Stand with your feet placed apart as wide as your shoulders, abdominal muscles, and buttocks as you hold a barbell close to your shoulders, with your palms facing outward. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. My code is GPL licensed, can I issue a license to have my code be distributed in a specific MIT licensed project? 2. Some require you to move 1 stick to fix the puzzle, some require you to move 2 or more sticks, and there are also cases where you might need to add 1 or more matchsticks or remove 1 or more matchsticks to correct the problem. Coffee Break. Only two tick-marked sides are common between the two figures and so you can never move just 2 matches and add 1 to make the 2 diamonds from the hexagon. WHAT AM I Try to. You'll get 8 = 11 - 61, which does not seem to be a correct equation. If you lose in the first try, keep trying until you succeed. Time to solve the tricky matchstick puzzle is 5 minutes. if(MSFPhover) { MSFPnav1n=MSFPpreload("../_derived/home_cmp_learning-tree-sunflower010_vbtn.gif"); MSFPnav1h=MSFPpreload("../_derived/home_cmp_learning-tree-sunflower010_vbtn_a.gif"); } Gophers and other rodents can prove to be a real nuisance for open sporting fields, and if you want to have an undisturbed game or event, our specialists will make sure that everything is OK. Without going into details, we form this essential action requirement for solving the problem. Three more (variations on a single theme): move the 2 vertical matches from 5 to turn 5 into a 2. and you get $1 + 9 - 8 = 2$, remove 1 match from 9 to make it a 5 and remove the center match from 8. BUY the eBook Amazon Kindle version here, from Google Play here and Paperback here. Im just a normal person enjoying the process of life. // -->