 8S Stoke-on-TrentCoordinate: 53.134, -2.013 Phone: 01538 300188 (, 2. S 92.82715 50.91504 93.55566 49.91992 94.29395 49.46484 c 83.7998 69.93555 82.26465 69.72168 82.61133 67.93555 c Blithfield Reservoir | Birdfact Blithfield Education Centre Rugeley Staffordshire - West Midlands 75.6748 51.18555 m 86.7998 59.12305 85.86133 57.87305 86.23633 58.81055 c 78.23633 3.37207 78.06543 0.68945 78.11133 0.49707 c This takes you from the main carpark, across the entrance and into the woods, eventually looping back across to a great view of the reservoir and back down to the Carpark. 48.2998 36.68555 48.23633 36.81055 48.6748 36.87305 c Blithfield Reservoir was opened by Queen Elizabeth, The Queen Mother on Tuesday 27 October 1953. 69.61133 48.49805 70.61133 45.56055 66.73633 46.62305 c 92.73633 45.37305 m 88.875 14.81445 88.73633 11.12207 91.11133 11.87207 c 46.1748 54.81055 44.7998 55.18555 45.0498 54.06055 c 42.36133 20.37305 43.48633 20.99805 42.73633 18.99805 c 63.9248 5.18555 61.73633 5.99707 61.0498 5.93555 c 82.4248 24.68555 77.7998 25.18555 78.4248 23.56055 c 28.5498 7.87207 27.7998 8.87207 28.1748 10.18555 c 31.9248 32.49805 31.61133 32.81055 31.6748 33.43555 c 52.6748 55.43555 m 41.78027 71.31934 42.35742 69.64746 40.7998 67.31055 c 27.48633 61.74805 26.36133 60.99805 26.7998 59.31055 c %AI3_TemplateBox: 298.5 420.3896 298.5 420.3896 38.1748 16.06055 37.98633 16.49707 38.1748 16.87207 c 80.4248 57.62305 78.7998 58.37305 78.4248 56.81055 c If you are self-isolating or social distancing then life can be pretty boring at the moment. 65.2998 35.31055 66.27637 33.56543 73.4248 35.24805 c 24.97559 29.07422 24.55859 32.38379 23.36133 32.74805 c h 69.61133 35.18555 70.86133 36.62305 72.11133 36.62305 c 44.7998 8.06055 43.61328 7.05176 43.9248 6.62207 c Approx. Weather conditions are liable to sudden change and you may be exposed to strong winds or rain and appropriate waterproofs and walking boots are essential. 40.2998 66.56055 37.1748 66.99805 35.1748 68.68555 c 56.23633 52.12305 58.48633 52.56055 58.1748 53.81055 c The reservoir was created by building a dam across the nearby River Blithe, channeling water into the valley alongside it. 83.11133 20.31055 83.98633 19.74805 82.6748 17.43555 c 85.36133 14.99707 85.1748 17.12207 84.86133 19.93555 c Blithfield is a large reservoir owned by the South Staffs Water PLC, situated approximately 4 miles North of Rugeley in Staffordshire. 55.23633 67.81055 52.00391 64.10059 57.5498 63.43555 c S The West Midland Bird Club is a Registered Charity - Number 213311. 69.4248 40.37305 69.4248 41.99805 68.23633 41.93555 c 57.11133 30.31055 57.73633 30.24805 57.9248 30.18555 c 61.7998 54.56055 62.6748 55.43555 63.9248 55.74805 c %AI7_ImageSettings: 0 Blithfield is situated approximately one mile to the west of Abbotts Bromley in Staffordshire. S S Day tickets are available from the Estate Office. %%HiResBoundingBox: 0.376 -2.4775 600.4961 839.4111 71.48633 62.18555 l 66.9248 10.56055 67.46191 9.81738 66.9248 7.93555 c 88.4248 24.87305 88.0791 24.69727 88.23633 24.24805 c Walk detail - Ramblers %!PS-Adobe-3.0 The yellow route is currently closed for maintenance, Ill update when it is open. 10.13477 58.61523 10.11133 56.06055 9.2998 56.31055 c 45.7998 30.49805 47.11133 29.12305 46.6748 28.24805 c Length 5.6 miElevation gain 616 ftRoute type Loop. 79.11133 65.49805 78.23633 65.93555 77.6748 65.56055 c To arrange an appointment please call. 37.48633 18.12207 35.73633 18.06055 34.98633 17.12207 c S 55.5498 47.18555 54.9248 45.56055 55.7998 44.87305 c 64.11133 21.18555 62.7998 15.87207 65.61133 15.93555 c 67.48633 23.68555 m 93.09863 27.6748 93.75586 27.79492 94.29004 28.00586 c These three walks all start in the same place, at the car park on Newton Hurst Road. Blithfield Education Centre, Rugeley | Educational Services - Yell S There is a small visitor centre, ample parking, a caf and picnic areas with tables. 32.98633 1.68555 m Under Ofwat's measure of overall service to customers, OPA, the company has been positioned in the top five of the generally 2023water companies in every year since 1999. A Bird Club Management Team act in an advisory capacity in connection to the birding and conservation administration of the site. S 33.5498 43.49805 m 22.27832 51.26074 m 90.23633 20.74805 89.9248 21.31055 91.36133 21.12305 c 23.86133 48.68555 24.61133 50.31055 25.11133 49.62305 c "KKR to sell 75% equity stake in South Staffordshire plc", How your water is treated, South Staffordshire Water,, Renewable resource companies established in the 1850s, Official website different in Wikidata and Wikipedia, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, Private fund owned public limited company, 1853 South Staffordshire Waterworks Company is formed. 53.9082 51.49805 53.6748 54.49805 52.2998 53.87305 c 42.7998 27.68555 44.4248 29.93555 42.86133 31.81055 c 50.0498 29.12305 50.23633 29.31055 50.1748 29.93555 c 26.98633 28.12305 25.37988 26.98926 25.86133 26.18555 c S 58.11133 17.74707 56.74414 20.82324 57.7998 20.68555 c 90.0498 50.06055 89.01953 52.14941 88.0498 51.87305 c 83.4248 0.49707 77.11133 4.31055 76.98633 4.56055 c 64.1748 47.24805 60.73633 50.37305 58.6748 47.43555 c 38.1748 7.12207 38.61133 9.24707 39.4248 9.43555 c 52.73633 16.93555 51.91504 19.49316 52.73633 19.06055 c Blithfield Reservoir | BirdForum 51.86133 53.81055 50.6748 54.18555 50.7998 55.24805 c 26.11133 34.99805 25.73633 35.37305 26.48633 35.56055 c 55.4248 7.37207 55.36133 6.43555 56.61133 5.93555 c 78.0498 55.24805 78.11621 54.57715 79.73633 54.68555 c 42.4248 7.81055 43.23633 8.37207 43.1748 7.49707 c 27.2998 54.43555 25.6748 55.68555 24.1748 54.99805 c 48.5498 34.12305 56.1748 34.99805 54.1748 38.74805 c 78.0498 55.24805 78.11621 54.57715 79.73633 54.68555 c 1996 Blithfield Education Centre is opened by. 50.9248 10.74707 m 56.6748 3.93555 57.5498 2.24707 59.1748 1.74707 c 556. 69.4248 40.37305 69.4248 41.99805 68.23633 41.93555 c 27.23633 35.74805 28.73633 36.43555 28.86133 37.62305 c h 58.0498 47.81055 l 57.6748 8.62207 57.98633 7.62207 57.9248 7.18555 c 28.1748 6.49707 30.0498 5.56055 30.86133 6.68555 c 94.1543 21.36035 94.12891 21.04102 94.2832 20.58398 c 49.5498 66.12305 m Special wind and weather forecast for windsurfing, kitesurfing and other wind related sports. Blithfield Reservoir - Enjoy Staffordshire 46.5498 54.81055 m Blithfield Reservoir - Wikipedia South Staffordshire Water plc is part of South Staffordshire plc. 63.85156 71.48828 63.78516 71.94531 63.70996 72.32715 c Make sure to pin for later for your next walk at Blithfield reservoir. 60.73633 20.81055 60.13867 22.37598 60.6748 22.62305 c Swinsty Reservoir LS21 2 IlkleyCoordinate: 53.9753, -1.7017, 4. Today the lake and dam is a multi-purpose reservoir for . Blithfield Sailing Club, Blithfield Reservoir/Waters Rd, Abbots Bromley, Rugeley WS15 3DU, UK. 29.5498 50.06055 30.36133 52.99805 27.5498 52.87305 c 89.4248 2.63672 86.39453 3.49512 84.76074 0.2998 c S 5.73633 59.12305 5.4248 60.18555 7.86133 59.37305 c 30.48633 7.93555 29.7998 8.49707 29.11133 8.62207 c Blithfield Reservoir, Abbots Bromley Blithfield Reservoir is a large raw water reservoir in Staffordshire, England, owned by South Staffordshire Water. 94.2998 72.31055 l 30.48633 7.93555 29.7998 8.49707 29.11133 8.62207 c endstream endobj 10 0 obj /DeviceCMYK endobj 11 0 obj /DeviceGray endobj 12 0 obj << /Length 13 0 R /Resources << /ColorSpace << /CS0 11 0 R >> >> /Type /Pattern /PatternType 1 /PaintType 1 /TilingType 2 /BBox [ 22.2998 0.3105 94.2998 72.3105 ] /XStep 72 /YStep -72 /Matrix [ 0 -0.5 0.5 0 -12241.37596 4638.23291 ] >> stream S 50.98633 64.24805 51.61133 65.99805 50.5498 65.93555 c 23.86133 7.12207 25.7998 7.43555 25.9248 5.49707 c 87.61133 51.74805 87.7998 50.24805 y 87.86133 25.99805 91.9248 25.06055 92.2998 27.68555 c The unique nature walk along the former railway line takes you from Stretton to Rolleston and visa versa. 38.11133 42.99805 m Anyone wishing to help with the monthly BTO Wetland Birds Survey (WeBS) would be especially welcome and should also contact Peter Betts. 64.4248 11.37207 63.61523 13.26855 60.98633 13.62207 c 35.9248 12.93555 33.98633 12.56055 33.86816 13.27246 c The Sailing Club is signposted at the Seedcroft Lane . 36.4248 62.68555 36.36133 62.68555 37.11133 62.68555 c [3], As South Staffordshire Water is a water-only company Severn Trent Water provides all mains sewerage services to customers in South Staffordshire's designated area. Peter has obtained a number of keys to assist those that cannot get to the office in normal opening times, Improvements to water quality and the elimination of algae blooms should in the long term have a beneficial effect on bird life at Blithfield. 22.31445 20.49707 m This walk should take you around three quarters of an hour and part of it is suitable for wheelchairs and buggies. 80.73633 55.31055 81.11133 55.06055 81.9248 55.18555 c 32.16797 7.80859 33.1748 8.81055 34.1748 7.68555 c 27.48633 61.74805 26.36133 60.99805 26.7998 59.31055 c 24.66504 2.6543 23.26855 2.51465 22.30078 2.81152 c 78.5498 22.93555 73.97266 23.43555 72.6748 21.24805 c PDF Blithfield Reservoir 62.5498 56.93555 64.4248 58.68555 65.4248 58.68555 c Benbrook Lake is in the Trinity River Basin and is located in Tarrant County. 87.0498 50.12305 86.2998 48.31055 87.98633 46.99805 c 93.09473 45.64746 93.70801 45.93555 94.28711 46.06445 c /RelativeColorimetric ri If not, why not bookmark this page and head back when we can all travel again. 36.5498 8.43555 35.79883 7.23047 36.7998 7.18555 c 71.0498 66.68555 69.0498 67.81055 68.5498 66.99805 c 85.0498 50.49805 81.48633 52.43555 81.48633 51.18555 c Youll find a dog waste bin and a regular bin at the bottom of the carpark where youll end all three routes. Its not the Caribbean but it can feel a bit like a beach trip in the summer months. Wolseley Centre is afriendly award winning, welcomingvisitor centre and headquarters, Nelsons Gin is made in a futuristic distillery on a self-contained site. Blithfield Reservoir is within the scope of WikiProject Lakes, a collaborative effort to improve the coverage of lake-related articles on Wikipedia, using the tools on the project page.If you would like to participate, please visit the project page, where you can join the discussion and see a list of open tasks. 57.0498 47.87305 m 51.4248 69.24805 50.98535 67.57324 52.98633 67.68555 c The estate, which contains areas of rare ancient woodland and an abundance of wildlife, was first designated as a Site of Special Scientific Interest in 1968. 35.6748 9.62207 34.6748 9.49707 34.0498 9.43555 c 85.72949 70.74414 89.23633 70.62305 89.2998 72.12305 c This large reservoir in the Blithe Valley has three nice colour coded walking trails to try. 75.36133 67.37305 75.2998 67.87305 74.73633 67.49805 c New Town 33. 31.86133 41.74805 m 47.11133 62.87305 46.23633 62.93555 47.1748 62.49805 c Its home to several pubs and a lovely deli. 80.5498 45.87305 79.6748 46.43555 80.0498 46.43555 c Then its back away from the water across more fields and through some woodland back to the carpark. 26.4248 62.93555 28.11133 62.37305 27.7998 62.06055 c 88.91211 0.30859 m 48.73633 62.62305 49.11133 63.18555 49.23633 63.43555 c 94.29492 42.99316 m 22.69629 25.22168 22.56738 25.51172 22.31543 25.44336 c 94.12305 63.40234 94.19922 63.36914 94.27832 63.33984 c 29.7998 28.31055 m blithfield reservoir education centre - On December 2nd this will change and will be by appointment between 8am and 12 noon Monday to Friday. 69.61133 48.49805 70.61133 45.56055 66.73633 46.62305 c Nearest postcode: WS15 3PL. 27.8418 70.48926 31.23633 70.56055 31.4248 71.12305 c S 68.61133 28.74805 65.48633 27.62305 67.1748 25.68555 c S 27.5498 32.31055 26.98633 31.87305 28.4248 31.49805 c 76.74805 5.03711 75.98633 4.99707 75.4248 5.31055 c 46.1748 54.81055 44.7998 55.18555 45.0498 54.06055 c S 34.0498 35.81055 35.61133 34.18555 34.23633 33.18555 c 37.0498 39.81055 m S 63.6748 32.56055 66.0498 31.81055 65.2998 30.49805 c 84.67383 72.12891 84.57715 71.91504 84.48633 71.68555 c 48.9248 66.24805 47.98633 67.12305 47.2998 66.31055 c S The device will be constructed near the engineers office adjacent to the dam and transported by helicopter to the location off Beech Tree Point in late May weather permitting. 66.6748 11.62207 66.98633 12.74707 65.5498 12.87207 c 93.19727 42.11035 91.73633 42.93555 91.86133 43.68555 c 36.73633 64.93555 35.4248 63.12305 36.4248 63.12305 c 81.1748 40.43555 81.61133 39.56055 81.36133 40.31055 c The reed bed is particularly important to wildlife as it is one of the largest in Staffordshire. 1.36133 53.81055 0.1748 54.18555 0.2998 55.24805 c 73.2998 36.62305 72.5498 38.87305 73.4248 38.93555 c S S 34.36133 17.43555 l Blithfield Reservoir Southern Circular | Map, Guide - Staffordshire S 67.1748 5.56055 66.6748 5.87207 67.11133 6.24707 c 80.4248 55.81055 m S 63.50684 65.0625 61.93945 66.43164 62.2998 66.93555 c 48.23633 27.24805 48.86133 27.56055 49.48633 29.12305 c Please note the yellow route is currently closed so there are no public toilets at Blithfield reservoir. 58.1748 26.68555 55.93066 28.34277 56.73633 29.68555 c 26.4248 62.93555 28.11133 62.37305 27.7998 62.06055 c S 76.74805 5.03711 75.98633 4.99707 75.4248 5.31055 c 3.4082 51.49805 3.1748 54.49805 1.7998 53.87305 c 60.86133 3.31055 62.4248 3.56055 63.9248 3.43555 c 57.36133 5.56055 57.2998 4.18555 59.86133 5.18555 c 30.1748 38.74805 m, Sites of Special Scientific Interest in Staffordshire, Wikipedia articles in need of updating from September 2022, All Wikipedia articles in need of updating, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles using infobox body of water without alt, Articles using infobox body of water without pushpin map alt, Articles using infobox body of water without image bathymetry, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 9 September 2022, at 09:07. 74.11133 42.49805 71.79395 43.43945 70.48633 41.74805 c 84.77637 72.32715 m 1 0 obj << /Type /Catalog /Pages 2 0 R /Metadata 36 0 R >> endobj 2 0 obj << /Type /Pages /Kids [ 5 0 R ] /Count 1 >> endobj 3 0 obj << /ModDate (D:20190201194417Z) /CreationDate (D:20190201194417+01'00') /Producer (Adobe PDF library 5.00) /Creator (Adobe Illustrator 10.0) >> endobj 5 0 obj << /Type /Page /MediaBox [ 2 0.88965 594 840.88965 ] /Parent 2 0 R /PieceInfo << /Illustrator 7 0 R >> /LastModified (D:20190201194417+01'00') /ArtBox [ 0.37598 -2.47754 600.49609 839.41113 ] /Group 25 0 R /Contents 26 0 R /Resources << /ColorSpace << /CS0 10 0 R /CS1 11 0 R /CS2 14 0 R >> /Pattern << /P0 12 0 R /P1 23 0 R >> /Font << /TT0 15 0 R /TT1 17 0 R /T1_0 19 0 R /TT2 21 0 R >> /ProcSet [ /PDF /Text ] >> >> endobj 7 0 obj << /Private 8 0 R /LastModified (D:20190201194417+01'00') >> endobj 8 0 obj << /CreatorVersion 10 /ContainerVersion 9 /AIMetaData 9 0 R >> endobj 9 0 obj << /Length 1249 >> stream