Copyright 2023 | Terms & Conditions | About Us | Dick Young | Archives. A free app to create, analyze and share redistricting maps for any state. The Bay State added more than 480,000 people last decade for a total population of 7,029,917 in 2020. Biden didn't flip any counties in Georgia. It delivered a big margin for Clinton in2016. These maps give extra visual weight to larger areal units, whether by county or state. Various editorials[43][44] have proposed that states of the U.S. secede and then form federations only with states that have voted for the same political party. The Red-Blue terminology was popularized in 2000. We are one people, all of us pledging allegiance to the Stars and Stripes, all of us defending the United States of America."[26]. It is now seen that the Democratic Blue and Republican Red color scheme is now part of the lexicon of American journalism. In the 2008 election, most voters in most rural counties voted for Republican John McCain. ABC used yellow for Republicans and blue for Democrats in 1976, then red for Republicans and blue for Democrats in 1980, 1984, and 1988. 10. So will that number end up being less than 100,000, ornot? These are general election results for the years listed. We're not going to get a call out ofPennsylvania. Before Trump's 2016 win, the state voted. And since groceries are taxable, Idaho gives residents an annual credit to offset the fees (the credit amount is higher for seniors over 65). I feel like my job this entire night might be explaining why #nothingmatters inPA. [1] According to The Washington Post, journalist Tim Russert invented these terms during his televised coverage of the 2000 United States presidential election. The rate of drug overdose deaths has been steadily increasing in Tennessee over the past five years, and as with the other states, opioid drugs play a big role. In 2016 and 2020, Missouri again voted strongly Republican, this time for Donald Trump, despite Trump losing the latter election. If Jimmy Carter, the Democratic candidate that year, won a state, it was lit in red whereas if Gerald Ford, the incumbent Republican president, won a state, it was lit in blue. Additional data from U.S. Census Bureau, MIT Election Lab and POLITICO reporting. Anita And in a sign of how important PA is to the race, Biden tried to fend off Trump's attacks over fracking over and over. All but 10 states1 1Plus one congressional district in Nebraska had voted consistently Democratic or Republican for (at least) the prior four consecutive presidential elections. Many argue that assigning partisanship to states is only really useful as it pertains to the Electoral College, as well as (more recently) the Senate, primarily a winner-take-all system of elections (with the exceptions of Nebraska and Maine). It is not a red state. [19] Some Republicans argue the GOP should retain its historic association with blue, since most center-right parties worldwide are associated with blue. List Of Blue States And Red States In The United States (2023), List Of US States And Their Capitals In Alphabetical Order With PDF, Presidents Of The United States Of America In Chronological Order, Who Is The Secretary Of Defense In The United States, List Of US Senators State Wise (2023 Updated), List Of Airports In The US (United States) With IATA & ICAO, Secretary General Of The United Nations (2023 Updated), 250+ Measuring Devices And Instruments (2023 Updated), List Of All Social Networking Sites And Their Founders (2023), List Of All Commercial Airports In India (2023 Updated), List Of Prime Minister Of Italy (2023 Updated). [1] NBC newsman David Brinkley famously referred to the 1980 election map outcome showing Republican Ronald Reagan's 44-state landslide in blue as resembling a "suburban swimming pool".[14]. Like around the country, we're seeing. Anita What do you want to know? 2020 Electoral Map Results. By breaking the map down into smaller units (including many blue counties lying next to red counties), these maps tend to display many states with a purplish hue, thus demonstrating that an ostensibly blue or red state may, in fact, be closely divided. Electoral votes invalidated. The state went to Trump in 2016, but this time around, it flipped to Biden by a narrow margin. Partly as a result of this eventual and near-universal color-coding, the terms "red states" and "blue states" entered popular use in the weeks after the 2000 presidential election. Similarly, one state south, 56.45 percent of Oregon voters chose Joe Biden in 2020 compared to just 40.37 percent for Donald Trump. [21][22] Another problem relates to data classification. The Keystone State became one of the three collapsed Democratic Blue Wall states that handed Trump the election. When a state is called a "red state", it means that it has traditionally voted in favor of Republican candidates. Regarding national politics, it is historically a "Red" state although in recent national elections it has gone"blue". However, there are pros and cons to both classified and unclassified choropleth maps. Nearly every town, city and patch of farmland in the country is "purple", a mixture of people, each of whose own political preferences can vary. The state of Maine has seen supporters from both Democrats and Republican voters but the majority of Democrats voters, therefore, it is referred to as Blue State while Nebraska state saw a majority of voters from Republicans hence it is referred to as Red State. "There is nothing inherently blue or red about this, by law or by design," Foley said. An email has been sent to with a link to confirm list signup. These are general election results for the years listed. List Of Blue States And Red States No. Virginia has continued voting for the Democratic presidential nominees (as well as increasingly electing Democrats at the state level), leading to its being reclassified as a blue state in recent years. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. The next batch will be reported at 9 a.m. (I am deleting my post earlier that said Philly officials said they were not reporting more mail-in results tonight, because it appears to have been based on incomplete information. Use arrow keys to move around the map. After flipping red as a key swing state for President Donald Trump in 2016, former Vice President Joe Biden claimed Wisconsin's electoral votes today in what is being called one of the most important elections of a lifetime.. Wisconsin was a battleground state in the 2020 presidential election, and its 10 electoral votes were highly sought after by both candidates due to Wisconsin's . Related: List Of US States And Their Capitals In Alphabetical Order With PDF. By household income, Obama got a majority of households with less than $50,000 in annual income. Sorry Marc. Vertical lines before 1992, 2002, 2012, and 2022 show Census-related redistricting breakpoints. The county with biggest Republican edge is rural Snyder, near the center of the state. States losing seats included Illinois, Michigan,. This election cycle, voters in Pennsylvania were universally able to vote by mail in the general election. The Tennessee Department of Health reports that 1,451 people died of drug overdose within the state in 2015. Is Missouri a red state? Sacrificing the Future to China for Bidens Green New Deal. While some red counties shifted to the left, larger margins of victory than Clinton in already-blue countieswas the primary force thatdrove Biden to victory. Again competitive in 2020, Joe Biden won by 1.2%. Source: NYT exit polls: 24,537 surveyed[54], Source: CNN exit polls: 24,558 surveyed[55], Democratic For the GOP, this represented 179 electoral votes. What are red and blue states? Thirty of Penns 44 counties gave Trump 60% of the vote. The political map of Pennsylvania is often described as a T with Republicans holding sway up the center of the state and across its northern tier, and Democrats strongest in the southeast and southwest. Holly Ready to hear what you have to say on Pennsylvania! Trump wanted to drive more votes out of it; Biden wanted to cut his losses. Richard C. Young is the editor of Young's World Money Forecast, and a contributing editor to both and [58], The choice of colors in this divide may appear counter-intuitive to non-American observers, as in most countries, red is associated with socialist, communist, or social democratic parties, while blue is associated with conservative parties. The cartographer must choose how many classes to use and how to divide the data into those classes. Sen. Bob Casey and local Democratic Party leaders also said there was massive turnout in the Philadelphia suburbs, which would be a win for Biden. But also, the early voter turnout we're seeing has been - seems to have been a factor. [37][38] In 2020, 58 percent of U.S. voters lived in landslide counties. Purple states are also often referred to as "battleground" states. The following list is tabled from the last Presidential Election 2020. The advent of color television in America during the late 1950s and early 1960s prompted television news reporters to rely on color-coded electoral maps, though sources conflict as to the conventions they used. PUBLISHED: November 5, 2020 at 11:39 a.m. | UPDATED: November 5, 2020 at 7:29 p.m. Pennsylvania's continued ballot count from the general election showed the state possibly flipping from red to . These maps provide a more detailed picture but themselves have various problems associated with classification of data. Gov. Likewise, Republicans have elected many statewide officeholders in states that vote strongly Democratic in presidential elections, such as Massachusetts, Illinois, Maryland, Vermont, and New Jersey. In fact, many of the Great Plains and Rocky Mountain states which voted for Bush are relatively sparsely populated (Nebraska, for instance, has a population similar to the island of Manhattan). Taking Biden at face value about Michigan and Wisconsin where, for what it's worth (not that much), the exit poll data looks pretty good for him and he came in with a significant polling lead here's where the map goes: If Biden wins those two, plus Maine, Nevada and Arizona, but nothing else, he's at 269 electoral votes. Pennsylvanias demographic makeup has not altered dramatically in just four short years. Global Liquidity Is Increasing Despite the Fed. They had ads, social media, conference calls, press releases, you name it on, all on fracking. Will Pennsylvania be red or blue in 2020? [15][16][17] NBC used the color blue for the incumbent party, which is why blue represented the Democrats in 2000. In recent elections, there have been a dozen or more truly competitive battlegrounds which could result in many various paths to 270 electoral votes. Press Enter to view state-level map. He served as governor from 2003 to 2011 and was also the mayor of Philadelphia. All 50 States of the United States of America contain both Democratic and Republican voters but only Blue or Red colors appear on the electoral map because of the winner-take-all system used by most states in the Electoral College. Winner did not receive a plurality of the vote and lost the popular vote This may have been a holdover from the Civil War, during which the predominantly Republican north was considered "blue". Redistricting 2021: Red states, blue voters Elaine Kamarck Thursday, September 30, 2021 FixGov After a COVID-19-related delay in getting out the census data, states across the country are now.