They call her May, after Peter's beloved Auntie, and as the little girl . Classic Avengers rejoined the team while younger heroes were promoted to the big leagues. Captain Atom is a threat because he can manipulate time and magic in ways that harm him. The tectonic plates beneath New York City had shifted, creating great danger for the citizens above. A new team of "all-new, all-different" Avengers formed after the Secret Wars event. Regardless of the reality, Mark Milton isn't someone to be messed with. He could even beat the Mighty Rune King Thor. She can fly and breathe in space, as she demonstrated in the MCU as well. Earn Points, Get Rewards Join! As he was being destroyed by Thanos, Vision didn't even put up a fight. Jonathan Hickman brought together an entirely new line-up in one of the best Avengers stories in the comics. She flew across multiple light-years in one night while carrying an entire spaceship. Appearing in Uncanny Avengers, the Unity Squad featured a united roster of Avengers and mutants formed by Captain America in an effort to heal human/mutant relations. The strongest Avengers rosters are some of the most powerful comic teams of all time. We've seen Ant-Man at his most powerful when he uses his ability to grow. Captain Universe is one of Marvel Comic's most powerful heroes and refusing to acknowledge them in the MCU would be a bad idea. Over the course of the Deadpool vs. Thanos series, the two Marvel icons went back and forth in battle over the love of the physical embodiment of Death. He built the first Iron Man suit while held captive by a terrorist group in a cave in Afghanistan. Abilities: Vision was an android with a synthetic vibranium body, allowing him to walk through walls and fly. He writes for several websites, makes killer pizza, goes to Disney World more than his budget allows, and has the cutest daughter in the world. Steve Rogers, aka Captain America, is the best-known Captain of the Marvel universe. The MCU's Infinity Saga introduced a huge cast of superheroes with a wide array of abilities. There are plenty of modern superteams that would still get embarrassed by the original Avengers roster. 1 Shang-Chi. Marvel Studios. Although one sense was taken away, hisother senses were greatly enhanced, which eventually turned him into the superhero Daredevil. In theory, Drax is a great warrior. The group wasn't big, but it could still do a lot of damage. Abilities: Thanks to genetic enhancements, Rocket is extremely intelligent and far more durable than a regular raccoon. By clicking Sign up, you agree to receive marketing emails from Insider He literally never gives up. All in all, though, should he come into play, theyd like to have to treat him how theyve treated the Hulk, Captain Marvel, and Scarlet Witch finding ways to depower them or take them out of the equation until the climactic third act fight. In sacrificing herself, she solidified her worth as a hero and proved the student had become the master. Roy Thomas was Stan Lee's protg and his Avengers run, with artists like Neal Adams and John Buscema, made the Avengers even greater than before. Published May 14, 2021. When chosen as Captain Universe, Daredevil's sight was restored. He single-handedly ruined the plan to defeat Thanos in "Infinity War" (after barely even helping to subdue him) and would've been killed by some lame alien in "Endgame" if Gamora hadn't saved him. Captain America: New World Order is set to bring back both Tim Blake Nelson finally as The Leader and recently-recast Harrison Fords Thunderbolt Ross as Red Hulk. Even though he's not as known as other superheroes, he's strong enough to have been able to defeat even Captain America, making him stronger than Steve Rogers. RELATED: 10 Times Silver Surfer Proved He Was The Most Powerful Character In The Marvel Universe. Abilities: Natasha Romanoff didn't have any powers. The mysterious Uni-Power then chose her as its new champion, sensing in her a virtue that it saw in very few people. Abilities: Hulk, Bruce Banner's rage-fueled alter ego, was created by Bruce's version of the super-soldier serum and a huge blast of gamma radiation. It would form new teams of heroes together to better suit the mission parameters. Hulk. However, the care shown in Moon Knight gives hope for such a possibility. Captain America's origin story is well-known. In the comic books, it only happened because Vision deactivated Tony Stark's armor; Cap fights Iron Man at full power in the movie. His service to the team earned him his own faction of New Avengers during The Heroic Age. Plus, Bruce is a genius. u/Abhistrike thinks "if every character were . This allowed the wall-crawler to fight many powerful villains who are normally outside of his weight class. His consciousness was a combination of Tony Stark, Bruce Banner, Tony's artificial intelligence (J.A.R.V.I.S. Abilities: Bucky Barnes received a variation of the super-soldier serum that gave Captain America his abilities. Though rightfully associated with the X-Men, she has also served on the Avengers roster. She's the nation's leading expert in science and technology, especially adept at employing the many uses of vibranium. 25. In the main comic-book universe, Brian gained powers after being granted the mystical Amulet of the Right. She was tirelessly bred to become one of the most fearsome spies and assassins in the world. Monica transforms into any form of energy on the electromagnetic spectrum, such as light or X-Rays, and can also harness and use that energy in all its potential. Power scale: 7. Power scale: 9.5. He is easily Marvels most overpowered character, a man enhanced by the Super Soldier Serum who could rival supreme cosmic entities like Galactus. Using his specialized winged jetpack, he can fly with incredible speed and agility. He's strongest in universe, but put him up against Omni-Man and he gets clapped. The Unity Squad grew to include Inhuman members when Rogue officially took over as the leader of the team. In other words, she is able to wield Chaos Magic. She briefly held her own against Thanos in "Infinity War," and he even said Nebula nearly managed to murder him when she snuck on board his ship. RELATED: Captain America 4 May Finally Deliver On Kevin Feige's Civil War Joke. The iconic future leader Captain America joined the roster only a few issues after the Avengers' debut. In addition to her fluffy tail, buck teeth, sharp claws, enhanced agility and reflexes, and ability to communicate with squirrels, Doreen Green is surprisingly strong. But in the thick of a battle, he's useful only so far as he can use a powerful gun. Whenever Hercules returns, Ares will likely be there too, and likely as an antagonist. Over the years, the Uni-Power has chosen many different hosts to protect the universe. The Uni-Power, however, had chosen this host for more noble purposes. The verdict. In comic books, where planets get juggled by cosmic entities, the power . She can easily beat Thanos is a fist fight, and it takes the strength of an Infinity Stone to knock her down for the count. With all that power, comes a lot of complications. "Captain Marvel, she is as powerful a character as we've ever put in a movie," the Marvel Studios head, Kevin Feige, told Vulture. Over the years, the Uni-Power has chosen many different hosts to protect the universe. Monica Rambeau ranks among the most powerful versions of Captain Marvel. In fact, he's a genius. When a former victim of one of Juggernaut's rampages becomes Captain Universe, he immediately sets out to get revenge on the supervillain. He has deep stores of magic drawn from harnessing energy drawn from other dimensions of the Multiverse and can bend aspects of space and time. There's no telling how powerful he truly is, because Marvel is constantly putting obstacles in his way and even with those, he's easily one of the strongest heroes we've seen. Deadpool is thenpossessed by the Uni-Power, becoming Captain Universe. It may not have been Bryan Singer's strongest entry in the X-Men Universe, but it was the one closest to the source material, and for better or worse, that leaves things in a interesting state for . He was also the only person Thanos knew by name, which is evidence of Iron Man's fearsome reputation. Even though Captain Marvel and Black Adam are among the most powerful members of the Avengers and JSA, there is still a huge power gap between them. In cinemas this past weekend, audiences got their first look at the one and only Captain Marvel the tour-de-force, most well-rounded super-powered hero in the Marvel Universe. When the Uni-Power bonded with Hulk, not only did he gain a new blue skin tone, he gained the powers of Captain Universe. Worldmind is the most powerful computer and database in Marvel which makes it quite obvious why it was such a great asset to Richard. He was absolutely useless in "Infinity War" and managed to survive only with Wanda's help. All the latest gaming news, game reviews and trailers. He got a new cosmic costume change and was even imbued with Enigma Force. The first Avengers roster featured powerhouses and geniuses that made for a quite well-rounded team. Captain Marvel, like Thor, is even more powerful in the comics than on the big . The Marvel Cinematic Universe multi-film franchises have . 1 Captain Marvel. 10026660. While Peter from Earth 616 eventually lost the Captain Universe title, the Spider-Man from Earth 91110 kept his powers a bit longer. But in actual battle scenes, he didn't prove himself very effective. While Scarlet Witch, Thor, and Hulk could claim the title of Strongest Avenger in the MCU, there are some powerful members still waiting in the wings. Celebrate T'Challa, King of Wakanda, with this detailed recreation of Black Panther for adult fans of Marvel Studios' Infinity Saga. Adam Brashear was a Korean War vet and scientist who was experimenting with antimatter from the Negative Zone, which, naturally, went haywire, and he ended up being doused in an incredible amount of radiation. Abilities: Okoye, the general of the Dora Milaje, takes her job extremely seriously. These are the Quantum Bands, powerful weapons created by the celestial entity, Eon, that mark him as the Protector of the Universe. Thor: Love and Thunder also mightve snuck in the introduction of another powerful hero, Singularity, as Thors new daughter, Love. If Thor were at peak potential during most of the Avengers' battles, they probably wouldn't have lasted very long. She was typically armed with a specialized electroshock weapon but could also handle guns, spears, knives, or swords with ease. Dark Horse Comics will bring Clear , a dazzling, visual thrill ride through a hard-boiled sci-fi dystopia, by bestselling writer Scott Snyder and superstar artist Francis Manapul ( The Flash, Justice League) to print for the first time in 2023. Abilities: Doctor Strange is a Master of the Mystic Arts, a sorcerer sworn to defend the fabric of reality. He even admitted that he didn't understand the stone or its influence on his psyche. RELATED: 10 Most Iconic Avengers Villains. Cosmic Spider-Man is the most powerful version of Spider-Man in the whole Marvel Universe. He was the team's ace in the hole who became Osborn's attack dog, and he could handle just about any threat. Iron Man was the only Avenger able to injure Thanos in "Infinity War" (until Thor nearly killed him), and he did it when Thanos had already collected four Infinity Stones. From the Avengers vast roster in the comics, these heroes are truly the strongest who have yet to show up in the MCU. In the Infinity Saga against Thanos, the MCU Captain America also seems a little stronger than his comic book counterpart. While the MCU might not be ready for Sentry yet, it primed for Blue Marvel. Spider-Woman. Abilities: Rhodey doesn't have any powers, and he lost the use of his legs in "Civil War." She is fueled with rage, uncontrolled emotions, and dark magical energy can be her main fighting skill. Overall, Captain Carter seems able to easily take on non-powered opponents on her own but might struggle to defeat the heavy hitters, while Captain America stood his ground even against someone as strong as Thanos in Avengers: Endgame (2019). Like Quasar, Captain Universes true moment to shine might be best saved till Marvels cosmos are truly at center stage. "If you look at Endgame," he said, according to a . It's a best-of-all-time team from a best-of-all-time run and creative duo that still holds up today. If she isnt, well then, the film still laid the groundwork for the cosmic characters introduction. She was trained and cybernetically enhanced by Thanos, who called her "the fiercest woman in the galaxy." Heroes Wanted. So we don't know how Strange would have fared in that fight if he hadn't seen his own death occur in advance, but we do know that without him, Tony and the Guardians wouldn't have stood a chance. He also has a cybernetic arm, now made of vibranium, which increases his strength even more. Carol Danvers as Ms. Marvel became the field leader of an experienced and powerful team that boasted some of the strongest Avengers ever. Many people have been possessed by the Enigma Power including Miles Morales (so he also was the strongest Spider-Man), Matt Murdock and Aunt May. Power scale: 6. Naturally, his rock-like physique allows him to be pummeled relentlessly and stand strong. Dangerous radioactive materials spilled onto his face, rendering the boy blind. While the team featured heavy hitters, some of the more youthful members were inexperienced despite their passion for heroism. So, not only did Vargas have the traditional powers of Captain Universe, but he also had these additional heroes' abilities as well. Power scale: 3.5. He no longer has the same bloodthirst as his former moniker, which is good, but he's not as effective in battle as he once was. Also, like Namor, Ares has become a true anti-hero, having gone from opposing the Avengers to becoming a member himself granted then he stayed on as a member of the Dark Avengers led by the dastardly Norman Osborn. While the three Avengers landed some blows, the villain laid them all out by the end of the . There is no denying that she is more powerful than all of them. Stern tested his roster like no one before him, especially in the "Under Siege" storyline, in which the Avengers were attacked by the greatest Masters of Evil roster ever. It's not as if anyone off the street could operate the War Machine suit, but without Tony's help, Rhodey can't improve his technology or evolve as a superhero. Matched with his crime-fighting experience, this made him one of the most capable Captain Universe 'hosts' to date. One of them was Brian Braddock, aka Captain Britain. Thor, Captain America, and Iron Man found this out when they took on the 2014 version of the Titan. Shes so strong and such a good fighter, shes not only defeated Wolverine, but also the big purple baddie, Thanos. But that began to shift in "Endgame." The Hulk body is still wildly strong and nearly indestructible, but Bruce no longer has Hulk's ferocity, and after "Endgame," it looks like he'll only have one working arm. As Rocket told her, "anyone who's anyone knows who you are.". The Marvel Cinematic Universe multi-film franchises have redefined the genre by building a universe filled with . She has continued to demonstrate extraordinary power since Infinity War. One of the most powerful comic book characters in both DC and Marvel and arguably the most famous superhero ever, Superman is a larger-than-life character whose skills necessarily require a lot of movie magic to work in live-action. Captain America's Oldest Ally, the Destroyer is Killed by M.O.D.O.K. Captain Univers is a really powerful cosmic entity and can be termed as universe herself reaching out to the needy, granting them cosmic powers. As one of many World War II-era superheroes to fight . Spider-Man has become a fully fledged Avenger. New versions of Black Panther and Captain America are probably still attending Avengers orientation. Then, in his Captain Universe form, Banner actually battled his big, green alter ego. Captain Marvel and Thor rounded out the top three. Their unique powers, abilities, and fighting styles have captivated fans for decades. When Loki created the deadly Tri-Sentinel, the Uni-Power saw it fit to imbue the hero Spider-Man with its powers. Abilities: Whoever holds the Black Panther mantle in Wakanda King T'Challa in the Infinity Saga is given heightened abilities after eating the Heart-Shaped Herb. Just as Glenn took out a ring to propose to Laura, the balloon burst into flame, putting the two of them into immediate mortal danger. At times of great need, anyone can become Captain Universe and acquire superhuman strength, speed, invulnerability, the ability to fly, restructure matter and basically any other power the wielder can imagine. Former members of the New Avengers joined him alongside some of the closest allies from his time as a solo hero for hire.