Like instead of things going by so quick and your awareness is pretty small, your awareness increases and time slows down so that you're aware of more capacity at one moment. Then the debrief, what you're specifically asking about, which I think is really critical, is we go through stages, right? But you're exactly right, that's exactly the zone I'm in when I'm in a maneuver. If they're aware, usually it's usually like, they're just not aware. I believe, in all our jobs, we got to paint the picture of what the extreme looks like first. I can't teach climbing right now. You feel yourself start to constrict, and your mind starts to get into this flight or fight mode, which is what we're trained to do. I flew at 500 miles per hour in formations nearly 18" | 18 comments on LinkedIn Can you tell yourself, okay, I've got something very challenging to do. Before we flew, we briefed, and after we flew, we debriefed, and that's a whole different emotional and intellectual episode than the actual physical. Objective, come at each other at a thousand miles per hour closer. All Rights Reserved BNP Media. Or maybe he didn't realize it. . For my life, very quickly, is on the teams, on the Blue Angels, you go into that assignment knowing exactly how long you're going to be there. John Foley:No, I love it. I liked it. I think that's it in a nutshell, right there. Yeah. John Foley:But yeah, so that's for sure. John has performed these death-defying stunts for . Having developed a strong bond with his opposing solo, Ken Switzer, for the 1992 season, the two explored implementing new maneuvers including the Section High Alpha Pass and the Solo Section Take-Off. What does John Foley suck at? The Blue Angels must be closely aligned in thought and action in order to accomplish their mission. I think, when I joined the team, and at the end of your comments, everybody said, "Glad to be here." Okay. Erik Weihenmayer:Yeah. That's It's taken on a whole new ethos since then. Erik Weihenmayer:No, I get very excited. I'm in Sun Valley. Employee Commitment I take a break. I land the jet after that and now you-. Happy 2022 everyone. I mean, it's just not meant to be. Mentors come into our lives when we're young, especially for me, it was obviously my dad, and then people I never met, like accidental mentors, like Terry Fox, who was an amputee who lost a leg to cancer and decided he was going to run all the way across Canada, thousands of miles, and he inspired a whole nation. These are two of the best programs and that's why they're in the finals. And behind many of those awe-inspiring stunts and scenes was John Foley, Blue Angels pilot, entrepreneur, real estate investor, public speaker, and all-around inspiring human being. How did he get there, what happened after that, what lessons did he learn along the way, and what discoveries he continues to make today? Erik Weihenmayer:Over time, you talk about focus, right? To me, the easiest ones or relationships, whether they're personal or not. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. They believe in process. I remember thinking to myself, I'm going to do that. I think you just hit on it. Just stop in the present moment because your mind's taking you somewhere where you don't want to go. I had a team briefing this morning. First, is just being aware, is am I operating from fear? During . Jeff:Well, I guess the question I would have is, it's kind of twofold. Climbing, flying jets, that's not hard. I do that through meditation in the mornings. If you do not agree to the use of cookies, you should not navigate So, you can decide if you're going to step up or not. It's important to know, it's easy to kill yourself. Erik Weihenmayer:I've had a few perfect runs, but a lot of them are just reacting and responding to chaos. You are not going in the midway." However, if we were to look at success as improvement upon what ever it is you are, whether that be your life, your career, or your business, then there. They're not going to be the Blue Angel necessarily, right? Either you step up to that challenge, okay? The Blue Angels Motorcycle Club are a one percenter motorcycle club founded in Glasgow, Scotland in 1963.. I'll go off there to get very clear on how long I can hold my focus because I need a break. He shares how to center a team around shared goals, strengthen relationships, and create unity that leads to consistent and effective results. Because we've already each other on the G of go. Our audience, our community is going to be so impacted by everything you've said, and your life's work, as it's been encompassed in this conversation today. It's what Shakespeare was talking about when he says, to be or not to be. You surprised me in so many different ways, but I wouldn't imagine that glad to be here, other than just the realization like, holy, man, I lived through some things. Where is it? You're not doing this. The U.S. Navy Blue Angels will transition to the Super Hornet platform for the 2021 season. Is that Jeff:That's maybe what the difference is. To answer your question, is I definitely believe we can't multitask. But I spent six months working for three for that individual learning the business. Jeff:I think you're right. So, you must have those clear mentors, direct mentors, but also maybe some accidental mentors. The fifth and sixth jet fly in solo formation. Sir John Foley (British Army officer) (born 1939), former Chief of Defence Intelligence and Lieutenant-Governor of Guernsey John D. Foley (1918-1999), American bomber gunner in World War II John H. Foley (1839-1874), American soldier and Medal of Honor recipient John Foley (major) (1813-1881), Irish-born soldier and merchant Religion [ edit] My hope is that those four words will have a deeper and richer meaning to everyone who reads this article. this website. And then reverse engineer, what are you thinking about? I think that's what's unique about the Blue Angels and why it's such a great metaphor for a company and a high performance team is we do this every year with new people. Jeff:Yeah. What I think the key is, is can you call that up on demand? I'll do stuff that keeps the adrenaline going, but I'm doing it for fun. As a Blue Angel, John consistently performed in an extreme, high-stakes environment, flying at speeds of more than 500 miles per hour and in formations as close as 18 inches apart. As a Blue Angel, Foley consistently performed in an extreme, high-stakes environment, flying at speeds of more than 500 miles per hour in formations as close as 18 inches apart. I'm with you a hundred percent. I'm not. John Foley:It's a double edged sword. But then it gets very specific. That was the basketball team, not the football team, but it's still the athletic department. I don't mind that. Foley eventually got swept up in the dot-com boom, which had spread to Los Angeles from San Francisco. John Foley:Yeah, you got it. Jeff:All right. This fosters gratitude and new perspectives to recognize opportunities versus simply focusing on challenges. Bottomline is, we fly jets off aircraft carriers. And then I just kept trying to improve on. Now, you can do it however you want. they have even more significance to me today. I never met him, but he was a huge mentor. John Foley:Yeah. John Foley Inc. and The Glad To Be Here Foundation asked where $10,000 could help others in a direct and imminent way during the pandemic. And that kind of stuff. He retired from active duty after 27 years of distinguished service and joined Check-6, a global leader in optimized performance and safety solutions serving the most demanding industries, where he directed business development and corporate strategy for the North American Division. He also explains a process that he believes is the primary key to continuous improvement and exceptional growth. As a Blue Angel, John consistently performed in an extreme, high-stakes environment, flying at speeds of more than 500 miles per hour in formations as close as 18 inches apart. Vintage James Kent LTD | Old Foley . Happy 2022 listeners. "Glad to Be Here" was a statement of belief that we Jeff:Yeah. We're going to cross within a wingspan, right? I know you do and facilitate, you do personally, but also facilitate a lot of breathwork and meditation with clients, and you do it yourself. Then you actually back out, you stabilize and you come back in. His passion and. John "Gucci" Foley, a U.S. Navy aviator and Blue Angels pilot, John "unpacks" the special mindset and practical framework for achieving High Performance and sustaining a true Culture of Excellence. And then, I guess maybe reflect on that flow focus that you had then and how now that perhaps has given you the ability to be able to get in that meditative pocket now. So Nick Saban and Alabama brought me in a few years ago. Tax ID Number: 06-1693441. Then I try to get outside, I look up and I say, can I get into my body? By the way, I don't know if you guys have built any yet, but we're starting to build a digital course, so I'm glad to be here in gratitude. Reaching that level of excellence required commitment, discipline and trust. TheGlad To Be Heremindset helps answer these critical questions. That gives me way more joy than the actual climbing or the flying. That was always my dream as a little boy. Those are the skills that we can learn. That's a start. And I love it. It goes, woo. Learn more about glad to be here foundation. He is the former lead solo pilot of the Blue Angels, Bestselling Author of Fearless Success, an expert in the How of High Performance teams and 'The Guru of Gratitude.'. Erik Weihenmayer:And does that lead sometimes to reaching out to a friend or something like that, somebody who you know is hurting or struggling or just needs you? Are you there in Denver right now, by the way? I feel, like my kid's 16, and he's a pretty high level athlete now. Whether it's meditation, whether it's learning to take your game to a whole new level. You know it, every kid does it better than us. The popular Blue Angels plan to be at Chattanooga's Air Show next Oct. 28-29. It went well today. It's not happening. And it's my new mantra. I know I need to execute on this command. I love it because I'm in front of groups all the time blah, blah, blah. And time actually did slow down. I want to go into the entrepreneurial world. John Foley was a solo pilot for the Blue Angels aerobatic formation, a Sloan Fellow at the Stanford School of Business, a Gratitude Guru, and an expert on "how to" in high performing teams. That's exciting to me. It's like, oh, that would be cool, but geez, that's a pipe dream. Sorry. In his dynamic presentations, Foley addresses the essential elements of exceptional team performance and makes them relevant, simple, and immediately actionable. By visiting It took me 18 years, and I did. Erik Weihenmayer:Yeah, so what Analyze me here. Part of it is because I haven't put the work in. And here is in the present moment, right? I'm constantly riding motorcycles. There has to have been a time during that process that you got completely shit on, or you were like, oh, well Or somebody said, "Forget it, Foley. I'm from the south, so I'm torn, but all my buddies are all Auburn, so I can't stand Alabama as a result. JOHN FOLEY - BIOGRAPHY In 2015, John Foley has been recognized as one of the top 10 most in demand speakers. John Foley:I like to put a nuance in there, Erik, and that's about being scared. I'm just so excited because you and I got to meet up and Vail at a retreat, and we had some coffee, and you were so nice to talk to my dad who was a Marine. Erik Weihenmayer:You thunk yourself out of it. I mean, athletes don't know that. John Foley:To be, in my opinion, is the future state. However, after receiving his Wings of Gold in 1984, and in alignment with the needs of the Navy, Foley would initially be assigned to Attack Squadron 22 (VA-22) flying the A-7 Corsair II. By visiting this website, certain cookies have already been set, which you may delete and block. John Foley:At some point, you become a Blue Angel, and we take our pilots from the instructor ranks. We can only do so much with ourselves. This exhilarating film showcased the almost unbelievably intense reality of being an elite pilot in the military. Nov 3, 2020. Did that answer your question? In fact, by the way, the College Football Championship's tonight. Because I've never put the work in. It was during this same time period that Foley attended a Blue Angels air show and proclaimed to his father that one day he too would be a military aviator. It's like, oh my God, this person's mad at me. And then I execute on that, Gucci's clear, Thumper's clear, and then guess what happens? Boom. John Foley:Now, if I get outside of those parameters, let's say I move three feet and I don't clear the formation, but when you move that far off, you have to get out of the way because you're not stable. Erik Weihenmayer:John, you guys were talking about these parameters, but how big of a can you make? Get the best deals on Staffordshire Old Foley when you shop the largest online selection at help you have the best experience while on the site. They believe you become part of this team. John Foley:Sorry for that little blurb, but that's-. ", - John Foley, Former Lead Solo Pilot, Blue Angels. Erik Weihenmayer:I lose my sort of my micro coordination. All right. So, I got to go straight Georgia. Part of the equation is diving into the learning process and trying to illuminate the universal elements that exist along the way. John Foley:I'm just going to reinforce that in my body. Jeff:That's three times in a row, three misses on the same John Foley:Yeah. With a desire to fly with an F/A-18 Hornet squadron, Foley was selected for jet training at NAS Chase Field in Beeville, Texas. John Foley:No, actually, Erik, it's just the opposite. It's not just physical, right? During a typical performance, there are six jets in the air. For me, I do it with video. Don't you wish you would've had that back when you were doing all these crazy maneuvers. That's a fact. You finally get in the airplane and that's totally different. You're just trying to do the checklist. You're reacting based on your training. Anyway, got talked into doing recitals, and it is so funny because I get so freaking nervous in front of a group of 50 parents, and I'm surrounded by like sixth graders. Because think about when you're teaching someone to climb. I break it down to four things, glad in this statement, first off means, that's to be grateful, to be appreciative. They don't know when their last game's going to be. A framework that teaches you step-by-step how to break through your own challenges and live a driven, purposeful life. John Foley:It's actually really cool because the ECS, the environmental control system, it almost feels like a vacuum. We're constantly in a state of training. While I had known about the Blue Angels, I hadn't ever heard of John Foley. But I do remember that distinct moment. There's a lot of good in that person, in this situation. John is a former lead solo pilot of the Blue Angels, where he consistently performed in an extreme, high-stakes environment, flying an F-18 at speeds of more than 500 miles per hour and in formations as close as 18 inches apart. They probably visualize dreams way better than we did, at least I remember as a little kid doing that. A practical model for living out his message that works in other organizations as well as within the Blue Angels. 109K views 5 months ago Blue Angels Podcast In what was once thought to be an impossibility, the Blue Angels made history in 1992 by becoming the first United States flight team to fly over. Glad To Be Hereoffers apurpose greater than self, which galvanizes people and focuses individuals and teams on WHY they do what they do. We call it a brief room, but really, it's mental preparation before we go flying. . You get to hear the boss going through the cadence of the maneuvers, where he'll say, up we go and, and you can hear why is that G, go? Stop. (singing). We're doing a mile every nine seconds. That was a big leap. Now I love my dad. Can you actually call your own mind on demand to be in that state, and for how long can you hold it? Didrik Johnck:The production team behind this podcast includes producer, Didrik Johnck, that's me, sound design, editing, and mixing by Tyler Cottman, marketing and graphic support from Stone Ward, and web support by Jamlo. I could find out, okay, these are how I prepare and all this, but all it takes me is one minute listening to you, or Erik, and I realize, these guys have done it. What are we going to do going forward? With what you just said, what I generate the most fulfillment and happiness in my life is not that I physically climb the mountains anymore or fly the jets, it's that I can share that in a way that benefits others. The Navy Flight Demonstration Squadron today announced their schedule for the 2005 show season. You're on to a really interesting point. So, I went heli-skiing yesterday. Fearless Success: Beyond High Performance. What's the pluses? Like me, I'm going to be thinking of you guys' faces, I'm going to be thinking about this conversation. Do you get the same, is that the same for you in front of a big audience? But then, here's what I've noticed, JB, try this for me, try this tomorrow morning, then go back 24 hours and think about something that happened yesterday, or in this case, that happened today, because you're doing this tomorrow. I've been doing trauma for a long time. You have to be focused, but if your heart isn't in it, if you're not doing it for what I call a purpose larger than self, then it's not the same. "Blue Angels are Navy fighter pilots. Even if it's the transcendent meditative place, but that's the pocket, right? John Foley:Yeah. 500 mph with former Blue Angels pilot John Foley 00:00 01:06:31 about the episode Happy 2022 everyone. Actually, the glad to be here is a proactive way to not only snap you out of that downward spiral. Jeff:What's the Gucci over under tonight? Erik Weihenmayer:Or you get internal with yourself and you start making mistakes or something, like how pitchers in pro baseball get in a slump or something. Why am I doing something, and why does it matter? John Foley:Oh, well, tons of them. And thanks to all of you for listening. I've recreated my whole career two decades ago. John Foley:Erik, just like you, my dad was the biggest mentor in my life. It's not happening. You give, then you learn, and you grow. In this brand new interview, Gucci candidly dives into his navy experience and opens the discussion with his upbringing as a German born army brat and the influence his father had on him to pursue a military career. I also ran into, in the speaking world, it was so funny, Erik, I went to an event and they were talking about this power of visualization. I had the privilege this week to hear John Foley, former lead solo pilot for the Blue Angels flight demonstration squadron, as one of the keynote speakers at a technology conference I was attending. I've spoken to all three, both teams and the officials. And what discoveries does he continue to make today? Because now that you're not flying, aren't there some activities you're like, I suck at this? It builds confidence, and your teammates go, okay. See, that's why this is what's Great. March 11: Naval Air Facility El Centro, California. It can mean so many different things depending on who you ask and what day of the week it is. All Rights Reserved. Go join the Air Force. Copyright 2023 Collaborative Agency Group, John Foley | Performance and Leadership Keynote Speaker - Collaborative Agency Group, John Foley | Performance Beyond Blue Angels Keynote - Collaborative Agency Group, JOHN FOLEY| Teamwork Speaker - Collaborative Agency Group. Erik Weihenmayer:Now, you can't do that when you're a Blue Angel. It was during these deployments that Foley received the Top Nugget Award for first-tour pilots in Carrier Air Wing Eleven, and was also recognized as one of the Top 10 of all air wing pilots. Every morning, I wake up, I've trained my brain to wake up happy. He shows how a culture of thankfulness engages employees on an intellectual and emotional level to create deeper commitment and raise levels of performance. That is what's happening to me in the jet. This is really the ethos of what we're talking about. Three times in a row, I do not get the wires, which is John Foley:Then the fourth time, I was ugly, but at least I caught the wire. I want to know first off, are they even aware? That's one of the rare professions that, that's true. Erik Weihenmayer:My hands sweat, my hand shake. 2016 Glad To Be Here. $19.50. I hated it, it sucked. It was an emotional click that said, I'm going to do that now. John Foley:Yeah. You kayaked the Grand Canyon, you needed perfection. I remember being at that air show that day. You don't want a whole bunch of safeties. John Foley, a former naval aviator with the Blue Angels was on with Chaz and AJ to talk about the coordinated flyover of New York, New Jersey and Connecticut with the Thunderbirds. It exists. Vintage Old Foley James Kent Cake slice , Pale blue rose details in gold filigree, Made in England #2007185. Aboard the USS Enterprise (CVN-65) Foley and VA-22 deployed to the Western Pacific, Mediterranean and Indian Ocean in 1986 and later to the Persian Gulf in 1988. Jeff:Yeah, or you say, I'm not good enough. You know what the biggest one, Erik? Thatsthewayukshop. Now you can go straight precision, straight clinical once you're in that moment. Print page He's working with us now. Full stick deflection, roll, ready, hit it, roll. You know what I mean? Free shipping on many items | Browse your favorite brands . I'm in my jet training, it's called A-7 Corsairs. You're flying small prop planes. This is the highest level of the Blue Angels. I mean, there are people who can teach breathing and meditation effectively, that have been doing it for years and years. I still remember this to this day as we're talking, I can visualize it. John Foley:Yeah. There are few examples where this is more dramatically demonstrated than with the Blue Angels. You don't want to take more than a minute. Erik Weihenmayer:Jeff, Imma slap you on the back. I said, I don't need to be an airline pilot. You didn't get it for all you know. Now, it's also, that's the power of being naive too, is that I had no idea what it was going to take. JB, you're exactly right. Or is it different? I think that's, what's going to happen with Georgia tonight, and I think you and I are going to be prognosticators, extraordinaire here in few weeks when this thing airs, because Georgia's going to suck them, get them dogs going. To me, that's a feeling statement. John. I didn't do great, but at least I finished. John Foley:Well, guys, I want to say the honor's mine, and the thanks are for you. I was supposed to deploy on the midway, which was a four deployed carrier. But for JB and I, the shit goes by quickly, right? I'm actually seeing things in frames. Do we have the right setup? John Foley:See, that's a big difference. Now everybody and their dead grandma can. It was really awesome. Honestly, JB. You have to be amazing. We believe that transcendent potential for performance lives withineveryindividual and organization. And it was a light bulb moment, Erik. I go down there. Now I feel a lot closer to you. That stuff completely leaves your mind and you're right into the task. There's limiting beliefs and there's liberating beliefs. Then I went out and I tried it. BLUe aNGeLS John Foley "G lad to Be Here." those four words meant something very special to me when I was a Blue angel. Well, look at See the sleeve there, glad to be here. No Barriers is a registered 501(c)3 Non-Profit Guidestar Platinum Rating By closing this message or continuing to use our site, you agree to the use of cookies. Show notes can be found at In that unexplored terrain between those dark places we find ourselves in summit, exists a map. But what's surprising to me is you say the first thing on your debrief is you come at each other with something you feel. I'm not going to be distracted by the fight I got with my spouse earlier this morning or about the kids that are waiting there. Then the same thing in fear, let's use business as an example is, am I going to start my new digital course? The Teams trip to the former Soviet Union was highlighted by two air shows and a ride exchange between the Blue Angels and pilots from the Russian Knights Aerobatic Flight Team. If you acknowledge that empathy, that compassion, and then actually take the action to reach out to them, amen. John Foley:It's exactly that, but it's not just the coffee, right? As long as I'm staying within those parameters, and then I'm in parameters, I'm moving around, but you just can't tell. I think I was looking at it as a bigger timeframe. In the SEC. I didn't say that day, I hope to do that. So, we have the rotation that's planned. Yeah, they're two points favorites, but here, this is the cross section of everything we've really talked about, which is you can line up the best pilots in the world. I think Erik also, and I, have had many, many conversations because we practice as well, but I wish I would've had that skillset back when things were really, really hectic, whether it was climbing or life or anything else, but I didn't really know it. And the second question is, once you left the teams, how did you find that, just aargh, that thing that just made you You clinch up, that kind of stuff? That's called reactionary. Erik Weihenmayer:I could sense my breath. I've taught myself to block out distractions. During 1992 season, the Blue Angels traveled to Europe for the first time since 1973 to perform 16 air shows in 8 different countries including Russia, Bulgaria, Romania, England, Spain, Italy, Finland and Sweden. But the point is that I used the canopy coming down. I'm not qualified. It absolutely changes the neurons, the neuroplasticity in your brain, and you'll start to have more happy thoughts and you'll perform better. This isn't working. Here are the suggestions we received and where we donated (click through to view) . John Foley:I'm going to do that. Because there's a lot of pressure out there not to make a mistake. #gladtobehere stickers (50/pk) $ 17.99. I'm happy for him that he's got these opportunities to be able to sort of plum, just get in that pocket more than I think we would've had the opportunity to. Glad To Be Here is a mindset that enables higher performance. Let's take that even to the next step for somebody who's perhaps not a climber or an aspiring pilot or an athlete, or in any way, but is someone who gets up, puts their pants on, brushes their teeth, and goes, and knuckles down at work for a 10 hour shift. Nick Saban brought me in to speak to Alabama a few years ago, and we won the championship that year, so stand by. I mean, Erik, on the debrief, we start on the Blue Angels with a feeling statement. Erik Weihenmayer:It's easy to talk about the successes, but what doesn't get talked about enough is the struggle. I could do that. $ 30.00. I'm so glad there's such a similarity here, and that's why I've been looking forward to talking with you is we've never flown a perfect air show. John Foley:Oh, I like what you're saying, Jeff. I mean, I do fly for fun, but it's no big deal. I mean, you got the energy of the crowd, the noise of the jets going overhead. I sure didn't know that I was going to fail as many times as I did, and all the obstacles that were going to come in the way, but I truly had that belief in my heart that, at least it was possible. At first, you're like, I wouldn't say you black out, but everything goes by so fast. With his signature Glad to be Here mantra, Foley discusses the power behind gratitude as a way of thinking, working, and living. You are an amazing human being with more importantly, a servant based heart. John Foley:Once you learn how to do it, it's easy. I'm okay to move within that three inch circle. Jeff:Wait, are you rolling & talking tonight?