One of his first bubble gum creations was Blibber Blubber, which came out in 1906. Brock's (not Brach's) candy puffs (very soft, melt in your mouth candy balls) Bonkers Fruit Chews. I truly miss it!!! My kid, grandkids & great-grandbaby will miss one of the greatest flavors of life without it. Juicy Fruit was my other favorite, bought some the other day and NOPE, the flavor was a miss. If anyone does bring it back, I hope they make it the way they used to and not w/ artificial sweetners they way the did when they brought back 'Fizzies'. It is such a relief to know that there are others out there that know about this gum, because when I bring it up to people they don't know what I am talking about, it is great to know you guys are out there and fans of chum gum. Please make them again. God I loved this gum, jusr was talking to my sister about it the other day! We were in heaven when we found those. CHUM GUM was the best! Couldn't blow two bubbles. I grew up in Chicago in the Lincoln Park area and bought it at a store called Nick's. A group of us kids used to run across the interstate (Shhh! Look forward to hearing from you and trying these Unicorn flavored corns. google_color_link = "A74403"; But this isn't true. I have since ceased chewing gum because of TMJ, but would risk biting the inside of my mouth again and again for some Chum Gum. I cant believe they discontinued my favorite Wazoo Bars. Going off in washington dc I got my chum gum from the corner store next to saint theresa's school in anacostia washington dc. Miss it now and wish someone could come up with that same great flavor!!! It has comforted you in times of need, or helped celebrate a special occasion. Interesting comments on Chum GumThanks for the history Rob Lambert. Thor was my favorite. Once in a while I will smell something that reminds me of it. We both wshed we could find it you think the owner of Fleer products would read this site! Gourmet childhood food. I did not know what the two piece penny gum was called. The only place I ever found Chum Gum. One for you. anyway, just wanted to share. The BEST penny candy counter ever. I bought a pack of 5 sticks once a week and chewed one on each school day. The flavor lasts for a while as well, long after the sugar is gone. The world's most popular autocomplete game. google_ad_width = 120; DOES ANYONE KNOW IF AND WHERE IT IS AVAILABLE NOW??? I think it came in clear plastic candy wrapper. Most of them you can find in which is referenced on this page. I'm 59 now and smoke cigars. I since have moved east and am always searching for "California Candy"! The absolute best bubblegum ever! im jonesing for one. The smell, the taste - best ever. Its great taste is why I've never forgotten it. i can still taste that gum, which had a flavor all it's own, sweet, peppery that still reaches me through the ages With THIS many people on a thread reminiscing about a childhood confection, think how many others are out there? OMG just remembered we don't have any woods all the developer's got rid of them. delicious flavors especially banana. Bubble Gum & Chewing Gum | Old Time Candy Bubble Gum Enjoy the best bubble gum and chewing gum varieties from when you were a kid. Yum. In the 1940s I used to buy penny candy. I CAN STILL TASTE IT! But I'd rather chew Chum Gum. Many stores had Chum Gum available well into the mid 1970s, years after manufacturing ended. The old ad piece may still be availablebelieve it was around $15. They disappeared quite a long time ago. My sisters and I used to go to Johnnys market .. (kind of like a 7- 11)and buy it 2 sticks for a penny I LOVE the taste of that gum as well as a gum that was GrapeGum In a purple colored wrapper with yellow print on it I also remember Black jack ..Clove and Beemans ..Yummyyyyyy ! For the longest time, I couldn't remember what it was called and then by chance I was looking for some unique halloween candy and found the name!! I am 58 years old and I live in New Orleans. Youve shared lots of very special memories that will always be cherished. I can't believe I found others who remember Chum Gum - my absolute favorite back in the 50's and 60's. Answer From Elizabeth Rajan, M.D. I was engaged and my fianc was in the Air Force. Put gum base, citric acid, corn syrup and glycerin a bowl and microwave for 45 seconds. Can still taste it in my mind's mouth! For its part, Fleer did little to promote Chum Gum over the twenty or so years it was sold, focusing more on its flagship product, Dubble Bubble. I just went to my 45 year class reunion in Mobile, AL and they had a center piece on each table with retro candy like the cigaretts, wax coke bottles, windmill cookies but no Chum Gum. Walked to the drug store and got 2 pieces for a penny and had the best flavor out there. It was the best bubble gum ever made. Is there any other bubble gum that even comes close to chum gum? theres a spot in me from my childhood that i wont taste or relive again. I am 58 and living in North Carolina grew up in New England, I been telling my friends down here about chum gum the best where can i buy this gum so I can show them and go back you a great gum. Two for a penny and with a dime i would fill my mouth with 20 sticks and chew until I couldn't move my jaw any more. Live in Indy, would walk past a neighborhood store on way to school bus stop, I always got some Chum Gum before getting on bus. That's where I bought most of my Chum Gum. Chum Gum Alum. I'd buy fifteen sticks for a nickel from the corner store outside Riley Elementary in Muncie, Indiana. I felt like i was in the twilight zone or something. This Lane Tech grad (1970) enjoyed this gum for years - and wish some company would re-make it. I was beginning to think I dreamed it all up. We would get a couple of pennies and walk about a half mile to buy some. Wintergreen Certs have been my favorite for decades. Oh my goodness! in the 60's,, and it is the best damn gum ever! CHUM GUM WAS THE BEST GUM IN THE WORLD TO ME,I WAS BORN IN CHICAGO AROUND 47TH STREET,I USE TO SNEAK INTO THE REGAL HIDE UNDER THE CURTAIN AND WATCH THE GREATS PERFORM,WHEN THE SHOW WAS OVER I WOULD GO TO THE CORNER STORE AND GET MY CHUM GUM,BOX OF FRIUT COCKTAILS AND MINT JULIPS,I NEVER KNEW PEOPLE HAD BAD BREATH WHEN THEY WERE CHEWING CHUM GUM,SO SOMEONE PLEASE BRING IT BACK, THE ORIGINAL FLAVOR NO SHORT CUTS PLEASE.THE KIDS TODAY MISSED OUT ON THE GOOD STUFF. Wow! Iremember this awesome gum I saved up my allowence and bought a whole box with they still made it no gum comes even close to the taste of gum. It is owned by Mondelz International. We used to buy two types of gum: Chum Gum and Devil Gum - I think it was made by the same company and was HOT cinnamon flavor. 2 for a penny. It never lost it's flavor and the smell was heavenly. Does anyone besides me remember these candies? Mint Juleps and Banana Splits were both made by NECCO who, sadly, went out of business. No one did, until I found you here. I've often ask people if they remember Chum Gum and no one knows what I'm talking about. Thank you for letting my co-workers know I didn't make this up. While this gum could be blown into bubbles, in other respects it was vastly inferior to regular chewing gum, and Blibber-Blubber was never marketed to the public. But Chum gum is the best tasting gum in the world. They company had Wacky Wafer candy bags with little bunnies, eggs, and Easter basket shaped Wafers. I have searched also for Chum Gum, funny no one I know remembers it either. The best gum ever for blowing bubbles. Bought it from woolworths in the penny candy section. Submit a link to more information about Chum Gum. Fleer introduced the recipe to the world as Dubble Bubble (and yes, we carry that, too). Still, I often find myself describing the fragrant pink gum in the beautiful blue wrapper, 2 sticks, one for you and one for a chum, hoping someone could remember. There are still wrappers that you can find online though, if the nostalgia is something that appeals to you. Meh.. Im 60 and that was my favorite Gum.The original pack was blue with white writing.I remember that they did package it with the white wrapper. Why did they stop manufacture? Best gum ever! Yes those were the days! So nice that I am not imagining how good Chum Gum was and would order a box of it right now if I could find it. "To prevent decay, To sweeten the breath, To keep teeth white," read the package. At 55 i still remember going to Connie's by Wilson Junior High School in Philly to get my supply of this delicious gum and other great candies. That was my favorite gum, with Chum Gum and Bazooka Joe a close second followed by mini-chiclets, I loved Chum Gum, we used to get recess and we were permitted to go to the little store called Brickers Penny Candy Store.Ah!!! If you happen to know anything about what candies I speak of, please do not hesitate to contact me! My Chum Gum days go back to the early 60's in Junior High. Pond Scum was one of our favorite products and one of the coolest novelties that we sold. Armilda. As a child in the mid fifties I discovered it at Glazners Market in Carrollton Texas (a Dallas suburb). Used to get that from the Helms Bakery Truck that used drive thru the neighborhood in the mornings. The taste was phenomenol,sure wish they would make it again, it was the best. What a great time to be a kid! However, we know a lot about bubble gum as a whole. You dont make them anymore. But they were GOOD! 4. Ahh good to see so many that remember this one of a kind gum. I agree- Best Gum Ever! nealliquidations (5,063) 99.6%. Beets have 2.8 grams of protein per cup or .5 grams per ounce. We also used Dippity Doo on our hair and Gee Your Hair Smells Terrific! I am 61 years old and grew up in Britton, Oklahoma, a tiny bedroom community 20 min N of Oklahoma City.Chum Gum was a favorite for me - I can till conjure the aroma and flavor of this wonderful gum! Of course Chum gum was my favorite. and what a great smell, and the best bubbles. Would love to see this come back on the market! They don't make em like they used to. Sure wish Fleer would produce this again. The reason it was discontinued was because Fleer turned their focus to Dubble Bubble instead. If we found an empty soda bottle, we would redeem it at Wright's market in Dansville, Ny for the 2 cents and buy some Chum Gum. Asked people for YEARS if they remembered Chum Gum, my favorite bubblegum of all time and no one knew what I was talking about. Neisner was a New York based chain of variety stores, and the Racine store was downtown at 424 Main St. best gum ever. My sisters and brother don't remember it but I sure do! it was the bubblegum of choice in my neighborhood (the harbor section of conneaut, ohio) in the 60's although i have to confess, i seldom if ever shared the second piece with any of my friends. i was born in chicago raised in sw michigan and Ive been looking for chum gum for a long time.. finding this site is almost as great as finding a store that still sells chum gum(i wish i could). I don't think it was a bubble gum, and the flavor didn't last all that long, but I bought it often when I was young. empty. She liked them so much that was spent that evening driving to different gas stations to find this product and after a few hours of driving around found two more packages at a Hucks in Orleans, Indiana. Said they'd never heard of it. This is great that I am not the only one who remembers this gum it was the best ever!! Chum Gum was made by Fleer, also makers of Dubble Bubble, from around 1950 until 1971. Wonderful flavor and texture . Chum gum ruled. Snickers Christmas Nutcrackers - Discontinue. Although chewing gum is designed to be chewed and not swallowed, it generally isn't harmful if swallowed. The best GUM ever made. . Awesome memories of summertime in the 60's and 70's riding my bike to Aloha Drug Store for Chum Gum! I see you are out of both. PLEASE!!! Not only was it the best deal and best tasting, I loved the smell so much I would buy it and keep it in my room as a kid!! I have used Certs Peppermint breath mints since 1965. I am know 47 and haven't seen Chum Gum in at least 30 years. Bought them every year. My wife and I were able to enjoy a couple of packages of Brachs Red Twists shortly after that. Miss it. AT THE CORNER STORE WE WOULD BUY IT IN THE 60S. Please leave a review or any memories of this snack in the comments below. As time passed she reach in and take the roll, all it did was put a smile on our faces. I'm a baby boomer!N. OH BOY I REMEMBER THIS GUM.IT WAS THE BEST EVER. When it comes to stocking one of the largest selections of wholesale retro and nostalgic candy, Blair Candy knows the favorites you miss or the treats you can't wait to discover. I grew up in Irving Texas, suburb of Dallas and I still remember the smell of this amazing gum. I remember buying Chum Gum in the middle 50's. I miss them more than any food product. I recently purchased some hair products and I kid you not it smelled just like Chum gum. Top Rated Plus. Used to be able to get it at ONE and only one ice cream place in Virginia. I'd pay a dollar a stick if it was available. The Fleer Factory closed many years agoTo bad for us Chum Gum fans, My wife bought me on sale after easter. I have looked everywhere for Chum Gum for years. The same Beech-Nut company famous for its natural baby foods used to make minty chewing gum for adults, as per CNN. I am 45 and I chewed that stuff in the 70's in Chicago where I was born. Waaaaah! I absolutely loved those Life Savers swirled lollipops from probably the 90s, they were so amazing and I would love to see them return! Does anyone remember Chum Gum? "Wrigleys" might have come close. Chum gum was always 2 sticks to a pack & it goes back to at least the mid 50s. It was a sad ending to a fruitful history for the company. Your only hope may be to contact Tootsie Roll. In the 1920s Sorry to see them go. Used to visit that Topps store with my mother, as a kid. Some gum connoisseurs might know that Fruit Stripe gum used to be made by Beech-Nut. But progress is progress. Sixty years old and still wishing that I had a piece of chum gum. I can\t believe they discontinued these candy bars. Frank Fleer was very young when he decided to start creating bubble gum. They had all kinds of penny candy, and Chum Gum was my favorite. If I could find it I would purchase all they had in stock and share with everyone! French Chew is very similar. I miss you, Chum Gum. I have thought of Chum gum several times and just now decided to google is.. I,m 67 and can still taste it. My brother and I would collect pop bottles in the 50s and early 60s. After the flavor wore off, the sting would last for hours on your tongue. Chum Gum was the best! I used to buy Chum Gum at Mill Creek Country Store in Mill Creek, Georgia, near Dalton- in the mid 70s. Best gum ever made. It used to come in different colors as well, not only pink but blue and green and I swear once I remember yellow. Anyone remember sputnik gum? For years I have been on the lookout for two types of candies from Brachs. Bring back Sqeeze pops, Gatorgum, and especially Whistle pops. Don't remember the price. I thought I was getting ripped off. The boxes were sealed, preserving freshness and flavor, so consumers hardly complained.