It was just suddenly over and his mind feltsoft., Thank you, dear one. Not mine, of course, Merlin knows Ive spilt enough here. Lord Black left a letter for me at Gringotts, which the goblins gave me, though I have not read it. How could this unknown man know about his Horcruxes?! An angel that broke my bones for fun. In a flash, he knew he would do anything to have Harry Fayes loyalty. You want powerful, dark, violent, well-trained Harry? **This is a work in progress. //Of course! A hood and cowl obscured the figures face. Nervousness and shame and the slightest hint of rage seeped from his mind. Caught in a web of his own lies, Harry teaches everyone around him what it means to love him. As it was, the Dark Lord only sighed and shook his head. //Oh, Draco, dont look so embarrassed! Number 12, Grimmauld Place is a Black residence. Voldemort had never considered casting in parseltongue. Dementor, please, he answered after a moment. I believe she even sat through a rational conversation with Rodolphus about it, Voldemort said, placing his hand on Hadrians shoulder. As he spoke the binding words, the Bone Man reached up and slowly lowered his hood. Oh, you should have seen Dumbless face when he read your letter., Or Rons, when he realized he wouldnt get a piece of your fortune now that youve kicked the bucket. //Yes. He felt Hadrians pain and came and got me.. It would just stay inert. He pressed his lips into Rabastans neck. Curious and angry that someone would dare address him by the Muggle name he had work for so many years to change, he opened it. His hair was very short and scars covered his face and neck. Mother? he whispered tentatively. You have made him quite frustrated, Lord Black. I honestly don't know why A Lie I've Lived ranks so highly for Harry/Fleur fics, it's a pretty good fic but like it's not really shining in terms of its romance, Harry Fleur interactions in that are easily forgettable. When Harry started to become the Bone Man, he had marked them with the Bone-Sign, too. She laughed proudly "my darling's heart is the treasure of my life, God made him for me, only for me, I'm a very selfish woman, I don't want him to be soft toward anyone but me, Shall I show you my true self, the one you helped create? Hadrian let his runes show through, bringing life to the Bone Man. HOW TO BECOME A WIZARD LIKE HARRY POTTER? Harry Potter ended when he disappeared from the Hogwarts Express. I find boasting vulgar and distasteful, so you may be assured that I speak the truth about my power. //Thank you, that would be excellent,// Voldemort said sincerely. The elder blond was quite sure that if anyone else had tried to do such a thing, the Dark Lord would have killed them painfully on the spot. Inform me when you have completed the wand, I wish to see you test it.//, //Thank you, my Lord, I will let you know. The bit about him being the Dark Lords son surprised him, though. He rubbed ash into the cuts. Updating status. And if Potter could stop looking and sounding so damned good playing that guitar it would really help him do that. He 20 years after the Battle of Hogwarts, Harry had married and had two wonderful kids - James Sirius and Albus Severus- with the love of his life, Ginny Weasley-Potter. It wasquite impressive. The runes drawn in blood faded, showing that everything had worked perfectly. The teen in question rolled over and buried his face into Dracos shoulder. Isn't this why he became the king? " Hadrian donned his robe once more and headed out to meet the twins. He had killed Amelia Bones, head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement and key Order member. I will not force friendship.//. I see. Even the Dark Lord had to grab hold of the edge of his desk as his knees buckled. Is that understood? Voldemorts eyes flashed dangerously. Just like that, the cold and pain disappeared. He needed to get a look at that wand! All that was left from Potters little demonstration was a pile of clean bones, a body that looked rubbery and deflated without its rigid frame, and a lot of magical energy split between the two of them. Harry Potter has been missing presumed dead by the light for months out of his ashes raises Hadrian Black who is eager to finally step into the spot light and take control of his life for the first time. The one on the train in third year recognized my magic right off, plus a little extra special thing thats a secret between me and the Dark Lord. Lily and James also survived their grievous injuries but Jack's twin brother, Harry, was not so lucky; he was the only Potter to lose his life. He had finished the Bone-Sign already and had moved on to Dracos personal mark. He could feel my core and my soul, but there were blocks on my magic and my memories. Dont be, Draco recovered his voice. A few whimpered at the sudden loneliness. Her body was at the entrance to Knockturn Alley. He was inside all of our minds. Or their friends, for the most part.Honestly, trying to keep up was exhausting. Everything about the note was strange. Fate showed her cruelty by destining you to bring my demise.. There was a message carved onto her skull. The dark skinned Auror was green, remembering the sight. Human and magical creature sacrifice makes the most powerful and reactive runes. He wondered how to speak with this wizard. As will I, added Bella, rubbing soothing circles on his back. I can pull out all the mental pain youll have, but your body will still hurt. The Inner Circle stared as tears rolled down the Death Eaters face and his body shook with quiet sobs. The Bone Man laughed, and the sound of it echoed in Voldemorts mind, rich and warm, bringing an involuntary smile to the mans lips. The Dark Heir by Jessiikaa15 reviews. He had no impression that he was listening to his thoughts, so Lucius decided to speak aloud. We still have a fighting chance. Albus was not pleased. Its an old-fashioned was to create a tattoo. What did you do? Draco exclaimed. Lo nico que poda hacer era vivir su nueva vida, cuidar de su hermano y arrasar como ninja de la Aldea Oculta de la Hoja. Maybe some Dumbledore or Weasley bashing. Harry reached up and lowered his hood and cowl slowly. What is it made of?. Thomas Marvolo Riddle, Jr. Bellatrix Black Lestrange. He dies Harry was tired, tired of being a pawn, tired of being a Gryffindor, tired of being manipulated. Thank you, my Wizard. It started as irritation, but it grew into an obsession he could never name. If you give him this, I believe it will serve as proof of my skills.//. Yes, what happened to Mr. Potter is quite a tragedy. Instead, he changed the feeling of his presence in Dolohovs mind. The table was quiet for a long moment before one of them found the ability to speak again. as well as Tested against enemies old and new, he learns that power requires sacrifices, revenge, doubly so. If Rodolphus takes the Bone-Sign, I can do the same for you two. I killed a basilisk. Ill cover my scar- my recognizable scar- and change my eyes, but all the rest will be open. Remove glamours? Ah yes, Harry Potter. //The impression would have been even greater had he known my true identity. The Dark Lord had only just met with him the night before, but already he trusted him and had even formed an alliance that gave Black equal power over the Dark side. He gasped. A kind and loving child, isnt he?, You were never hurt, you freak! He froze the fat boy as he tried to escape and bound him in the center of the room. When he fed his power into the runes, the glowed through his skin with an Avada Kedavra green color. He wrapped the mans mind in a warm feeling of comfort and safety, soothing it like a small child. He welcomed the Bone Man, wrapping himself in the warm softness of the boys mind. //Like them?// Hadrian flopped onto the bed next to the blond. Shoulder blades are good, or I can wrap it around any large bone., I like the constellation idea, Draco answered. I name thee Gallus Hadrian Riddle-Black, the Bone Man, and my heir, the Dark Lord intoned, casting the magic to cement the relationship. However, I will say that I am very powerful, possibly as powerful as you and certainly stronger than Albus Dumbledore, and have veryunique skills that I would be happy to offer to your cause. These marks are all I have left of my previous family. Revivir en una nueva dimensin, despus de todo lo que haba experimentado en sus 120 aos de vida como bruja, no le sorprendi demasiado. But now I decided to expand and make a series of posts with almost all the ships I know! He supported Voldemorts ideals, but he didnt want to be tortured on a whim or for failure, and he was afraid of having to hide the Mark at school. THE SECOND INSTALLMENT OF THE ALPHA I know one of the lesser leaders had a child yesterday, but it was born sick. I got you. Its hollow right now. Lucius sat. His trademark scar appeared again on his forehead, and the black in his eyes shrank to the center, uncovering Killing Curse green once more. Similarly, occlumency shields the mind, and for those with soulsight, the vision of the soul too. As Lord Black, I am taking back my residence. He explained that none of them had questioned his power after stories had spread about Dolohov, and that he had made his touch on their minds cold, like icy fingers on tender skin. Rabastan abandoned to reach out for Hadrian. Dracos answer prompted a dazzling smile from Potter that left him nearly breathless. My name is Gallus Hadrian Riddle-Black, recently Lord Black and Lord Potter. Nagini and I believe he will be a good familiar for you.. The child who only wanted to be loved.. Of course, Bone Man. Diddys an angel! the bony woman argued. How could he place a boy he meant to be a Savior with people who tried to kill him repeatedly? Wanting to escape from the protection and concern of her family and pack which suffocated her. How true, Rabastan agreed, pulling his arwr into a kiss. On the right side, where his face was cut through with scars, there was an orb the same pale silver-blue as his were once. He wanted to become the king of the world to make the world bow in front of you. Its my blood, blood of the Dementor King, venom from Nagini, and the cloak from the child Dementor I killed to seal Dracos runes. The memory of that killing still touched him. . Oh, the boy thought his father was disgusted with him, with his appearance. Ah, I know, and I dont even need a wand for this. Of course, dihiryn. And why cant I make it work? Black chuckled. It was to the loudest grumbler that Harry directed his attention. It was the cause of the singular connection you two shared. Normally the entire Inner Circle ate breakfast together, but for Hadrians birthday, only his friends had come. I wanted to give the King a gift, for my thanks. Forced her into a marriage, in this world, he gave her everything she wished to have, except she can't look at any other man with her beautiful gaze, she can't love anyone but him, she was his, David Xiver was obsessed with Kate, one day someone asked him "why are you heartless?" And snapped. They would gain the upper hand in the war very quickly if this man would join his Lord. Albus looked over the scores. (See the end of the chapter for more notes.). It wouldnt have lasted until tomorrow morning, anyway. Before he killed her, however, he removed her soul and emptied her core. The Dark Lord ran a fingertip over both wrists. Beneath, the boy was wearing a black short-sleeve shirt with a v-shaped collar, showing off a choker of tiny bones around his neck. With his dragon and followers of course. Sometimes they share thoughts like you and I would speak to each other, but right now its all just feelings and images. I kept passing out because they were trying to remove the blocks, but I didnt understand. I am sixteen now, so I will be in the sixth year class here, but my curriculum will need to be different. He produced a sealed parchment, which he opened with a tap from his long, slightly curved and curiously pale wand, made of a substance Albus had never seen before. Hadrian was briefly saddened by the thought of his last familiar, Hedwig. You may be King, but watch the Queen conquer. I have, and you have, the teen answered. He chanted switched to Old Saxon. Concebido en la miseria y el egosmo, ha sido condenado desde su primer suspiro. I can make you second only to myself, if you prove to be worthy. Voldemort would not accept this unknown man without a demonstration of his power. Tell us why youre going back to school. And the letter was written in Parseltongue. Horizontal lines on his neck told the story of someone whose throat had been cut open, deeply, more than once. Contains Lemons and slight swearing . It should be finished by the end of the month.//. You did them all the same way we did mine? Five weeks later, he remembers. The abrupt change was almost disturbing. Harry Potter has had a fucked up life, that much is obvious. Alejandro Rossi. Albus was shock once again. Quiet Bella, do not insult him. I mean come on lets be real here and undoubtedly its already a mature fic. None of them had known Rabastan had been marked by someone else. You know, you were supposed to be the one to take me in because of the love in your heart. I go by my middle name now. No one but the Dursleys know I have them.. The adult Dementor moved away to the darkest corner of the room as Hadrian began to chant in Latin. "You have more than enough power, why want to obtain more? " He ran a finger lightly, carefully, over one of the marks on Hadrians face. He was his Queen and M what if.. Pott- Bone Man, why are you telling us this? Draco reached out and took his hands, running his thumbs across the knuckles. Draco felt as though he was wrapped in a soft blanket or a loving hug. Theyre bone runes just like mine. Although, he thought. Time to give them all a shock, he thought as he let his mental presence seep into the room and over their minds. Ill get tired of all the wandless-magic questions otherwise.//. Why does it feel so different when youre in my mind? //This is how I look every moment of my life since I turned eleven. Site: | Category: Harry Potter | Rated: Fiction M | Chapters: 31 | Words: 257,200 | Reviews: 330 | Favs: 853 | Follows: 965 | Updated: 3/7/2017 | Published: 10/12/2014 | Status: Complete | id: 10753296 | Language: English | Genre: Crime/Drama | Characters: Harry P., Sirius B., Sturgis P., Mulciber | Download: EPUB or MOBI, Linkffn(2488754) Its a long read but well worth it if you want something original, A Second Chance at Life by Miranda Flairgold. Lots of reading and practice and study, and voila, he waved a hand, changing the runes on it to black, the Bone Man.. Albus knew he had always been jealous of the boy, but he was the best choice for a friend because of his strong affiliation with the Light. Some of his closest friends were Dementors, after all. Please leave peaceful. ". He threw on his clothes and ever-present hooded robe. tip: buffy gen teen AND "no archive warnings apply". Ten years ago, he was forced to escape from a rich and powerful family. They use the same mental communication I do, thats why Occlumency cant keep me out. Darse cuenta de que tena un hermano mellizo y que se encontraba en una aldea ninja era algo muy diferente. Voldemort cleared his throat, drawing attention back to himself. The Dark Lord chuckled at his son. I hope Rodolphus agrees. Draco, has the Headmaster ever asked to see your wand? Black asked the boy beside him. I will not reveal my identity to you in a letter, as there is a possibility it may fall into the hands of the Light. I believe the use of snake venom would make those spells stronger.//. Voldemort glared at him. He chuckled at Draco, whose mouth was hanging open unattractively. Draco nodded, too exhausted to reply. Colin Evan Potter and Harry James Potter. Innocents were killed and there was wanton destruction instead of the rebuilding of the world Voldemort had hoped for. I will tell her you wish to speak with her. Smut/Lemons are fine, but Plot must come first. Now, to business. Lucius and Narcissa had taken to him over the summer. The Dark was celebrating, albeit very quietly. Everybody almost vomited blood because of her words. Or the problem of how he definitely didn't want him leave when he did. Looking for fics with 200k+ words, completed, where Harry is either powerful, or dark, or violent, or well trained, does martial arts, things like that. The Weasley boy beside her just looked bored and annoyed. Which I did by your instructions as well, if I recall, to keep him away from my House. He frowned in thought. To be loved by something A/N I suggest you watch "Maleficent: Mistress of evil" before you read this story Snape raised an eyebrow. That had been especially important when he had done his skull and spine. Lord Black, I need to register your wand. A sharp wrench separated it from her body. He turns his head and Cedric is lying next to him, already sitting up. He chuckled silently when he felt the older man nuzzle against his presence. Oh, Petunia, Ive made such a mess on your clean floor! the boy cried in mock distress. Convicted of killing thirteen people with a single curse, he was said to be the heir apparent to the Dark Lord, Voldemort. Searching out the rose garden, he found an open space perfect for his needs. Do not think you can defy me, boy.. Rabastans were also sealed with a Dementors life, but Ive done others with animals. Work Search: Harry smirked at the feeling of shock filling Lord Voldemorts mind. You made quite the impression on Lucius. The thought-voice chuckled with dark amusement. Finally finished, he grabbed Draco and the bone and they completed the final Apparition, replacing the temporary nickel bone with Dracos proper humerus. Even more so that he had denounce his name and taken a new identity and a new side in the war. A knock at the door made him pause in the act of sipping his tea. Albus Dumbledore looked around at the faces turned toward him. He was rapidly becoming obsessed with Draco Malfoy. After her friends abndoned her in the summer after 4th year Hayley starts to question her life and decides to give up A smile twisted onto his lips. Look, I even brought my father to meet you! he pointed to Voldemort. The Fall of the Old Regime. I havent even said anything to Dudley yet! He knew the Dark Lord planned to Mark him and give him a task, but he didnt want that. If Potter had gone into hiding, he was very good at it. Now five years after the fall of Grindelwald, watching his soulmates from a distance, Harry realizes maybe he should have asked to put a time limit on that vow. If he wishes to reply to my letter, he need only tell the box to return to me. Like this, he still was still recognizable as Harry Potter. So Rabastan here has another set of runes, forming protection and tracking spell and shaped like the Gemini constellation, since hes a twin. To be Fate's Chosen is a Blessing and a Curse. I trust him. She becomes friends with a group of unlikely people, and together with them tries to navigate the treacherous waters of Hogwarts, avoid the vengeful spirit of Lord Voldemort, try to uncover the plots of Albus Dumbledore, and figure out what in the world is up with Thomas Gaunt. Very well. If we apparate, I can switch your bone with a fake, then switch them back when Im done. Eyes still closed, Hadrian told a deep shuddering breath and opened his mouth, but his voice caught in his throat. Father, I wonder if yours would be blue of red. Voldemort chuckled. As soon as this letter passes through the wards, the private family rooms and the Black library will seal. They were different, one black with a touch of red, the other ice-blue. The exceptions, he noted, were Lord Voldemort and Lucius, both of whom had felt him before and eagerly welcomed him back into their mindscapes. Now the whole plan has to change. Be it help from outside forces, karma, or the far less likely option of the child taking retribution for themselves. Instead of fading into oblivion, he is rescued by none other than Lord Voldemort himself. Dracos blush deepened but he did look at Harry quickly before flicking his gaze away again. Essentially Ron and Hermione abandon him more in book 4 which sparks a lot of darkness in him. Now hes just mine. Hadrian gave them a smile, letting his happiness at being with Rabastan again wash through the connection he still had with all their minds. He knew that, if he were to fall the next day, most of them would rush to make excuses to the Ministry about being forced to support him. and our That would shock even you.//. Love, betrayal and vows. The presence stealing across his mind told him who it was. A bit poetic, but I like it.// Potte- no, Black, he wanted to be Gallus Hadrian Black now- Black shrugged. If he had to get through the formidable fort that is Hogwarts, manipulative and powerful Dumbledore, brave and righteous Ron Weasley - so be it.In a world where Harry Potter never attended Hogwarts, Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger still became friends, they still bantered, they still had adventures every year. You have so much more now. Sitting in the Dark Lords chair in his study was a cloaked and hooded figure. The blonds muscles began to twitch from the pain, signifying that he would wake within seconds. //Malleus bone from the ear, both of them, for a pet project. Im sure hes not the only confused one here. You said you had thousands, and I am curious., Arwr, how many more did you add since I last you? added Rabastan. There, he meets Tom Riddle, his mysterious roommate, eventual best friend, and the love of his life. Double-casting would be a big advantage over Dumbledore. The Bone Man was waiting silently for them in the study, hood down, sitting cross-legged on the Dark Lords desk. Knife scars, years old, were layered over his heart. Thick layers of cross-hatched scars attested to years of beatings with deep gouges caused by the buckle of a belt. He started occupying Wizarding Britain, one village at a time. Potter, only fifteen years old, had more power and specialized knowledge than he, the Dark Lord Voldemort, could ever hope to. However, it helped him escape his kidnappers so. opinion on that revelation is on hold till he is safe. He was so Dark, and it was beautiful. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. The Stag and The Flower by ReluctantSidekick, Harry Potter and the Magical Wands by Lethum, The Wizard Who Meddled With Time by TeamOtters, Harry Potter and the Path of Chaos by DarkLordRising, Harry Potter and The Problem with Life Debts by proton104, Harry Potter and the Path to Greatness by LignumVitae86, The Fire Bird, Act 1 by Demonic Slytherin224, Harry Potter: Rise of the Technomancers by Agent Perry the Platypus, Harry Potter and the Veela Bond by DrgnMstr, Harry Potter and the Scenra Cwna by Duriel, Harry Potter and the Male Veela by MarcieJackson, The son of Lord Voldemort by Shopaholic1369, Harry Potter and the Wastelands of time by joe6991,,, (You must log in or sign up to reply here.). by fairyxluna. Your godson is perfectly healthy. I love it! Bella squealed. Book 3 - Her Destined Alpha I agree, Draco said, I wouldnt want to get on your bad side. Rabastan nodded, and Voldemort thought he heard the Dementor King chuckle. El horrocrux que jams plane, creado por su mano y slo su mano, ser la que lo destruya. Lord Voldemort had never wanted to be a father, but, watching Hadrian, he was glad he had made the choice to adopt the boy when Rabastan had suggested it. Strong as ever, they replied in tandem and Hadrian shed his black robe. ! Henry gritted his teeth. Her bones were in a pile beside her, and her body had no marks on it. //Do these followers perhaps have red hair and a tendency to finish each others sentences?// Snape nodded. He approached me through Lucius a month ago about an alliance. But i have a lot of ideas, mainly centered around a Dark!Harry and his descent from the perfect golden boy to the new dark leader of all of Europe. When Voldemort realized that it was the Muggles who had marked his son so horribly, he was disgusted with Albus. He marked us as his followers years ago, continued Fred. He must have more of his mother than just her eyes, but he would never know now. He knew that Draco didnt even have the Dark Mark. I felt only a slight cold wind, his warning I suppose, but Dolohov cried. As it goes, it was really simpleuntil it became clear he wasn't traveling back in time alone. Please let the King know that I would like to speak with him tonight at midnight.// The Dementor agreed and left to seek out the King. He would simply love the boy to the best of his ability, as he did already. As the clock struck eleven, he wondered if Albus would spontaneously die of surprise to see the Dark Lord and his family. We were rid of you and your freakishness! he shouted, turning purple. But does a wizard need eyes to see? Why do we need to apparate? Draco asked, confused. People understood he had become a wife spoiling manic. Hadrian let his mind seep into Snapes. //If you say Chosen One or Savior or any other stupid name theyve given me, I will end you and happily add your ear bones to my collection.// Harry let cold seep into the younger Malfoys mind. I was lucky the one on the train had studied the prophecy. They reminded him of a bunch of puppies, climbing over each other just to be petted a little by their master. He is the Dark Lords new ally, answered Severus Snape. No Male Slash. He and Voldemort had shared a laugh, imagining the reactions of the villagers on Hogsmeade in the morning. When I was a child, my grandma used to tell me stories, I never gave them much thought back then thinking they were just that, stories.