It exceeds in every way any building I have seen on earth., Peter nodded. Nainoa (NEY-AH-Now-AH) in Hawaiian is known as the one who guards small children.. Maunawili (MOW-nah-wee-lee) is a location in Hawaii known as a twisted mountain.. 95. Its also believed that the formation we are gathered around was a prayer altar for one of Lnais ancient kahunas. Akela - Wisdom. Popular Baby Names. We asked Jesus, Why were we unable to cast out the devil and cure the child? Jesus replied, Howbeit this kind goeth not out but by prayer and fasting.[6] From this experience, I learned that gifts can require more than asking to receive., Peter paused to let his words sink in. There is only one before whom you should kneel, and that is the Master, Jesus Christ. Alamea - Precious child. Makaala (MAH-kah-aa-la) in Hawaiian means alert and watchful.. Gentle music filled the air. Kaiaulu (kh-eye-aH-Luu) is a Hawaiian word to describe a pleasant or gentle breeze.. Nathaniel - "Gift from heaven" in Greek. Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you.[14]. Uhane is often heard as a surname but is also rising in popularity among Hawaiian boy names. Alika - Truthful. I was also confused. This phrase is often used in Hawaiian chants to ask the gods for their blessing and protection over a child. Asking in prayer is only one of many possible requirements.. Its location is said to be the same place ancient medicine healers came to collect herbs for their trade. In Turkish, Kalai means fortress., Kaleiopuu (KAA -Leh-iy-oh-poo-oo) in Hawaiian is lei on the hillside.. Learn the principles to create your own island paradise where ever you are. Lei is also an ancient Hawaiian custom of adornment and spiritual connection to nature. Keep the Aloha spirit and tradition alive through the energy, meaning . This book will transport you to a tropical paradise to be touched by the light and love that radiates from the people and places of Moloka'i. This strong name may inspire a life of leadership and service to others in your boys life. Translation of "heaven" into Hawaiian. It isn't until you get quite a bit further down the list that you find names more reflective of the distinctive Hawaiian . Kahinu is the name of a famous surfer and swimmer, otherwise known as Duke Kahanamoku nicknamed The Big Kahuna. He popularized the ancient sport of surfing and won 5 Olympic medals for swimming between 1912 and 1924. Wehilani (WEH-hee-LA-nee) is a Hawaiian boys name meaning adornment from heaven.. Maunakea (mah-NUH-kuh) is the Hawaiian name for white mountain.. Manu gestured to the scene before us. Alani - Orange fruit tree. Make sure to check automatic translation, translation memory or indirect translations. An elementary school in Waipahu, also goes by the same name. Etana (ih-t-aa-NAH) is the Hawaiian word for strong.. As our embrace concluded, I asked, Where am I?, Peter answered with a smile, This is Heaven., No, you are not dead. Discerning my thoughts, Peter explained, The ancient Hawaiian language was derived from the language of Heaven and thus, the similarities. Iakopa m Hawaiian Hawaiian form of Jacob. Either you were asking for something that was not in your warehouse,[5] or what you were asking for required more than simply asking to receive., To demonstrate his point, Peter took me to another section of the warehouse and said, As I mentioned earlier, God has placed a requirement for the receipt of each gift. This is largely because the Hawaiian language uses an abbreviated alphabet which consists of only 12 letters seven consonants (h, k, l, m, n, p, w) and five vowels (a, e, i, o, u). Hawaiian boy names are deeply meaningful and rich in naming traditions. In this one small gift, there were more colors than all the colors visible on earth. Keona - In Hawaiian, this boy's name means "God's gracious gift." Koa - This Hawaiian name means "warrior" or "brave one." Lono - This Hawaiian name means "God of farming." Makani - This name means "the wind" in Hawaiian. He's known by his full name Lono-nui-noho-i-ka-wai, meaning Great Lono Dwelling in the Water. The following came to us at a time when life's losses threatened to cloud our perspective, these well-articulated words of wisdom relit our path. The sound was not directional. Piiholo is a 689-meter tall mountain with the perfect temperature to grow plants such as pine and pecan. Soon after [Oliver] Cowdery began work on the Book of Mormon, he wanted to exercise thegift of translation. If you believe that this word or phrase needs to be added to our dictionary, please click here to submit it to us. Clouds carry significance in Hawaiian culture. [11] Richard Lyman Bushman, Joseph Smith: Rough Stone Rolling (New York: Random House, 2005), 6364. Apply this search to the user-submitted names, the letters in the pattern are compared to the letters in the name, search for an exact phrase by surrounding it with double quotes, this field understands simple boolean logic, force a term to be included by preceding it with a, force a term to be excluded by preceding it with a, sounds can only be searched in names that have been assigned pronunciations, syllables can only be counted in names that have been assigned pronunciations, names without pronunciations are excluded from results, the "relationship" is how the name relates to its parent name, name impressions are based on the ratings left by the community. Many will recognize this word from the famous Christmas Song, Mele Kalikimaka, meaning Merry Christmas in Hawaiian. Who says your baby boy has to have a common name, with these unique Hawaiian boy names to choose from? As I journey through this life, may I focus Lord on You, My thoughts be ever heaven bound. Oli Oli (oh-LEE oh-LEE) means to chant in Hawaiian. Others may simply love the encouraging tone of this promise-filled name. Pkini - Precious. Kanoa is an uncommon first name for children but is a popular last name. Lono. Naalehu (NAH-ah-eh-loo) is Hawaiian for the volcanic ashes.. (6f,1m) Amoe - Hawaiian form of Cantonese Amoy (Ah Mooi) "younger sister". Maui - This is the name of an island in Hawaii. In the Hawaiian language, it's common to see the same vowel repeated (the word "Hawai'i is a perfect example of this). All angles appeared to form a perfect square. Pomoaikai (poh-MOH-my-KAH-ee) is a Hawaiian term meaning good fortune.. Alternative spellings include Mely. We think this name would be perfect for the new little star about to enter your life! Today we pray around an altar to make the offering of a broken heart and a contrite spirit, I said. Naalehu is a community in Hawaii located near the southern edge of the Kau district, home to many space stations, and is used to communicate with space modules in orbit. Kona (K OH-nuh) is a Hawaiian directional term meaning leeward or dry side of the island.. Waihooluu may be perfect for parents who have a strong love and appreciation for art and creativity. Malana (MAH-la-NAH) means to float in Hawaiian. Manu, Peter said, prayer is a form of work, and is an appointed means for obtaining the greatest of Gods gifts. Ekewaka (eh-keh-wah-KAH) is Hawaiian for wealthy protector., Ekewaka is inspired by the English or Polish name Edward, derived from ead, meaning wealth or blessed, and ward or weard, meaning guard or protector., Elta (eh-t-UH) is a Hawaiian spiritual name meaning the Lord is my God.. Makaio (Mah-KAH-yoh) means gift of God in Hawaiian. Haleigha (Hae-lee-uh) is a Hawaiian phrase meaning born in the house of the rising Sun.. The common English version is Kyle, which means narrow or strait., Kealohilani (kay-law-hi-LAH-nee) in Hawaiian means heavenly brightness., On its own, Alohilani means bright sky, where the element ke provides the loose translation of heavenly sky or brightness., Keanu (KEY-aa-noo) is a popular Hawaiian boys name that means the cool breeze.. As a result, they are quiet and introspective and usually introverted. Daniella Amato is a biomedical scientist and fact checker with expertise in pharmaceuticals and clinical research. [10] When he first received the plates, he was unsure how to begin. Mahalo ke Akua. Fun Fact: Luana is also the name of an Iowa town in the continental United States. Sarah-Lynn Robertson is a freelance writer from the sunny and colorful country of South Africa. Ikaia m Hawaiian Hawaiian form of Isaiah. A unique name such as Hnai may inspire a sense of unity and community in your sweet boys life. Ahe (AH-eh) is a Hawaiian name that means a gentle breeze., Ahe is a variant of Aheahe, and is considered a unique and unusual name. Variants include Kainoa, which means the namesake. Noa or Noah could make adorable nicknames! Confucious. A Hawaiian saying states that the Heavens cry when a loved one passes. There is a town with the same name, referred to as The Muck by locals. Make sure that the language of your search in the dropdown list is . To name your child after the ocean demonstrates a desire to instill the values of respect and appreciation for nature in your son or daughter. The increase in Josephs translation speed is an illustration of this truth: That which we persist in doing becomes easier for us to do; not that the nature of the thing itself is changed, but that our power to do is increased. (Ralph Waldo Emerson quoted by President Heber J. As you visit the sacred places of Hlawa Valley, Kapuaiwa Royal Coconut Grove, and Kamakou rain forest, you'll learn truths about Aloha, slowing down, guardian angels, simplicity, and connecting with your creator. In Hawaiian, lei means garland or wreath. Apparently, the name was inspired by the ornament Peleioholani wore around his neck. Its no surprise that its also known as the Rainbow State. Pointing to the door, I asked, Peter, what is the name of this color?, Peter answered, Ahina. But, behold, I say unto you, that you must study it out in your mind; then you must ask me if it be right, and if it is right, I will cause that your bosom shall burn within you; therefore, you shall feel that it is right. The Hawaiian name Kahinu (KA-hi-nu) means to anoint.. For Hawaiians, the sea is the source of life, pride, and identity. Fun Fact: Koi is also the name of a Japanese variety of carp fish. Alaula - Light of daybreak. While the historical importance is unknown, it is said that those named Kawikani have a strong mind and prefer to spend a lot of time in the mind. Often, the repeated vowel will be separated by an apostrophe (called an okina) to depict a glottal stop, but even if it's not, you still pronounce the repeated vowel twice. A few Hawaiian names make it into these lists every year and they are all noted in the entries below. Kipaoa (Kiy-PAO-aa) is the Hawaiian word for basil.. Koa can also mean warrior., Koho (KOH-ho) is the Hawaiian word for choice.. Gift from the land: Ho`olaule`a : Celebration: Ho`olauna `Ana: Friendly conversation: Ho`olele: To embark: . All content found on this website is intended for informational and educational purposes only, and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. This is also a term used to reference a person above all others in rank or authority- a supreme ruler. In English, Basil also stands for a king. This name alludes to royalty or the majesty of kings- perhaps a touching name for your very own little prince in the making! We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Akaliana f Hawaiian Hawaiian form of Adrianna. Nohea (Now-HEH -aa) is a Hawaiian unisex name meaning lovely.. The wrapping paper, ribbons, and decorations formed exquisite color combinations. Available in six sizes, from 7.5" to 10". Ailani is one of the most commonly used names, ranking #541 in the U.S. top 1000 in 2020. Hauoli la Hanau also means Happy Birthday. Hauoli is an updated form of the name Haunani (also meaning happiness). We will try to find the right answer to this particular crossword clue. Mauna Loa Island Classics 6-Pack Original Dry Roasted $ 52.99. 'Aka'aka m & f Hawaiian Means "laugh" or "to laugh" in Hawaiian. Fun Fact: This common Hawaiian name is the equivalent to the Hebrew name, Matthew. While browsing this list of Hawaiian baby names for boys and girls, you might notice that many of them sound quite similar. Moanauil (MOH-ah-NAH-ow-lee) in Hawaiian refers to a sorcerer.. Fun Fact: Anakoni is the Hawaiian variation of the name Anthony. On the tag was my name in elegant, hand-written cursive. 4.7 out of 5 stars 33. [2] Akiane and Foreli Kramarik, Akiane: Her Life, Her Art, Her Poetry (Nashville, TN: W Publishing Group, 2006), 12. I turned my head from side to side in awe and wonder. Can you please explain this? I asked. Haoa is also the Hawaiian form of the English name Howard, which alternatively means the chief or bodyguard., Hauoli (HH-uw- OW -Liy) is the Hawaiian word for happiness.. Kahawai River, stream, valley. Thanks be to God for love divine, The hopes that 'round my heart entwine; Hammer cut to give it texture, this wavy bracelet comes with three pretty charms, including a black shell pearl and a gorgeous pineapple. When we were at the heiau (temple), we talked about the importance of hookupu (offerings). Anuenue Akua ( AA-nuw-eh-nuw-eh-aa-KUW-aa) is a Hawaiian name meaning rainbows spirit or Gods rainbow., In Hawaiian culture, rainbows symbolize the veil between the realms of the gods and the realms of the humans.. Waimaka o ka Lani. Pilialoha can also mean a bond of love. The most treasured and unbreakable bond is between a mother and child or father and child- one which you will undoubtedly form between you and your beloved son. Sun. Currently we have no translations for Gift in the dictionary, maybe you can add one? I looked into Peters eyes. A Hawaiian Man Shares His Dream of Heaven That Might Change the Way You Pray By Cameron C. Taylor October 12, 2019 03:00 PM MDT The following originally ran on LDS Living in June 2017 and is an excerpt from the book The Way of Aloha: Lanai by Cameron C. Taylor. Hawaii is also known as the rainbow capital of the world, with the most frequent and diverse rainbows on display worldwide. This translation was done at a rate of 5.48 pages per dayover three times faster than the first one hundred sixteen pages. But we were unable to. Nahele is relatively rare in America, where it only ranked #1210 in 2015. Sun in Hawaiian is l, pronounced "lah.". Hilo Hattie Tribal Pareau Yellow/Blue Mug-119171 $ 5.99. It means "alive." Kaniela (KaaN-iyEHL-AH) is a unisex Hawaiian version of name Daniel or Daniela. Waihooluu (why-uu-OH-uu-loo-uh) is an uncommon Hawaiian name meaning colorful.. The Garden of the Gods had a distinctive spirit of peace and serenity. Make sure to check automatic translation, translation memory or indirect translations. Akaha f Hawaiian Hawaiian form of Agatha. You are dreaming. The object of prayer is not to change the will of God[1] but to know the will of God. The name has both African and Hawaiian origins. Kekoa (keh-KOH-ah) in Hawaiian means courageous.. Its safe to say your little one will stand out with a name like this! Youre getting ahead of me, Peter replied. Ikaika (IH-KAY-KAH) is Hawaiian for strength.. . It means "you're welcome." A 'o ia! Fun Fact: Havika is considered the Hawaiian equivalent to David, a Hebrew name. Children given this name are considered higher than the rest or exalted. Lani could make an adorable middle name as well! Makalii (MAH-kah-lee-iy) in Hawaiian means little eyes or little stars.. I turned and asked, May I look at one of the gifts?, Peter answered, Of course. lani What. A beautiful interpretation, dont you think? Some sources say it originates from the Old English word healh, which means nook or retreat., In Hawaiian culture, Haleakala (hah-le-ah-kah-LAH) is known as the house of the sun.. I noticed writing on the door knobs in a language I couldnt read. Nahele is perfect for the little adventurer in your life or for that little boy who fancies himself a second Merlin (after all, he does know how to talk to the trees). The meaning of HAWAIIAN is a native or resident of Hawaii; especially : one of Polynesian ancestry.