Powers and Abilities: Reality Warping, Spatial Manipulation, Time Manipulation, Energy Manipulation, Matter Manipulation (On a Sub-Quantic level, controlling the building blocks of all creation), Information Manipulation, Flight/Levitation, Forcefields, Portal Creation, and numerous others. The Beyonder (/bindr/) is a fictional cosmic entity appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. He can see things in greater detail than most, thanks to his telescopic, microscopic, infrared and x-ray vision. As he did, he teased the Molecule Man, whose power exceeded everyone else's in the universe, as if he were a child, saying "Sorry to 'burst your bubble,' Owie, but if I want in, nothing can stop me--and you might as well know now!" [21], The tale of the Beyonder continues several years later when it is revealed that, in the distant past, the enigmatic Beyonders created pocket universes holding vast amounts of sentient energy. In lack of better options, we consider the Beyonders being killed by an explosion sufficient to destroy 100,000 universes, as well as an Infinity Gauntlet managing to slow down Doctor Doom when he was wielding their powers, as outliers. He revived her, but felt that she wanted a "business deal" kind of relationship, since she loved what he did for her (although she really meant she loved how he made her feel). The most omnipotent character in Marvel is arguably the cosmic entity known as "The Beyonder". Murdock was against it, but the Beyonder gave him a special form of payment: he gave him back his vision. He next visited Peter Parker, of whom he said, "I like you better than anyone I've met!" Fantastic, inform Spider-Man and the Lizard that they were flying in a hovercraft at low altitudes to avoid being detected. If Doom truly had Beyonder's power all the heros would have been wiped out with a mere thought. The Beyonder found his way in and met with Major Victory, giving him a new costume and telling him he had great power inside of him. Marvel had two God's, then changed to the One Above All as one God. He was also invisibly observing Captain America, who was visiting the West Coast Avengers and then battling Armadillo and Dr. Malus. This only further inflamed Puma, but Beyonder left. Then he effortlessly erased the armada, as well as all their homeworlds, and every planet that had ever had any contact with any of those worlds. He then let the heroin affect him, and was stunned at how horrible the experience was. He was still observing her though, and was interested in her power, saying that, out of those he had encountered so far, she was the being who had the potential to be the most like him. The Beyonder left, saying that he was above such human emotions, and went back to the Beyond-realm. In Marvel Super Heroes Secret Wars (by Jim Shooter, Michael Zeck, John Beatty, and Christie Scheele), The Beyonder abducts Marvel's greatest heroes and villains and orders them to fight on Battleworld. Impressed, the Beyonder kept his word and allowed existence to continue for another day. He leaves them all floating in the ocean in a fit of pique. They disappeared after Molecule Man was destroyed by the Void. He sarcastically says "What's he going to do drop a mountain on us?". Frank was, in a sense, all grown up now. They had been friends, but now Reece was worried about how unstable he was becoming, and what he might do next. Post Retcon Beyonder #2/Current Beyonder (Mutant Inhuman)- Beyonder was a mutant Inhuman who already had unspecified powers, then entered the Terrigen Mists and had those powers increased exponentially. This happened through a somewhat disastrous path. Clearly it takes place after Secret Wars I, and since Richards mentions that he was scanning for the Beyonder since Battleworld (and doesn't mention anything from Secret Wars II), it seems likely that it takes place before Secret Wars II. Fantastic was surprised, since he had had sensors targeting the Beyonder's energy signature, and they had not gone off. To study the effects of the desire for revenge, the Beyonder transformed Thor's enemy, the Dark Elf Algrim into the powerful menace Kurse. Sphinx quotes: "He who questions training only trains himself at asking questions." Or more specifically, it is the Beyonder's body and essence, but they have been possessed by the Goblin Queen. They can also directly choose the opponents Beyonder powers as targets for punishment, giving them the strength to break it. Unsure of what was going on, they watched a galaxy be destroyed before their eyes, and a planet was formed from the spare parts of other planets. He found desire a nuisance, and wondered whether he should continue to study it or just return to the Beyond-Realm, where he would feel complete unto himself. The other X-Men, some willingly, some possibly under her psychic influence, and some unwillingly, joined their life forces to hers. More heroes arrived, but the Beyonder continued to mow them down. She lost a psychic battle with Thanos, although this was at least partly due to her naivete in the ways of battle. During the Fall of the Hulks, the Intelligencia reported that long ago, they used a special tachyon beam, based at Doom's castle, to search for power sources in the cosmos. This is known as the second retcon. Then, the Illuminati tried to make the Beyonder understand that his very existence was an upset to the natural order of things, explained his origin to him, and requested that he abandon the Universe, at once. He physically grew, and grew in power. [19], After being encouraged to find enlightenment by Doctor Strange, and failing, a frustrated Beyonder decides to destroy the entire multiverse, leading to several more battles with various Marvel superheroes, all of which end up with the Beyonder victorious. AzureSky2099 Created by writer Jim Shooter[1] and artist Mike Zeck, the Beyonder first appeared in Secret Wars #1,[6] as an unseen, apparently nearly omnipotent being. In time, it created planets and life. But as the name suggests, it's mainly used by Odin. The Beyonder decided to return to Sharon Ing, but found that she had killed herself over him. He thought that the action would teach her that she was a hero and not a killer, but she just felt used like a puppet, and once again the Beyonder failed in his role of helping others find their own path. Protg retaliates using his limitless ability to copy the abilities of other beings to become a match for the Beyonder. They can interfere with outside divination. In their first session, he took her on a tour of existence, showing her the various dimensions and cosmic entities in the multiverse, including the Phoenix; the Watchers; various combined life-forces such as Mangog, Overmind, and the Uni-Mind; the High Evolutionary; the Stranger; Eon; the Celestials; the Vishanti; the various forces of evil; Death; Master Order and Lord Chaos; the In-Betweener; the Living Tribunal; Galactus; Eternity; and the Beyonders (plural--the source of the Cosmic Cubes). However, Kubik decided to prove him wrong, and battled the Beyonder to a standstill, to the Beyonder's great amazement. The Beyonder's first appearance was in the story Secret Wars I. (This may be a sign that this whole story does not in fact deal with the Beyonder, but a doppelganger of some sort.) It is unclear whether his power under this retcon is greater of lesser than the Cosmic Cube version of the Beyonder, or if it is even at the level of Pre-Retcon Beyonder. In the meantime, the Beyonder went back into his machine. He began a life of vice, gaining weight until he realized how bad it looked. Now Galactus emits life all around, as opposed to consuming it. When they arrive, they see a mysterious figure approaching, Ben Grimm (Thing) has been restored to his original human body. Although the Beyonders were successful in destroying the Multiverse, Doctor Doom used their power to salvage its remnants and created Battleworld. Seeing Kubik's love for Kosmos, the Molecule Man reverted back to Owen Reece and restored Kosmos. Reece left in a fit of pique after saying his piece, and Dave finally understood. He is one with the universe! Even this was not enough, and he took over literally every molecule on the planet. The story serves as an essential precursor to Secret Wars as it provides background details about the character. Name: Beyonder Origin: Marvel Comics Gender: Appears male, in reality has no actual gender Classification: Cosmic being Age: Unknown (possibly older than the universe) Powers and Abilities: Massive multiversal-scale reality warping, shapeshifting, telepathy, soul manipulation, near-omniscience, immortality (type 5), immune to practically every form of attack, non-corporeal, can grant power to . Beyonder tells Spider-Man to think of him and his assistant, Madame Web, as 'ones from beyond.' He wished to see who was more powerful in a planetary scale battle of good and evil. Kosmos and Kubik then departed as a couple. [42], The Beyonder was no longer a malicious entity; instead, he emerged as a fully-grown Beyonder. After observing humans, and ultimately interacting with them, the Beyonder still did not feel fulfilled. To explain the events of Secret Wars I and II that seemed to contradict this, Kubik explained that at least some of them had been illusions, created by the other cosmic entities. Powers and abilities The Beyonders have been witnessed killing all of the Celestials in the Marvel multiverse at the same time, destroying abstract entities. He searched around the universe, and discovered Mephisto's plan, noting that he and the other cosmic beings were being very clever, and the Beyonder would never notice until it was too late. The an event,which we will discover later,opened a hole into our universe,and he saw Earth. Gladiator volunteered to be placed in the Kyln to keep an eye on her and destroy her if necessary. Perhaps simultaneously, he invisibly observed the New Mutants, who had since returned from Limbo. He chooses the Fantastic Four, Iron Man, Captain America, and Storm to fight along side him. The original Beyonder was considered to be the most powerful being in the multiverse, having power surpassing Cosmic Entities, such as The Living Tribunal and Eternity. When he decided to do this, the other cosmic forces like Mephisto immediately felt great fear at the way this would upset the existing order of the universe. These rebels plan on assulting the Red Skull's base. As he became self-aware, he recognized himself as the only person in his Universe. Within his universe the Beyonder was complete; indeed he was all of his reality. Unsure of the morality of such an act, he decided to put the Beyonder through the same experiences he had when he was a drunk, showing him the seediness of alcoholism, the enlightenment of the Ancient One, and the treachery of Baron Mordo, when Mordo originally tried to kill the Ancient One. [7][8] This dimension was accidentally accessed by lab technician Owen Reece; some of the energy from the dimension escapes and imbues Reece with infinite powers, which he wields as the villainous Molecule Man, and the remaining energy gains sentience and curiosity as the Beyonder. These included a A Celestial, Eternity, Order and Chaos, the Living Tribunal, Uatu, the Gardener, the In-Betweener, and others. Thing breifly shows disappointment as he will be stuck in his non-human form. In a cover for "Rogue & Gambit #3" by Ema Lupacchino . [18], To investigate the nature of desire, the Beyonder undertook an experiment. However, after they speed away, the Beyonder and his model of Manhattan reappear, and he goes back to whatever he was doing before. [3][2][1] The other Beyonders created a universea "womb-space"[1]to incubate this Beyonder. Lila Cheney teleported the X-Men away in order to avoid any retribution from him. He later appeared in front of her, Professor Xavier, and Magneto. He left, once again putting the destruction of the universe on hold, fully realizing that it had all been an act on Rosenberg's part, but not caring, since Reece had been brought to despair in any case. He met a Unlimited Class Wrestling promotor at a bar as he downed Heinekens. He visited Alpha Flight and took a ring from Shaman's bag for her as a gift. The Puma was now brought to the absolute limit of his anger and his sense of righteousness in his cause. Thankfully, with an upcoming Marvel Comic run slated for June, The Beyonder is ready to reintroduce himself to readers. Therefore, the Beyonder and Molecule Man both got their powers from the same energy; the Beyonder got the majority of it, and the Molecule Man got a smaller portion. As it is the nexus of all psionic energy, it has mental abilities of cosmic scope, including telepathy and telekinesis. He first visited Owen Reece and Marsha Rosenberg (Volcana), since the Molecule Man was one of the only beings anywhere near his power. And if that didn't work, she had a backup plan. To further prove his point, he made the elderly Muramoto appear, now dressed like a NYC punk; he was tired of his old life and wanted to start a band due to the Beyonder's influence. Now, they had to fight, or die; they all meant less to him than an amoeba, other than perhaps Rachel, who he called a "starsoul." Uatu explained that the Watchers had all come together and voted to break their oath against inaction for the first time, because the Beyonder posed such a threat to the multiverse. He finally found Thor and attacked. Much earlier, the Beyonder had revived Kurse as an experiment, but then had largely forgotten about him. [31], The Beyonder is an infinite-dimensional,[32] or beyond-dimensional,[2] entity and was originally portrayed as the most powerful being in the Marvel Comics multiverse, and as the be-all and end-all of the "Beyond Realm",[33][34] that took human form to better understand the nature of human beings. This was surprising, since the Beyonder had chosen to appear in a male form. Marvel's Secret Wars Is Coming to the MCU - But Which One? Foggy was in favor of it, since the Beyonder offered them a million dollar retainer (which he legally obtained as salvage from a wrecked ship), and started to work on it. Angry at Cloak and Dagger for stopping the drug dealers, who he still believed were good, he used their powers to cancel out the powers of the other, turning them both human again. Thanos instructs the Shi'ar that the body should be kept alive but brain-dead, or the Beyonder essence would go free again. Fueled by rage and The Beyonder's energy, Phoenix drops the celestial-god to his knees, a feat no other Marvel Comics character ever achieved. Even Dr. Doom and Phoenix try to outsmart and overpower the celestial being, yet, The Beyonder, capable of mind control and time travel, usurps their folly each time. [16] Beyonder then attempts to get Dazzler to fall in love with him, but fails, leading to feelings of despair. The Cubes are immensely powerful and can fulfill the wishes of their owners. The Beyonder is the manifestation of the "Beyond-Realm," or simply the "Beyond," which exists separately from the multiverse. In their rematch, the Molecule Man managed to defeat the Beyonder, but Kubik arrived and begged the Molecule Man to return the Beyonder's essense to Kosmos. [26], In a retcon of past events, Charles Xavier reveals to his fellow Illuminati members that in the original Secret War, he had attempted to mind-scan the Beyonder, revealing him as one of the Inhumans previously ruled over by fellow Illuminati member Black Bolt. He turned invisible and followed Captain America as he left the fight scene. In Secret Wars II, it was unclear exactly why the Molecule Man's accident opened a portal to the Beyond-realm, other than that it was of universal importance. While the Beyonder's legacy is forever tied to Secret Wars, there are a few key issues that expand--and challenge--his character, as well. Today, Jeff continues to write comics, play soulful metal on his 8-string guitar, and analyze comics here at CBR. He said the Earth heroes were just jealous, and that the Beyonder would be the greatest hero of them all--that only Death itself had anything to fear from the Beyonder, and the heroes certainly had no reason to worry. [47] He once destroyed a galaxy on a whim to meet his needs during the first Secret Wars,[46] and later created a universe out of his own being. Thus, he makes a deal with the hero Kanon, the great spirit Reno and the god of creation of the myths Militia and sacrifices . Meanwhile, Rachel Summers teleported all the heroes of Earth to the Rockies, above his bunker. The Beyonder and Muramoto had been having a number of conversations about enlightenment.