The Australian National Maritime Museum began collecting maritime artefacts long before it opened its doors in 1991. He has no known grave and is recorded on the Chatham Naval Memorial in Kent, UK. "Tel" or "Tel $" meaning Telegram, meaning they didn't have sufficient funds to travel to their intended destination, and they sent a telegram requesting money from a relative or someone else. He tried to time his jump to the destroyer so he would land on the destroyer as it was at its wave peak or at least just starting back down. John was born in Allentown on 19 January, 1884. However, in a few minutes we got orders to go up on C deck with life preservers, which we did in a calm manner. It is not known what the reason for his death was. I lived with my maternal grandparents most of my growing up years." I was in bed and heard gunshots, I ran downstairs and sat on the piano bench scared and I thought the Germans had invaded us. HMS Otranto men listed on the Toddington St. George Roll of Honour, Bedfordshire, England: Benjamin Lewitt, Otranto Ship's Surgeon, killed during the sinking. Give my love to all the others and love and kisses to you, the dearest of mothers! What do I need to know before I start? His father, Samuel Dull of Arcanum, Ohio, was notified as next of kin of his death. The dead were buried with military honors in a cemetery in Kilchoman on Islay. He enlisted 5 April, 1917 from Ottawa, Kansas. Roger Mary knows him. Men were lashed to guns on the deck of the Mounsey and was getting crowded and she was leaking, the pumps were going all the time but they were still waist deep in ice cold seawater and did not expect to see land again. Geiger is buried in Kilchoman, Ireland as there is a cross in a cemetery there marked as: America Pvt. Hirt was assigned to the Coast Artillery Corps at Fort Screven, Georgia. I wrote you last Monday saying that I had landed safely. Pvt. Hong Kong is included under China. Your ancestor may have arrived as an individual or with family. This photo is previous to his service on the Otranto and is of a group of sailors from the HMS Pembroke. Whilst the ships listed in the Passenger Lists records are all departing from ports in the UK, not all of the ships themselves are British. Arrived at Faslane for scrapping by British Iron & Steel Corp. Australian Shipping 1788-1968: Vessels arriving by year. My hopes and prayers are that he may yet survive. He did say that it was a needed but terrible job to have to perform over a two-week period.. 1966 The Orient Line name was dropped and thenceforward disappeared. She took on a list very quickly and flooding into the engine room shorted out the generators and the lights went out. What kind of passenger records do we hold? Bennett was from Woodeliff, Georgia and took basic training at Ft. Screven. Some are decorative and beautiful historical documents, others are more functional in their appearance. Discover your ancestors who left Ireland and Great Britain between 1890 and 1960. Dull was born in Wood County, Ohio about 1899 and at the time of enlistment he lived in Arcanum, Ohio. On 6 Oct. 1918, during a heavy storm while carrying troops from America to Glasgow and Liverpool, HMS Otranto collided with the P&O liner H.M.S. One had to hold to something to keep from being swept overboard. Subscribe now for regular news, updates and priority booking for events, All content is available under the Open Government Licence v3.0, except where otherwise stated, BT - Records of the Board of Trade and of successor and related bodies, Division within BT - Records of the Commercial, Companies, Labour, Railways and Statistics Departments, BT 26 - Board of Trade: Commercial and Statistical Department and successors: Inwards Passenger Lists, Subseries within BT 26 - Inwards passenger lists, 1929, Available to view free at The National Archives, About our Variations of spelling have been standardised as far as possible to avoid confusion and to ease searching. The men on the Otranto were instructed to remain calm and 15-20 minutes later were again instructed to get on deck as quickly as possible. You need to sign in to tag. We could see, over the right, a great high cliff of rocks, not more than a half-mile away, but no hope there, as we knew we would be dashed to death against the rocks. A bibliography of ship passenger lists, 1538-1825; being a guide to published lists of early immigrants to North America. Original lists (1883-1891) also survived. I can remember standing in front of my mother at the funeral parlor and seeing his coffin with the flag over it. Orient. Customs Passenger Lists between 1820 and 1891 asked for each immigrant's name, their age, their sex, their occupation, and their country of origin, but not the city or town of origin. It is important to note that wherever a voyage has one or more ports of call prior to its final destination, there may be a difference between where the ship is going and where a passenger on board is going: for instance, the ship may be sailing to Sydney, Australia but passengers may disembark at, for example, Bombay in India if that is one of the ports of call en route. She was subsequently reconverted back into a troop transport and served as such until released from government service in 1948. Find out where they were going and where they were coming from, where they called home as well as their age, occupation and whether they were married or single. If your search returns a large number of results you may wish to sort them by clicking on the column heading, to help you scan the list of records. Give my love to dear Mary and tell her there are hopes yet. Sugar was sent to Europe for the service men who did not get it because it was on the wharf in France and got rained on. Read tagging guidelines. National Work Council. Passenger lists on ships continued until 1965, when cards completely replaced lists for both air and sea travel. Charles' body was recovered and buried in England. Passengers For New England, 1638, pg 108. I waited until she came alongside for the last time. You need to bear in mind also that a significant proportion of passengers are shown on the original list without an age - these 'blank' ages are shown in your returned results together with those of the right year of birth, so that you can consider them as well. Researchers should note that there is no strict geographical relation between, for example, a passenger's last address within the British Isles and the port from which they embarked overseas. In the early decades covered by BT27, you are likely to see these places written on the actual lists as Natal (sometimes abbreviated simply to N) and Algoa Bay (often shown as A Bay). Passenger lists vary in size and in length, they changed over time, and different shipping lines had their own pre-printed forms. However, given the size of the database, unless you are dealing with a rare or distinctive name, you may find that you need to select a country (or to work through a selection of counties one at a time) for your results to be manageable. Additionally, this record set contains no incoming voyages to Britain. OTRANTO December 6th 1947 PASSENGER LIST EMPIRE DEBEN July 30th 1947 PASSENGER LIST MV DORSETSHIRE September 4th 1951 PASSENGER LIST EMPRESS OF SCOTLAND February 14 1948 PASSENGER LIST SS ORBITA February 3rd 1948 PASSENGER LIST RMS SAMARIA August 10th 1947 PASSENGER LIST SS MATAROLA August 5th 1947 PASSENGER LIST SS EMPRESS OF AUSTRALIA He enlisted into the Army at Fort Thomas, Kentucky on 17 July 1918 at the age of 18 years 1 month old. Register of Immigrants: Otranto, 1911-1912 Access status Open Previous System Identifier DID39118 Description Register of passengers on immigrant ships arriving in Queensland Format PDF . 1903-06-30 SS Kaiser Wilhelm Der Grosse Passenger List. Able Body Seaman Turner was one of the last to jump from the Otranto and saw the ship and Captain Ernest W. Davidson go down as he waved to his men as he stayed by his charge to the very end. This page is owned by Joe Hartwell 2003-2019 Her name is Brooke and she lives in Napier, New Zealand. I remember my Grandmother complaining there was no white flour only brown, I remember seeing maple syrup in cans shaped like a log cabin with the chimney a pouring spout, that was used in place of sugar. This means that there can be two or even three originals of some of the passenger lists within the BT27 series. I saw a number of men jump for the destroyer but miss and fall between where they were smashed to death or drowned. 56 corrugated furnaces with a combined grate surface area of 2,688 square feet (250m2) heated her boilers. She had twin propellers driven through reduction gears by six steam turbines that between them developed 3,722 NHP. Pvt. My search for him that Sunday morning one week ago today was in vain. Hudson was from Jakin, Georgia and was assigned to the September Automatic Replacement Draft from Ft. Screven. The destroyer Mounsey pulled alongside to rescue the men and Cpl. Forces. Eventually my father had surgery to remove the bone spurs and calcium growths. Finally, the islands of the Caribbean have been grouped together under a single West Indies heading, with the exception of the large islands of Cuba, Haiti/Dominican Republic and Jamaica, which have their own entries. Pvt. The Brig Alexander - The passenger list of the Brig Alexander and the Glenaladale Settlers of 1772. Several ship-owners saw the opportunity to earn good money by transporting emigrants to America. He worked hard at home to regain strength and range of motion and was far more successful that had been predicted by his surgeon. Victor Morris Perrin passed away in 1967 in Naples, Florida. She was sold for scrap in June. He enlisted into the Regular Army at Fort Thomas, Kentucky on 17 July 1918 at the age of 20 years 3 months old. In addition, the names found in the index are linked to actual images of the passenger lists, copied from the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) microfilm, M237, rolls 95-580 and T715 . For instance, in the New Zealand drop-down list, you will see a list of ports from Auckland to Westport from which to choose. He sailed aboard the HMS Otranto on the 25th September 1918 and he was killed during the 6 October sinking of the Otranto. The default setting is All, which allows you to search all ports at the same time. He was not married, and had no children. Men were in the raging sea and clinging to anything that would float. He is buried in the Kilchoman Cemetery, Islay, West Coast of Scotland, Grave site 7.131. He enlisted into the Regular Army at Columbus Barracks, Ohio on 17 October 1918 at the age of 18 years 6 months old. This ship had gone wrong and could not be steered, so on a raging wave she plunged right into the middle of our ship, tearing a great hole in her side. In 1953 the two rival vessels clashed at sea and almost come to grief. We'd like to use additional cookies to remember your settings and understand how you use our services. The Battle of Coronel took place on 1 November 1914 with the loss of the British ships HMS Good Hope and HMS Monmouth with very heavy loss of life. Strong enough that one had to hold on to something to keep from being blown over. 61541: Wayne. Clifford Ardell Carpenter - Born 21 October 1876 in Oconomowoc, WI, died 6 October 1918 off the Coast of Scotland during the sinking of the Otranto. He sailed aboard the HMS Otranto on the 25th September 1918 and he was killed during the 6 October sinking of the Otranto. The Alfred brings no mail. We had been on the destroyer since 10 oclock that morning. The passenger lists are arranged in chronological order of arrival of ships 1898-1963 and aircraft 1952-1963 interfiled (note: during 1945 a number of military flights ferried passengers and military personnel into Perth - these were usually Catalinas or Liberators which are denoted by a 5 letter call sign, e.g., G.AGUK, G.AGFM). see: Immigration and Ships Passenger List Research Guide Section 4: Research in the Years 1820-1892; Information on the lists:name of ship, name of master, port of embarkation, age, sex, occupation and nationality. He was selected as part of the September Automatic Replacement Draft from Fort Screven Georgia.